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A likely genetic variation in the acid phosphatases from lamprey kidneys is described. Separations with starch gel electrophoresis have given eight different types, three with one zone of acid phosphatase activity and five with three zones. The molecular weights of these different isoenzymes were determined by gel filtration to be between 81,300 and 87,200. This is compared with existing data in the literature for other acid phosphatases. The most likely interpretation for the described variation is a one-locus, homodimeric enzyme system with four different alleles present in the population investigated.  相似文献   
The native state of the enzyme human carbonic anhydrase (HCA II) has been stabilized by the introduction of a disulfide bond, the oxidized A23C/L203C mutant. This stabilized protein variant undergoes an apparent two-state unfolding process with suppression of the otherwise stable equilibrium, molten-globule intermediate, which is normally very prone to aggregation. Stopped-flow measurements also showed that lower amounts of the transiently occurring molten globule were formed during refolding. This led to a markedly lowered tendency for aggregation during equilibrium denaturing conditions and, more importantly, to significantly higher reactivation yields upon refolding of the fully denatured protein. Thus, a general strategy to circumvent aggregation during the refolding of proteins could be to stabilize the native state of a protein at the expense of partially folded intermediates, thereby shifting the unfolding behavior from a three-state process to a two-state one.  相似文献   
Trans-translation is a process which switches the synthesis of a polypeptide chain encoded by a nonstop messenger RNA to the mRNA-like domain of a transfer-messenger RNA (tmRNA). It is used in bacterial cells for rescuing the ribosomes arrested during translation of damaged mRNA and directing this mRNA and the product polypeptide for degradation. The molecular basis of this process is not well understood. Earlier, we developed an approach that allowed isolation of tmRNA–ribosomal complexes arrested at a desired step of tmRNA passage through the ribosome. We have here exploited it to examine the tmRNA structure using chemical probing and cryo-electron microscopy tomography. Computer modeling has been used to develop a model for spatial organization of the tmRNA inside the ribosome at different stages of trans-translation.  相似文献   
The glycosylation of the intestinal cell layer is thought to control several key functions of the gut such as vectorial transports, defence against microbial agents or immunological processes. It has been assumed that the gut microflora may modulate the glycosylation pattern of the intestinal cell layer. However, there is no direct evidence for this regulatory process. The first goal of this work was to establish the germ-free mice intestinal glycosylation baseline using a histochemical approach and a panel of ten lectins with defined glycan specificities to tissue sections prepared from various cellular compartments of the small and large intestine. Using this baseline, we have studied the contribution of the gut microflora on the carbohydrate composition of glycoconjugates of intestinal cells by comparing the germ-free and conventional mice glycosylation patterns. Analysis of the germ-free mice intestinal glycosylation baseline revealed that the expression of glycans depends on the proximodistal gradient (small to large intestine) and on the cell lineage (absorptive, goblet, crypt, and Paneth cells), indicating that mice are able to create and maintain a strict topological and cell lineage-specific regulation of glycosyltransferase expression. By comparing germ-free and conventional mice, we find that the gut microflora specifically modulates the gut glycosylation pattern, quantitatively as well as qualitatively by changing the cellular and subcellular distribution of glycans. This is the first report in mice to directly demonstrate the critical contribution of microflora to intestinal glycosylation, a key characteristic of the gut.  相似文献   
Summary This study evaluated the utility of free arginine concentrations as a possible alternative to mineral nutrient concentrations as an indicator of mineral nutrient imbalances in Norway spruce [Picea abies (L.) Karst.]. The concentrations of mineral nutrients and arginine were measured in the needles of spruce trees from two areas in Sweden, one with high (15–30 kg ha–1 year–1) airborne N deposition, and one with lower (1–4 kg ha–1 year–1) deposition. The spruce needles from the area with high deposition in southern Sweden had elevated concentrations of free arginine, especially on peat sites. No increase in concentrations was found in the low deposition area in northern Sweden. The arginine concentrations on different sampling occasions were consistent for each site and for individual trees. Trees on peat sites in the south seemed to suffer from P deficiency in relation to N availability. A tendency for K deficiency in needles from peat sites was also found. Needles from trees on mor plots showed acceptable levels of these nutrient elements. Sites in the northern area showed low N concentrations, but the ratios between the different mineral elements analyzed in this study and N were within ranges normally found. A low P/N ratio correlated to high free arginine concentration. The threshold for elevated arginine concentrations is crossed when P/N ratios drop below 0.07–0.08. A tendency for increased arginine levels when ratios between N and the other mineral elements are low was also found, although it was not as strong as that for the P/N ratio. The results are discussed in relation to mineral nutrient imbalances in spruce stands caused by airborne deposition.  相似文献   
