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The pulmonary microvascular responses to leukotrienes B4, C4 and D4 (total dosage of 4 μg/kg i.v.) were examined in acutely-prepared halothane anesthetized and awake sheep prepared with lung lymp fistulas. In anesthetized as well as unanesthetized sheep, LTB4 caused a marked and transient decrease in the circulating leukocyte count. Pulmonary transvascular protein clearance (pulmonary lymph flow x lymph-to-plasma protein concentration ratio) increased transiently in awake sheep, suggesting a small increase in pulmonary vascular permeability. The mean pulmonary artery pressure (P ) also increased. In the acutely-prepared sheep, the LTB4-induced pulmonary hemodynamic and lymph flow responses were damped. Leukotriene C4 increased P to a greater extent in awake sheep than in anesthetized sheep, but did not significantly affect the pulmonary lymph flow rate (Q̇lym) and lmph-to-plasma protein concentration (L/P) ration in either group. LTD4 increased P and Q̇lymp in both acute and awake sheep; Q̇lym increased without a significant change in the L/P ratio. The LTD4-induced rise in P occurred in association with an increase in plasma thromboxane B2 (Txb2) cocentration. The relativity small increase in Q̇lym with LTD4 suggests that the increase in the transvascular fluid filtration rate is the result of a rise in the pulmonary capillary hydrostatic pressure. In conclusion, LTB4 induces a marked neutropenia, pulmonary hypertension, and may transiently increase lung vascular permeability. Both LTC4 and LTD4 cause a similar degree of pulmonary hypertension in awake sheep, but had different lymph flow responses which may be due to pulmonary vasoconstriction at different sites, i.e. greather pre-capillary constriction with LTC4 because Q̇lym did not change and greater post-capillary constriction with LTD4 because Q̇ increased with the same rise in P .  相似文献   
Individual interphase chromosome domains revealed by in situ hybridization   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
Summary The position and arrangement of individual chromosomes in interphase nuclei were examined in mouse-human cell hybrids by in situ hybridization of biotinylated human DNA probes. Intense and even labeling of human chromosomes with little background was observed when polyethylene glycol and Tween-20 were included in hybridization solutions. Human interphase chromosomes were separated from each other in the nucleus, and were confined to well localized domains. Hybrid cells with a single human chromosome showed a reproducible position of this chromosome in the nucleus. Some chromosomes appeared to have a characteristic folding pattern in interphase. Optical section as well as electron microscopy of labeled regions revealed the presence of 0.2 m wide fibers in each interphase domain, as well as adjacent, locally extended 500 nm fibers. Such fibers are consistent with previously proposed structural models of interphase chromosomes.  相似文献   
Summary What digestive adaptations permit herbivorous nonruminant mammals to sustain much higher metabolic rates than herbivorous lizards, despite gross similarity in digestive anatomy and physiology? We approached this question by comparing four herbivorous species eating the same diet of alfalfa pellets: two lizards (chuckwalla and desert iugana) and two mammals (desert woodrat and laboratory mouse). The mammals had longer small and large intestines, greater intestinal surface area, much higher (by an order of magnitude) food intake normalized to metabolic live mass, and much faster food passage times (a few hours instead of a few days). Among both reptiles and mammals, passage times increase with body size and are longer for herbivores than for carnivores. The herbivorous lizards, despite these much slower passage times, had slightly lower apparent digestive efficiencies than the mammals. At least for chuckwallas, this difference from mammals was not due to differences in body temperature regime. Comparisons of chuckwallas and woodrats in their assimilation of various dietary components showed that the woodrat's main advantage lay in greater assimilation of the dietary fiber fraction. Woodrats achieved greater fiber digestion despite shorter residence time, but possibly because of a larger fermentation chamber, coprophagy, and/or different conditions for microbial fermentation. We conclude with a comparative overview of digestive function in herbivorous lizards and mammals, and with a list of four major unsolved questions.  相似文献   
