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There is substantial heterogeneity in the aetiology and clinical presentation of autism. So how do we account for homogeneity in the syndrome? The answer to this question will be critical for any attempt to trace the links between brain pathology and the psychological disabilities that characterize autism. One possibility is that the source of homogeneity in autism is not to be found ''in the child'', but rather in dysfunction of the system constituted by child-in-relation-to-other. We have been exploring this hypothesis through the study of congenitally blind children, among whom features of autism, and the syndrome of autism itself, are strikingly common. To justify such an approach, one needs to establish that the clinical features in blind children have qualities that are indeed ''autistic-like''. We conducted systematic observations of the social interactions of two matched groups of congenitally blind children who do not have autism, rating their social engagement, emotional tone, play and language during three sessions of free play in the school playground. The qualities of social impairment in the more disabled children were similar to those in sighted children with autism. Additional evidence came from independent ratings of the children in a different play setting: on the childhood autism rating scale (CARS), the socially impaired children had ''autistic-like'' abnormalities in both social and non-social domains. If we can determine the way in which congenital blindness predisposes to features of autism, we shall be in a better position to trace the developmental pathways that lead to the syndrome in sighted children.  相似文献   
The aim of this study was to identify a simple, rapid method for sex determination of in vitro produced buffalo embryos, amplifying Y-chromosome-specific repeat sequences by polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Buffalo oocytes collected from slaughtered animals were matured, fertilised and cultured in vitro for 7 days. On day 7 embryos were evaluated and divided in to six groups according to developmental stage (2, 4, 8, 16 cells, morulae and blastocyst). Each embryo was stored singly in phosphate-buffered saline at -20 degrees C until PCR. Two different methods of extraction of DNA were compared: a standard procedure (ST), using a normal extraction by phenol-chloroform, isoamyl alcohol and final precipitation in absolute ethanol and a direct procedure (DT), using a commercial kit (Qiaquik-Qiagen mini blood). A pair of bovine satellite primers and two pairs of different bovine Y-chromosome-specific primers (BRY4.a and BRY.1) were used in the PCR assay on embryos and on whole blood samples collected from male and female adult buffaloes, used as control. The trial was carried out on 359 embryos (193 for ST and 166 for DT). When DNA samples from blood were amplified, the sex determined by PCR always corresponded to the anatomical sex. Embryo sexing was not possible in two embryos in ST and one embryo in DT. Both extraction protocols recovered sufficient quantities of target DNA at all developmental stages, but the time required for the ST (24 h) limits its use in embryo sexing and supports the use of commercial extraction kits (5 h).  相似文献   
Negative frequency-dependent mating success--the rare male effect--is a potentially powerful evolutionary force, but disagreement exists as to whether previous work, focusing on copulating species, has robustly demonstrated this phenomenon. Noncopulating sessile organisms that release male gametes into the environment but retain their eggs for fertilization may routinely receive unequal mixtures of sperm. Although promiscuity seems unavoidable it does not follow that the resulting paternity obeys 'fair raffle' expectations. This study investigates frequency dependence in the mating of one such species, the colonial ascidian Diplosoma listerianum. In competition with an alternative sperm source males fathered more progeny if previously mated to a particular female than if no mating history existed. This suggests positive frequency-dependent selection, but may simply result from a mate order effect involving sperm storage. With fewer acclimation matings, separated by longer intervals, this pattern was not found. When, in a different experimental design, virgin females were given simultaneous mixtures of gametes at widely divergent concentrations, sperm at the lower frequency consistently achieved a greater than expected share of paternity--a rare male effect. A convincing argument as to why D. listerianum should favour rare sperm has not been identified, as sperm rarity is expected to correlate very poorly with ecological or genetic male characteristics in this pattern of mating. The existence of nongenetic female preferences at the level of colony modules, analogous in effect to fixed female preferences, is proposed. If visible to selection, indirect benefits from increasing the genetic diversity of a sibship appear the only likely explanation of the rare male effect in this system as the life history presents virtually no costs to multiple mating, and a near absence of direct (resource) benefits, whereas less controversial hypotheses of female promiscuity (e.g. trade up, genetic incompatibility) do not seem appropriate.  相似文献   
De novo aberrations in chromosome structure represent important categories of paternally transmitted genetic damage. Unlike numerical abnormalities, the majority of de novo structural aberrations among human offspring are of paternal origin. We report the development of a three-color fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) assay (CT8) to detect mouse sperm carrying structural and numerical chromosomal abnormalities. The CT8 assay uses DNA probes for the centromeric and telomeric regions of chromosome 2, and a probe for the subcentromeric region of chromosome 8. The CT8 assay was used to measure the frequencies of sperm carrying certain structural aberrations involving chromosome 2 (del2ter, dup2ter, del2cen, dup2cen), disomy 2, disomy 8, and sperm diploidy. Analysis of approximately 80,000 sperm from eight B6C3F1 mice revealed an average baseline frequency of 2.5 per 10,000 sperm carrying partial duplications and deletions of chromosome 2. Extrapolated to the entire haploid genome, approximately 0.4% of mouse sperm are estimated to carry structural chromosomal aberrations, which is more than fivefold lower than the spontaneous frequencies of sperm with chromosome structural aberrations in man. We validated the CT8 assay by comparing the frequencies of abnormal segregants in sperm of T(2;14) translocation carriers detected by this assay against those detected by chromosome painting cytogenetic analysis of meiosis II spermatocytes. The CT8 sperm FISH assay is a promising method for detecting structural chromosome aberrations in mouse sperm with widespread applications in genetics, physiology, and genetic toxicology.  相似文献   
