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The percentage of T and B lymphocytes expressing a distinct cytoplasmic aggregate enriched in spectrin, ankyrin, and in several other proteins including protein kinase C greatly increases following various activation protocols. Members of the 70 kDa family of heat shock proteins (hsp70) temporarily bind to and stabilize unfolded segments of other proteins, a function apparently required for proper protein folding and assembly. Considering the multiprotein and dynamic nature of the lymphocyte aggregate, the possibility that hsp70 also might be associated with componets of this structure is considered here. Double immunofluorescence analysis indicates that hsp70 is a component of the lymphocyte aggregate and is coincident with spectrin in a subpopulation of freshly isolated, untreated lymphocytes from various murine tissues and in a T-lymphocyte hybridoma. When cell lysates of lymph node T cells are immunoprecipitated using an antibody against hsp70 or spectrin and then analyzed by Western blot utilizing the alternate antibody, it was found that hsp70 and spectrin coprecipitated with one another. Moreover, this coprecipitation could be abolished by addition of ATP. This latter observation was extended to lymphoid cells using a transient permeabilization procedure, and it was shown that addition of exogenous ATP results in the dissipation of the aggregate structure itself. Finally, conditions that result in T-cell activation and aggregate formation, i.e., treatment with the phorbol ester PMA or T-cell receptor cross-linking, also lead to the repositioning of hsp70 into the aggregate from a membrane/cytosolic locale in congruence with spectrin. These data suggest that hsp70 is an active component of the aggregate and that it may function in the interactions believed to occur in this unique activation-associated organelle. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
Summary To study the influence of phosphorylation and oxidation on the repeat domains of human Tau protein, we faced the challenge to selectively dimerize two cysteine-containing peptides in the presence of a nearby phosphate group. To this end, we were able to demonstrate the utility of a selective dimerization approach by forming disulfide bonds in unprotected phosphopeptides and extended the methodology to unprotected glycopeptides. Activation of one cysteine of a peptide chain with 2,2-dithiodipyridine and coupling this thiopyridyl-peptide to another peptide chain, containing an unprotected cysteine residue, yielded the mixed dimers in high purities and reasonable yields. Phosphate or sugar side chains on either peptide component remained unaffected during the activation and dimerization processes. While for mixed dimers the activated peptides were isolated by chromatography, homodimers were obtained by a simple one-pot reaction after 1 h. We demonstrate that cysteines can be dimerized in unprotected phosphopeptides and glycopeptides, without any side reactions affecting these posttranslational modifications.Abbreviations DCM dichloromethane - DMF N,N-dimethylformamide - DTP 2,2-dithiodipyridine - Fmoc 9-fluorenylmethyloxycarbonyl - HPLC high-performance liquid chromatography - MALDI matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization - MS mass spectrometry - NFT neurofibrillary tangles - PHF paired helical filaments - PKC protein kinase C - RP reversed phase - human Tau protein - TFA trifluoroacetic acid Parts of this paper were presented at the 24th European Peptide Symposium in Edinburgh, Scotland, U.K., September 8–13, 1996.  相似文献   
Glycinebetaine is one of the compatible solutes that accumulate in the chloroplasts of certain halotolerant plants when these plants are exposed to salt or cold stress. The codA gene for choline oxidase, the enzyme that converts choline into glycinebetaine, has previously been cloned from a soil bacterium, Arthrobacter globiformis. Transformation of Arabidopsis thaliana with the cloned codA gene under the control of the 35S promoter of cauliflower mosaic virus enabled the plant to accumulate glycinebetaine and enhanced its tolerance to salt and cold stress. At 300 mM NaCl, considerable proportions of seeds of transformed plants germinated well, whereas seeds of wild-type plants failed to germinate. At 100 mM NaCl, transformed plants grew well whereas wild-type plants did not do so. The transformed plants tolerated 200 mM NaCl, which was lethal to wild-type plants. After plants had been incubated with 400 mM NaCl for two days, the photosystem II activity of wild-type plants had almost completely disappeared, whereas that of transformed plants remained at more than 50% of the original level. When exposed to a low temperature in the light, leaves of wild-type plants exhibited symptoms of chlorosis, whereas those of transformed plants did not. These observations demonstrate that the genetic modification of Arabidopsis thaliana that allowed it to accumulate glycinebetaine enhanced its ability to tolerate salt and cold stress.  相似文献   
Summary Novel and efficient protocols for plant regeneration and genetic transformation from longitudinally-halved cotyledons ofin vitro raised seedlings in eggplant (Solanum melongena L.) are described. After co-cultivation withAgrobacterium vectors harboring neomycin phosphotransferase (nptll) as selectable marker, transgenic plantlets were regenerated on selective media containing 100 mg/l kanamycin. Transformants were recovered from embryogenic calli induced by 4 mg/l-naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA), and from organogenic calli induced by the addition of 2 mg/l zeatin plus 0.01 mg/l NAA. Nineteen independent transgenic lines were grown to maturity. The structural integrity, expression and sexual transmission of the introduced genes for neomycin phosphotransferase and ß-glucuronidase (gus) were investigated.  相似文献   
Summary A new mutation strategy, which involves -irradiation of cells followed by a selective enzymatic enrichment step, was worked out to obtain auxotrophic mutants from the astaxanthin-producing yeast P. rhodozyma. Under the optimized conditions described, different mutants suitable for strain improvement were isolated.  相似文献   