Abstract: This study was designed to analyze possible differences in the binding of [3H]flunitrazepam ([3H]FNZP) and [3H]ethyl - β - carboline - 3 - carboxylate ([3H]β-CCE), to rat brain membranes, in various experimental conditions. In cerebral cortex, hippocampus, cerebellum, and orain stem the number of binding sites for [3H]β-CCE was higher than for [3H]FNZP; both were displaced by clonazepam. Until the 7th day of postnatal brain development the numbers of [3H]FNZP and [3H]β-CCE sites were equivalent; but later on, the β-carboline sites increased to a higher level. Noradrenergic denervation by 6-hydroxydopamine was followed in the hippocampal formation. Already after 2 days, there was a decrease in [3H]FNZP sites, which reached 70% of control after 14 days. Similar results were obtained with DSP-4 denervation. This change was only in Bmax and not in KD, In contrast, the [3H]β-CCE sites did not change with denervation. Neonatal injection of l - 2,4,5 - trihydroxyphenylalamine or DSP-4 produced in the adult a decrease in [3H]FNZP sites in the cerebral cortex, in parallel with the noradrenergic denervation. On the other hand, there was an increase in the cerebellum and brain stem, in correspondence with the hyperinnervation by sprouting. In these rats, the number of sites for [3H]β-CCE did not change in the different brain regions. With 0.1% Triton X-100, applied to synaptosomal membranes, [3H]FNZP binding was reduced by 35%, while that of [3H]β-CCE was not significantly changed. These results suggest that there is heterogeneity of binding sites for benzodiazepine receptors in rat brain. A tentative interpretation of the experiments involving noradrenergic denervation and hyperinnervation, as well as those with Triton X-100, is that [3H]FNZP binds to pre- and postsynaptic receptors, while [3H]β-CCE binds mainly to postsynaptic benzodiazepine receptors.  相似文献   
Summary The pattern of DNA and RNA puffs in pair VII of polytene chromosomes has been investigated in the suspensor ofPhaseolus coccineus during early embryo development. The pattern of3H-TdR and3H-U incorporation has been also detected. Collected data indicate that: 1. both heterochromatic regions, p11 and q(111+112), of chromosome pair VII, organize large DNA puffs; 2. DNA puffs of both regions are specific of different embryo differentiation steps; 3. a seasonal influence on the DNA puffing seems also to be present, as demonstrated by the comparison of the results collected in two different crops; 4. the incorporation experiment by3H-TdR evidences that not all DNA puffs show clustered labeling; 5. the RNA puffing of the two regions seems also to be specific of determined embryo stages.  相似文献   
Polyglycerolteichoic acid:glucosyl transferase (TAG transferase), one of the three enzymes involved in the pathway leading to the glucosylation of teichoic acid in Bacillus subtilis 168, was investigated. During the early stages of the growth of B. subtilis, TAG transferase is predominantly a soluble enzyme found in the cytoplasm. As growth proceeds, the amount of soluble enzyme decreases and the proportion of insoluble, membrane-bound TAG transferase increases, reaching a maximal value at the close of the logarithmic phase. Data are presented which suggest that these are two forms of the same enzyme, or have some common component. The effects of chaotropic agents, such as sodium trichloroacetate and sodium perchlorate, on the cytoplasmic membrane were also studied. These data show that such compounds can effectively remove the TAG transferase from the membrane in a water-soluble form. A study of some of the physical properties of this solubilized enzyme suggests that there is little difference between the two forms of the enzyme. Experiments are described which indicate that the glucosyl transfer by both the membrane-bound and soluble enzymes is not mediated by lipids.  相似文献   
In the infection of Escherichia coli B(P1) with restricted T1, it was shown that yielder cells consist of both special and nonspecial cells. Special or predetermined yielders occurred only among the earliest yielders. In most instances, yielder-cell formation was most easily explained by assuming that the first step was a chance escape of the restricted phage DNA from the degrading enzyme of the restricting cell.  相似文献   
