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It has been argued that the limited genetic diversity and reduced allelic heterogeneity observed in isolated founder populations facilitates discovery of loci contributing to both Mendelian and complex disease. A strong founder effect, severe isolation, and substantial inbreeding have dramatically reduced genetic diversity in natives from the island of Kosrae, Federated States of Micronesia, who exhibit a high prevalence of obesity and other metabolic disorders. We hypothesized that genetic drift and possibly natural selection on Kosrae might have increased the frequency of previously rare genetic variants with relatively large effects, making these alleles readily detectable in genome-wide association analysis. However, mapping in large, inbred cohorts introduces analytic challenges, as extensive relatedness between subjects violates the assumptions of independence upon which traditional association test statistics are based. We performed genome-wide association analysis for 15 quantitative traits in 2,906 members of the Kosrae population, using novel approaches to manage the extreme relatedness in the sample. As positive controls, we observe association to known loci for plasma cholesterol, triglycerides, and C-reactive protein and to a compelling candidate loci for thyroid stimulating hormone and fasting plasma glucose. We show that our study is well powered to detect common alleles explaining ≥5% phenotypic variance. However, no such large effects were observed with genome-wide significance, arguing that even in such a severely inbred population, common alleles typically have modest effects. Finally, we show that a majority of common variants discovered in Caucasians have indistinguishable effect sizes on Kosrae, despite the major differences in population genetics and environment.  相似文献   
We produced and studied for 3?years two synthetic populations of maize differing in their constitution only for the selected alleles present at the red color 1 (r1) locus (R-sc vs. r?Cr). r1 is a regulatory gene conferring anthocyanin pigmentation in different tissues: the R-sc allele confers pigmentation only in the aleurone seed layer, while the r?Cr allele confers pigmentation in several tissues such as root, silk and anther but the seed is colourless. The colourless population (r?Cr/r?Cr) was characterized by improved agronomic features, such as ear weight and plant height, compared with the R-sc/R-sc coloured population. This finding was confirmed by studying single F4 R/r families where the presence of the r?Cr allele conferred positive features, acting as a dominant trait. Quantitative trait locus (QTL) analysis performed using molecular markers on the long arm of chromosome 10 (bin 10.06), where the r1 gene maps, identified a QTL map position for plant height tightly associated to the r1 gene. Thus the r1 gene may represent a major QTL or it could be closely linked to another gene involved in the agronomic performance of the two populations studied.  相似文献   
We developed a new approach that employs a novel computer algorithm for the sensitive and high-throughput analysis of tertiary and quaternary interaction sites from chemically cross-linked proteins or multi-protein complexes. First, we directly analyze the digests of the chemically cross-linked proteins using only high-accuracy LC-MS/MS data. We analyze these data using a computer algorithm, we term X!Link, to find cross-links between two peptides. Our algorithm is rapid, taking only a few seconds to analyze approximately 5000 MS/MS spectra. We applied this algorithm to analyze cross-linked sites generated chemically using the amino specific reagent, BS3, in both cytochrome c and the mitochondrial division dynamin mutant, Dnm1G385D, which exists as a stable homodimer. From cytochrome c, a well-established test protein, we identified a total of 31 cross-links, 21 interpeptide and 10 intrapeptide cross-links, in 257 MS/MS spectra from a single LC-MS/MS data set. The high sensitivity of this technique is indicated by the fact that all 19 lysines in cytochrome c were detected as a cross-link product and 33% of all the Lys pairs within 20 A were also observed as a cross-link. Analysis of the cross-linked dimeric form of Dnm1G385D identified a total of 46 cross-links, 38 interpeptide and 8 intrapeptide cross-links, in 98 MS/MS spectra in a single LC-MS/MS data set. These results represent the most abundant cross-links identified in a single protein or protein dimer to date. Statistical analysis suggests a 1% false discovery rate after optimization of filtering parameters. Further analysis of the cross-links identified using our approach indicates that careful manual inspection is important for the correct assignment of cross-linking sites when multiple cross-linkable sites or several similar sequences exist. In summary, we have developed a sensitive MS-based approach to identify peptide-peptide cross-links that does not require isotopic labeling or comparison with non-cross-linked controls, making it faster and simpler than current methodologies.