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In recent years, there has been a growing interest in the screening of natural active ingredients from Eucalyptus essential oils because of their evident importance in practical utility and their undeniable therapeutic properties. Based on this, the aim of the present study was to investigate the chemical profile of the essential oils of the trunk bark of Eucalyptus torquata Luehm. (ETEO), and E. salmonophloia F. Muell. (ESEO), growing in Tunisia. The in vitro cytotoxic properties of the extracted EOs were also evaluated against two human cancer cell lines: breast carcinoma cell lines MDA-MB-231 and colorectal cancer cell lines SW620. The analysis by gas chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry (GC/MS) led to the identification of 32 compounds from the ETEO, with the dominant constituents being the monoterpenes trans-myrtanol (73.4 %) and myrtenol (4.7 %), and the apocarotene (E)-β-ionone (3.9 %). In the case of ESEO, 29 compounds were identified with trans-myrtanol (25.0 %), decanoic acid (22.1 %), nonanoic acid (9.8 %), γ-elemene (6.5 %), γ-maaliene (5.5 %), and α-terpineol (5.3 %) as the main components. The cytotoxicity of EOs against the two chosen cell lines was tested using Crystal Violet Staining (CVS) assay and 5-fluorouracil as a reference drug. The two EOs exhibited a significant dose-dependent inhibition against the viability of the used cell lines. Their inhibitory effects were particularly observed towards SW620 colon carcinoma cells with IC50 values of 26.71±1.22 and 22.21±0.85 μg/mL, respectively, indicating that both oils were more cytotoxic for SW620 cells compared to MDA-MB-231 one.  相似文献   
The objective was to identify legume shrub species for development of agroforestry technologies based on seed and forage (leaves and twigs < 10 mm diameter) yield, and determinants of forage quality. Ten individual plants of Bituminaria bituminosa ‘Ecotypes 1’, B. bituminosa ‘Ecotypes 2’, Medicago citrina, and M. arborea from Spain; Colutea istria and Onobrychis aurantiaca from Syria; C. istria from Jordan; Chamaecytisus mollis from Morocco; and Coronilla glauca from France were randomly selected from plots established in a non-tropical dryland environment in northwest Syria in 2000. Five individual plants of each species were cut back to 0.5 m above ground in March 2004. Coppice regrowths were pruned in December 2004 and April 2005 to determine forage yield and proportion of forage in the total above ground biomass (PEFB). Forage samples were analyzed for concentrations of crude protein (CP), lignin(sa), acid detergent fibre (ADFom), neutral detergent fibre (aNDFom), in vitro organic matter (OM) digestibility (IVOMD), and in vitro 24 h gas production (IVGP24h). Matured seeds were hand harvested from the remaining five plants of each species to estimate seed yield. Forage (21–250 kg DM/ha) and seed (0–200 kg DM/ha) yields; PEFB (0.22–0.96); and concentrations of CP (85–115 g/kg DM), lignin(sa) (14–42 g/kg DM), ADFom (94–170 g/kg DM), aNDFom (122–217 g/kg DM), IVOMD (456–617 g/kg OM), and IVGP24h (27–42 ml 200 mg/DM) varied (P<0.05) among shrub species. The IVOMD and IVGP24h were positively correlated (r = 0.75, P<0.032), whereas IVOMD and IVGP24h were negatively correlated with ADFom, lignin(sa) and aNDFom. In terms of forage and seed yields and determinants of forage quality, C. istria from Jordan, M. arborea, B. bituminosa ‘Ecotype-2’, C. istria and O. aurantiaca have higher potential than C. mollis, C. glauca and B. Bituminosa ‘Ecotype-1’ for the development of agroforestry technologies in non-tropical dry areas.  相似文献   
Immunosuppressive drugs may have varying toxicity or efficacy depending on the administration time. This study investigates whether the liver toxicity of the mycophenolate mofetil (MMF) varies according to the circadian dosing-time in rats. 300 mg/kg of MMF was injected by intraperitonal route to different groups of animals at four different circadian stages (1, 7, 13, and 19 h after light onset, HALO). Biochemical variable (transaminase, alkaline phosphatase) and histopathological examinations on liver section were performed. The results obtained showed that MMF treatment induced hepato-toxicity depending on the circadian time. A severe toxicity in the liver was observed when the drug was injected at 7 HALO. The data obtained indicate that the maximum of hepato-toxicity is observed when MMF was injected in the middle of the light-rest span of rats which is physiologically analogous to the end of the activity of the diurnal phase in human patients.  相似文献   
This study is a first contribution on the reproductive biology of Holothuria (Platyperona) sanctori from the Algerian coastline in the southwestern Mediterranean. Sampling was conducted at two sites in central Algeria, one (Ain Taggourait, w. Tipasa) where there is little anthropogenic influence and another (Tamentefoust, w. Alger) where there are two major sources of pollution from Oued el Harrach and Oued el Hamiz effluents which contain particulate organic matter. Significant differences in sea cucumber reproduction were observed between the two sites. This could be due to the difference in organic matter noted in the sediment of the two study sites. However, temporal similarities of the gonad index (GI) and the sexual maturity stages suggest that the reproductive cycle of H. (P.) sanctori is annual with the main spawning event taking place from June to October. Spawning is of high intensity in the Bay of Bou Ismail (Ain Taggourait) and spread out over time in the Bay of Algiers (Tamentefoust), reflecting an environment sufficiently rich in food to insure reproduction. We also show that gonad maturation of males and females was synchronized. Temperature is the most likely factor influencing the reproductive cycle and spawning. At the study sites, H. (P.) sanctori had a winter sexual resting phase, followed by maturation during spring, before spawning in summer. However, there was a slight lag to the start of spawning at the two study sites.  相似文献   
In this work, a multifunctional expression cassette, termed Multitags, combining different and complementary functionalities, was designed and used to monitor the expression and the purification of two model proteins (Pfu DNA polymerase and Myosin-VIIa- and Rab-Interracting protein : MyRIP). Multitags contains two affinity purification tags, a polyhistidine sequence (10× His) and the streptavidin-binding peptide (SBP) and as a marker tag the heme-binding domain of rat cytochrome b5 followed by the TEV cleavage site. Using the Multitags as fusion partner, more than 90 % of both fusion proteins were produced in soluble form when expressed in Escherichia coli KRX. In addition, high purity (99 %) of recombinant proteins was achieved after two consecutive affinity purification steps. The expression cassette also demonstrated an accurate monitoring capability comparable to that of a dual recognition-based method. The choice of the SBP tag was considered as an integral process that included a method for tag removal. Thus, an immobilized TEV protease fixed on streptavidin–agarose matrix was used for the cleavage of fusion proteins. After digestion, both unprocessed fusion proteins and Multitags were retained on the proteolytic column via their SBP sequence, allowing cleavage and recovery of target proteins on one step. This combined approach may accelerate the development of optimized production processes, while insuring high product quality and a low production cost.  相似文献   
In this work, synchrotron-based X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) studies were carried out to elucidate at molecular scale the interaction mechanisms of Myxococcus xanthus with uranium at different pH values. Extended X-ray absorption fine structure (EXAFS) spectroscopic measurements showed that there are significant differences in the structural parameters of the U complexes formed by this bacterium at pH 2 and 4.5. At very low acidic pH of 2, the cells accumulated U(VI) as organic phosphate-metal complexes. At pH 4.5, however, the cells of this bacterium precipitated U(VI) as meta-autunite-like phase. TEM analyses demonstrated that at pH 2 the uranium accumulates were located mainly at the cell surface, whereas at pH 4.5 a uranium precipitation occurred on the cell wall and within the extracellular polysaccharides (EPS) characteristic of this bacterium. Dead/live staining studies showed that 30% and 50% of the uranium treated cell populations were alive at pH 2 and 4.5, respectively. The precipitation of U(VI) as mineral meta-autunite-like phase is possibly due to the bacterial acidic phosphatase activity. The precipitation of uranium as mineral phases may lead to more stable U(VI) sequestration that may be suitable for remediation purposes. These observations, combined with the very high uranium accumulation capability of the studied bacterial cells indicate that M. xanthus may significantly influence the fate of uranium in soil environments where these bacterial species are mainly found.  相似文献   
The authors attempt to determine the optimal conditions for maintaining long term viability of date palm pollen using a special method of freeze-drying. They have undertaken a systematic study of the viability over time of a sample of the same pollen stored and conserved under different conditions (freeze-drying, temperature, gaseous atmosphere and storage time).

