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This study aimed to evaluate the efficacy of the association of the nematophagous fungi (Duddingtonia flagrans-AC001); (Pochonia chlamydosporia-VC4) and (Arthrobotrys robusta-I31) in a pelletised formulation of a sodium alginate matrix. The viability and activity of pellet germination and fungal activity (after encapsulation) were evaluated using in vitro and in vivo tests. Next, 12 heads of cattle, Dutch mestizo x zebu, with an average age of 12 months were dewormed with an anthelmintic. Next, 20 days after treatment with the anthelmintic, the animals were randomly divided into two groups of six animals each, and placed in two paddocks with 7.0?ha each of Brachiaria decumbens with historical grazing by animals naturally infected by gastrointestinal nematode parasites. At first, each animal was treated with 2?g of pellets per 10?kg of animal, containing the associated fungi (AC001?+?VC4?+?I31) administered twice a week in conjunction with commercial feed. Each animal in the control group received 2?g of pellets without mycelia added to the feed. The percentage reduction of infective larvae in the in vitro test was 94% (p?in vivo test, the treated animals with fungal association had lower egg counts per gram of faeces (p?相似文献   
The DNA of most vertebrate sperm cells is packaged by protamines. The primary structure of mammalian protamine I can be divided into three domains, a central DNA binding domain that is arginine-rich and amino- and carboxyl-terminal domains that are rich in cysteine residues. In native bull sperm chromatin, intramolecular disulfide bonds hold the terminal domains of bull protamine folded back onto the central DNA binding domain, whereas intermolecular disulfide bonds between DNA-bound protamines help stabilize the chromatin of mature mammalian sperm cells. Folded bull protamine was used to condense DNA in vitro under various solution conditions. Using transmission electron microscopy and light scattering, we show that bull protamine forms particles with DNA that are morphologically similar to the subunits of native bull sperm chromatin. In addition, the stability provided by intermolecular disulfide bonds formed between bull protamine molecules within in vitro DNA condensates is comparable with that observed for native bull sperm chromatin. The importance of the bull protamine terminal domains in controlling the bull sperm chromatin morphology is indicated by our observation that DNA condensates formed under identical conditions with a fish protamine, which lacks cysteine-rich terminal domains, do not produce as uniform structures as bull protamine. A model is also presented for the bull protamine.DNA complex in native sperm cell chromatin that provides an explanation for the positions of the cysteine residues in bull protamine that form intermolecular disulfide bonds.  相似文献   
Carnivorous plants grow in nutrient-poor habitats and obtain substantial amount of nitrogen from prey. Specialization toward carnivory may decrease the ability to utilize soil-derived sources of nutrients in some species. However, no such information exists for pitcher plants of the genus Nepenthes, nor the effect of nutrient uptake via the roots on photosynthesis in carnivorous plants is known. The principal aim of present study was to investigate, whether improved soil nutrient status increases photosynthetic efficiency in prey-deprived pitcher plant Nepenthes talangensis. Gas exchange and chlorophyll (Chl) fluorescence were measured simultaneously and were correlated with Chl and nitrogen concentration as well as with stable carbon isotope abundance (δ13C) in control and fertilized N. talangensis plants. Net photosynthetic rate (P N) and maximum- (Fv/Fm) and effective quantum yield of photosystem II (ΦPSII) were greater in the plants supplied with nutrients. Biomass, leaf nitrogen, and Chl (a+b) also increased in fertilized plants. In contrast, δ13C did not differ significantly between treatments indicating that intercellular concentration of CO2 did not change. We can conclude that increased root nutrient uptake enhanced photosynthetic efficiency in prey-deprived N. talangensis plants. Thus, the roots of Nepenthes plants are functional and can obtain a substantial amount of nitrogen from the soil.  相似文献   
Since the structure of DNA was elucidated more than 50 years ago, Watson-Crick base pairing has been widely speculated to be the likely mode of both information storage and transfer in the earliest genetic polymers. The discovery of catalytic RNA molecules subsequently provided support for the hypothesis that RNA was perhaps even the first polymer of life. However, the de novo synthesis of RNA using only plausible prebiotic chemistry has proven difficult, to say the least. Experimental investigations, made possible by the application of synthetic and physical organic chemistry, have now provided evidence that the nucleobases (A, G, C, and T/U), the trifunctional moiety ([deoxy]ribose), and the linkage chemistry (phosphate esters) of contemporary nucleic acids may be optimally suited for their present roles—a situation that suggests refinement by evolution. Here, we consider studies of variations in these