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The highly pathogenic H5N1 is a major avian pathogen that crosses species barriers and seriously affects humans as well as some mammals. It mutates in an intensified manner and is considered a potential candidate for the possible next pandemic with all the catastrophic consequences.  相似文献   
Changes in the abundance and distribution of individual species have been widely documented in Britain and other countries in recent decades, but little has been done to determine changes in community composition over broad geographic areas. Here, we studied species turnover in 51 butterfly assemblages in Britain since 1976, examining extinction and colonisation events together with variation in the abundances of the species. We showed that the species turnover that occurred over 20 years in Britain was associated with colonisation and extinction events and also with variability in the abundance of the species. These changes in community composition differed according to the habitat requirements of the species and their previous distributions, being more evident for habitat specialists and for southerly distributed species. Colonising species often became abundant components of the communities they joined, although this was more evident for generalist than for specialist species. The abundance of species following their arrival, increased with time since colonisation. Species turnover associated with southerly species expanding northwards is consistent with being a response to climate change. The results suggest that climate- and habitat-driven changes in the identity and abundance of species within communities are widespread, and probably ubiquitous. Similar changes are likely to be occurring in other groups of organisms that are similarly undertaking major range shifts associated with climate change.  相似文献   
Wine vinegar is a product obtained from wine acidification which contains at least 5% by wt. of acetic acid, in general without any additives or colorings.
Aspects studied in this work include: the determination of the taste group thresholds (geometric mean of the individual best-estimate thresholds "BET") of two different acids (citric and acetic acids) in aqueous solution and spanish vinegars produced from table and sherry wines. The results obtained suggest that wine vinegar can be considered something more than just an acidulant agent.
In order to evaluate differences among wine vinegars, discriminant tests for twenty-five spanish vinegars (sherry, table and flavored vinegars) were applied. Six of the twelve attributes freely chosen by assessors allowed grouping of the spanish wine vinegars according to their sensory aspects.  相似文献   
A comparison of neural network methods and Bayesian statistical methods is presented for prediction of the secondary structure of proteins given their primary sequence. The Bayesian method makes the unphysical assumption that the probability of an amino acid occurring in each position in the protein is independent of the amino acids occurring elsewhere. However, we find the predictive accuracy of the Bayesian method to be only minimally less than the accuracy of the most sophisticated methods used to date. We present the relationship of neural network methods to Bayesian statistical methods and show that, in principle, neural methods offer considerable power, although apparently they are not particularly useful for this problem. In the process, we derive a neural formalism in which the output neurons directly represent the conditional probabilities of structure class. The probabilistic formalism allows introduction of a new objective function, the mutual information, which translates the notion of correlation as a measure of predictive accuracy into a useful training measure. Although a similar accuracy to other approaches (utilizing a mean-square error) is achieved using this new measure, the accuracy on the training set is significantly and tantalizingly higher, even though the number of adjustable parameters remains the same. The mutual information measure predicts a greater fraction of helix and sheet structures correctly than the mean-square error measure, at the expense of coil accuracy, precisely as it was designed to do. By combining the two objective functions, we obtain a marginally improved accuracy of 64.4%, with Matthews coefficients C alpha, C beta and Ccoil of 0.40, 0.32 and 0.42, respectively. However, since all methods to date perform only slightly better than the Bayes algorithm, which entails the drastic assumption of independence of amino acids, one is forced to conclude that little progress has been made on this problem, despite the application of a variety of sophisticated algorithms such as neural networks, and that further advances will require a better understanding of the relevant biophysics.  相似文献   
In this paper we demonstrate the study of plant water balanceby the non-invasive measurement of tissue water content andwater flow using proton nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR). Sapvelocity and flux were measured independently in the presenceof an excess of stationary tissue water. The instrumentationdescribed allows automated and unattended measurement of flow-and water content-variables in a well-defined region of theplant over periods of several days, with a time resolution betweensuccessive measurements of c. 5 s. Using this apparatus theeffect of changes in light intensity (day/night rhythm) andrelative humidity on stem tissue water content as well as onthe velocity and flux of xylem sap in the stem were investigatedin a cucumber plant. The results are in agreement with predictionsfrom a simple model for plant water balance, which is basedon water potential, flow rate and resistance to flow. As longas only transpiration is varied, flow rate and water content(or potential) are affected in opposite ways as demonstratedin this paper. In contrast, the model predicts that changesin uptake (resulting from changes in, for example, root resistance)will induce changes in water content and flow in the same direction.An experimental verification of this prediction is given ina subsequent paper, where, in addition, the NMR results arecompared to those obtained with a dendrometer. Key words: Water balance model, Cucumis sativus L., flow, water content, NMR, water balance measurement  相似文献   
Long-term effects of ungulates on phytophagous insects   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract.  1. Most plants interact with a diverse suite of herbivores, allowing the opportunity for the existence of positive and negative interactions between highly dissimilar organisms. However, most studies on herbivorous interactions have been performed under the assumption that they occur mainly between similar species. Consequently, ecologists are still far from a full understanding of the ecological factors that determine insect population dynamics.