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: The Dehalococcoides are strictly anaerobic bacteria that gain metabolic energy via the oxidation of H2 coupled to the reduction of halogenated organic compounds. Dehalococcoides spp. grow best in mixed microbial consortia, relying on non-dechlorinating members to provide essential nutrients and maintain anaerobic conditions. A metagenome sequence was generated for the dechlorinating mixed microbial consortium KB-1. A comparative metagenomic study utilizing two additional metagenome sequences for Dehalococcoides-containing dechlorinating microbial consortia was undertaken to identify common features that are provided by the non-dechlorinating community and are potentially essential to Dehalococcoides growth. RESULTS: The KB-1 metagenome contained eighteen novel homologs to reductive dehalogenase genes. The metagenomes obtained from the three consortia were automatically annotated using the MG-RAST server, from which statistically significant differences in community composition and metabolic profiles were determined. Examination of specific metabolic pathways, including corrinoid synthesis, methionine synthesis, oxygen scavenging, and electron-donor metabolism identified the Firmicutes, methanogenic Archaea, and the delta-Proteobacteria as key organisms encoding these pathways, and thus potentially producing metabolites required for Dehalococcoides growth. CONCLUSIONS: Comparative metagenomics of the three Dehalococcoides-containing consortia identified that similarities across the three consortia are more apparent at the functional level than at the taxonomic level, indicating the non-dechlorinating organisms' identities can vary provided they fill the same niche within a consortium. Functional redundancy was identified in each metabolic pathway of interest, with key processes encoded by multiple taxonomic groups. This redundancy likely contributes to the robust growth and dechlorination rates in dechlorinating enrichment cultures.  相似文献   
Insects are not only major vectors of mammalian viruses, but are also host to insect-restricted viruses that can potentially be transmitted to mammals. While mammalian innate immune responses to arboviruses are well studied, less is known about how mammalian cells respond to viruses that are restricted to infect only invertebrates. Here we demonstrate that IIV-6, a DNA virus of the family Iridoviridae, is able to induce a type I interferon-dependent antiviral immune response in mammalian cells. Although IIV-6 is a DNA virus, we demonstrate that the immune response activated during IIV-6 infection is mediated by the RIG-I-like receptor (RLR) pathway, and not the canonical DNA sensing pathway via cGAS/STING. We further show that RNA polymerase III is required for maximal IFN-β secretion, suggesting that viral DNA is transcribed by this enzyme into an RNA species capable of activating the RLR pathway. Finally, we demonstrate that the RLR-driven mammalian innate immune response to IIV-6 is functionally capable of protecting cells from subsequent infection with the arboviruses Vesicular Stomatitis virus and Kunjin virus. These results represent a novel example of an invertebrate DNA virus activating a canonically RNA sensing pathway in the mammalian innate immune response, which reduces viral load of ensuing arboviral infection.  相似文献   
Sepsis remains the leading cause of death in critically ill patients, despite modern advances in critical care. Intestinal barrier dysfunction may lead to secondary bacterial translocation and the development of the multiple organ dysfunction syndrome during sepsis. Cyclooxygenase (COX)-2 is highly upregulated in the intestine during sepsis, and we hypothesized that it may be critical in the maintenance of intestinal epithelial barrier function during peritonitis-induced polymicrobial sepsis. COX-2(-/-) and COX-2(+/+) BALB/c mice underwent cecal ligation and puncture (CLP) or sham surgery. Mice chimeric for COX-2 were derived by bone marrow transplantation and underwent CLP. C2BBe1 cells, an intestinal epithelial cell line, were treated with the COX-2 inhibitor