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Fibroblasts from a proband with Ehlers-Danlos syndrome type VII synthesized approximately equal amounts of normal and shortened pro alpha 2(I) chains of type I procollagen. Nuclease S1 probe protection experiments with mRNA demonstrated that the pro alpha 2(I) chains were shortened because of a deletion of most or all of the 54 nucleotides in exon 6, the exon that contains codons for the cleavage site for procollagen N-proteinase. Sequencing of genomic clones revealed a single-base mutation that converted the first nucleotide of intron 6 from G to A. Therefore, the mutation was a change, in the -GT-consensus splice site, that produced efficient exon skipping. Allele-specific oligonucleotide hybridizations demonstrated that the proband's mother, father, and brother did not have the mutation. Therefore, the mutation was a sporadic one. Analysis of potential 5' splice sites in the 5' end of intron 6 indicated that none had favorable values by the two commonly employed techniques for evaluating such sites. The proband is the fourth reported proband with Ehlers-Danlos syndrome VII with a single-base mutation that causes skipping of exon 6 in the splicing of RNA from either the COL1A1 gene or COL1A2 gene. No other mutations in the two type I procollagen genes have been found in the syndrome. Therefore, such mutations may be a common cause of the phenotype. The primers developed should be useful in screening for the same or similar mutations causing the disease.  相似文献   
Biochemical transformation of Ltk- cells with the herpes simplex virus thymidine kinase (tk) gene resulted in numerous TK+ colonies that survived selection in hypoxanthine-aminopterin-thymidine medium. Many of these TK+ cell lines switched phenotypes and reverted to the TK- state. In this report, we describe the biological and biochemical characteristics of three TK- revertant lines. One (K1B5) transiently expressed TK in the presence of bromodeoxyuridine, which selects for the TK- phenotype. Another TK- sibling (K1B6n) expressed TK only after removal from bromodeoxyuridine-containing medium. The last variant (K1B6me) lost the ability to switch to the TK+ phenotype, although it maintained the herpes simplex virus sequences coding for TK. Loss of the ability of K1B6me cells to express TK was correlated with extensive methylation of the sequence recognized by the restriction endonuclease HpaII (pCpCpGpG). After these cells were treated with 5-azacytidine, they regained the ability to clone in hypoxanthine-aminopterin-thymidine medium and reexpressed virus tk mRNA and enzyme. In addition, the HpaII sites that were previously shown to be refractile to enzyme digestion were converted to a sensitive state, demonstrating that they were no longer methylated.  相似文献   
Summary The problem of localization of chromosomes in relation to each other in the interphase nucleus of human lymphocytes was investigated by analysis of chromatid and chromosome aberrations observed in lymphocyte cultures of three patients with Fanconi's anemia, one patient with Bloom's syndrome, and in Trenimon-treated (Trenimon, Bayer) normal cells. Distribution of open gaps and breaks is highly correlated with chromosome length and distribution of breaks involved in chromatid translocations in Fanconi's anemia and in Trenimontreated cells. Both correlations are much lower in Bloom's syndrome. In Fanconi's anemia and in normal cells after Trenimon-treatment, the majority of chromatid translocations are between nonhomologous chromosomes, whereas in Bloom's syndrome mainly homologous chromosomes are involved. Statistical localization of chromosomes in relation to each other in the three-dimensional space by multidimensional scaling gives results consistent with the limited amount of independent evidence.  相似文献   
Peritoneal macrophages from LPS hyporesponsive C3H/HeJ mice lose the capacity to bind and phagocytose opsonized sheep erythrocytes (EA) over a 48-hr culture period. This loss in Fc receptor capacity is markedly different from the progressive increase in phagocytic ability exhibited by cultured macrophages derived from LPS-responsive C3H/HeN mice. Since dibutyryl-cyclic adenosine monophosphate (DBcAMP) has previously been reported to modulate membrane receptor expression in lymphocytes and certain macrophage-like cell lines, we examined its effects on EA binding and phagocytosis by C3H/HeJ macrophages. DBcAMP not only reverses the binding defect in C3H/HeJ macrophages but also restores EA phagocytosis to the level of control C3H/HeN cultures. 8-Bromo-cAMP, as well as other agents known to elevate intracellular cAMP (i.e., isoproterenol plus isobutylmethylxanthine or prostaglandin E2) also corrected the phagocytic defect. Since the C3H/HeJ macrophage phagocytic defect can also be reversed by in vitro stimulation with a lymphokine-rich culture supernatant, we examined the effect of this treatment on intracellular cAMP levels. Lymphokine treatment produced a 60% increase in the levels of macrophage intracellular cAMP. These findings suggest that the C3H/HeJ differentiation defect may be secondary to some abnormality in a cAMP dependent pathway.  相似文献   