The osmotic phenotype of Neurospora crassa is characterized by inhibition of growth at high osmolalities of growth medium. Mutations at six osmotic loci of linkage group I were examined to assess the biochemical and physiological effects of these mutants. Isolated cell walls from 23 osmotic strains were compared with the wild type with regard to quantitative levels of the following components: percentage of total dry weight, total glucose, alkali-soluble glucose, nonglucose carbohydrates, amino acids, glucosamine, galactosamine, and a compound tentatively identified as quinovosamine. The last component has not previously been observed in N. crassa cell walls. Although the cell wall dry weight content of osmotic mutants was not altered, walls isolated from all of the osmotic strains had less alkali-insoluble glucose than those from the wild type. In addition, all of the loci except cut exhibited other consistent differences from the wild type. The os-1, os-3, and os-5 mutants had low levels of alkali-soluble glucose. The os-3 and os-5 mutants had high levels of nonglucose carbohydrates, and flm-2 had a low level of nonglucose carbohydrates. The os-4 mutants had low levels of galactosamine and amino acids and high levels alkali-soluble glucose. An os-1 mutant, B135, produced less of the whole alkali-soluble fraction of the cell wall.  相似文献   
Previous electron microscope studies indicated that the individual spermatozoön of Hydroides hexagonus forms a hole in the vitelline membrane by means of lysis. Other observations established that the hole is real, being visible in living material during sperm entry. During the present investigation sea water extracts from frozen-thawed sperm were tested for lytic effect on the membrane. In normal living eggs the membrane appears as a single thick envelope, but in electron micrographs of sections it is seen to consist of a narrow outer border layer, a wide principal or middle layer, and a narrow inner border layer. After immersion in sperm extract the outer border layer elevates but does not dissolve, the middle layer liquefies and disappears, and the inner border layer seems not to change. This is interpreted as lysis of the middle layer. The extract exerted the same effect on fertilized and unfertilized eggs. In electron micrographs the sections treated with extract greatly resemble that part of the membrane which has been penetrated by the individual spermatozoön. It is concluded that the individual spermatozoön, too, exerts a lytic effect. Together, the present and two earlier studies are considered clearly to demonstrate that in Hydroides the individual spermatozoön does indeed make an entry hole in the egg membrane by applying lytic material to that part of the membrane in its own vicinity.  相似文献   
Summary We have analyzed the ability of the physical substratum to modulate both the ultrastructural and protein synthetic characteristics of the Madin-Darby canine kidney (MDCK) renal cell line. When MDCK cells were seeded on Millipore Millicell CM microporous membrane cell culture inserts they demonstrated a more columnar organization with an increase in cell density sixfold greater than the same cells seeded on conventional plastic substrata. After 1 wk postseeding on the microporous membrane a partial basal lamina was noted, with a contiguous basement membrane being apparent after 2 wk. One-dimensional sodium dodecyl sulfate gel electrophoresis was used to analyze detergent-solubilized proteins from MDCK cells maintained on plastic substrata vs. microporous membranes. When proteins were pulse-labeled with [35S]methionine, a 55 kDa protein was evident in the cytosolic extract of cells grown on collagen, laminin, and nontreated plastic substrata; but this labeled protein was not evident in similar extracts from cells grown on collagen and laminin-coated microporous membranes. To test if the polarized, basement-membrane secreting phenotype of the MDCK cells could be generated on a microporous membrane without pretreatment with any extracellular matrix (ECM) components, cells were seeded on the Millipore Millicell HA (cellulosic) microporous membrane. This type of substrata does not need a coating of ECM components for cell attachment. A partial basement membrane was formed below cells where the basal surface of the cell was planar, but not in areas where the cell formed large cytoplasmic extensions into the filter. This led us to the conclusion that the microporous nature of the substrata can dictate both ultrastructural and protein synthetic activities of MDCK cells. Furthermore, we suggest that both the planar nature of the basal surface and the microporosity of the substrate are corequisites for the deposition of the basement membrane.  相似文献   
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