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The introduction of the predatory Nile perch, Lates niloticus, into the Lake Victoria basin coincided with a dramatic decline in fish species richness and diversity. This study focused on interactions between Nile perch and indigenous fishes in Lake Nabugabo, Uganda, a small satellite lake of Lake Victoria. We evaluated how the foraging impact of juvenile Nile perch on prey fishes varied with the size of the predator. We also evaluated the role of wetland ecotones in minimizing interaction between Nile perch and indigenous fishes. Wetland ecotones in Lake Nabugabo were characterized by complex structure (e.g., dense vegetation) and lower dissolved oxygen levels than non-wetland (exposed) areas. Nile perch (8.6–42.2cm, TL) were 3.7 times more abundant in offshore exposed areas than in inshore areas near wetland ecotones, and the proportion of Nile perch using wetland and exposed areas was independent of their body size. However, species richness was higher in waters at wetland ecotones than in exposed areas. Nile perch (5–35cm, TL) exhibited a shift in diet at approximately 30cm TL from feeding primarily on invertebrates to piscivory. Although the shift to piscivory occurred at approximately the same body size for Nile perch from both wetland and exposed habitats, the shift to piscivory was less abrupt in Nile perch captured near wetland ecotones. Nile perch from wetland areas consumed a greater diversity and a larger percentage of fish prey than those from exposed sites. However, the low abundance of Nile perch in wetland ecotones suggested that interaction between predator and prey in these areas is much reduced.  相似文献   
Scaphopods (tusk shells) are infaunal marine predators that occur at locally high densities in coastal and deep‐sea mud habitats, and as consumers of foraminifera they are important in carbon cycling. We investigated oxygen metabolism and burying behavior of the scaphopod Rhabdus rectius and its responses to altered temperatures. These are the first measurements of oxygen uptake rates for any member of this taxonomic class. In response to elevated temperatures, oxygen uptake rates increased, but the ability of animals to bury themselves in sediment was compromised. Female scaphopods were significantly larger than males and, when corrected for body mass, oxygen uptake rates were consistently higher for female individuals than for males. This is consistent with previous anecdotal observations of females in other scaphopod species being larger and potentially more active. In conditions of declining oxygen availability, individuals of Rhabdus rectius showed strong oxyregulatory ability by maintaining the same oxygen uptake rate displayed in normoxic conditions. The ability to maintain normal metabolic functioning even in conditions of oxygen limitation would benefit a species living in a benthic environment that may be prone to temporary or transient anoxic events. Yet the decrease in normal escape response in moderately elevated temperatures indicates these animals may be at risk from rising sea temperatures.  相似文献   
Floral attraction traits can significantly affect pollinator visitation patterns, but adaptive evolution of these traits may be constrained by correlations with other traits. In some cases, molecular pathways contributing to floral attraction are well characterized, offering the opportunity to explore loci potentially underlying variation among individuals. Here, we quantify the range of variation in floral UV patterning (i.e. UV ‘bulls‐eye nectar guides) among crop and wild accessions of Brassica rapa. We then use experimental crosses to examine the genetic architecture, candidate loci and biochemical underpinnings of this patterning as well as phenotypic manipulations to test the ecological impact. We find qualitative variation in UV patterning between wild (commonly lacking UV patterns) and crop (commonly exhibiting UV patterns) accessions. Similar to the majority of crops, recombinant inbred lines (RILs) derived from an oilseed crop × WI fast‐plant® cross exhibit UV patterns, the size of which varies extensively among genotypes. In RILs, we further observe strong statistical‐genetic and QTL correlations within petal morphological traits and within measurements of petal UV patterning; however, correlations between morphology and UV patterning are weak or nonsignificant, suggesting that UV patterning is regulated and may evolve independently of overall petal size. HPLC analyses reveal a high concentration of sinapoyl glucose in UV‐absorbing petal regions, which, in concert with physical locations of UV‐trait QTLs, suggest a regulatory and structural gene as candidates underlying observed quantitative variation. Finally, insects prefer flowers with UV bulls‐eye patterns over those that lack patterns, validating the importance of UV patterning in pollen‐limited populations of B. rapa.  相似文献   
