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Red cells from 3 genetically low K+ lambs exhibited: high cell K+ and K+ pump activity and 135 pumps/cell on day 3 after birth; increased cellular Na+ and a decrease of the number of pumps relative to K+ pump flux on day 17; and low cell K+, low K+ pump flux and about 40–50 pumps/cell on day 40 or later.  相似文献   
Summary Red blood cells of the marine teleost,Opsanus tau (oyster toadfish), were characterized as to their normal hemoglobin, ion and water contents. Cells were exposed to ouabain containing, hyposmotic salt solutions (osmolarity reduced to 2/3 of normal) in which the cation or anion composition was varied. It was found that the initial cell volume expansion due to water influx was independent of the anion present. However, a secondary volume reduction was dependent on the presence of chloride or bromide anions. During volume reduction, cellular potassium and chloride ion contents fell by about equal amounts. Potassium loss was commensurate to the total amount of potassium ions detected extracellularly about 1.5h after the initial osmotic shock. No major changes were seen in the cellular sodium ion contents. When chloride ions within the cells and in the suspending medium were replaced by nitrate, iodide or thiocyanate, the cells failed to return to volumes close to those of isosmotically suspended controls, and the cellular potassium content also remained constant. In hypotonic potassium chloride the cells failed to extrude potassium chloride and water, and hence retained their expanded volume. Neither potassium loss nor volume decrease occurred in cells swollen in hypotonic sodium chloride media containing furosemide or 4,4 diisothiocyano-2,2-stilbene-disulfonic acid (DIDS). These two compounds are known inhibitors of monovalent cation cotransport and anion self exchange, respectively, in mammalian red cells. Hence toadfish red cells respond to osmotic swelling primarily by activation of an ouabain-insensitive, chloride dependent potassium transport system which is sensitive to inhibition by furosemide and DIDS.  相似文献   
K-Cl cotransport, theelectroneutral-coupled movement of K and Cl ions, plays an importantrole in regulatory volume decrease. We recently reported that nitrite,a nitric oxide derivative possessing potent vasodilation properties,stimulates K-Cl cotransport in low-K sheep red blood cells (LK SRBCs).We hypothesized that activation of vascular smooth muscle (VSM) K-Clcotransport by vasodilators decreases VSM tension. Here we tested thishypothesis by comparing the effects of commonly used vasodilators,hydralazine (HYZ), sodium nitroprusside, isosorbide mononitrate, andpentaerythritol, on K-Cl cotransport in LK SRBCs and in primarycultures of rat VSM cells (VSMCs) and of HYZ-induced K-Clcotransport activation on relaxation of isolated porcine coronaryrings. K-Cl cotransport was measured as the Cl-dependent K efflux or Rbinflux in the presence and absence of inhibitors for other K/Rbtransport pathways. All vasodilators activated K-Cl cotransport in LKSRBCs and HYZ in VSMCs, and this activation was inhibited by calyculinand genistein, two inhibitors of K-Cl cotransport. KT-5823, a specificinhibitor of protein kinase G, abolished the sodiumnitroprusside-stimulated K-Cl cotransport in LK SRBCs, suggestinginvolvement of the cGMP pathway in K-Cl cotransport activation.Hydralazine, in a dose-dependent manner, and sodium nitroprussiderelaxed (independently of the endothelium) precontractedarteries when only K-Cl cotransport was operating and other pathwaysfor K/Rb transport, including the Ca-activated K channel, wereinhibited. Our findings suggest that K-Cl cotransport may be involvedin vasodilation.

Genes for (methyl)phenol degradation in Pseudomonas putida strain H (phl genes) are located on the plasmid pPGH1. Adjacent to the phl catabolic operon we identified a cryptic transposon, Tn5501, of the Tn3 family (class II transposons). The genes encoding the resolvase and the transposase are transcribed in the same direction, as is common for the Tn501 subfamily. The enzymes encoded by Tn5501, however, show only the overall homology characteristic for resolvases/integrases and transposases of Tn3-type transposons. Therefore it is likely that Tn5501 is not a member of one of the previously defined subfamilies. Inactivation of the conditional lethal sacB gene was used to detect transposition of Tn5501. While screening for transposition events we found another transposon integrated into sacB in one of the sucrose-resistant survivors. This element, Tn5502, is a composite transposon consisting of Tn5501 and an additional DNA fragment. It is flanked by inverted repeats identical to those of Tn5501 and the additional fragment is separated from the Tn5501 portion by an internal repeat (identical to the left terminal repeat). Transposition of phenol degradation genes could not be detected. Analysis of sequence data revealed that the phl genes are not located on a Tn5501-like transposon.  相似文献   
Genes for (methyl)phenol degradation in Pseudomonas putida strain H (phl genes) are located on the plasmid pPGH1. Adjacent to the phl catabolic operon we identified a cryptic transposon, Tn5501, of the Tn3 family (class II transposons). The genes encoding the resolvase and the transposase are transcribed in the same direction, as is common for the Tn501 subfamily. The enzymes encoded by Tn5501, however, show only the overall homology characteristic for resolvases/integrases and transposases of Tn3-type transposons. Therefore it is likely that Tn5501 is not a member of one of the previously defined subfamilies. Inactivation of the conditional lethal sacB gene was used to detect transposition of Tn5501. While screening for transposition events we found another transposon integrated into sacB in one of the sucrose-resistant survivors. This element, Tn5502, is a composite transposon consisting of Tn5501 and an additional DNA fragment. It is flanked by inverted repeats identical to those of Tn5501 and the additional fragment is separated from the Tn5501 portion by an internal repeat (identical to the left terminal repeat). Transposition of phenol degradation genes could not be detected. Analysis of sequence data revealed that the phl genes are not located on a Tn5501-like transposon. Received: 21 July 1997 / Accepted: 7 July 1998  相似文献   
Nitric oxide (NO) donors and protein kinase G (PKG) acutely up-regulate K-Cl cotransporter-1 and -3 (KCC1 and KCC3) mRNA expression in vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMCs). Here, we report the presence, relative abundance, and regulation by sodium nitroprusside (SNP) of the novel KCC3a and KCC3b mRNAs, in primary cultures of rat VSMCs. KCC3a and KCC3b mRNAs were expressed in an approximate 3:1 ratio, as determined by semiquantitative RT-PCR analysis. SNP as well as YC-1 and 8-Br-cGMP, a NO-independent stimulator of soluble guanylyl cyclase (sGC) and PKG, respectively, increased KCC3a and KCC3b mRNA expression by 2.5-fold and 8.1-fold in a time-dependent manner, following a differential kinetics. Stimulation of the NO/sGC/PKG signaling pathway with either SNP, YC-1, or 8-Br-cGMP decreased the KCC3a/KCC3b ratio from 3.0+/-0.4 to 0.9+/-0.1. This is the first report on a differential regulation by the NO/sGC/PKG signaling pathway of a cotransporter and of KCC3a and KCC3b mRNA expression.  相似文献   
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