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Summary Stable transformation of alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) was obtained by particle bombardment of calli (derived from petiole and stem sections cultured for three weeks on SH medium), followed by delayed selection with 50 mg/l kanamycin on BOi2Y medium. Selection at a lower level of kanamycin (25 mg/l) in late stages of culture resulted only in escapes. Analysis of seven transgenic plants revealed that all were derived from one transformation event. Segregation of the neomycin phosphotransferase gene in test cross progeny followed a 11 Mendelian ratio for a single locus insertion in a heterozygous state.  相似文献   
The discovery of porphyric insecticides was a direct fallout of the discovery and development of photodynamic herbicides. Tetrapyrrole-dependent photodynamic herbicides are compounds that force green plants to accumulate undesirable amounts of metabolic intermediates of the chlorophyll and heme metabolic pathways, namely, tetrapyrroles. In light, the accumulated tetrapyrroles photosensitize the formation of singlet oxygen that kills treated plants by oxidation of their cellular membranes. Demonstration of the potential for tetrapyrrole accumulation in insects was achieved by spraying T. ni larvae with δ-aminolevulinic acid (ALA) and 2,2-dipyridyl (Dpy). Treated larvae were placed overnight in darkness at 28°C in order to allow for tetrapyrrole accumulation. Extraction of treated, dark-incubated larvae with ammoniacal acetone, followed by spectrofluorometric examination of the larval extract, revealed the accumulation of massive amounts of protoporphyrin IX (Proto). A high degree of correlation was observed between Proto accumulation in darkness and larval death in the light. A few hours after exposure to light, the larvae became sluggish and flaccid due to loss of body fluids. Death was accompanied by extensive desiccation. Because control of insects by ingestion is as viable an option as control by spraying, and offers certain advantages under household conditions, studies were conducted to determine whether combinations of ALA and porphyric insecticide modulators would be effective if ingested with the food. The effect of ALA and 1,10-phenanthroline (Oph) were determined by incorporating them into the diet of T. ni larvae. After exposure to light, following 17 h of dark incubation, larvae underwent violent convulsions and vomiting and died within 20 to 40 s. Tetrapyrrole analysis of the treated larvae immediately after dark incubation revealed significant amounts of Proto and Zn-Proto accumulation. Correlation between tetrapyrrole accumulation and larval death was significant. Similar results were obtained when ALA and Dpy were administered to the larvae with the diet. The above results indicated that in addition to contact via spraying, porphyric insecticides had the potential to be very potent when ingested. For a more thorough understanding of the mode of action of porphyric insecticides, the phenomenology of tissue, cellular, and subcellular sites of tetrapyrrole accumulation in representative insect species was investigated. In T. ni larvae, on a unit protein basis, about 59% of the accumulated Proto was observed in the hemolymph, 35% in the gut, and 6% in the integument. Further understanding of the response of insect organs and tissues to porphyric insecticide treatment was obtained by investigating the response of isolated organs and tissues to incubation with ALA + Dpy or ALA + Oph in adult Blattella germanica (German cockroach), adult Anthonomus grandis (cotton boll weevil), fifth instar larvae of Heliothus zea (corn earworm), and fifth instar larvae of T. ni (cabbage looper). In T. ni, and H. zea, significant Proto accumulation was observed in incubated midgut and fat bodies. Proto accumulation occurred when tissues were incubated with Dpy, ALA + Dpy, Oph, and ALA + Oph (2). No response to treatment with ALA alone was observed. In cockroaches, more of the Proto appeared to accumulate in the male and female guts than in their abdomen. As in T. ni and H. zea, the response was elicited by each of the treatments that included Dpy or Oph. Cotton boll weevil abdomens appeared to be less responsive than the abdomens of the other three species. To determine whether Proto accumulation resulted in photodynamic damage of incubated tissues, T. ni midguts were incubated in darkness either in buffer, with ALA, or with Oph + ALA. Oxygen consumption of the tissue was monitored before and after exposure to 2-h of illumination. A 30% decrease in O2 consumption was observed in midguts treated with Oph or with ALA + Oph after 2 h in the light. The decrease in oxygen consumption observed in isolated T. ni midguts was shown to be caused by photodynamic damage to mitochondrial enzymes. Finally, structure-function photodynamic insecticidal studies led to the identification of 36 compounds belonging to 10 different chemical families that were effective (>70% mortality) against at least one insect species. Of the 36 modulators, 10 exhibited potent activity toward cockroaches.  相似文献   
