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The bridged monobactam β-lactamase inhibitor MK-8712 (1) effectively inhibits class C β-lactamases. Side chain N-alkylated and ring-opened analogs of 1 were prepared and evaluated for combination with imipenem to overcome class C β-lactamase mediated resistance. Although some analogs were more potent inhibitors of AmpC, none exhibited better synergy with imipenem than 1.  相似文献   
Two zones of intergradation between populations of Plethodon have been studied for 18 and 20 years, respectively. The data consist of systematic scores of colors, made at least twice annually. Near Heintooga Overlook in the Balsam Mountains (Great Smoky Mountains National Park), the salamanders' cheeks are gray. Proceeding north toward the Smokies, there is increasing frequency and intensity of red color at two, four, and six miles. There has been no change in the scores at any location. The width of the zone and our failure to detect any change can be explained by assuming neutrality of the character and random diffusion during the probable time since contact between the two intergrading forms, which most likely took place after the Hypsithermal Interval, 8,000–5,000 BP. At Coweeta Hydrologic Laboratory in the Nantahala Mountains, Plethodon jordani and P. glutinosus hybridize at intermediate elevations. The lateral white spots of glutinosus decrease and the red on the legs of jordani increases with elevation from 685 m to 1,052 m. At the higher elevation, the proportion of animals scored as “pure” jordani declined significantly from 1974 to 1990, an indication that the hybrid zone is spreading upward. The rate of spread is too great to be explained by random diffusion, so selection for glutinosus characters is the best explanation. The rate of spread of the hybrid zone indicates that hybridization began 60–65 years ago, at the end of the time of intense timbering. Such human disturbances have caused hybridization in other organisms.  相似文献   
Studies of eco-evolutionary dynamics have integrated evolution with ecological processes at multiple scales (populations, communities and ecosystems) and with multiple interspecific interactions (antagonistic, mutualistic and competitive). However, evolution has often been conceptualised as a simple process: short-term directional adaptation that increases population growth. Here we argue that diverse other evolutionary processes, well studied in population genetics and evolutionary ecology, should also be considered to explore the full spectrum of feedback between ecological and evolutionary processes. Relevant but underappreciated processes include (1) drift and mutation, (2) disruptive selection causing lineage diversification or speciation reversal and (3) evolution driven by relative fitness differences that may decrease population growth. Because eco-evolutionary dynamics have often been studied by population and community ecologists, it will be important to incorporate a variety of concepts in population genetics and evolutionary ecology to better understand and predict eco-evolutionary dynamics in nature.  相似文献   
Myriophyllum spicatum, an exotic submersed macrophyte causing serious lake management problems throughout much of North America, decreased markedly in biomass in Cayuga Lake, NY, USA, since the beginning of the 1990s. Over the same period, however, the total biomass of all species of submersed macrophytes did not decline, and native macrophytes gained in abundance. The aquatic moth larva, Acentria ephemerella, was first observed on milfoil plants in Cayuga Lake in 1991. However, due to its cryptic habit the larva may have been present prior to that year. When the density of these grazers is high, herbivory by Acentria causes severe damage to the apical meristem of M. spicatum. This moth larva and another milfoil herbivore, Euhrychiopsis lecontei are widespread in 26 lakes surveyed in New York State; they are present in 25 and 24 lakes, respectively. Estimates of Acentria larval densities in summer in Cayuga Lake are 27 to 100 m-2, and a quantitative survey of larvae hibernating in milfoil stems revealed mean densities of 500 m-2 in late fall in Seneca Lake. In laboratory experiments, Acentria larvae feed on a wide variety of macrophytes commonly found in New York State. Although Acentria is not a specialist feeder, its life cycle is closely tied to M. spicatum through the moth's use of apical tips and stems for summer and winter refuges; thus deleterious damage to other macrophytes is low. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
The effect of pH on staining by 7 dyes of the eosin group was studied by means of specimens fixed 12-18 hr in Gilson's, in Petrunkewitsch's, or in Zenker's fluids, respectively. Sections were soaked in water or alcohol, depending upon the stain solvent, adjusted in 31 equal steps from pH 4.0 to 10.0 before being stained in similarly adjusted dye solutions. The stained sections were rinsed at H-ion concentrations identical to that at which staining took place, until no further color came away, and mounted. Variations in pH elicited different degrees of stain retention; different fixation altered staining affinity even though staining was effected at identical pH values.  相似文献   
Summary Populations of the planktonic copepod, Diaptomus sanguineus, live in permanent and temporary freshwater ponds in Rhode Island. All ponds in which they occur become uninhabitable at some time during the year, but the nature and timing of the harsh period varies both spatially and temporally. Females produce discrete clutches either of subitaneous eggs which hatch immediately or of diapausing eggs which hatch the following season. The two egg types show distinct chorion morphologies under transmission electron microscopy. In permanent ponds the copepods start making diapausing eggs in March, one month before rising water temperatures induce planktivorous sunfish to become active. In temporary ponds diapausing eggs are produced, in a complex pattern from May to July, before the water disappears in late summer or early fall.We investigated the spatial scale at which D. sanguineus is adapted to this complex environment. In a reciprocal transfer experiment between temporary and permanent bodies of water, female copepods placed in new ponds made subies of water, female copepods placed in new ponds made subitaneous and diapausing eggs in the same sequence as control females retained in their home ponds. The copepod populations enter diapause at times appropriate for the local habitat conditions they experience, but inappropriate for other, nearby ponds. Transplanted females were unable to sense a change in pond type or to adjust egg production accordingly. We conclude that D. sanguineus populations are adapted to the specific conditions of isolated ponds rather than to a broader geographical region containing several pond types.  相似文献   