The effect of (+)-cyanidanol-3 (Catergen) monotherapy was examined in 18 patients with alcoholic liver disease and in 12 patients with chronic active hepatitis. During the administration of the drug the majority of complaints diminished or ceased in both groups. In patients with alcoholic liver disease bromsulphalein retention and gamma glutamyl transferase levels decreased, in chronic active hepatitis serum glutaminic pyruvic acid transaminase (SGPT) and alkaline phosphatase levels increased, pseudocholinesterase level decreased. The histological abnormalities of alcoholic liver injury improved in the majority of cases, on the other hand, it was deteriorated in two third of the cases with chronic active hepatitis. In two cases the histological recovery of acute alcoholic hepatitis was observed. On the basis of this results we conclude that Catergen has an excellent therapeutic effect in alcoholic liver injury while in chronic active liver diseases it can be applied only as a part of combined therapy.  相似文献   
The gastric cytoprotective effects of vitamin A, De-Nol and sucralfate were compared with the effectiveness of pirenzepine in healing ulcer in patients with chronic gastric ulcer. A total of 100 patients was randomized into different groups: the patients were treated with antacids, vitamin A (3 X 50.000 IU), De-Nol liquid (4 X 5 ml), sucralfate (4 X 1 g) or pirenzepine (3 X 50 mg). The treatment was continued for 4 weeks. At the beginning, 2 and 4 weeks after starting treatment the patients were subjected to endoscopy and the size of the ulcer was measured planimetrically. The ulcer-healing effect of De-Nol liquid was significantly better than that of the antacids (p less than 0.01). Ulcer size was reduced significantly in all groups (p less than 0.01), however, at the end of the study the gastric ulcers were smallest in the De-Nol treated group (p less than 0.001). The dynamics of ulcer healing in the second week was most favourable in the patients receiving vitamin A (p less than 0.01). The present data point to the cytoprotective effects of De-Nol liquid, vitamin A and sucralfate and to their ability of healing chronic gastric ulcers.  相似文献   
Summary Unique fusiform or spindle-shaped particles (Phi bodies) and rods with hydroperoxidase (catalase and/or peroxidase) activity are present in human granulocyte precursors only in acute myelogenous leukemia (AML). These newly recognized particles are much more numerous and prominent than Auer rods. They may be rapidly and readily identified using the microscope in marrow or peripheral blood films when the procedures recommended in this paper for fixation, incubation for hydroperoxidase demonstration in 3,3-diaminobenzidine (DAB)/H2O2 medium, copper salt treatment and counterstaining (optional) with the Papanicolaou method are employed. Films prepared in the same manner but treated with benzidine/H2O2 medium for myeloperoxidase did not reveal these particles.We believe that Phi bodies are pathognomonic of AML since they are almost invariably present in AML patients with active disease. Their presence serves to distinguish AML from acute lymphocytic leukemia and from chronic granulocytic leukemia in blast crisis. Since the particles disappear in disease remission and reappear upon relapse, the recommended procedure is not only useful in diagnosis but in guiding therapy.When a very rapid diagnosis is needed, it is not necessary to counterstain the preparations, but the nuclei, cytoplasm and plasmalemma can readily be observed in the granulocyte precursors when they are counterstained by the Papanicolaou method. This treatment does not diminish the clarity of the Phi bodies and rods which stain by virtue of their peroxidatic activity.This cytochemical diagnostic procedure should be considered for adoption by hematology laboratories.This investigation was supported by NIH research grants DE02668, CA11265, DE04730, and RR05333  相似文献   
The transport of purine derivatives into vacuoles isolated from Saccharomyces cerevisiae was studied. Vacuoles which conserved their ability to take up purine compounds were prepared by a modification of the method of polybase-induced lysis of spheroplasts.Guanosine > inosine = hypoxanthine > adenosine were taken up with decreasing initial velocities, respectively; adenine was not transported.Guanosine and adenosine transporting systems were saturable, with apparent Km values 0.63 mM and 0.15 mM respectively, while uptake rates of inosine and of hypoxanthine were linear functions of their concentrations.Adenosine transport in vacuoles appeared strongly dependent on the growth phase of the cell culture.The system transporting adenosine was further characterized by its pH dependency optimum of 7.1 and its sensitivity to inhibition by S-adenosyl-l-methionine.In the absence of adenosine in the external medium, [14C]adenosine did not flow out from preloaded vacuoles. However, in the presence of external adenosine, a very rapid efflux of radioactivity was observed, indicating an exchange mechanism for the observed adenosine transport in the vacuoles.In isolated vacuoles the only purine derivative accumulated was found to be S-adenosyl-l-homocysteine.  相似文献   
The relationship between Ir genes and Ia antigens was studied in the T-cell proliferative responses to two synthetic polypeptides poly(glu40ala60) (GA) and poly(glu51lys34tyr15) (GLT15). The response to GA was found to be controlled by an Ir gene in the I-A subregion, whereas the anti-GLT15 response was shown to be under dual control, one Ir gene mapping probably in the I-A subregion, and the other in the I-E subregion. We obtained two different lines of evidence suggesting identity of Ir and Ia genes. First, the presence of certain serologically identified allelic forms of the I-A-encoded A molecule correlated with the responder status to GA both in inbred strains and in B10.W lines, the latter carrying wild-derived H-2 haplotypes. Thus the Ir and Ia phenotypes were not separable in strains of independent origin. Second, the anti-GA response was completely inhibited by monoclonal antibodies against determinants on the A molecule (Ia.8, 15, and 19), but not by a monoclonal antibody against a determinant on the E molecule (Ia.7). In contrast, the anti-GLT15 response was only inhibited by a monoclonal antibody against the E molecule, but not by antibodies against the A molecule. Our data support the hypothesis that Ia antigens, as restriction elements for T-cell recognition, may in fact be the phenotypic manifestation of Ir genes.  相似文献   
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