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This review surveys recent developments in chromatographic methods for the separation of amylases from complex extracts, including the separation of isozymes. It contains two tables with the properties and molecular characteristics of α- and β-amylases from different sources as well as an updated review of methods for the determination of amylase activity. The main subject of this review is a detailed evaluation of the application of newly developed chromatographic methods for the purification of amylases.  相似文献   
Primate terminal complement inhibitor homologues of human CD59   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
The nucleotide sequence data reported in this paper have been submitted to the GenBank nucleotide sequence database and have been assigned the accession numbers L22862 (African green monkey CD59) and L22863 (baboon CD59)  相似文献   
Topoisomerase II was partially purified from Daucus carota cellsby a procedure including ammonium sulphate fractionation, ion-exchange,and affinity chromatography steps. The type II enzyme, identifiedfor its ability to unknot knotted P4 DNA and decatenate Trypanosomacruzi kDNA, requires ATP and Mg2+ for activity. The unknottingactivity was sensitive to an inhibitor of the mammalian typeII enzyme, the drug VP16 (IC50 32 mmol m–3), whereas inhibitorsof DNA gyrase showed a limited effect on activity. The SDS-PAGEanalysis of the dsDNA cellulose fraction revealed the presenceof four polypeptides of apparent molecular masses of 72, 71,34, and 33 kDa among which only a polypeptide of about 70 kDacrossreacted with antibodies against yeast topoisomerase II.Immunoprecipitation experiments with monoclonal antibodies tothe and ß isoforms of the human enzyme confirmedthe recognition of a polypeptide of 70 kDa. The sedimentationcoefficient (S) of the topoisomerase II in the phosphocellulosefraction, calculated by analytical glycerol gradient, was 6.1corresponding to a molecular mass of about 123 kDa. Resultssuggest the presence in carrot of a protein of molecular massof 70 kDa having the typical properties of an eukaryotic topoisomeraseII and carrying epitopes recognized by MoAbs to both human and ß enzymes. The 70 kDa polypeptide might then representthe monomer of a homodimer enzyme of 123 kDa. Key words: Daucus carota, topoisomerase II, immunoprecipitation  相似文献   
Human and murine blood cells treated with ZnCl2 and bis(sulfosuccinimidyl)suberate (BS3) (a cross linking agent) undergo band 3 clustering and binding of hemoglobin to red blood cell membrane proteins. These clusters induce autologous IgG binding and complement fixation, thus favouring the phagocytosis of ZnCl2/BS3 treated cells by macrophages. The extension of red blood cell opsonization can be easily modulated by changing the ZnCl2 concentration in the 0.1–1.0 mM range thus providing an effective way to affect blood cell recognition by macrophages. In fact, murine erythrocytes treated with increasing ZnCl2 concentrations have proportionally reduced survivals when reinjected into the animal. Furthermore, the organ sequestration of ZnCl2/BS3 treated cells strongly resembles the typical distribution of the senescent cells. Since the ZnCl2/BS3 treatment can also be performed on red blood cells loaded with drugs or other substances, this procedure is an effective drug-targeting system to be used for the delivery of molecules to peritoneal, liver and spleen macrophages.  相似文献   
The modulation of cisPlatin cytotoxicity by interleukin-1 (IL-1α) was studied in cultures of SCC-7 tumor cells with and without tumor macrophages to examine potential mechanisms for the synergistic antitumor activity of cisPlatin and IL-1α in SCC-7 solid tumors. Neither IL-1α nor tumor macrophages affected the survival of clonogenic tumor cells and IL-1α had no direct effect on tumor cell growthin vitro. Macrophages had no direct effect on cisPlatin sensitivity (IC90=6.0 μM), but, the addition of IL-1α (500–2000U/ml) to co-cultures of cisPlatin pretreated tumor cells and resident tumor macrophages increased cell killing (IC90=3.1 μM). Similar responses were seen in primary cultures treated with cisPlatin before IL-1α. The modulation of cisPlatin cytotoxicity by IL-1α exhibited a biphasic dose response that paralleled the IL-1α dose dependent release of H2O2by resident tumor macrophages. Further, IL-1α modification of cisPlatin cytotoxicity was prompt and inhibited by catalase. CisPlatin and exogenous H2O2 (50 μM) produced more than additive SCC-7 clonogenic cell kill and hydroxyl radicals played an important role in the response. Interleukin-1 modulation of cisPlatin cytotoxicity was schedule dependent. IL-1α treatment for 24 hrs, before cisPlatin, produced drug resistance (IC90=11.1 μM). Our study shows that IL-1α can stimulate tumor macrophages to release pro-oxidants that modify cellular chemosensitivity in a schedule and dose dependent fashion. Our findings may also provide a mechanistic explanation for the synergistic antitumor activity of cisPlatin and IL-1αin vivo.  相似文献   