Character evolution that affects ecological community interactions often occurs contemporaneously with temporal changes in population size, potentially altering the very nature of those dynamics. Such eco-evolutionary processes may be most readily explored in systems with short generations and simple genetics. Asexual and cyclically parthenogenetic organisms such as microalgae, cladocerans and rotifers, which frequently dominate freshwater plankton communities, meet these requirements. Multiple clonal lines can coexist within each species over extended periods, until either fixation occurs or a sexual phase reshuffles the genetic material. When clones differ in traits affecting interspecific interactions, within-species clonal dynamics can have major effects on the population dynamics. We first consider a simple predator–prey system with two prey genotypes, parametrized with data from a well-studied experimental system, and explore how the extent of differences in defence against predation within the prey population determine dynamic stability versus instability of the system. We then explore how increased potential for evolution affects the community dynamics in a more general community model with multiple predator and multiple prey genotypes. These examples illustrate how microevolutionary ‘details’ that enhance or limit the potential for heritable phenotypic change can have significant effects on contemporaneous community-level dynamics and the persistence and coexistence of species.  相似文献   
Zooplankton egg banks are the accumulation of diapausing embryosof planktonic animals buried in the sediments of many aquaticecosystems. These eggs, which are analogous life history stagesto the seeds of many plants, can survive in a ready-to-hatchstate for periods ranging from a few years to greater than acentury. Their presence in ponds, lakes and near-shore marineenvironments has substantial implications for understandingtrajectories of ecological and evolutionary change. When thesediments of lakes are structured in historical sequence, diapausingeggs extracted from different sediment ages can provide a meansof studying past changes in community or population-geneticstructure. A completely different aspect of egg banks derivesfrom the fact that hatching of diapausing eggs can influence,through what can be thought of as temporal dispersal, populationand community response to environmental change. Eggs hatchingfrom diapause introduce to current environments species or genotypeslaid at times in the distant past. In addition, egg banks createextended generation overlap that can play an important rolein maintaining diversity in a fluctuating environment when differenttypes (species or genotypes) are favored at different times.These distinct aspects of egg banks (i.e., their direct impacton ecological and evolutionary processes versus their usefulnessin reconstructing historical changes), are potentially in conflictbecause for old eggs to hatch, the sediments must be at leastpartially mixed. This same mixing, however, degrades the accuracyof the historical record. Both aspects are possible, however,even within a single lake when sediment-mixing intensity isspatially heterogeneous.  相似文献   
Evolution as a critical component of plankton dynamics   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Microevolution is typically ignored as a factor directly affecting ongoing population dynamics. We show here that density-dependent natural selection has a direct and measurable effect on a planktonic predator-prey interaction. We kept populations of Brachionus calyciflorus, a monogonont rotifer that exhibits cyclical parthenogenesis, in continuous flow-through cultures (chemostats) for more than 900 days. Initially, females frequently produced male offspring, especially at high population densities. We observed rapid evolution, however, towards low propensity to reproduce sexually, and by 750 days, reproduction had become entirely asexual. There was strong selection favouring asexual reproduction because, under the turbulent chemostat regime, males were unable to mate with females, produced no offspring, and so had zero fitness. In replicated chemostat experiments we found that this evolutionary process directly influenced the population dynamics. We observed very specific but reproducible plankton dynamics which are explained well by a mathematical model that explicitly includes evolution. This model accounts for both asexual and sexual reproduction and treats the propensity to reproduce sexually as a quantitative trait under selection. We suggest that a similar amalgam of ecological and evolutionary mechanisms may drive the dynamics of rapidly reproducing organisms in the wild.  相似文献   
Particle transport by benthic invertebrates: its role in egg bank dynamics   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
The ecological and evolutionary dynamics of zooplankton is in part a function of the numbers and ages of dispausing eggs hatching from aquatic sediments. Successful recruitment from this egg bank must depend upon the eggs being present at or near the sediment surface. Often, however, zooplankton diapausing eggs are found as deep as 15 to 30 cm in the mud. Bioturbation may provide a mechanism for the regular return of buried eggs to the sediment surface. A substantial portion of the population of the copepod, Diaptomus sanguineus, living in Bullhead Pond, a small lake in Rhode Island, USA, is present as diapausing eggs. To study the role of bioturbation in egg-bank dynamics, we introduced polystyrene beads, the same size and specific gravity as copepod eggs, at two depths in large-diameter sediment chambers in the laboratory. Treatments included chambers with natural and reduced densities of benthos. Consistent with other studies, our results show that the joint activities of tubificid oligochaetes and chironomid larvae are responsible for bidirectional (up and down) transport of beads in the top 2 cm of the sediment. We observed no bead movement below this depth. Thus, eggs in the top two centimeters of sediment in this lake are exposed with some regularity to conditions that stimulate hatching at the sediment-water interface. In Bullhead Pond, these eggs have a mean age of 12.2 years (based on 210Pb-dating). Eggs buried more deeply will only be returned to the sediment surface by relatively rare, localized disturbances. This return of old eggs to the surface affects ecological and evolutionary dynamics in a complex way.  相似文献   
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