three distinct components of nucleic acids with regard to the question: Is RNA, as is generally acknowledged of DNA, the product of evolution? If so, what chemical and structural features might have been more likely and advantageous for a proto-RNA?In contemporary life, nucleic acids provide the amino acid sequence information required for protein synthesis, while protein enzymes carry out the catalysis required for nucleic acid synthesis. This mutual dependence has been described as a “chicken-or-the-egg” dilemma concerning which came first. However, requiring that these biopolymers appeared strictly sequentially may be an overly restrictive preconception—nucleic acids and noncoded peptides may have arisen independently and only later become dependent on each other. Nevertheless, the requirements for the chemical emergence of life would appear simplified if one polymer was initially able to store and transfer information as well as perform selective chemical catalysis—two essential features of life.The discovery of catalytic RNA molecules in the early 1980s (Kruger et al. 1982; Guerrier-Takada et al. 1983) created widespread interest in an earlier proposal (Woese 1967; Crick 1968; Orgel 1968) that nucleic acids were the first biopolymers of life, as nucleic acids transmit genetic information and could have once been responsible for catalyzing a wide range of reactions. The ever-increasing list of processes that involve RNA in contemporary life continues to strengthen this view (Mandal and Breaker 2004; Gesteland and Atkins 2006). Furthermore, the rule-based one-to-one pairing of complementary bases in a Watson-Crick duplex (Fig. 1) provides a robust mechanism for information transfer during replication that could have been operative from the advent of oligonucleotides. In contrast, there is no obvious and general mechanism by which the amino acid sequence of a polypeptide can be transferred to a new polypeptide as part of a replication process.Open in a separate windowFigure 1.Two base-paired RNA dinucleotide steps with functional units discussed in the text annotated. In contemporary life, the nucleoside linker is phosphate, and the information unit is one of the canonical nucleobases (A, G, C, and U). The contemporary trifunctional moiety, ribose, is coupled via N,O-acetals to the informational unit and via phosphoesters to the nucleoside linker.If we accept that nucleic acids must have appeared without the aid of coded proteins, we are still faced with the question of how the first nucleic acid molecules came to be. Broadly defined, there are two schools of thought regarding the origin of the earliest nucleic acids. In one school, it is proposed that abiotic chemical processes initially gave rise to nucleotides (i.e., phosphorylated nucleosides), which were then coupled together to yield polymers identical in chemical structure to contemporary RNA. In support of this model, Sutherland presents in his article current progress toward discovering possible chemical pathways for the prebiotic synthesis of RNA mononucleotides, as well as methods for their protein-free polymerization (Sutherland 2010).A second school of thought, discussed in this article, considers RNA to be a product of evolution, and that a different RNA-like polymer (or proto-RNA) was used by the earliest forms of life. Just as the deoxyribose sugar of DNA was likely the product of Darwinian evolution (selected for the hydrolytic stability it provides this long-lived biopolymer), so, too, might the sugar, phosphate, and bases of RNA have been refined by evolution. In this scenario, a proto-RNA is more likely to have spontaneously formed than RNA, because a proto-RNA could have had more favorable chemical characteristics (e.g., greater availability of precursors and ease of assembly), but such a polymer was eventually replaced, through evolution, by RNA (potentially after several incremental changes), based on functional characteristics (e.g. nucleoside stability, versatility in forming catalytic structures). Thus, contemporary RNA may possess chemical traits that, although optimally suited for contemporary life, may have been ill-suited for the earliest biopolymers, with the converse being true for proto-RNA.  相似文献   
Vilfan ID  Conwell CC  Sarkar T  Hud NV 《Biochemistry》2006,45(26):8174-8183
It is well known that multivalent cations cause free DNA in solution to condense into nanometer-scale particles with toroidal and rod-like morphologies. However, it has not been shown to what degree kinetic factors (e.g., condensate nucleation) versus thermodynamic factors (e.g., DNA bending energy) determine experimentally observed relative populations of toroids and rods. It is also not clear how multimolecular DNA toroids and rods interconvert in solution. We have conducted a series of condensation studies in which DNA condensate morphology statistics were measured as a function of time and DNA structure. Here, we show that in a typical in vitro DNA condensation reaction, the relative rod population 2 min after the initiation of condensation is substantially greater than that measured after morphological equilibrium is reached (ca. 20 min). This higher population of rods at earlier time points is consistent with theoretical studies that have suggested a favorable kinetic pathway for rod nucleation. By using static DNA loops to alter the kinetics and thermodynamics of condensation, we further demonstrate that reported increases in rod populations associated with decreasing DNA length are primarily due to a change in the thermodynamics of DNA condensation, rather than a change in the kinetics of condensate nucleation or growth. The results presented also reveal that the redistribution of DNA from rods to toroids is mediated through the exchange of DNA strands with solution.  相似文献   
