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The large GTPase dynamin 2 is a key player in membrane and cytoskeletal dynamics mutated in centronuclear myopathy (CNM) and Charcot-Marie Tooth (CMT) neuropathy, two discrete dominant neuromuscular disorders affecting skeletal muscle and peripheral nerves respectively. The molecular basis for the tissue-specific phenotypes observed and the physiopathological mechanisms linked to dynamin 2 mutations are not well established. In this study, we have analyzed the impact of CNM and CMT implicated dynamin 2 mutants using ectopic expression of four CNM and two CMT mutations, and patient fibroblasts harboring two dynamin 2 CNM mutations in established cellular processes of dynamin 2 action. Wild type and CMT mutants were seen in association with microtubules whereas CNM mutants lacked microtubules association and did not disrupt interphase microtubules dynamics. Most dynamin 2 mutants partially decreased clathrin-mediated endocytosis when ectopically expressed in cultured cells; however, experiments in patient fibroblasts suggested that endocytosis is overall not defective. Furthermore, CNM mutants were seen in association with enlarged clathrin stained structures whereas the CMT mutant constructs were associated with clathrin structures that appeared clustered, similar to the structures observed in Dnm1 and Dnm2 double knock-out cells. Other roles of dynamin 2 including its interaction with BIN1 (amphiphysin 2), and its function in Golgi maintenance and centrosome cohesion were not significantly altered. Taken together, these mild functional defects are suggestive of differences between CMT and CNM disease-causing dynamin 2 mutants and suggest that a slight impairment in clathrin-mediated pathways may accumulate over time to foster the respective human diseases.  相似文献   
Climatic variation is a key driver of genetic differentiation and phenotypic traits evolution, and local adaptation to temperature is expected in widespread species. We investigated phenotypic and genomic changes in the native range of the Asian tiger mosquito, Aedes albopictus. We first refine the phylogeographic structure based on genome-wide regions (1,901 double-digest restriction-site associated DNA single nucleotide polymophisms [ddRAD SNPs]) from 41 populations. We then explore the patterns of cold adaptation using phenotypic traits measured in common garden (wing size and cold tolerance) and genotype–temperature associations at targeted candidate regions (51,706 exon-capture SNPs) from nine populations. We confirm the existence of three evolutionary lineages including clades A (Malaysia, Thailand, Cambodia, and Laos), B (China and Okinawa), and C (South Korea and Japan). We identified temperature-associated differentiation in 15 out of 221 candidate regions but none in ddRAD regions, supporting the role of directional selection in detected genes. These include genes involved in lipid metabolism and a circadian clock gene. Most outlier SNPs are differently fixed between clades A and C, whereas clade B has an intermediate pattern. Females are larger at higher latitude yet produce no more eggs, which might favor the storage of energetic reserves in colder climate. Nondiapausing eggs from temperate populations survive better to cold exposure than those from tropical populations, suggesting they are protected from freezing damages but this cold tolerance has a fitness cost in terms of egg viability. Altogether, our results provide strong evidence for the thermal adaptation of A. albopictus across its wide temperature range.  相似文献   
3D reconstruction of the pelvis from bi-planar radiography   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
3D personalized models are more and more requested for clinical and biomechanical studies. Techniques based on bi-planar X-rays present the advantage of a low radiation dose for the patient. However, up to now, such techniques have shown limited accuracy in the case of pelvis reconstruction. This study proposes and validates a method providing accurate 3D personalized model of the pelvis from bi-planar X-rays. The algorithm is based on the fast computation of an initial solution followed by local deformations based on 2D anatomical points and contours that are digitized in both radiographs. Results were close to CT-scan reconstructions (mean difference 1.6 mm and differences under 4.3 mm for 95% of the points). Moreover, 3D morphometry of the pelvis could be obtained with an accuracy of 5%. This technique provides 3D patient specific model with a low radiation dose.  相似文献   
This is an account of the life of a 19th-century physiologist who was born in 1817 in Port-Louis (Mauritius Island, formerly 'Ile de France') and died in Paris in 1894. His mother tongue, education and medical training were French, but as the 'Ile de France' had become British a few years before his birth, he was a British citizen and therefore ineligible for a permanent position in a French institution. This explains, partly at least, his eventful life, during which he restlessly wandered during several decades between France, the United States, Great Britain and Mauritius, without ever finding a position that would satisfy him. This difficult period lasted until 1879 when, having finally acquired French nationality, he succeeded Claude Bernard in the chair of experimental medicine at the 'Collège de France'. Some of his contributions to the physiology of the nervous system are analysed: sensory pathways in the spinal cord, vasoconstrictor innervation, nervous inhibition and experimental epilepsy.  相似文献   
The acceptor specificities of ST3Gal III, ST3Gal IV, ST6Gal I and ST6Gal II were investigated using a panel of beta-D-Galp-(1-->4)-beta-D-GlcpNAc-(1-->2)-alpha-D-Manp-(1-->O)(CH(2))(7)CH(3) analogues. Modifications introduced at either C2, C3, C4, C5, or C6 of terminal D-Gal, as well as N-propionylation instead of N-acetylation of subterminal D-GlcN were tested for their influence on the alpha-2,3- and alpha-2,6-sialyltransferase acceptor activities. Both ST3Gal enzymes displayed the same narrow acceptor specificity, and only accept reduction of the Gal C2 hydroxyl function. The ST6Gal enzymes, however, do not have the same acceptor specificity. ST6Gal II seems less tolerant towards modifications at Gal C3 and C4 than ST6Gal I, and prefers beta-D-GalpNAc-(1-->4)-beta-D-GlcpNAc (LacdiNAc) as an acceptor substrate, as shown by replacing the Gal C2 hydroxyl group with an N-acetyl function. Finally, a particularly striking feature of all tested sialyltransferases is the activating effect of replacing the N-acetyl function of subterminal GlcNAc by an N-propionyl function.  相似文献   
Proteins involved in membrane remodeling play an essential role in a plethora of cell functions including endocytosis and intracellular transport. Defects in several of them lead to human diseases. Myotubularins, amphiphysins, and dynamins are all proteins implicated in membrane trafficking and/or remodeling. Mutations in myotubularin, amphiphysin 2 (BIN1), and dynamin 2 lead to different forms of centronuclear myopathy, while mutations in myotubularin-related proteins cause Charcot-Marie-Tooth neuropathies. In addition to centronuclear myopathy, dynamin 2 is also mutated in a dominant form of Charcot-Marie-Tooth neuropathy. While several proteins from these different families are implicated in similar diseases, mutations in close homologues or in the same protein in the case of dynamin 2 lead to diseases affecting different tissues. This suggests (1) a common molecular pathway underlying these different neuromuscular diseases, and (2) tissue-specific regulation of these proteins. This review discusses the pathophysiology of the related neuromuscular diseases on the basis of animal models developed for proteins of the myotubularin, amphiphysin, and dynamin families. A better understanding of the common mechanisms between these neuromuscular disorders will lead to more specific health care and therapeutic approaches.  相似文献   
Inhibition of conjugal transfer of R plasmids by nitrofurans   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Nifurzide is a nitrofuran with antibacterial activity. As nitrofurans have been reported to interact with DNA, we tested the ability of nifurzide to inhibit plasmid transfer. Inhibition of plasmid transfer between Escherichia coli strains was obtained for ten plasmids belonging to nine incompatibility groups. The same effect was observed when plasmid RP4 was harboured in six different members of the Enterobacteriaceae. Inhibition depended on the reduction of the -NO2 group of nifurzide and was obtained with four other nitrofuran derivatives.  相似文献   
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