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A ribosome inactivating protein from Saponaria officinalis, SO-6, was purified and the N-terminus sequenced. The sequence shows extensive homology with Pokeweed antiviral protein, Pokeweed antiviral protein II, Pokeweed antiviral seed protein and dodecandrin. SDS gel electrophoresis in the Laemmli system revealed two bands of similar intensities with a smear between them, probably an artifact due to the high pI of the protein. Use of a harsher denaturing gel system resulted in one band in electrophoresis. Immune antisera was raised in rabbits against this protein and it cross reacted with other proteins (SO-5, SO-8 and SO-9) from seeds of Saponaria officinalis, but not with gelonin, Momordica charantia inhibitor and dianthin 32.  相似文献   
Nucleic acid-based community fingerprinting methods are valuable tools in microbial ecology, as they offer rapid and robust means to compare large series of replicates and references. To avoid the time-consuming and potentially subjective procedures of peak-based examination, we assessed the possibility to apply direct curve-based data analysis on community fingerprints produced with bacterial length heterogeneity PCR (LH-PCR). The dataset comprised 180 profiles from a 21-week rhizoremediation greenhouse experiment with three treatments and 10 sampling times. Curve-based analysis quantified the progressive effect of the plant (Galega orientalis) and the reversible effect of the contaminant (fuel oil) on bacterial succession. The major observed community shifts were assigned to changes in plant biomass and contamination level by canonical correlation analysis. A novel method to extract relative abundance data from the fingerprint curves for Shannon diversity index revealed contamination to reversibly decrease community complexity. By cloning and sequencing the fragment lengths, recognized to change in time in the averaged LH-PCR profiles, we identified Aquabacterium (Betaproteobacteria) as the putative r-strategic fuel oil degrader, and K-strategic Alphaproteobacteria growing in abundance later in succession. Curve-based community fingerprint analysis can be used for rapid data prescreening or as a robust alternative for the more heavily parameterized peak-based analysis.  相似文献   
Sequence variation in mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) may cause slight differences both in the functioning of the respiratory chain and in free radical production, and an association between certain mtDNA haplogroups and longevity has been suggested. In order to determine further the role of mtDNA in longevity, we studied the frequencies of mtDNA haplogroups and haplogroup clusters among elderly subjects and controls in a Finnish population. Samples were obtained from 225 persons aged 90-91 years (Vitality 90+) and from 400 middle-aged controls and 257 infants. MtDNA haplogroups were determined by restriction fragment length polymorphism. The haplogroup frequencies of the Vitality 90+ group differed from both those of the middle-aged controls ( P=0.01) and the infants ( P=0.00005), haplogroup H being less frequent than among the middle-aged subjects ( P=0.001) and infants ( P=0.00001), whereas haplogroups U and J were more frequent. Haplogroup clusters also differed between Vitality 90+ and both the middle-aged subjects ( P=0.002) and infants ( P=0.00001), the frequency of haplogroup cluster HV being lower in the former and that of UK and WIX being higher. These data suggest an association between certain mtDNA haplogroups or haplogroup clusters and longevity. Furthermore, our data appear to favour the presence of advantageous polymorphisms and support a role for mitochondria and mtDNA in the degenerative processes involved in ageing.  相似文献   
We have isolated and sequenced partial cDNA clones that encode SO-6, a ribosome-inactivating protein from Saponaria officinalis. A cDNA library was constructed from the leaves of this plant and screened with synthetic oligonucleotide probes representing various portions of the protein. The deduced amino acid sequence shows the signal peptide and a coding region virtually accounting for the entire amino acid sequence of SO-6. The sequence reveals regions of similarity to other ribosome-inactivating proteins, especially in a region of the molecule where critical amino acid residues might participate in the active site.  相似文献   
We have confirmed the hypothesis that a mitotoxin resulting from the conjugation of basic fibroblast growth factor and saporin exerts its cytotoxic effect through specific interaction with the basic fibroblast growth factor (FGF) receptor. Accordingly, the mitotoxin stimulates tyrosine phosphorylation of the 90 kD substrate that characterizes the initial cellular response to basic FGF. Cross-linking experiments show that radio-labeled basic fibroblast growth factor-saporin (FGF-SAP) binds to the receptor. Suramin, an inhibitor of growth factor receptor binding, inhibits the cytotoxicity of basic FGF-SAP. In a study of 4 different cell types, there is a decrease in the ED50 of the mitotoxin as the receptor number per cell increases. We have verified the cytotoxicity of the mitotoxin in 3 different assay systems. As expected, it is effective in the inhibition of protein synthesis and DNA synthesis, as well as of cell count. Binding of basic FGF-SAP which will result in cytotoxicity occurs very rapidly; 5 minutes of incubation of 10 nM basic FGF-SAP with cells results in 80% inhibition of cell count. The in vitro data indicate that the basic FGF-SAP is a receptor specific and potent suicide antagonist of basic FGF. Its potential as an anti-FGF for therapeutic and research uses in vivo is discussed.  相似文献   