The origin of the first RNA polymers is central to most current theories for the origin of life. Difficulties associated with the prebiotic formation of RNA have lead to the general consensus that a simpler polymer preceded RNA. However, polymers proposed as possible ancestors to RNA are not much easier to synthesize than RNA itself. One particular problem with the prebiotic synthesis of RNA is the formation of phosphoester bonds in the absence of chemical activation. Here we demonstrate that glyoxylate (the ionized form of glyoxylic acid), a plausible prebiotic molecule, represents a possible ancestor of the phosphate group in modern RNA. Although in low yields (∼ 1%), acetals are formed from glyoxylate and nucleosides under neutral conditions, provided that metal ions are present (e.g., Mg2+), and provided that water is removed by evaporation at moderate temperatures (e.g., 65 C), i.e. under “drying conditions”. Such acetals are termed ga-dinucleotides and possess a linkage that is analogous to the backbone in RNA in both structure and electrostatic charge. Additionally, an energy-minimized model of a gaRNA duplex predicts a helical structure similar to that of A-form RNA. We propose that glyoxylate-acetal linkages would have had certain advantages over phosphate linkages for early self-replicating polymers, but that the distinct functional properties of phosphoester and phosphodiester bonds would have eventually lead to the replacement of glyoxylate by phosphate.  相似文献   


GM1-gangliosidosis is a glycosphingolipid (GSL) lysosomal storage disease caused by a genetic deficiency of acid β-galactosidase (βgal), which results in the accumulation of GM1-ganglioside and its asialo-form (GA1) primarily in the CNS. Age of onset ranges from infancy to adulthood, and excessive ganglioside accumulation produces progressive neurodegeneration and psychomotor retardation in humans. Currently, there are no effective therapies for the treatment of GM1-gangliosidosis.

Methodology/Principal Findings

In this study we examined the effect of thalamic infusion of AAV2/1-βgal vector in adult GM1 mice on enzyme distribution, activity, and GSL content in the CNS, motor behavior, and survival. Six to eight week-old GM1 mice received bilateral injections of AAV vector in the thalamus, or thalamus and deep cerebellar nuclei (DCN) with pre-determined endpoints at 1 and 4 months post-injection, and the humane endpoint, or 52 weeks of age. Enzyme activity was elevated throughout the CNS of AAV-treated GM1 mice and GSL storage nearly normalized in most structures analyzed, except in the spinal cord which showed ∼50% reduction compared to age-matched untreated GM1 mice spinal cord. Survival was significantly longer in AAV-treated GM1 mice (52 wks) than in untreated mice. However the motor performance of AAV-treated GM1 mice declined over time at a rate similar to that observed in untreated GM1 mice.


Our studies show that the AAV-modified thalamus can be used as a ‘built-in’ central node network for widespread distribution of lysosomal enzymes in the mouse cerebrum. In addition, this study indicates that thalamic delivery of AAV vectors should be combined with additional targets to supply the cerebellum and spinal cord with therapeutic levels of enzyme necessary to achieve complete correction of the neurological phenotype in GM1 mice.  相似文献   
We present a de novo re-determination of the secondary (2°) structure and domain architecture of the 23S and 5S rRNAs, using 3D structures, determined by X-ray diffraction, as input. In the traditional 2° structure, the center of the 23S rRNA is an extended single strand, which in 3D is seen to be compact and double helical. Accurately assigning nucleotides to helices compels a revision of the 23S rRNA 2° structure. Unlike the traditional 2° structure, the revised 2° structure of the 23S rRNA shows architectural similarity with the 16S rRNA. The revised 2° structure also reveals a clear relationship with the 3D structure and is generalizable to rRNAs of other species from all three domains of life. The 2° structure revision required us to reconsider the domain architecture. We partitioned the 23S rRNA into domains through analysis of molecular interactions, calculations of 2D folding propensities and compactness. The best domain model for the 23S rRNA contains seven domains, not six as previously ascribed. Domain 0 forms the core of the 23S rRNA, to which the other six domains are rooted. Editable 2° structures mapped with various data are provided (http://apollo.chemistry.gatech.edu/RibosomeGallery).  相似文献   
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