Recent studies suggest that regeneration following large-scale disturbance in Kibale National Park, Uganda, is slow or possibly arrested. Here, data is provided on the growth and mortality of seedlings in the forest understory, treefall gaps, and in large gaps that suggest that this pattern of arrested succession can be attributed partially to the fact that this East African community lacks aggressive colonizing tree species. Growth and mortality rates were contrasted for seedlings of six tree species planted in the understory, small gaps, and large gaps for 36 months. Data suggest that species are adapted to gaps of particular sizes. For example, Uvariopsis congensis grew faster in the understory than in small gaps, whereas Warburgia ugandensis had the lowest mortality rate and highest growth rate in large gaps. Seedlings (n=170) of 15 species were transplanted to assess the response of the tree community to large gap conditions. The limited survival of seedlings in large gaps relative to the understory suggests that only a small proportion of the tree community in this forest regenerates best in gaps larger than those created by the collapse of a single tree. These findings differ from a number of studies conducted in other geographical regions, and suggests that tree communities differ with respect to the proportion of tree species adapted to gaps of particular sizes. This may relate to variation among regions in their history of disturbance and thus frequency of gap formation, size of gaps, and the duration of periods of release. Such variation could imply the existence of a corresponding pattern among tropical forests of differential vulnerability to human disturbance, which tends to create many large gaps.  相似文献   
Streptococcus mutans 6715-15 and Streptococcus sanguis 10558 were grown together in continuous culture with glucose as the limiting carbon source. The relationship of growth rate to substrate concentration was determined for pure cultures of each organism in continuous and batch cultures. A model based on competition for a growth-limiting substrate (glucose) was used to predict the proportions of each organism when grown in binary cultures. The results indicate that interactions other than competition for glucose carbon exist between S. mutans and S. sanguis grown under these conditions.  相似文献   
Nucleotide-binding domain leucine-rich repeat proteins (NLRs) play a key role in immunity and disease through their ability to modulate inflammation in response to pathogen-derived and endogenous danger signals. Here, we identify the requirements for activation of NLRP1, an NLR protein associated with a number of human pathologies, including vitiligo, rheumatoid arthritis, and Crohn disease. We demonstrate that NLRP1 activity is dependent upon ASC, which associates with the C-terminal CARD domain of NLRP1. In addition, we show that NLRP1 activity is dependent upon autolytic cleavage at Ser(1213) within the FIIND. Importantly, this post translational event is dependent upon the highly conserved distal residue His(1186). A disease-associated single nucleotide polymorphism near His(1186) and a naturally occurring mRNA splice variant lacking exon 14 differentially affect this autolytic processing and subsequent NLRP1 activity. These results describe key molecular pathways that regulate NLRP1 activity and offer insight on how small sequence variations in NLR genes may influence human disease pathogenesis.  相似文献   
Previous studies have suggested that Plasmodium parasites can manipulate mosquito feeding behaviours such as probing, persistence and engorgement rate in order to enhance transmission success. Here, we broaden analysis of this ‘manipulation phenotype’ to consider proximate foraging behaviours, including responsiveness to host odours and host location. Using Anopheles stephensi and Plasmodium yoelii as a model system, we demonstrate that mosquitoes with early stage infections (i.e. non-infectious oocysts) exhibit reduced attraction to a human host, whereas those with late-stage infections (i.e. infectious sporozoites) exhibit increased attraction. These stage-specific changes in behaviour were paralleled by changes in the responsiveness of mosquito odourant receptors, providing a possible neurophysiological mechanism for the responses. However, we also found that both the behavioural and neurophysiological changes could be generated by immune challenge with heat-killed Escherichia coli and were thus not tied explicitly to the presence of malaria parasites. Our results support the hypothesis that the feeding behaviour of female mosquitoes is altered by Plasmodium, but question the extent to which this is owing to active manipulation by malaria parasites of host behaviour.  相似文献   
Reducing the burden of pathogenic mutans streptococci is a goal of oral health. Lactobacillus paracasei DSMZ16671, even after heat-killing, specifically co-aggregates mutans streptococci in vitro and retains this activity in human saliva. In rats, it reduces mutans streptococcal colonization of teeth and caries scores. This pilot study sought to assess the potential of heat-killed L. paracasei DSMZ16671 (pro-t-action®) to reduce levels of salivary mutans streptococci in humans, using sugar-free candies as a delivery vehicle. A randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind in vivo study of three groups examined the short-term effect of sugar-free candies containing 0 (placebo), 1, or 2 mg/candy piece of heat-killed L. paracasei DSMZ16671 on the levels of salivary mutans streptococci determined before and after consumption of the candies. The candies were consumed 4 times during 1.5 consecutive days. Compared to the placebo group, the test groups’ saliva had significantly reduced mutans streptococci as an immediate effect. These results suggest the use of heat-killed L. paracasei DSMZ16671 in suckable candies as a method to reduce mutans streptococci in the mouth and, thereby, caries risk. We think this a new concept and strategy for caries prevention and management.  相似文献   
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