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S. agalactiae (group B streptococci, GBS) is a major microbial pathogen in human neonates and causes invasive infections in pregnant women and immunocompromised individuals. The S. agalactiae β-hemolysin is regarded as an important virulence factor for the development of invasive disease. To examine the role of β-hemolysin in the interaction with professional phagocytes, the THP-1 monocytic cell line and human granulocytes were infected with a serotype Ia S. agalactiae wild type strain and its isogenic nonhemolytic mutant. We could show that the nonhemolytic mutants were able to survive in significantly higher numbers than the hemolytic wild type strain, in THP-1 macrophage-like cells and in assays with human granulocytes. Intracellular bacterial multiplication, however, could not be observed. The hemolytic wild type strain stimulated a significantly higher release of Tumor Necrosis Factor-α than the nonhemolytic mutant in THP-1 cells, while similar levels of the chemokine Interleukin-8 were induced. In order to investigate bacterial mediators of IL-8 release in this setting, purified cell wall preparations from both strains were tested and found to exert a potent proinflammatory stimulus on THP-1 cells. In conclusion, our results indicate that the β-hemolysin has a strong influence on the intracellular survival of S. agalactiae and that a tightly controlled regulation of β-hemolysin expression is required for the successful establishment of S. agalactiae in different host niches.  相似文献   
Intracellular accumulation of nitrate, indicative of the operation of an active nitrate transport system, has been measured in intact cells of the cyanobacterium Anacystis nidulans. The ability of the cells to accumulate nitrate was effectively hindered by either ammonium addition or selective inhibition of CO2 fixation by DL-glyceraldehyde, with the effect of either compound being prevented by previously blocking ammonium assimilation. The results support the contention that nitrate utilization in cyanobacteria is regulated at the level of nitrate transport through the concerted action of ammonium assimilation and CO2 fixation.  相似文献   
Summary The labelling pattern of eight lectins was studied in jejunal samples from ten normal subjects, in order to define the normal distribution of structural and secretory glycoconjugates in the small bowel.The following lectins were studied by means of a peroxidase technique on formalin-fixed samples: Arachis hypogaea, Ricinus communis, Canavalia ensiformis, Lens culinaris, Phaseolus vulgaris, Triticum vulgaris, Ulex europaeus, Dolichos biflorus. Phaseolus vulgaris reacted with goblet cell mucus throughout the villus-crypt axis.Conversely Ulex europaeus, Dolichos biflorus and Triticum vulgaris lectin labelling of globet cells appeared to be confined to the upper part of the villi. This finding suggests that during cell migration from crypt to villus tip, the continuing maturation of goblet cells is associated with the differentiation of secretory carbohydrates, which probably parallels the cell maturation cycle. Lectin histochemistry appears to be a reliable tool for the study of structural and secretory glycoconjugates in the jejunal mucosa, and might be of value in the study of diseases in which the cell-maturation cycle in the small bowel is altered.  相似文献   
The distribution of parvalbumin (PA) cell bodies and fibers in the hypothalamus of the rat was studied using a monoclonal antibody and the avidin-biotin-peroxidase method. The densest clusters of immunoreactive perikarya were observed in the nuclei mamillare medialis, arcuatus and dorsomedialis hypothalami, whereas the corpus mamillare lateralis had the lowest density. The densest network of immunoreactive fibers was observed in the corpus mamillare lateralis and nucleus arcuatus. The corpus mamillare medialis contained a moderate number of PA fibers, whereas the nucleus dorsomedialis hypothalami had the lowest density of immunoreactive fibers. In addition, a large number of immunoreactive fibers was found in the tractus opticus and the tractus mamillo-thalamicus. Essentially, the distribution of PA in the rat hypothalamus after using a monoclonal antibody seems to be broader in comparison with previous studies carried out in the same diencephalic region of the rat. The presence of PA in several nuclei of the rat hypothalamus suggests that this protein could be directly or indirectly involved in neuroendocrine, limbic and visual functions.  相似文献   
The polypeptide composition of cytoplasmic membranes of the cyanobacterium Anacystis nidulans changes in response to variations in the nitrogen source available to the cells, differing specifically in the amount of a polypeptide of 47-kDa molecular mass. Synthesis of the polypeptide and expression of nitrate transport activity are repressed by ammonium. Transfer of ammonium-grown cells to a medium containing nitrate as the sole nitrogen source results in parallel development of the 47-kDa polypeptide and nitrate transport activity of the cells. These results suggest the involvement of the 47-kDa cytoplasmic membrane polypeptide in nitrate transport by A. nidulans.  相似文献   
The ability of three strains of Lactobacillus acidophilus to survive and retain β-galactosidase activity during storage in liquid nitrogen at −196°C and during subsequent storage in milk at 5°C was tested. The level of β-galactosidase activity varied among the three strains (0.048 to 0.177 U/107 organisms). Freezing and storage at −196°C had much less adverse influence on viability and activity of the enzyme than did storage in milk at 5°C. The strains varied in the extent of the losses of viability and β-galactosidase activity during both types of storage. There was not a significant interaction between storage at −196°C and subsequent storage at 5°C. The strains that exhibited the greatest losses of β-galactosidase activity during storage in milk at 5°C also exhibited the greatest losses in viability at 5°C. However, the losses in viability were of much greater magnitude than were the losses of enzymatic activity. This indicates that some cells of L. acidophilus which failed to form colonies on the enumeration medium still possessed β-galactosidase activity. Cultures of L. acidophilus to be used as dietary adjuncts to improve lactose utilization in humans should be carefully selected to ensure that adequate β-galactosidase activity is provided.  相似文献   