In the Mexican axolotl (salamander), Ambystoma mexicanum, a recessive cardiac lethal mutation causes an incomplete differentiation of the myocardium. Mutant hearts lack organized sarcomeric myofibrils and do not contract throughout their lengths. We have previously shown that RNA purified from normal anterior endoderm or from juvenile heart tissue is able to rescue mutant embryonic hearts in an in vitro organ culture system. Under these conditions as many as 55% of formerly quiescent mutant hearts initiate regular contractions within 48 hours. After earlier reports that transforming growth factor-1 and, to a lesser extent, platelet-derived growth factor-BB could substitute for anterior endoderm as a promoter of cardiac mesodermal differentiation in normal axolotl embryos, we decided to examine the effect of growth factors in the cardiac mutant axolotl system. In one type of experiment, stage 35 mutant hearts were incubated in activin A, transforming growth factors-1 or 2, platelet-derived growth factor, or epidermal growth factor, but no rescue of mutant hearts was achieved. Considering the possibility that growth factors would only be effective at earlier stages of development, we tested transforming growth factors-1 and 5, and activin A on normal and mutant precardiac mesoderm explanted in the absence of endoderm at neurula stage 14. We found that, although these growth factors stimulated heart tube formation in both normal and mutant mesodermal explants, only normal explants contained contractile myocardial tissue. We hypothesize that transforming growth factor- superfamily peptides initiate a cascade of responses in mesoderm that result in both changes in cell shape (the basis for heart morphogenesis) and terminal myocardial cytodifferentiation. The cardiac lethal mutation appears to be deficient only in the latter process.This work was supported by NIH grants HL-32184 and HL-37702 and a grant-in-aid from the American Heart Association to L.F.L.F.J. Mangiacapra and M.E. Fransen contributed equally to this work  相似文献   
Summary The production of extracellular xylitol from D-xylose by an efficient xylitol-producing yeast, Candida sp. L-102, was studied in shake flask cultures with different nitrogen sources in the basic salt medium. Maximum xylitol production was obtained with urea as the nitrogen source. A final concentration of 100 g/L of xylitol from 114 g/L D-xylose was obtained from the yeast with an indicated yield of 87.7% (based on D-xylose consumed). The average specific xylitol production rate of 0.46 g/g.h was achieved within 65 hours of incubation using 0.3% urea.  相似文献   
In search for a luminol with very high output of light, 20 different luminol samples were tested for their ability to enhance the chemiluminescence reaction in phorbol myristate acetate activated human neutrophils. We found that the majority of luminols tested (17 samples) gave almost the same light output from neutrophils, and that the major part of the activity was from an intracellular origin. Owing to the fact that three isoluminol samples were unable to monitor respiratory burst activity taking place intracellularly, a very low level of chemiluminescence was obtained with these samples. Their light output was, however, greatly increased when horseradish peroxidase or myeloperoxidase was added, showing that the light-generating reaction with isoluminol as well as with luminol is peroxidase-dependent. The fact that isoluminol could also use myeloperoxidase as amplifying peroxidase, suggests that the lack of measurable intracellular activity in the presence of isoluminol is somehow related to a limited or restricted diffusion of the molecule to intracellular sites. The isoluminol system constitutes a sensitive system for measuring release of oxygen metabolites from phagocytic cells.  相似文献   
We have analyzed the fate of several integral membrane proteins of the nuclear envelope during mitosis in cultured mammalian cells to determine whether nuclear membrane proteins are present in a vesicle population distinct from bulk ER membranes after mitotic nuclear envelope disassembly or are dispersed throughout the ER. Using immunofluorescence staining and confocal microscopy, we compared the localization of two inner nuclear membrane proteins (laminaassociated polypeptides 1 and 2 [LAP1 and LAP2]) and a nuclear pore membrane protein (gp210) to the distribution of bulk ER membranes, which was determined with lipid dyes (DiOC6 and R6) and polyclonal antibodies. We found that at the resolution of this technique, the three nuclear envelope markers become completely dispersed throughout ER membranes during mitosis. In agreement with these results, we detected LAP1 in most membranes containing ER markers by immunogold electron microscopy of metaphase cells. Together, these findings indicate that nuclear membranes lose their identity as a subcompartment of the ER during mitosis. We found that nuclear lamins begin to reassemble around chromosomes at the end of mitosis at the same time as LAP1 and LAP2 and propose that reassembly of the nuclear envelope at the end of mitosis involves sorting of integral membrane proteins to chromosome surfaces by binding interactions with lamins and chromatin.  相似文献   
