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The sequence dependence of DNA-protein interactions that allows proteins to find the correct reaction site also slows down the 1D diffusion of the protein along the DNA molecule, leading to the so-called “speed-stability paradox,” wherein fast diffusion along the DNA molecule is seemingly incompatible with stable targeting of the reaction site. Here, we develop diffusion-reaction models that use discrete and continuous Gaussian random 1D diffusion landscapes with or without a high-energy cut-off, and two-state models with a transition to and from a “searching” mode in which the protein diffuses rapidly without recognizing the target. We show the conditions under which such considerations lead to a predicted speed-up of the targeting process, and under which the presence of a “searching” mode in a two-state model is nearly equivalent to the existence of a high-energy cut-off in a one-state model. We also determine the conditions under which the search is either diffusion-limited or reaction-limited, and develop quantitative expressions for the rate of successful targeting as a function of the site-specific reaction rate, the roughness of the DNA-protein interaction potential, and the presence of a “searching” mode. In general, we find that a rough landscape is compatible with a fast search if the highest energy barriers can be avoided by “hopping” or by the protein transitioning to a lower-energy “searching” mode. We validate these predictions with the results of Brownian dynamics, kinetic Metropolis, and kinetic Monte Carlo simulations of the diffusion and targeting process, and apply these concepts to the case of T7 RNA polymerase searching for its target site on T7 DNA.  相似文献   
The infectivity of high‐titer, cell‐free HIV in culture media and human milk is rapidly reduced upon exposure to polyethylene slides painted with the linear hydrophobic polycation N,N‐dodecyl,methyl‐polyethylenimine (DMPEI). Accompanying viral p24 protein and free viral RNA analysis of solutions exposed to DMPEI‐coated surfaces suggests that virion attachment to the polycationic surface and its subsequent inactivation are the likely mechanism of this phenomenon. Biotechnol. Bioeng. 2013; 110: 2058–2062. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   
We present a comparison of feather stable isotope (δ13C, δ15N) patterns representing the habitat and diet conditions for two subspecies of willow warblers Phylloscopus trochilus that breed in parapatry, but winter in different regions of sub‐Saharan Africa. Previous analyses have shown that on average winter moulted innermost primaries (P1) show subspecific differences in δ15N values, although individuals show substantial variation for both δ13C and δ15N within the subspecies. We examined whether corresponding variation in the timing of the winter moult, as reflected by consistent intra‐wing correlations for individual's δ13C and δ15N values, could explain some of the previously observed isotopic variation. Further, differential subspecific adaptations to winter precipitation patterns across Africa might result in a variable degree of site fidelity or itinerancy during moult. We found no consistent trend in isotopic values from innermost to outermost primaries, thus inter‐individual variation in the timing of moult does not explain the subspecific isotopic variation for P1. Patterns in wing feather δ13C and δ15N values indicated that 41% of the individuals from both subspecies shifted their diet or habitats during winter moult. Importantly, despite well‐documented itinerancy in willow warblers during the winter, 59% of the individuals had feather isotope values consistent with stable use of habitats or diets during winter moult. Repeatability analyses suggest that individuals of both subspecies initiate moult in similar habitats from year‐to‐year while feeding on isotopically similar diets.  相似文献   
Hybrid zones provide insight into the nature of species boundaries and the evolution of barriers to gene exchange. Characterizing multiple regions within hybrid zones is essential for understanding both their history and current dynamics. Here, we describe a previously uncharacterized region of a well‐studied hybrid zone between two species of field crickets, Gryllus pennsylvanicus and G. firmus. We use a combination of mitochondrial DNA sequencing, morphological data, and modeling of environmental variables to identify the ecological factors structuring the hybrid zone and define patterns of hybridization and introgression. We find an association between species distribution and natural habitat; Gryllus pennsylvanicus occupies natural habitat along forest edges and natural clearings, whereas G. firmus occupies more disturbed areas in agricultural and suburban environments. Hybridization and introgression occur across patch boundaries; there is evidence of substantial admixture both in morphological characters and mtDNA, over a broad geographic area. Nonetheless, the distribution of morphological types is bimodal. Given that F1 hybrids are viable and fertile in the lab, this suggests that strong pre‐zygotic barriers are operating in this portion of the hybrid zone.  相似文献   
