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The dominant glutamate transporter isoform in the mammalian brain, GLT1, exists as at least three splice variants, GLT1a, GLT1b, and GLT1c. GLT1b interacts with the scaffold protein PICK1 (protein interacting with kinase C1), which is implicated in glutamatergic neurotransmission via its regulatory effect on trafficking of AMPA-type glutamate receptors. The 11 extreme C-terminal residues specific for the GLT1b variant are essential for its specific interaction with the PICK1 PDZ domain, but a functional consequence of this interaction has remained unresolved. To identify a functional effect of PICK1 on GLT1a or GLT1b separately, we employed the Xenopus laevis expression system. GLT1a and GLT1b displayed similar electrophysiological properties and EC50 for glutamate. Co-expressed PICK1 localized efficiently to the plasma membrane and resulted in a 5-fold enhancement of the leak current in GLT1b-expressing oocytes with only a minor effect on [3H]glutamate uptake. Three different GLT1 substrates all caused a slow TBOA-sensitive decay in the membrane current upon prolonged application, which provides support for the leak current being mediated by GLT1b itself. Leak and glutamate-evoked currents in GLT1a-expressing oocytes were unaffected by PICK1 co-expression. PKC activation down-regulated GLT1a and GLT1b activity to a similar extent, which was not affected by co-expression of PICK1. In conclusion, PICK1 may not only affect glutamatergic neurotransmission by its regulatory effect on glutamate receptors but may also affect neuronal excitability via an increased GLT1b-mediated leak current. This may be particularly relevant in pathological conditions such as amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and cerebral hypoxia, which are associated with neuronal GLT1b up-regulation.  相似文献   
Market-based incentives are a new approach to direct fisheries toward greater sustainability. The Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) is the leading certification scheme for wild capture fisheries. Four Russian fisheries were certified from 2010 to 2014. Despite a slow start, the Russian fishery assessments have gone more quickly, received less public criticism, and scored better over time. Consensus is emerging that the Russian system for fisheries management fulfills the MSC requirements.  相似文献   
Mitochondrial β-barrel proteins fulfill central functions in the outer membrane like metabolite exchange catalyzed by the voltage-dependent anion channel (VDAC) and protein biogenesis by the central components of the preprotein translocase of the outer membrane (Tom40) or of the sorting and assembly machinery (Sam50). The mitochondrial division and morphology protein Mdm10 is another essential outer membrane protein with proposed β-barrel fold, which has so far only been found in Fungi. Mdm10 is part of the endoplasmic reticulum mitochondria encounter structure (ERMES), which tethers the ER to mitochondria and associates with the SAM complex. In here, we provide evidence that Mdm10 phylogenetically belongs to the VDAC/Tom40 superfamily. Contrary to Tom40 and VDAC, Mdm10 exposes long loops towards both sides of the membrane. Analyses of single loop deletion mutants of Mdm10 in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae reveal that the loops are dispensable for Mdm10 function. Sequences similar to fungal Mdm10 can be found in species from Excavates to Fungi, but neither in Metazoa nor in plants. Strikingly, the presence of Mdm10 coincides with the appearance of the other ERMES components. Mdm10's presence in both unikonts and bikonts indicates an introduction at an early time point in eukaryotic evolution.  相似文献   
Micro-organisms are vital for the functioning of all food webs and are the major drivers of the global biogeochemical cycles. The microbial community compositions and physicochemical conditions of the different water masses in the North Sea, a biologically productive sea on the northwestern European continental shelf, were studied during two summer cruises, in order to provide detailed baseline data for this region and examine its microbial biogeography. For each cruise the stations were clustered according to their physicochemical characteristics and their microbial community composition. The largest cluster, which covered most of the central and northern North Sea, consisted of stations that were characterized by a thermally stratified water column and had low chlorophyll a autofluorescence and generally low microbial abundances. The second main cluster contained stations that were dominated by picoeukaryotes and showed the influence of influxes of North Atlantic water via the English Channel and south of the Shetland Islands. The third main cluster was formed by stations that were dominated by cyanobacteria and nanoeukaryotes in the reduced salinity Norwegian Coastal and Skagerrak waters, while the fourth cluster represented the German Bight, a region with strong riverine input, high nutrient concentrations, and consequently high heterotrophic bacterial and viral abundances. Despite the complex and dynamic hydrographic nature of the North Sea, the consistent distinctions in microbiology between these different hydrographic regions during both cruises illustrate the strong links between the microbial community and its environment, as well as the possibility to use microorganisms for long-term monitoring of environmental change.  相似文献   