Transgenic animals are produced primarily by microinjecting exogenous DNA into the male pronuclei of a zygote. Microinjection is successful in mice but not efficient in farm animals, limiting its general utility. We have pursued an alternative technology for producing transgenic animals: Sperm Mediated Gene Transfer (SMGT). Based on our finding that sperm cells bind and internalize exogenous DNA, we used sperm as a vector for transmitting, not only their own DNA, but also, the exogenously-introduced gene of interest to the zygote. SMGT is highly efficient (up to greater than 80%) and relatively inexpensive; it can be used in species refractory to microinjection, whenever reproduction is mediated by gametes. In this report, we describe the procedure for selection of sperm donors and optimization of DNA uptake that are the key steps for the successful outcome of SMGT. We found that the nominal parameters that boar sperm should possess to serve as a good vector for exogenous DNA are the quality of semen based on standard parameters used in conventional animal breeding programs (volume, concentration, presence of abnormal sperm cells, motility at time of collection, and high progressive motility after 2 hr) and the ability of the sperm cells to take up and internalize exogenous DNA. The results described provide significant advances in SMGT technology applied to pigs, so that transgenic pigs can be efficiently obtained. Mol.  相似文献   
Two point mutations of ABCA1 gene were found in a patient with Tangier disease (TD): i) G>C in intron 2 (IVS2 +5G>C) and ii) c.844 C>T in exon 9 (R282X). The IVS2 +5G>C mutation was also found in the brother of another deceased TD patient, but not in 78 controls and 33 subjects with low HDL. The IVS2 +5G>C mutation disrupts ABCA1 pre-mRNA splicing in fibroblasts, leading to three abnormal mRNAs: devoid of exon 2 (Ex2-/mRNA), exon 4 (Ex4-/mRNA), or both these exons (Ex2-/Ex4-/mRNA), each containing a translation initiation site. These mRNAs are expected either not to be translated or generate short peptides. To investigate the in vitro effect of IVS2 +5G>C mutation, we constructed two ABCA1 minigenes encompassing Ex1-Ex3 region, one with wild-type (WTgene) and the other with mutant (MTgene) intron 2. These minigenes were transfected into COS1 and NIH3T3, two cell lines with a different ABCA1 gene expression. In COS1 cells, WTgene pre-mRNA was spliced correctly, while the splicing of MTgene pre-mRNA resulted in Ex2-/mRNA. In NIH3T3, no splicing of MTgene pre-mRNA was observed, whereas WTgene pre-mRNA was spliced correctly. These results stress the complexity of ABCA1 pre-mRNA splicing in the presence of splice site mutations.  相似文献   
The placental transport of various compounds, such as glucose and fatty acids, has been well studied. However, the transport of cholesterol, a sterol essential for proper fetal development, remains undefined in the placenta. Therefore, the purpose of these studies was to examine the transport of cholesterol across a placental monolayer and its uptake by various cholesterol acceptors. BeWo cells, which originated from a human choriocarcinoma, were grown on transwells for 3 days to form a confluent monolayer. The apical side of the cells was radiolabeled with either free cholesterol or LDL cholesteryl ester. After 24 h, the radiolabel was removed and cholesterol acceptors were added to the basolateral chamber. Cholesterol was found to be taken up by the apical surface of the placental monolayer, transported to the basolateral surface of the cell, and effluxed to fetal human serum, fetal HDL, or phospholipid vesicles, but not to apolipoprotein A-I. In addition, increasing the cellular cholesterol concentration further increased the amount of cholesterol transported to the basolateral acceptors. These are the first studies to demonstrate the movement of cholesterol across a placental cell from the maternal circulation (apical side) to the fetal circulation (basolateral side).  相似文献   
Docking of the P1 duplex into the pre-folded core of the Tetrahymena group I ribozyme exemplifies the formation of tertiary interactions in the context of a complex, structured RNA. We have applied Phi-analysis to P1 docking, which compares the effects of modifications on the rate constant for docking (k(dock)) with the effects on the docking equilibrium (K(dock)). To accomplish this we used a single molecule fluorescence resonance energy transfer assay that allows direct determination of the rate constants for formation of thermodynamically favorable, as well as unfavorable, states. Modification of the eight groups of the P1 duplex that make tertiary interactions with the core and changes in solution conditions decrease K(dock) up to 500-fold, whereas k(dock) changes by 相似文献   
A useful strategy for identifying ligand binding domains of G protein-coupled receptors has been the exploitation of species differences in antagonist potencies. We have used this approach for the CCR1 chemokine receptor with a novel series of antagonists, the 4-hydroxypiperidines, which were discovered by high throughput screening of human CCR1 and subsequently optimized. The structure-activity relationships for a number of different 4-hydroxypiperidine antagonists for human and mouse CCR1 were examined by receptor binding and functional assays. These compounds exhibit major differences in their rank order of potency for the human and mouse chemokine receptor CCR1. For example, the initial lead template, BX 510, which was a highly potent functional antagonist for human CCR1 (K(i) = 21 nM) was >400-fold less active on mouse CCR1 (K(i) = 9150 nM). However, increasing the length of the linker between the piperidine and dibenzothiepine groups by one methylene group generated a compound, BX 511, which was equipotent for both human and mouse CCR1. These and other analogs of the lead template BX 510, which have major differences in potency for human and mouse CCR1, are described, and a model for their interaction with human CCR1 is presented.  相似文献   
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