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In the pea test a highly positive response to the treatment with IAA reversed to a negative one or became 5 to 6 times weaker when CCC was applied together with IAA. In cultivating pea seedlings, following their decapitation, for two days in a 0.25 per cent CCC solution and then in water, growth of their cotyledonous axillaries (cotylaries) were inhibited. This inhibitive action of CCC could be made ineffective when the seedlings, following two-days’ cultivation in the CCC solution, were grown further in kinetin solutions (0.37–3 mg per 1). Cotylaries of decapitated pea seedlings, when grown in kinetin solutions were inhibited. With kinetin solutions of 6–12 mg/l a strong inhibition also occured in the growth of roots at the apical parts of which spherical swellings were developing. The CCC supplied to the roots of intact etiolated pea seedlings is translocated acropetally into the stem at a rate of about 5 cm per hour. Decapitation of the plant causes retardation of this transport, yet a coat of 0.00001–1% IAA or kinetin paste produces acceleration of the stream. Existence of an antagonism between CCC and IAA, demonstrated earlier, was found holding true also for B-9 (N, N-dimethyl-aminesuccinamic acid) and IAA, as the inhibitive action of B-9, 0.06% solution on the growth of lettuce hypocotyls was reduced to a highly significant degree when the plants were supplied with B-9 together with IAA at a concentration of 10 mg/l.  相似文献   
IgM was isolated from pig serum by isoelectric precipitation and gel filtration. Different methods of breaking down the disulphide bonds and of isolating subunits of the IgM molecule—oxidative sulphitolysis and reduction by 0.1m 2-mercaptoethanol in the absence of a disaggregating agent, oxidative sulphitolysis in the presence of 6m urea and reduction by 0.3m 2-mercaptoethanol in medium containing 6m and 8m urea—were compared. Degraded material was separated by gel filtration on Sephadex G-100 or G-200 in 0.05m formic acid with 6m or 8m urea. Oxidative sulphitolysis or reduction by 0.1m 2-mercaptoethanol without a disaggregating agent did not yield pure H andl chains. Oxidative sulphitolysis was the more effective. Oxidative sulphitolysis in 6m urea medium severely damaged the material. Reduction of IgM by 0.3m 2-mercaptoethanol in 6m or 8m urea also altered its immunochemical properties. The possible presence of light chains in the heavy chain fraction cannot likewise be excluded in this case. The results are in agreement with experiments showing that the molecular weight of the IgM heavy chain is greater than that of the IgG heavy chain.  相似文献   
This paper is a study of the effect of exogenous DNA of different genetic origins on the repair of meristematic cells of primary roots ofVicia faba, damaged by 24 hour treatment with 0·01mm solution of Ypenyl. Both kinds of DNA,i.e. isologous and heterologous, stimulated cell proliferation which was decreased by the action of the radiomimetic and influenced both dynamics of production of chromosome aberrations and the interchromosomal distribution of induced damage. While heterologous DNA increased the frequency of aberrations after all recovery periods studied, isologous DNA significantly decreased the number of chromosomal aberrations. Heterologous DNA increased at the same time the relative number of breaks in the group of small chromosomes, while by the action of isologous DNA the number of aberrations related to this group of chromosomes was relatively decreased.  相似文献   
Pea enation mosaic virus (PEMV) was isolated from disea sed field pea (Pisum sativum L.ssp. arvense A.Gr.) and broad bean (Faba vulgaris Moench) plants grown as filed crops at Bohumilice in Bohemia. The virus proved to be pathogenic for the following plant species:Pisum sativum L. cv. Raman,Faba vulgaris Moench,Lens culinaris Med.,Vicia sativa L.,Lathyrus odoratus L.,Glycine soja L.,Phaseolus vulgaris L.,Chenopodium amaranticolor Coste andReyn,Nicotiana clevelandi Gray,Trifolium incarnatum L. The dilution end point of the isolate was higher in pea plants (10?4) than in broad bean plants (10?2). The thermal inactivation point was 65–68° and the longevityin vitro between 10 and 14 days. According to the host range, symptoms on pea plants and physical properties the virus isolate studied resembles some isolates described in the U.S.A. and represents a PEMV strain different from those reported so far in Czechoslovakia.  相似文献   
The meadow plant communities,Arrhenatheretum elatioris alopecuretosum pratensis R. Tx. 1937 andMesobrometum erecti stipetosum Vicherek 1960, were chosen for investigations of the underground plant parts. Apparent differences in underground dry weight and its seasonal changes in both the communities were observed. Differences in the soil environment in different periods of the year are reflected in the character of time changes in underground dry weight. The soil environment affects not only the total underground biomass and their changes in time, but also the activity of soil microflora and, consequently, the decomposition rate of dead underground plant parts.  相似文献   
Serological analysis of eleven strains ofRhizobium japonicum   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The present communication reports a serological analysis of eleven strains ofRhizobium japonicum. The slow-diffusing thermostable antigens were found to be suitable for the basic differentiation of the somatic serogroups inRhizobium japonicum. One to three precipitation bands of the slow-diffusing thermostable antigens, one to two bands of the fast-diffusing thermostable antigens and one to three bands of the thermolabile antigens were detectable in the whole cell cultures ofR. japonicum by means of the immunodiffusion technique. Two basic somatic serogroups were differentiated on the basis of the slow-diffusing thermostable antigens. The thermolabile antigens were identical in most of the strains.The author is greatly indebted to Mrs. M. Kabelovà for technical assistance.This investigation forms part of a contribution prepared by the Czechoslovak National Committee for the International Biological Programme (Section PP: Production Processes).  相似文献   
Synthesis of two hydroxy-derivatives of nalidixic acid as a result of microbial transformation was demonstrated in certain species of the genusAspergillus. Aspergillus alliaceus produced 7-hydroxy-nalidixic acid andAspergillus niger 6-hydroxy-nalidixic acid. It was demonstrated that the antibacterial activity of both hydroxy-derivatives (tested inEscherichia coli) was lower than that of the initial nalidixis acid.  相似文献   
The inactivation of three genetic markers inBacillus subtilis transforming DNA by UV rays, nitrous acid and hydroxylamine was studied. The inactivation of markers by UV and HNO2 was marker specific, whereas the hydroxylamine inactivates the markers approximately to the same degree.  相似文献   
V práci byly studovány rozdíly v ú?innosti kyseliny β-(3-pyridyl)-propionové (VIII) a β-(3-pyridyl)-akrylové (IX) v závislosti na stupni nenasycení pobo?ného ?etězce. Obě kyseliny inhibují r?st ko?ene i hypokotyluSinapis alba L. a zp?sobují inhibici sukcinátdehydrogenázového enzymového systému. Kyselina IX inhibuje zmíněný systém p?ibli?ně na dvojnásobek inhibice kyseliny VIII. Cytochromoxydázový systém z?stává témě? neovlivněn. Na základě experimen tálních výsledk? byla zp?esněna strukturní podmínka fytotoxické aktivity modelových slou?enin typu I v tom smyslu, ?e v?echny slou?eniny této struktury inhibují kromě r?stu také aktivitu sukcinátdehydrogenázového systému.  相似文献   
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