The results are thoroughly analysed by means of different approaches of multiparametric modelisation. These numerical treatments permit us to:

Les auteurs ont déterminé, par une méthode particulière de lyophilisation, les conditions optimales permettant le maintien de la viabilité du pollen du palmier dattier (Phoenix dactylifera) à long terme. Une étude systématique a été réalisée sur des lots provenant d'un même échantillon de pollen conservé et stocké selon différentes conditions: (lyophilisation, température, atmosphère gazeuse et en fonction du temps de stockage).

Ils ont cherché à analyser de manière approfondie les résultats obtenus au moyen de plusieurs approches de modélisation multiparamétrique.

Ces traitements numériques ont permis:

1. demonstrate that such a phenomenon submits to the usual laws and can be modelled

2. propose a general approach for the study of the ageing of pollen with time and with respect to different conservation and storage conditions.

1. de démontrer qu'un tel phénomène obéit globalement à des lois statistiques simples, et qu'il est de ce fait modélisable

2. de proposer une approche plus générale du vieillissement des grains de pollen en fonction du temps et des conditions de conservation et de stockage.  相似文献   
Structural studies on pancreatic lipase have revealed a complex architecture of surface loops surrounding the enzyme active site and potentially involved in interactions with lipids. Two of them, the lid and β9 loop, expose a large hydrophobic surface and are considered as acyl chain binding sites based on their interaction with an alkyl phosphonate inhibitor. While the role of the lid in substrate recognition and selectivity has been extensively studied, the implication of β9 loop in acyl chain stabilization remained hypothetical. The characterization of an enzyme with a natural deletion of the lid, guinea pig pancreatic lipase-related protein 2 (GPLRP2), suggests however an essential contribution of the β9 loop in the stabilization of the acyl enzyme intermediate formed during the lipolysis reaction. A GPLRP2 mutant with a seven-residue deletion of β9 loop (GPLRP2-Δβ9) was produced and its enzyme activity was measured using various substrates (triglycerides, monoglycerides, galactolipids, phospholipids, vinyl esters) with short, medium and long acyl chains. Whatever the substrate tested, GPLRP2-Δβ9 activity is drastically reduced compared to that of wild-type GPLRP2 and this effect is more pronounced as the length of substrate acyl chain increases. Changes in relative substrate selectivity and stereoselectivity remained however weak. The deletion within β9 loop has also a negative effect on the rate of enzyme inhibition by alkyl phosphonates. All these findings indicate that the reduced enzyme turnover observed with GPLRP2-Δβ9 results from a weaker stabilization of the acyl enzyme intermediate due to a loss of hydrophobic interactions.  相似文献   
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