Summary The resting EEGs of 17 twin pairs originally traced through one neurotic co-twin (10 monozygotic and 7 dizygotic pairs aged between 18 and 63 years) have been described and compared with the neuroticism scores (Schepank, 1974) of these twins. EEG comparison according to the customary visual criteria failed to show any consistent EEG differences between monozygotic co-twins, whereas dizygotic pairs often showed EEG discordance. Computerized time-domain (interval-amplitude) analysis failed to show a higher degree of EEG discordance between neurotic MZ cotwins than between co-twins in 25 adult nonneurotic male MZ pairs (age range 18–33; mean age 22.9 years). There were no significant correlations between EEG differences and differences in the neuroticism score among ten MZ pairs traced through a neurotic co-twin. It is concluded that the individual and genetically determined EEG pattern is manifest even in the face of the long-lasting psychological alterations observed in neurotics.  相似文献   
A set of covalently closed circular duplex simian virus 40 DNA preparations of varying superhelical densities was prepared by closure of nicked duplex DNA with polynucleotide ligase in the presence of varying amounts of ethidium. The resulting molecules were tested for complex formation with the lysine-rich histone f1. The results confirmed earlier experiments in demonstrating that f1 histone reacts preferentially with superhelical DNA compared to relaxed circular DNA. Furthermore, the extent of the reaction is demonstrated to depend on the superhelical density. At the relatively low ratios of histone to DNA used in these experiments, the product of the interaction of f1 histone with superhelical DNA does not precipitate. At higher ratios of histone to DNA, an insoluble aggregate is formed.  相似文献   
Oxidative phosphorylation, ATP-32Pi exchange, ATP-dependent quenching of acridine-dye fluorescence, ATP-dependent transhydrogenase and ATP-dependent transport of thiomethyl beta-D-galactoside are shown to be experimentally equivalent tools to study the functional state of the ATPase complex in Escherichia coli wild-type and mutant strains defective in oxidative phosphorylation. According to these criteria ten mutants in the ATPase complex were classified having lesions in the unc A,B region of the chromosome. The first mutant type lacks ATPase activity, but the membrane-integrated part of the complex remains functional (class I). The second mutant type lacks a functional membrane-integrated part, but retains ATPase activity (class II). The third mutant type is shown to be defective in both parts of the ATPase complex (class III).  相似文献   
The introduction of the predatory Nile perch, Lates niloticus, into the Lake Victoria basin coincided with a dramatic decline in fish species richness and diversity. This study focused on interactions between Nile perch and indigenous fishes in Lake Nabugabo, Uganda, a small satellite lake of Lake Victoria. We evaluated how the foraging impact of juvenile Nile perch on prey fishes varied with the size of the predator. We also evaluated the role of wetland ecotones in minimizing interaction between Nile perch and indigenous fishes. Wetland ecotones in Lake Nabugabo were characterized by complex structure (e.g., dense vegetation) and lower dissolved oxygen levels than non-wetland (exposed) areas. Nile perch (8.6–42.2cm, TL) were 3.7 times more abundant in offshore exposed areas than in inshore areas near wetland ecotones, and the proportion of Nile perch using wetland and exposed areas was independent of their body size. However, species richness was higher in waters at wetland ecotones than in exposed areas. Nile perch (5–35cm, TL) exhibited a shift in diet at approximately 30cm TL from feeding primarily on invertebrates to piscivory. Although the shift to piscivory occurred at approximately the same body size for Nile perch from both wetland and exposed habitats, the shift to piscivory was less abrupt in Nile perch captured near wetland ecotones. Nile perch from wetland areas consumed a greater diversity and a larger percentage of fish prey than those from exposed sites. However, the low abundance of Nile perch in wetland ecotones suggested that interaction between predator and prey in these areas is much reduced.  相似文献   
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