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In vivo imaging methodologies allow for serial measurement of tumor size, circumventing the need for sacrificing mice at given time points. In orthotopically transplanted murine models of brain tumors, cross-section micro-MRI allows for visualization and measurement of the physically inaccessible tumors. To allow for long resident times of a contrast agent in the tumor, intraperitoneal administration was used as a route of injection for contrast-enhanced micro-MRI, and a simple method for relative tumor volume measurements was examined. A strategy for visualizing the variability of the delayed tumor enhancement was developed. These strategies were applied to monitor the growth of brain tumors xenotransplanted into nude mice and either treated with the antiangiogenic peptide EMD 121974 or an inactive control peptide. Each mouse was used as its own control. Serial imaging was done weekly, beginning at Day 7 after tumor cell implantation and continued for 7 weeks. Images obtained were reconstructed on the MRI instrument. The image files were transferred off line to be postprocessed to assess tumor growth (volume) and variability in enhancement (three-dimensional [3-D] intensity models). In a small study, tumor growth and response to treatment were followed using this methodology and the high-resolution images displayed in 3-D allowed for straightforward qualitative assessment of variable enhancement related to vascular factors and tumor age.  相似文献   
Résumé Après l’éclosion de la larve du parasitePhanerotoma flavitestacea Fisch., la membrane embryonnaire persiste pendant 3,5 jours. Différents r?les de cette membrane sont envisagés et discutés. Trois d’entre eux sont retenus (alimentation et protection de la larve parasite et action sur le développement ultérieur de l’h?te). Ce choix est basé sur nos propres observations biologiques et physiologiques et celles de divers auteurs concernant d’autres insectes entomophages.
Summary After the hatching of the parasitic larva,Phanerotoma flavitestacea Fisch., the embryonic membrane persists around it during three days and a half. The different hypothetical roles of this membrane are discussed. Three are retained, on the base of our biological and physiological observations interesting this larva or different authors’ observations concerning other entomophagous insects. These roles are alimentary and protective functions for the parasite and action on the host physiology.
The fungal bean pathogen Colletotrichum lindemuthianum differentiates appressoria in order to penetrate bean tissues. We showed that appressorium development in C. lindemuthianum can be divided into three stages, and we obtained three nonpathogenic strains, including one strain blocked at each developmental stage. H18 was blocked at the appressorium differentiation stage; i.e., no genuine appressoria were formed. H191 was blocked at the appressorium maturation stage; i.e., appressoria exhibited a pigmentation defect and developed only partial internal turgor pressure. H290 was impaired in appressorium function; i.e., appressoria failed to penetrate into bean tissues. Furthermore, these strains could be further discriminated according to the bean defense responses that they induced. Surprisingly, appressorium maturation, but not appressorium function, was sufficient to induce most plant defense responses tested (superoxide ion production and strong induction of pathogenesis-related proteins). However, appressorium function (i.e., entry into the first host cell) was necessary for avirulence-mediated recognition of the fungus.  相似文献   
Conservation of the molecular mechanisms controlling appressorium-mediated penetration during evolution was assessed through a functional study of the ClPLS1 gene from Colletotrichum lindemuthianum orthologous to the MgPLS1 from Magnaporthe grisea, involved in penetration peg development. These two plant-pathogenic Pyrenomycetes differentiate appressoria to penetrate into plant tissues. We showed that ClPLS1 is a functional homologue of MgPLS1 in M. grisea. Loss of ClPLS1 function had no effect on vegetative growth, conidiation or on appressorium differentiation and maturation. However, Clpls1::hph mutants are non-pathogenic on either intact or wounded bean leaves, as a result of a defect in the formation and/or positioning of the penetration pore and consequently in the formation of the penetration peg. These observations suggest that the fungal tetraspanins control a conserved appressorial function that could be required for the correct localization of the site where the penetration peg emerges.  相似文献   
The decision to use 10% neutral buffered formalin fixed, paraffin embedded (FFPE) archival pathology material may be dictated by the cancer research question or analytical technique, or may be governed by national ethical, legal and social implications (ELSI), biobank, and sample availability and access policy. Biobanked samples of common tumors are likely to be available, but not all samples will be annotated with treatment and outcomes data and this may limit their application. Tumors that are rare or very small exist mostly in FFPE pathology archives. Pathology departments worldwide contain millions of FFPE archival samples, but there are challenges to availability. Pathology departments lack resources for retrieving materials for research or for having pathologists select precise areas in paraffin blocks, a critical quality control step. When samples must be sourced from several pathology departments, different fixation and tissue processing approaches create variability in quality. Researchers must decide what sample quality and quality tolerance fit their specific purpose and whether sample enrichment is required. Recent publications report variable success with techniques modified to examine all common species of molecular targets in FFPE samples. Rigorous quality management may be particularly important