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The stereochemical course of enzymatic hydrolysis by the solublesialidase from Chinese hamster ovary cells, expressed as a recombinantprotein in insect Sf9 cells, was determined using proton nuclearmagnetic resonance spectroscopy. 4-Methyl umbelliferyl-N-acetylneuraminic acid was employed as substrate, and the stereoselectivityof the enzyme catalysis was ascertained by monitoring the H3axial and equatorial protons of the sialic acid product overthe reaction course. At both high (3 U) and low concentrations(1 U) of the enzyme, the alpha anomer of the sialic acid wasclearly observed as the initial reaction product. The correspondingbeta anomer of sialic acid appeared much later in the reaction,arising from mutarotation of the alpha anomer. Similar studieswere also carried out using the Salmonella typhimurium LT 2sialidase, a protein of similar size and substrate specificity.Both enzymes apparently cleave the alpha linked sialoside substratewith retention of configuration. Based on the observations ofa wide variety of other glycohydrolytic enzymes that have showna strong correlation of the stereoselectivity of catalysis withactive site topology (Gebler et al, J. Biol. Chem. 267, 12559–12561,1992), the results obtained here suggest that the microbialand mammalian sialidases have a homologous active site architectureeven though the molecules do not share significant primary sequencesimilarities. sialidase NMR enzyme mechanism Chinese hamster  相似文献   
The selectins are a family of proteins that mediate leukocytetethering and rolling along the vascular endothelium. E-, P-,and L-selectin recognize various derivatives of the Lewisa andLewisx trisaccharides. The distribution of negative chargeson the Lewisa and Lewisx oligosaccharides appears to be an importantfactor in their binding by the selectins. Previous work exploringthis electrostatic dependence found that a series of syntheticanionic trisaccharides, 3'-sulfo, 3'-phospho, 6'-sulfo, and3',6'-disulfo Lewisa. (Glc), exhibited differing selectin inhibitoryefficacies. To explore the possibility that these differencesarise from conformational differences between the sugars, thesolution structures of these trisaccharides were determinedusing NMR and molecular dynamics simulations. Interproton distancesand interglycosidic torsion angles were determined at 37°Cusing NOESY buildup curves and 1D LRJ experiments, respectively.Data from both experiments agreed well with predictions madefrom 2000 picosecond unrestrained molecular dynamics simulations.We found that 3'-sulfation did not alter the core Lewisa conformation,a finding that reaffirms the results of previous study. In addition,we found that sulfation at the 6' position also leaves the trisaccharideconformation unperturbed. This is significant because the proximityof the 6'-sulfate group to the fucose ring might have alteredthe canonical Lewisa structure. The disulfate exhibited greaterflexibility than the other derivatives in dynamics simulations,but not so much as to affect NOE and heteronuclear couplingconstant measurements. Taken together, our findings supportthe use of Lewisa as a template onto which charged groups maybe added without significantly altering the trisaccharide'sstructure. oligosaccharides molecular dynamics simulations NMR sulfated Lewisa phosphorylated Lewisa  相似文献   
Reduction of vanadate to vanadyl by a strain of Saccharomyces cerevisiae   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Three strains of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, SC-1, DBVPG 6173 and DBVPG 6037, were studied for vanadate resistance in complex Sabouraud medium since they did not thrive in different minimal media (yeast nitrogen base with and without amino acids). The strain SC-1 was resistant up to 16 mm of vanadate, whereas the strains DBVPG 6173 and DBVPG 6037 were inhibited by 8 mm and 4 mm vanadate, respectively. The vanadate resistance in strain SC-1 was constitutive and due to the reduction of this oxyanion to vanadyl, which was detected by EPR spectroscopy and visible spectroscopy. The transformation of vanadate to vanadyl took place during the exponential growth phase; 10 mm of vanadate was reduced to vanadyl outside the cells since the oxyanion was not detected in the cell biomass and only a negligible concentration of vanadyl (25 nmoles mg cells dry weight) was found in the biomass. The other two vanadate-sensitive yeast strains only accumulated vanadate and did not reduce the oxyanion to vanadyl.  相似文献   
RasG is the most abundant Ras protein in growing Dictyostelium cells and the closest relative of mammalian Ras proteins. We have generated null mutants in which expression of RasG is completely abolished. Unexpectedly, RasG cells are able to grow at nearly wild-type rates. However, they exhibit defective cell movement and a wide range of defects in the control of the actin cytoskeleton, including a loss of cell polarity, absence of normal lamellipodia, formation of unusual small, punctate polymerized actin structures, and a large number of abnormally long filopodia. Despite their lack of polarity and abnormal cytoskeleton, mutant cells perform normal chemotaxis. However, rasG cells are unable to perform normal cytokinesis, becoming multinucleate when grown in suspension culture. Taken together, these data suggest a principal role for RasG in coordination of cell movement and control of the cytoskeleton.  相似文献   