It is argued that in order to optimize the achievement of self-control and to evaluate the clinical effects of biofeedback three skills should be included in training and assessment, namely: (1) the ability of voluntary control with external feedback, (2) the ability of voluntary controlwithout external feedback, and (3) the ability toapply the self-control skill in critical situations in everyday life. A review of the literature concerning temperature-biofeedback in the treatment of migraine headaches shows that the research from this point of view is in a rather poor state of affairs and that no definite conclusion can in fact be drawn about the degree of self-control which has been achieved and hence of the ultimate clinical value of biofeedback.This study was supported by grant no. 80/66 from the Bank of Sweden Tercentenary Foundation.  相似文献   
In contrast to averaging methods of determining structure, such as X-ray diffraction, NMR, and single-particle tomography, cryo-electron tomography allows three-dimensional imaging of an individual object in solution. The method has previously been used to study cells and very large macromolecules. We have used cryo-electron tomography to analyze a monoclonal IgG, with a molecular weight of only 150 kDa. Tomograms reveal y-shaped IgG molecules with three protruding subunits. Docking X-ray structures enabled us to recognize the three subunits as two ellipsoidal Fab arms and a heart-shaped Fc stem. Each subunit has a similar structure in the tomograms and in the X-ray map. Notably, the positions of the Fab arms relative to the Fc stem differed greatly from one molecule to another. The large flexibility of IgG in solution is most likely of functional significance in antigen recognition. This distribution of individual structures provides a qualitative insight into the system dynamics.  相似文献   
It has been shown that Bacteroides thetaiotaomicron, a representative member of the gut microflora, signals intestinal epithelial cells both in vivo and in vitro and modulate specific glycosylation processes that may mediate intestinal functions. However it is not known whether these modulations depend on the presence of live bacteria or may be elicited by soluble factors produced in vitro by this bacterium. We used lectins and an histochemical approach to survey tissue sections prepared from various cellular compartments of the small and large intestine of NRMI/KI mice grown under gnotobiotic conditions. We compared the results obtained with bacterial culture supernatant and live B. thetaiotaomicron to those obtained from germ-free mice or mice having a conventional microflora. This approach allowed us to conclude that (1) a small but specific number of glycan patterns were restored after treatment with bacterial culture supernatant and (2) the B. thetaiotaomicron associated mice restored a larger number of patterns, however, the complete conventional mice pattern must be a function of the whole microflora in the gut. The possibility to modulate this complex glycosylation pattern by introducing exogenous bacteria and bacterial products should be considered as a promising approach towards understanding the molecular basis of microbial-host interactions.  相似文献   
An antigen present in plant vascular tissue crossreacts with antibodies towards keyhole limpet hemocyanin (KLH). The antigen is present in xylem and vascular cambium, as evidenced by immunocytochemical staining of plant sections. This cell type assignment was confirmed by staining of mesophyll cell cultures from Zinnia elegans L. undergoing tracheary cell differentiation. The strongest staining both in sections and cell cultures occurred in cells and tissues during early stages of differentiation. Although the anti-KLH antibodies can easily be removed by affinity purification, our findings suggest that a certain caution is needed when KLH is used as an immunological carrier for studies in plants.  相似文献   
The enzyme thiopurine S-methyltransferase (TPMT) is involved in the metabolism of thiopurine drugs used to treat acute lymphoblastic leukemia and inflammatory bowel disease. Thus far, at least 29 variants of the TPMT gene have been described, many of which encode proteins that have low enzyme activity and in some cases become more prone to aggregation and degradation. Here, the two naturally occurring variants, TPMT*2 (Ala80 → Pro) and TPMT*5 (Leu49 → Ser), were cloned and expressed in Escherichia coli. Far-UV circular dichroism spectroscopy showed that TPMT*2 was substantially destabilized whereas TPMT*5 showed much greater stability comparable to that of wild-type TPMT (TPMTwt). The extrinsic fluorescent molecule anilinonaphthalene sulfonate (ANS) was used to probe the tertiary structure during thermal denaturation. In contrast to TPMTwt, neither of the variants bound ANS to a large extent. To explore the morphology of the TPMT aggregates, we performed luminescent conjugated oligothiophene staining and showed fibril formation for TPMT*2 and TPMT*5. The differences in the flexibility of TPMTwt, TPMT*2, and TPMT*5 were evaluated in a limited proteolysis experiment to pinpoint stable regions. Even though there is only one amino acid difference between the analyzed TPMT variants, a clear disparity in the cleavage patterns was observed. TPMT*2 displays a protected region in the C-terminus, which differs from TPMTwt, whereas the protected regions in TPMT*5 are located mainly in the N-terminus close to the active site. In conclusion, this in vitro study, conducted to probe structural changes during unfolding of TPMT*2 and TPMT*5, demonstrates that the various causes of the low enzyme activity in vivo could be explained on a molecular level.  相似文献   
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