in sample preparation for next generation sequencing and for optimizing the quality of extracted proteins for proteomics studies. Unpredictable failures, including unpublished ones, likely are related to pre-analytical factors, unstable molecular targets, biological and clinical sampling factors associated with specific tissue types or suboptimal quality management of pathology archives. Reproducible results depend on adherence to pre-analytical phase standards for molecular in vitro diagnostic analyses for DNA, RNA and in particular, extracted proteins. With continuing adaptations of techniques for application to FFPE, the potential to acquire much larger numbers of FFPE samples and the greater convenience of using FFPE in assays for precision medicine, the choice of material in the future will become increasingly biased toward FFPE samples from pathology archives. Recognition that FFPE samples may harbor greater variation in quality than frozen samples for several reasons, including variations in fixation and tissue processing, requires that FFPE results be validated provided a cohort of frozen tissue samples is available.  相似文献   
Involvement of rabphilin-3A-like (RPH3AL), or Noc2, the potential effector of Ras-associated binding proteins Rab3A and Rab27A in the regulation of exocytotic processes in the endocrine pancreas has been demonstrated in experimental models. Noc2 expression together with other regulatory molecules of the exocytotic machinery in human tissues, however, has not been studied. We evaluated immunohistochemical expression of the key molecules of the exocytotic machinery, Noc2, Rab3A, Rab27A, and RIM2, together with the characteristic islet cell hormones, insulin and glucagon in normal and endocrine tumor tissues of human pancreas. Normal pancreatic islets were stained for all of these proteins and showed strong cytoplasmic localization. A similar pattern of strong cytoplasmic expression of these proteins was observed in the majority of endocrine tumors. By contrast, the exocrine portions of normal appearing pancreas completely lacked Rab27A staining and showed decreased expression of the proteins, Noc2, Rab3A, and RIM2. The staining pattern of Noc2 and Rab27A was similar to the staining pattern of glucagon-producing cells within the islets. The concomitant expression of Noc2 with these molecules suggests that Noc2 may serve as an effector for Rab3A and Rab27A and that it is involved in the regulation of exocytosis of the endocrine pancreas in humans.  相似文献   
In this study we describe the sociodemographic characteristics of people participating in a clinical trial on the safety and immunogenicity of a H5N1 influenza vaccine and we identify the main motivations for joining it.  相似文献   
Bloom's syndrome (BS) is a rare autosomal recessive disease predisposing patients to all types of cancers affecting the general population. BS cells display a high level of genetic instability, including a 10-fold increase in the rate of sister chromatid exchanges, currently the only objective criterion for BS diagnosis. We have developed a method for screening the BLM gene for mutations based on direct genomic DNA sequencing. A questionnaire based on clinical information, cytogenetic features, and family history was addressed to physicians prescribing BS genetic screening, with the aim of confirming or guiding diagnosis. We report here four BLM gene mutations, three of which have not been described before. Three of the mutations are frameshift mutations, and the fourth is a nonsense mutation. All these mutations introduce a stop codon, and may therefore be considered to have deleterious biological effect. This approach should make it possible to identify new mutations and to correlate them with clinical information.  相似文献   
We have identified a novel N -acetylgalactosaminyltransferase activity in lactating bovine mammary gland membranes. Acceptor specificity studies and analysis of products obtained in vitro by 400 MHz1H-NMR spectroscopy revealed that the enzyme catalyses the transfer of N - acetylgalactosamine (GalNAc) from UDP-GalNAc to acceptor substrates carrying a terminal, beta-linked N -acetylglucosamine (GlcNAc) residue and establishes a beta1-->4-linkage forming a GalNAcbeta1-->4GlcNAc ( N, N '-diacetyllactosediamine, lacdiNAc) unit. Therefore, the enzyme can be identified as a UDP-GalNAc:GlcNAcbeta-R beta1-->4-N- acetylgalactosaminyltransferase (beta4-GalNAcT). This enzyme resembles invertebrate beta4-GalNAcT as well as mammalian beta4- galactosyltransferase (beta4-GalT) in acceptor specificity. It can, however, be clearly distinguished from the pituitary hormone-specific beta4-GalNAcT by its incapability of acting with an elevated activity on a glycoprotein substrate carrying a hormone-specific peptide motif. Furthermore, the GalNAcT activity appeared not to be due to a promiscuous action of a beta4-GalT as could be demonstrated by comparing the beta4-GalNAcT and beta4-GalT activities of the mammary gland, bovine colostrum, and purified beta4-GalT, by competition studies with UDP-GalNAc and UDP-Gal, and by use of an anti-beta4-GalT polyclonal inhibiting antibody. Interestingly, under conditions where mammalian beta4-GalT forms with alpha-lactalbumin (alpha-LA) the lactose synthase complex, the mammary gland beta4-GalNAcT was similarly induced by alpha-LA to act on Glc with an increased efficiency yielding the lactose analog GalNAcbeta1-->4Glc. This enzyme thus forms the second example of a mammalian glycosyltransferase the specificity of which can be modified by this milk protein. It is proposed that the mammary gland beta4-GalNAcT functions in the synthesis of lacdiNAc- based, complex-type glycans frequently occurring on bovine milk glycoproteins. The action of this enzyme is to be considered when aiming at the production of properly glycosylated protein biopharmaceuticals in the milk of transgenic dairy animals.   相似文献   
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