We have studied the effect of a specific FGF receptor suicide antagonist on the growth of bovine epithelial cells (BEL cells) in culture. This basic fibroblast growth factor-saporin conjugate (bFGF-SAP) has a biphasic effect on bovine lens epithelial cells (BEL cells). Whereas 0.01 nM and 0.1 nM bFGF-SAP stimulate BEL cells proliferation, 1 nM and 10 nM bFGF-SAP have the predicted toxic effects on BEL cell growth. The toxicity of bFGF-SAP is observed 2 to 3 days after the initial treatment and depends on cell density. Accordingly, the sensitivity of confluent cells to bFGF-SAP is reduced compared to sparse cells. A time course analysis reveals that bFGF-SAP is effective after a short exposure to cells and that its effects are not increased with longer treatments. Cell growth on bFGF-SAP pretreated extracellular matrix (ECM) or posterior lens capsule (PLC) is also affected. Basic FGF-SAP has been shown to bind to the extracellular material, allowing a modulation of lens cells migration and survival by a single treatment in vitro. This finding raises the possibility of its use in vivo to prevent capsules invasion by lens cells after cataract surgery.  相似文献   
An enrichment culture from a boreal sulfide mine environment containing a low-grade polymetallic ore was tested in column bioreactors for simulation of low temperature heap leaching. PCR-denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis and 16S rRNA gene sequencing revealed the enrichment culture contained an Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans strain with high 16S rRNA gene similarity to the psychrotolerant strain SS3 and a mesophilic Leptospirillum ferrooxidans strain. As the mixed culture contained a strain that was within a clade with SS3, we used the SS3 pure culture to compare leaching rates with the At. ferrooxidans type strain in stirred tank reactors for mineral sulfide dissolution at various temperatures. The psychrotolerant strain SS3 catalyzed pyrite, pyrite/arsenopyrite, and chalcopyrite concentrate leaching. The rates were lower at 5 degrees C than at 30 degrees C, despite that all the available iron was in the oxidized form in the presence of At. ferrooxidans SS3. This suggests that although efficient At. ferrooxidans SS3 mediated biological oxidation of ferrous iron occurred, chemical oxidation of the sulfide minerals by ferric iron was rate limiting. In the column reactors, the leaching rates were much less affected by low temperatures than in the stirred tank reactors. A factor for the relatively high rates of mineral oxidation at 7 degrees C is that ferric iron remained in the soluble phase whereas, at 21 degrees C the ferric iron precipitated. Temperature gradient analysis of ferrous iron oxidation by this enrichment culture demonstrated two temperature optima for ferrous iron oxidation and that the mixed culture was capable of ferrous iron oxidation at 5 degrees C.  相似文献   
Two versatile expression-modification vectors were obtained by inserting the origin of replication (ori) of phage f1 into the expression vector pOTS. The resulting plasmids produce large amounts of coding or noncoding ssDNA (depending on ori orientation in pFCE4+ and pFCE4-) and excrete it into the medium as virus-like particles following infection with phage f1. These features make them suitable for dideoxy chain termination sequencing, oligonucleotide directed mutagenesis and gene expression without further manipulations. The human IFN alpha-2 gene, lacking the codon for the first amino acid, cysteine, was efficiently expressed by these vectors.  相似文献   
Disulfide bond formation in the endoplasmic reticulum by the sulfhydryl oxidase Ero1 family is thought to be accompanied by the concomitant formation of hydrogen peroxide. Since secretory cells can make substantial amounts of proteins that contain disulfide bonds, the production of this reactive oxygen species could have potentially lethal consequences. Here, we show that two human proteins, GPx7 and GPx8, labeled as secreted glutathione peroxidases, are actually endoplasmic reticulum-resident protein disulfide isomerase peroxidases. In vitro, the addition of GPx7 or GPx8 to a folding protein along with protein disulfide isomerase and peroxide enables the efficient oxidative refolding of a reduced denatured protein. Furthermore, both GPx7 and GPx8 interact with Ero1α in vivo, and GPx7 significantly increases oxygen consumption by Ero1α in vitro. Hence, GPx7 and GPx8 may represent a novel route for the productive use of peroxide produced by Ero1α during disulfide bond formation.  相似文献   
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