Abstract: Mast cells play a central role in both immediate allergic reactions and inflammation. A functional nerve-mast cell interaction has been proposed, given the morphological association between mast cells and neuropeptide-containing peripheral nerves. We now show that purified rat peritoneal mast cells contain large quantities of N -acetylaspartate (NAA; 747.50 nmol/mg of protein). Mast cell levels of NAA were rapidly reduced, by 64.0 and 86.4%, following treatment with compound 48/80 and mastoparan, respectively. These secretagogues strongly decreased mast cell histamine content over the same time period, suggesting also that NAA is stored in secretory granules. The data are the first to show that NAA is present in an immune effector cell type. Because NAA may be involved in myelin synthesis and glutamyl peptide metabolism, NAA released from mast cells following nervous or other stimuli could participate in neuroimmune interactions. Mast cells in multiple sclerosis plaques may contribute to the reported elevations in brain NAA in this disease.  相似文献   
Shields, Richard K., Laura Frey Law, Brenda Reiling, KellySass, and Jason Wilwert. Effects of electrically induced fatigueon the twitch and tetanus of paralyzed soleus muscle in humans.J. Appl. Physiol. 82(5):1499-1507, 1997.We analyzed the twitch and summated torque(tetanus) during repetitive activation and recovery of the human soleusmuscle in individuals with spinal cord injury. Thirteen individualswith complete paralysis (9 chronic, 4 acute) had the tibial nerveactivated every 1,500 ms with a 20-Hz train (7 stimuli) for 300 ms anda single pulse at 1,100 ms. The stimulation protocol lasted 3 min andincluded 120 twitches and 120 tetani. Minimal changes were found forthe acute group. The chronic group showed a significant reduction inthe torque and a significant slowing of the contractile speeds of boththe twitch and tetanus. The decrease in the peak twitch torque was significantly greater than the decrease in the peak tetanus torque early during the fatigue protocol for the chronic group. The twitch time to peak and half relaxation time were prolonged during fatigue, which was associated with improved fusion of the tetanus torque. At theend of the fatigue protocol, the decrease in the peak twitch torque wasnot significantly different from the decrease in the peak tetanustorque. After 5 min of rest, the contractile speeds recovered causingthe tetanus to become unfused, but the tetanus torque became lessdepressed than the twitch torque. The differential responses for thetwitch and the tetanus suggest an interplay between optimal fusioncreated from contractile speed slowing and excitation contractioncoupling compromise. These issues make the optimal design of functionalelectrical stimulation systems a formidable task.

Kingston, Janene K., Raymond J. Geor, and Laura JillMcCutcheon. Rate and composition of sweat fluid losses areunaltered by hypohydration during prolonged exercise in horses.J. Appl. Physiol. 83(4):1133-1143, 1997. Rate and ionic composition of sweat fluid losses and partitioning of evaporative heat loss into respiratory and cutaneous components were determined in six horses during three 15-km phases of exercise at ~40% of maximalO2 uptake. Pattern of change insweat rate (SR) and composition was similar during each phase. SRincreased rapidly for the first 20 min of exercise but remained at~24-28ml · m2 · min1during the remainder of each phase. Similarly, the concentrations of Naand Cl in sweat increased until 30 min of exercise but were unchangedthereafter. Sweat osmolality and concentrations of Na and Cl werepositively correlated with SR. Sweat K concentration decreased duringexercise but was not correlated with SR. Fluid losses were 33.8 ± 1.5 liters, resulting in decreases of ~21% in plasma volume and~11% in total body water. The ~6% hypohydration was notassociated with an alteration in SR, sweat composition, or heatstorage. Respiratory and cutaneous evaporative heat loss represented~23 and 70%, respectively, of the total heat dissipated, and thepartitioning of heat loss was similar in each exercise phase. Weconclude that SR and the relative proportions of respiratory andcutaneous evaporative heat loss are unchanged in horses during prolonged low-intensity exercise despite moderate hypohydration.

Summary Protein-bound cyclic AMP (cAMP) levels in cultured rat Sertoli cells have been determined after exposure to follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and agents which elevate intracellular cAMP or mimic cAMP action. Changes in the content of protein-bound cAMP were correlated with changes in receptor availability determined by measuring [3H] cAMP binding. Using the photoaffinity analog of cAMP, 8-N3 [32P] cAMP, two major cAMP-binding proteins in Sertoli cell cytosol, with molecular weights of 47 000 and 53 000 daltons, were identified as regulatory subunits of type I and type II cAMP-dependent protein kinases, respectively. Densitometric analysis of autoradiograms demonstrated differential activation of the two isozymes in response to treatment with FSH and other agents. Results of this study demonstrate the value of measuring changes in protein-bound cAMP and the utility of the photoaffinity labeling technique in correlating hormone-dependent processes in which activation of cAMP-dependent protein kinase occurs.  相似文献   
Methionine sulfoximine caused ammonia accumulation and photosyntheticrate inhibition in leaf discs from two C4 species, Zea maysL. cv. F. M. Cross (Hybrid) and Sorghum bicolor L. Moench cv.NC-70X, as well as one C3 plant species, Datura stramonium L.cv. stramonium. Similar results were obtained earlier with theC3 species Spinacia oleracea L. The effect occurred in the absenceof inorganic nitrogen reduction and was light dependent. Ammoniaaccumulation rates were similar in all four species examined.The results support a role for glutamine synthetase in leafammonia recycling in both C4 and C3 leaves. 1 Current address: Cetus Madison Corporation, 2208 Parview Road,Middleton, WI 53562, U.S.A. (Received November 2, 1981; Accepted April 28, 1982)  相似文献   
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