Objective: The presence of appetite hormones, namely glucagon‐like peptide‐1 (GLP‐1), peptide YY (PYY), and leptin in breast milk may be important in infant feeding regulation and infant growth. This study evaluated whether concentrations of GLP‐1, PYY, and leptin change across a single feeding (from fore‐ to hindmilk), and are associated with maternal and infant anthropometrics. Design and Methods: Thirteen postpartum women (mean ± SD: 25.6 ± 4.5 years, 72.0 ± 11.9 kg) provided fore‐ and hindmilk samples 4‐5 weeks after delivery and underwent measurements of body weight and composition by Dual X‐ray Absorptiometry. GLP‐1, PYY, and leptin concentrations were measured using radioimmunoassay, and milk fat content was determined by creamatocrit. Results: Concentration of GLP‐1 and content of milk fat was higher in hindmilk than foremilk (P ≤ 0.05). PYY and leptin concentrations did not change between fore‐ and hindmilk. Both leptin concentration and milk fat content were correlated with indices of maternal adiposity, including body mass index (r = 0.65‐0.85, P < 0.02), and fat mass (r = 0.65‐0.84, P < 0.02). Hindmilk GLP‐1 was correlated with infant weight gain from birth to 6 months (r = ?0.67, P = 0.034). Conclusion: The presence of appetite hormones in breast milk may be important in infant appetite and growth regulation.  相似文献   
Re-examination, using molecular tools, of the diversity of haemosporidian parasites (among which the agents of human malaria are the best known) has generally led to rearrangements of traditional classifications. In this study, we explored the diversity of haemosporidian parasites infecting vertebrate species (particularly mammals, birds and reptiles) living in the forests of Gabon (Central Africa), by analyzing a collection of 492 bushmeat samples. We found that samples from five mammalian species (four duiker and one pangolin species), one bird and one turtle species were infected by haemosporidian parasites. In duikers (from which most of the infected specimens were obtained), we demonstrated the existence of at least two distinct parasite lineages related to Polychromophilus species (i.e., bat haemosporidian parasites) and to sauropsid Plasmodium (from birds and lizards). Molecular screening of sylvatic mosquitoes captured during a longitudinal survey revealed the presence of these haemosporidian parasite lineages also in several Anopheles species, suggesting a potential role in their transmission. Our results show that, differently from what was previously thought, several independent clades of haemosporidian parasites (family Plasmodiidae) infect mammals and are transmitted by anopheline mosquitoes.  相似文献   
Photoinduced charge generation (PCG) dynamics are notoriously difficult to correlate with specific molecular properties in device relevant polymer:fullerene organic photovoltaic blend films due to the highly complex nature of the solid state blend morphology. Here, this study uses six judiciously selected trifluoromethylfullerenes blended with the prototypical polymer poly(3‐hexylthiophene) and measure the PCG dynamics in 50 fs–500 ns time scales with time‐resolved microwave conductivity and femtosecond transient absorption spectroscopy. The isomeric purity and thorough chemical characterization of the fullerenes used in this study allow for a detailed correlation between molecular properties, driving force, local intermolecular electronic coupling and, ultimately, the efficiency of PCG yield. The findings show that the molecular design of the fullerene not only determines inter‐fullerene electronic coupling, but also influences the decay dynamics of free holes in the donor phase even when the polymer microstructure remains unchanged.  相似文献   
Successful invasion by nonindigenous species is often attributed to high propagule pressure, yet some foreign species become widespread despite showing reduced genetic variation due to founder effects. The signal crayfish (Pacifastacus leniusculus) is one such example, where rapid spread across Japan in recent decades is believed to be the result of only three founding populations. To infer the history and explore the success of this remarkable crayfish invasion, we combined detailed phylogeographical and morphological analyses conducted in both the introduced and native ranges. We sequenced 16S mitochondrial DNA of signal crayfish from across the introduced range in Japan (537 samples, 20 sites) and the native range in western North America (700 samples, 50 sites). Because chela size is often related to aggressive behavior in crayfish, and hence, their invasion success, we also measured chela size of a subset of specimens in both introduced and native ranges. Genetic diversity of introduced signal crayfish populations was as high as that of the dominant phylogeographic group in the native range, suggesting high propagule pressure during invasion. More recently established crayfish populations in Japan that originated through secondary spread from one of the founding populations exhibit reduced genetic diversity relative to older populations, probably as a result of founder effects. However, these newer populations also show larger chela size, consistent with expectations of rapid adaptations or phenotypic responses during the invasion process. Introduced signal crayfish populations in Japan originate from multiple source populations from a wide geographic range in the native range of western North America. A combination of high genetic diversity, especially for older populations in the invasive range, and rapid adaptation to colonization, manifested as larger chela in recent invasions, likely contribute to invasion success of signal crayfish in Japan.  相似文献   
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