The stereochemical course of enzymatic hydrolysis by the solublesialidase from Chinese hamster ovary cells, expressed as a recombinantprotein in insect Sf9 cells, was determined using proton nuclearmagnetic resonance spectroscopy. 4-Methyl umbelliferyl-N-acetylneuraminic acid was employed as substrate, and the stereoselectivityof the enzyme catalysis was ascertained by monitoring the H3axial and equatorial protons of the sialic acid product overthe reaction course. At both high (3 U) and low concentrations(1 U) of the enzyme, the alpha anomer of the sialic acid wasclearly observed as the initial reaction product. The correspondingbeta anomer of sialic acid appeared much later in the reaction,arising from mutarotation of the alpha anomer. Similar studieswere also carried out using the Salmonella typhimurium LT 2sialidase, a protein of similar size and substrate specificity.Both enzymes apparently cleave the alpha linked sialoside substratewith retention of configuration. Based on the observations ofa wide variety of other glycohydrolytic enzymes that have showna strong correlation of the stereoselectivity of catalysis withactive site topology (Gebler et al, J. Biol. Chem. 267, 12559–12561,1992), the results obtained here suggest that the microbialand mammalian sialidases have a homologous active site architectureeven though the molecules do not share significant primary sequencesimilarities. sialidase NMR enzyme mechanism Chinese hamster  相似文献   
The selectins are a family of proteins that mediate leukocytetethering and rolling along the vascular endothelium. E-, P-,and L-selectin recognize various derivatives of the Lewisa andLewisx trisaccharides. The distribution of negative chargeson the Lewisa and Lewisx oligosaccharides appears to be an importantfactor in their binding by the selectins. Previous work exploringthis electrostatic dependence found that a series of syntheticanionic trisaccharides, 3'-sulfo, 3'-phospho, 6'-sulfo, and3',6'-disulfo Lewisa. (Glc), exhibited differing selectin inhibitoryefficacies. To explore the possibility that these differencesarise from conformational differences between the sugars, thesolution structures of these trisaccharides were determinedusing NMR and molecular dynamics simulations. Interproton distancesand interglycosidic torsion angles were determined at 37°Cusing NOESY buildup curves and 1D LRJ experiments, respectively.Data from both experiments agreed well with predictions madefrom 2000 picosecond unrestrained molecular dynamics simulations.We found that 3'-sulfation did not alter the core Lewisa conformation,a finding that reaffirms the results of previous study. In addition,we found that sulfation at the 6' position also leaves the trisaccharideconformation unperturbed. This is significant because the proximityof the 6'-sulfate group to the fucose ring might have alteredthe canonical Lewisa structure. The disulfate exhibited greaterflexibility than the other derivatives in dynamics simulations,but not so much as to affect NOE and heteronuclear couplingconstant measurements. Taken together, our findings supportthe use of Lewisa as a template onto which charged groups maybe added without significantly altering the trisaccharide'sstructure. oligosaccharides molecular dynamics simulations NMR sulfated Lewisa phosphorylated Lewisa  相似文献   
Reduction of vanadate to vanadyl by a strain of Saccharomyces cerevisiae   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Three strains of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, SC-1, DBVPG 6173 and DBVPG 6037, were studied for vanadate resistance in complex Sabouraud medium since they did not thrive in different minimal media (yeast nitrogen base with and without amino acids). The strain SC-1 was resistant up to 16 mm of vanadate, whereas the strains DBVPG 6173 and DBVPG 6037 were inhibited by 8 mm and 4 mm vanadate, respectively. The vanadate resistance in strain SC-1 was constitutive and due to the reduction of this oxyanion to vanadyl, which was detected by EPR spectroscopy and visible spectroscopy. The transformation of vanadate to vanadyl took place during the exponential growth phase; 10 mm of vanadate was reduced to vanadyl outside the cells since the oxyanion was not detected in the cell biomass and only a negligible concentration of vanadyl (25 nmoles mg cells dry weight) was found in the biomass. The other two vanadate-sensitive yeast strains only accumulated vanadate and did not reduce the oxyanion to vanadyl.  相似文献   
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