NS-398, PGD(2), or vehicle and stimulated with cytokines. COX-2(-/-) mice developed exaggerated bacteremia and increased mortality compared with COX-2(+/+) mice following CLP. Mice chimeric for COX-2 exhibited the recipient phenotype, suggesting that epithelial COX-2 expression in the ileum attenuates bacteremia following CLP. Absence of COX-2 significantly increased epithelial permeability of the ileum and reduced expression of the tight junction proteins zonula occludens-1, occludin, and claudin-1 in the ileum following CLP. Furthermore, PGD(2) attenuated cytokine-induced hyperpermeability and zonula occludens-1 downregulation in NS-398-treated C2BBe1 cells. Our findings reveal that absence of COX-2 is associated with enhanced intestinal epithelial permeability and leads to exaggerated bacterial translocation and increased mortality during peritonitis-induced sepsis. Taken together, our results suggest that epithelial expression of COX-2 in the ileum is a critical modulator of tight junction protein expression and intestinal barrier function during sepsis.  相似文献   
In some sponges peculiar proteins called silicateins catalyze silica polymerization in ordered structures, and their study is of high interest for possible biotechnological applications in the nanostructure industry. In this work we describe the isolation and the molecular characterization of silicatein from spicules of Petrosia ficiformis, a common Mediterranean sponge, and the development of a cellular model (primmorphs) suitable for in vitro studies of silicatein gene regulation. The spicule of P. ficiformis contains an axial filament composed of 2 insoluble proteins, of 30 and 23 kDa. The 23-kDa protein was characterized, and the full-length cDNA was cloned. The putative amino acid sequence has high homology with previously described silicateins from other sponge species and also is very similar to cathepsins, a cystein protease family. Finally, P. ficiformis primmorphs express the silicatein gene, suggesting that they should be a good model for biosilicification studies.  相似文献   
The mTOR (mammalian target of rapamycin) protein kinase is an important regulator of cell growth. Two complexes of mTOR have been identified: complex 1, consisting of mTOR-Raptor (regulatory associated protein of mTOR)-mLST8 (termed mTORC1), and complex 2, comprising mTOR-Rictor (rapamycininsensitive companion of mTOR)-mLST8-Sin1 (termed mTORC2). mTORC1 phosphorylates the p70 ribosomal S6K (S6 kinase) at its hydrophobic motif (Thr389), whereas mTORC2 phosphorylates PKB (protein kinase B) at its hydrophobic motif (Ser473). In the present study, we report that widely expressed isoforms of unstudied proteins termed Protor-1 (protein observed with Rictor-1) and Protor-2 interact with Rictor and are components of mTORC2. We demonstrate that immunoprecipitation of Protor-1 or Protor-2 results in the co-immunoprecipitation of other mTORC2 subunits, but not Raptor, a specific component of mTORC1. We show that detergents such as Triton X-100 or n-octylglucoside dissociate mTOR and mLST8 from a complex of Protor-1, Sin1 and Rictor. We also provide evidence that Rictor regulates the expression of Protor-1, and that Protor-1 is not required for the assembly of other mTORC2 subunits into a complex. Protor-1 is a novel Rictor-binding subunit of mTORC2, but further work is required to establish its role.  相似文献   
This study presents the first analytical application of the luminol chemiluminescence (CL) reaction for the sensitive detection of carbamate residues. Some experiments have been carried out to check the influence of the presence of traces of a N-methylcarbamate (carbaryl) on the CL emission produced from the oxidation of luminol using different oxidants, showing a significant enhancing effect on the CL emission when the oxidation of luminol is produced by potassium permanganate in alkaline medium, this enhancement being proportional to the carbaryl concentration. This fact has permitted the establishment of a sensitive chemiluminescence flow-injection (CL-FIA) method for the direct determination of carbaryl. The optimization of instrumental and chemical variables influencing the CL response has been carried out by applying experimental designs. Under the optimal conditions, the CL intensity was linear for a carbaryl concentration over the range 5-100 ng/mL with a detection limit of 4.9 ng/mL. This luminol-KMnO4-based FIA-CL system in basic medium shows an easy, fast and cheap alternative detection mode for the analysis of carbaryl residues in environmental water samples.  相似文献   
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