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By using a Li-820 infra-red CO_2 gas analyzer, an in situ measurement of Schima super-ba stem CO_2 efflux was conducted for three consecutive days from 17 to 19 October 2008. In the meantime, the stem temperature, xylem sap efflux density, and xylem CO_2 concentration were measured. The stem CO_2 efflux had a diurnal variation of "S" pattern, and differed significantly with stem diameter. There was a significant exponential relationship between stem CO_2 efflux and stem temperature (0. 24 < R~2 < 0. 78). The temperature coefficient (b) and regression coeffi-cient (R~2) were higher at nighttime than at daytime, and the Q_(10) value ranged from 2. 01 to 2. 79. The stem CO_2 efflux correlated significantly with the xylem CO_2 concentration, and the best regression curve was cubic (R~2= 0. 48). Excluding the effects of stem temperature, the stem CO_2 efflux showed a significant negative correlation with xylem sap flux density (r =-0.462). Therefore, only using simple temperature function to estimate stem CO_2 efflux would yield a significant error, and xylem sap flux should be taken into consideration in the stem CO_2 emux estimation.  相似文献   
The pathogenetic role of anticardiolipin antibodies (aCLs) in patients with neuropsychiatric systemic lupus erythematosus (NPSLE) without cerebral infarcts remains elusive. Magnetization transfer imaging (MTI) has proved to be a sensitive tool for detecting diffuse microscopic brain damage in NPSLE patients. In this study we examined the correlation between grey and white matter magnetization transfer ratio (MTR) parameters and the presence of IgM and IgG aCLs and lupus anticoagulant in 18 patients with systemic lupus erythematosus and a history of NPSLE but without cerebral infarcts on conventional magnetic resonance imaging. Lower grey matter mean MTR (P < 0.05), white matter mean MTR (P < 0.05), white matter peak location (P < 0.05) and grey matter peak location (trend toward statistical significance) were observed in IgM aCL-positive patients than in IgM aCL-negative patients. No significant differences were found in MTR histogram parameters with respect to IgG aCL and lupus anticoagulant status, nor with respect to anti-dsDNA or anti-ENA (extractable nuclear antigen) status. This is the first report of an association between the presence of aCLs and cerebral damage in grey and white matter in NPSLE. Our findings suggest that aCLs are associated with diffuse brain involvement in NPSLE patients.  相似文献   
With a view to determine the configuration and regularity of plectonemically supercoiled DNA, we have measured the small angle neutron scattering from pUC18 plasmid in saline solutions. Furthermore, we have derived the mathematical expression for the single chain scattering function (form factor) of a superhelical structure, including the longitudinal and transverse interference over the plectonemic pitch and radius, respectively. It was found that an interwound configuration describes the data well, provided interactions among supercoils are accounted for in the second virial approximation. The opening angle was observed to be relatively constant and close to 58 degrees, but it was necessary to include a significant distribution in radius and pitch. For diluted supercoils with vanishing mutual interaction, the derived structural results agree with independent measurements, including the distribution in linking number deficit as determined by gel electrophoresis. With increasing plasmid concentration, prior and covering the transition to the liquid-crystalline phase, the radius and pitch are seen to decrease significantly. The latter observation shows that compaction of negatively supercoiled DNA by confinement results in a decrease in writhing number at the cost of a positive twist exerted on the DNA duplex. It is our conjecture that the free energy associated with this excess twist is of paramount importance in controlling the critical boundaries pertaining to the transition to the anisotropic, liquid-crystalline phase.  相似文献   
比较了不同季节和冬眠时相中达乌尔黄鼠 (Citelleusdauricus)下丘脑内去甲肾上腺素 (noradrenaline ,NA)代谢和视前区 (POA)脑片中各类温敏神经元的比例、温度敏感性、放电活动的临界温度及下限温度 .结果表明 :与夏季动物相比 ,( 1)冬眠各时相中POA温敏神经元的比例和温敏性产生了与冬眠体温调节特性相关的适应性改变 ;( 2 )冬季和冬眠中POA神经元放电的下限温度和温敏神经元活动的临界温度均显著下移 ;( 3 )冬眠中POA神经元对NA反应的敏感性增高 ,冷敏神经元对NA的反应从夏季的抑制型转变为冬眠时的兴奋型 ;( 4)入眠和深冬眠时下丘脑内NA的含量和代谢水平下降 ,出眠时代谢水平升高 .这些变化可能解释动物入眠时主动降低体温和出眠时从深低体温中快速地升温的温度调节机理 .  相似文献   
Only relatively recently have researchers turned to molecular methods for nematode phylogeny reconstruction. Thus, we lack the extensive literature on evolutionary patterns and phylogenetic usefulness of different DNA regions for nematodes that exists for other taxa. Here, we examine the usefulness of mtDNA for nematode phylogeny reconstruction and provide data that can be used for a priori character weighting or for parameter specification in models of sequence evolution. We estimated the substitution pattern for the mitochondrial ND4 gene from intraspecific comparisons in four species of parasitic nematodes from the family Trichostrongylidae (38-50 sequences per species). The resulting pattern suggests a strong mutational bias toward A and T, and a lower transition/transversion ratio than is typically observed in other taxa. We also present information on the relative rates of substitution at first, second, and third codon positions and on relative rates of saturation of different types of substitutions in comparisons ranging from intraspecific to interordinal. Silent sites saturate extremely quickly, presumably owing to the substitution bias and, perhaps, to an accelerated mutation rate. Results emphasize the importance of using only the most closely related sequences in order to infer patterns of substitution accurately for nematodes or for other taxa having strongly composition-biased DNA. ND4 also shows high amino acid polymorphism at both the intra- and interspecific levels, and in higher level comparisons, there is evidence of saturation at variable amino acid sites. In general, we recommend using mtDNA coding genes only for phylogenetics of relatively closely related nematode species and, even then, using only nonsynonymous substitutions and the more conserved mitochondrial genes (e.g., cytochrome oxidases). On the other hand, the high substitution rate in genes such as ND4 should make them excellent for population genetics studies, identifying cryptic species, and resolving relationships among closely related congeners when other markers show insufficient variation.   相似文献   
The fatty acid composition of 42 isolates belonging to the major plant affinity groups of Rhizobium has been determined and found to vary reproducible with culture age. Numerical taxonomic techniques applied to the 15 major fatty acid components of log-phase cultures of comparable physiological age showed that the rhizobia constitute a uniform group. However, two clusters comprising soybean-cowpea isolates and pea-bean isolates were evident. These observations, based on a simple analysis of only one group of chemical components, indicate relationships among rhizobia which differ from the conventional plant-affinity groupings but which are consistent with other proposed relationships established using a variety of biochemical and physiological criteria.  相似文献   
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