In multimale groups where females mate promiscuously, male–infant associations have rarely been studied. However, recent studies have shown that males selectively support their offspring during agonistic conflicts with other juveniles and that father's presence accelerates offspring maturation. Furthermore, it was shown that males invest in unrelated infants to enhance future mating success with the infant's mother. Hence, infant care might provide fitness gain for males. Here, we investigate male–infant associations in rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta), a primate with low paternity certainty as females mate with multiple partners and males ensure paternity less efficiently through mate‐guarding. We combined behavioural data with genetic paternity analyses of one cohort of the semi‐free‐ranging population of Cayo Santiago (Puerto Rico) and recorded affiliative and aggressive interactions between focal subjects and adult males from birth to sexual maturation (0–4 years) of focal subjects. Our results revealed that 9.6% of all interactions of focal subjects involved an adult male and 94% of all male–infant interactions were affiliative, indicating the rareness of male–infant aggression. Second and most interestingly, sires were more likely to affiliate with their offspring than nonsires with unrelated infants. This preference was independent of mother's proximity and emphasized during early infancy. Male–infant affiliation rose with infant age and was pronounced between adult males and male rather than female focal subjects. Overall, our results suggest that male–infant affiliation is also an important component in structuring primate societies and affiliation directed towards own offspring presumably represent low‐cost paternal care.  相似文献   
Transglutaminases (TG) form a family of enzymes that catalyse various post-translational modifications of glutamine residues in proteins and peptides including intra- and intermolecular isopeptide bond formation, esterification and deamidation. We have characterized a novel member of the mammalian TG family, TG6, which is expressed in a human carcinoma cell line with neuronal characteristics and in mouse brain. Besides full-length protein, alternative splicing results in a short variant lacking the second β-barrel domain in man and a variant with truncated β-sandwich domain in mouse. Biochemical data show that TG6 is allosterically regulated by Ca2+ and guanine nucleotides. Molecular modelling indicates that TG6 could have Ca2+ and GDP-binding sites related to those of TG3 and TG2, respectively. Localization of mRNA and protein in the mouse identified abundant expression of TG6 in the central nervous system. Analysis of its temporal and spatial pattern of induction in mouse development indicates an association with neurogenesis. Neuronal expression of TG6 was confirmed by double-labelling of mouse forebrain cells with cell type-specific markers. Induction of differentiation in mouse Neuro 2a cells with NGF or dibutyryl cAMP is associated with an upregulation of TG6 expression. Familial ataxia has recently been linked to mutations in the TGM6 gene. Autoantibodies to TG6 were identified in immune-mediated ataxia in patients with gluten sensitivity. These findings suggest a critical role for TG6 in cortical and cerebellar neurons.  相似文献   
It has been demonstrated that a wide variety of white blood cells and macrophages (i.e. Kupffer cells, alveolar and peritoneal macrophages and neutrophils) contain glycine-gated chloride channels. Binding of glycine on the receptor stimulates Cl? influx causing membrane hyperpolarization that prevents agonist-induced influx of calcium. Since platelet-aggregation is calcium-dependent, this study was designed to test the hypothesis that glycine would inhibit platelet aggregation. Rats were fed diets rich of glycine for 5 days, while controls received isonitrogenous valine. The bleeding time and ADP- and collagen-induced platelet aggregation were measured. Dietary glycine significantly increased bleeding time about twofold compared to valine-treated controls. Furthermore, the amplitude of platelet aggregation stimulated with ADP or collagen was significantly decreased in whole blood drawn from rats fed 2.5 or 5 % dietary glycine by over 50 %. Addition of glycine in vitro (1–10 mM) also blunted rat platelet aggregation in a dose-dependent manner. Strychnine, a glycine receptor antagonist, abrogated the inhibitory effect of glycine on platelet-aggregation in vitro suggesting the glycine works via a glycine receptor. Glycine also blunted aggregation of human platelets. Further, the glycine receptor was detected in both rat and human platelets by western blotting. Based on these data, it is concluded that glycine prevents aggregation of platelets in a dose-dependent manner via mechanisms involving a glycine receptor.  相似文献   
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