A cell surface chondroitin sulfate proteoglycan associated with human melanomas and defined by mAb's F24.47 and 48.7 has been characterized biochemically and localized by indirect immunogold electron microscopy. These antibodies recognize distinct epitopes on the intact proteoglycan. In addition, mAb 48.7 also recognizes an epitope on a 250,000-D glycoprotein and is therefore similar to antibody 9.2.27 (described by Bumol, T.F., and R.A. Reisfeld, 1982, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA., 79:1245-1249). Furthermore, it was shown that the glycosaminoglycan chains released by alkaline borohydride treatment of the proteoglycan recognized by mAb 48.7 had a size of approximately 60,000 D. Since the intact proteoglycan was estimated to be 420,000 D, there are probably three chondroitin sulfate chains attached to the 250,000-D core glycoprotein. Furthermore, an oligosaccharide fraction containing 42% of the 3H activity (glucosamine as precursor) was isolated. Immunolocalization studies using whole-mount electron microscopy revealed that the chondroitin sulfate proteoglycan was present almost exclusively on microspikes, a microdomain of the melanoma cell surface. These processes were present as 1-2-micron structures on the upper cell surface and as longer (up to 20 micron) structures at the cell periphery. Peripheral microspikes were involved in the initial interactions between adjacent cells and formed complex footpads that made contact with the substratum. Immunogold-labeled cells were also thin sectioned and the specific localization of the chondroitin sulfate proteoglycan antigen was quantitated. The data confirmed the results of whole-mount microscopy and demonstrated a statistically significant association of the antigen with the microspike processes as compared with other areas of the cell surface. By using two different mAb's (48.7 and F24.47) that recognize epitopes on either the core glycoprotein or the intact proteoglycan, respectively, we have demonstrated that both molecules have the same restricted distribution at the cell surface. The specific localization of the antigen to microspikes at the cell surface suggests it may play a role in cell-cell contact and cell-substratum adhesion, which could be important in the metastatic process.  相似文献   
We have constructed a library of recombinant phage containing DNA from salivary gland chromosomes of Rhynchosciara americana. We have isolated phage from this library that carry sequences homologous to cDNA clones that hybridize in situ to the DNA puffs at the polytene chromosome regions C3 and C8. This has enabled us to demonstrate a 16-fold amplification of the genomic DNA sequences at these regions during DNA-puffing. At the C8 site there is a sequence element that has characteristics of 'scrambled' moderately repetitive DNA. This is located within 3 kb from the gene encoding a 1.95-kb mRNA. We have assayed restriction fragments from the two DNA puffs for Ars activity in yeast. The only strong Ars activity is associated with a part of the moderately repetitive DNA element from the C8 puff which is not present at this site in all animals.  相似文献   
CD8+ murine CTL that are specific for an unusual nonpeptide Ag, the heme moiety of hemoglobin, have been derived by in vitro stimulation of spleen cells with hemin. Such CTL demonstrate a requirement for the expression of class I Ag on target cells, yet appear to be unrestricted to the extent that both syngeneic and allogeneic targets precoated with hemin are sensitive to lysis. A series of CTL clones with specificity for hemin was derived from C57BL/6 mice. They exhibited the same type of promiscuous recognition that was observed in CTL populations from a number of different strains. The possibility that hemin acts as a nonspecific mediator of lysis by CTL was ruled out by the fact that a variety of CTL populations and clones specific for different Ag did not exhibit hemin-specific lysis. Some explanations offered to explain these results include 1) the possibility that hemin is recognized by binding to a site on the MHC other than the Ag-binding groove, and 2) the possibility that TCR recognition of a rigid molecule, such as hemin, may be less sensitive to polymorphic variation in the MHC than is recognition of a conventional peptide Ag whose conformation may differ significantly when bound to MHC molecules whose sequences differ within the Ag-binding groove.  相似文献   
Variations in evoked potentials utilizing a photic stimulus in a sample of psychiatric patients compared to a healthy sample were evaluated. A group of patients diagnosed as schizophrenic was tested against a sample of healthy volunteers in a trial combining visual evoked potentials and a simultaneous cognitive processing. The stimulus was a checkerboard pattern presented under three different conditions. The results indicate diminished P100 and lack the reactivity associated with cognitive processes in schizophrenic group. The P200 component also lacked, in the inpatient group the changes associated with the performance of the trial. Finally the multiple P300 component was shortened in latency and decreased in amplitude in the schizophrenia group. Besides, P300 interhemispheric shifts related to trials, were commonly inverted in schizophrenics. Results are interpreted as a lacked interhemispheric coordination in schizophrenics, rather than a fixed hemispheric alteration. Likewise, an attenuation in processing from specific cortical areas to association cortex is concluded.  相似文献   
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