For many insect species, egg and larval substrate characteristics are significantly correlated with interspecific differences in female reproductive allocation and egg size-number tradeoffs. We tested the hypothesis that a similar pattern occurred within the Australian drosophilid, Drosophila hibisci, that is restricted throughout its life cycle to flowers of species in the genus Hibiscus. These plants occur as small, isolated, normally monospecific stands that should facilitate differentiation of the fly populations in relation to specific oviposition and larval substrates. Data from 38 sites ranging from 20.8̀ to 34.4̀ S latitude in eastern Australia indicated no relationship between female body size, egg size, or ovariole numbers and floral size or mass among four species of Hibiscus. However, the flies did show a latitudinal cline in ovariole number that was independent of floral variation. Females averaged 15–20 ovarioles per female in the south (32–34̀ S latitude) and 10–12 ovarioles in the north (21–22̀ S latitude). The increase in ovariole number with latitude was due to divergence in the ovariole number of the largest females. In contrast, small females in the north and south had the same number of ovarioles. Reproductive allocation of female flies in the northern region was less than females in the southern region. The latitudinal divergence in ovariole number was not associated with habitat differences (density of trees, density of flies and beetles), nor with differences in floral characteristics (flower weight, petal length, yeast species present). Short term weather patterns in daily temperature and rainfall preceding collections pardy explain the variation in ovariole number. These observations in conjunction with preliminary genetic results suggest the cline is associated with genetic differences that interact with environmental determinants such as the temperature during larval development.  相似文献   
Purcell  Larry C.  de Silva  Manjula  King  C. Andy  Han Kim  Wook 《Plant and Soil》1997,196(1):101-113
Nitrogen fixation in soybean (Glycine max [L.] Merr.) is more sensitive to water deficits than many physiological processes and may therefore limit yield under nonirrigated conditions. Tolerance of nitrogen fixation to water deficits has been observed in the cultivar Jackson, however, the physiological basis for this is unclear. It was hypothesized that genotypes that could continue biomass production on limited soil water would prolong nitrogen fixation by continued photosynthate allocation to nodules. An initial greenhouse experiment compared biomass and N accumulation in six genotypes over an 8 d water deficit. Low stress intensity minimized genotypic expression of water-deficit tolerance; nevertheless, Jackson was clearly one of the most tolerant genotypes. In a second experiment, Jackson was compared to SCE82-303 at more severe stress levels. Biomass and N accumulation continued during water deficits for Jackson but ceased in SCE82-303. Individual nodule mass tended to increase during water deficits in Jackson and tended to decrease in SCE82-303, indicating greater allocation of photosynthate to Jackson's nodules in response to water deficits. Biomass accumulation of Jackson was contrasted with the USDA plant introduction (PI) 416937, which also has demonstrated tolerance to water deficits. For water-deficit treatments, total biomass accumulation was negligible for PI416937, but biomass accumulation continued at approximately 64% of the control treatment for Jackson. Transpirational losses for Jackson and PI416937 were approximately the same for the water-deficit treatment, indicating that Jackson had higher water use efficiency (WUE). Isotopic discrimination of 13C relative to12 C also indicated that Jackson had superior WUE during water deficits. Carbon-14 allocation in Jackson was compared to KS4895, a cultivar that was identified as sensitive to water deficits in an initial experiment. The comparison of water-deficit treatments of Jackson with KS4895 indicated that Jackson exported significantly greater amounts of14 C from labeled leaves and allocated approximately four times greater amounts of 14C per g of nodule. Results indicated that Jackson's sustained biomass production during water deficits resulted in the continued allocation of photosynthate to nodules and prolonged nitrogenase activity.  相似文献   
An interval mapping procedure was used to search for and describe the effects of any quantitative trait loci (QTLs) for directional asymmetry (DA) and fluctuating asymmetry (FA) of 10 bilateral mandible characters in house mice. It was hypothesized that more QTLs would be found for DA than for FA, but that any discovered for FA should tend to exhibit dominance. All mandible characters were triply measured and 76 microsatellite markers were scored in an average of 471 mice from the F2 intercross of the Large (LG/J) and Small (SM/J) inbred strains. A total of 16 QTLs significantly affected DA in nine of the 10 mandible characters, and this was more than the 9.5 expected by chance alone. These QTLs were found on seven of the 19 chromosomes, often at or near locations of QTLs affecting the mean of the two sides for various dimensions on the mandible. It was concluded that there is genetical variability for DA in these characters, although its level was low (4.4% of the total variation in this particular F2 population). Eleven QTLs were detected for FA, suggesting that there is very little genetic variability for FA, at least as seen in the mandible characters in this particular F2 population. As hypothesized, however, these QTLs did tend to exhibit dominance.  相似文献   
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