2. In this study, a 7-year field experiment was conducted that manipulated the presence of ungulates to evaluate their effects on the abundance, attack rate, and survival of four guilds of co-occurring herbivorous insects living on the same host plant: seed predators, stem borers, gall makers and sap suckers. These four guilds differed in habits and behaviour, the first three being sessile and endophytic and the last being free-living.
3. This study shows that the abundance of all four guilds was negatively affected by ungulates. However, the effect on attack rate differed among guilds, as mammals do not affect the seed predator attack rate. Ungulates also differentially affected insect survival, ingesting only seed predators and gall makers.
4. In summary, this study suggests that diverse mechanisms may affect different insect guilds in different ways. Therefore, competition between disparate herbivores appears to be complex and can be provoked by multiple mechanisms.  相似文献   
The restricted neutralization breadth of vaccine-elicited antibodies is a major limitation of current human immunodeficiency virus-1 (HIV-1) candidate vaccines. In order to permit the efficient identification of vaccines with enhanced capacity for eliciting cross-reactive neutralizing antibodies (NAbs) and to assess the overall breadth and potency of vaccine-elicited NAb reactivity, we assembled a panel of 109 molecularly cloned HIV-1 Env pseudoviruses representing a broad range of genetic and geographic diversity. Viral isolates from all major circulating genetic subtypes were included, as were viruses derived shortly after transmission and during the early and chronic stages of infection. We assembled a panel of genetically diverse HIV-1-positive (HIV-1+) plasma pools to assess the neutralization sensitivities of the entire virus panel. When the viruses were rank ordered according to the average sensitivity to neutralization by the HIV-1+ plasmas, a continuum of average sensitivity was observed. Clustering analysis of the patterns of sensitivity defined four subgroups of viruses: those having very high (tier 1A), above-average (tier 1B), moderate (tier 2), or low (tier 3) sensitivity to antibody-mediated neutralization. We also investigated potential associations between characteristics of the viral isolates (clade, stage of infection, and source of virus) and sensitivity to NAb. In particular, higher levels of NAb activity were observed when the virus and plasma pool were matched in clade. These data provide the first systematic assessment of the overall neutralization sensitivities of a genetically and geographically diverse panel of circulating HIV-1 strains. These reference viruses can facilitate the systematic characterization of NAb responses elicited by candidate vaccine immunogens.The development of an HIV-1 vaccine that can elicit protective humoral and cellular immunity is one of the highest priorities in the global fight against HIV/AIDS (2, 44). Data from lentiviral animal models suggest that antibodies capable of neutralizing primary strains of HIV-1 may have the capacity to prevent HIV-1 infection (1, 28, 30, 35). However, the ability to design immunogens that can elicit such broadly reactive neutralizing antibodies (NAbs) has proven to be a formidable obstacle, due in part to the extensive genetic diversity of HIV-1 and the complex escape mechanisms employed by the envelope gp120 and gp41 glycoproteins that form the trimeric viral envelope spike (Env) (20, 34, 45). As improved vaccine immunogens enter the stage of detailed preclinical analysis, the in vitro assays used for evaluating vaccine sera will need to detect incremental advances in the magnitude, breadth, and durability of NAb responses (37). Such data can then be used to distinguish and prioritize among antibody-based vaccine immunogens. Furthermore, highly reproducible and quantitative data on vaccine-elicited NAbs can enhance our understanding of the relationship between Env immunogen design and the resulting antibody response generated.Current recommendations for evaluating candidate vaccine sera for NAb activity include the use of standard reference panels of molecularly cloned HIV-1 Env pseudoviruses and a tiered algorithm of testing (27). Reference virus panels should represent genetically and geographically diverse subsets of viruses with neutralization phenotypes that are generally representative of primary isolate strains that a vaccine would need to protect against. As such, standard reference panels for HIV-1 subtypes B and C have been described (22, 23), and efforts continue toward the creation of virus reference panels representing additional genetic subtypes. For tiered evaluation of NAb activity, vaccine sera are first tested against homologous Env pseudoviruses and/or a small number of isolates that are known to be highly sensitive to antibody-mediated neutralization (commonly referred to as tier 1 viruses). A more rigorous assessment of the potency and breadth of vaccine-induced NAbs entails testing against more resistant reference panel viruses (commonly referred to as tier 2 viruses) that are either matched or mismatched in genetic subtype to the vaccine immunogen (second and third tiers of testing, respectively). This tiered approach for testing candidate HIV-1 vaccine sera is advantageous in that it provides increasingly stringent levels for assessing the potency and breadth of NAbs, uses standardized panels of reference viruses for consistency and reproducibility, and allows for the generation of comparative data sets for evaluating different candidate vaccine regimens.While the tiered algorithm for evaluating vaccine sera has gained acceptance in the field, a major limitation has been the lack of objective data to characterize HIV-1 Env pseudoviruses according to their overall sensitivity or resistance to antibody-mediated neutralization. The category of sensitive, tier 1 viruses arose in part from the observation that HIV-1 isolates passaged through T-cell lines often become highly sensitive to antibody-mediated neutralization (33). Compared to these laboratory-adapted viruses, most primary isolate strains are moderately resistant to NAbs. Yet, even among recently isolated circulating viral Envs, there is a wide spectrum of neutralization sensitivity. Some HIV-1 isolates have a neutralization phenotype closer to that of tier 1 viruses, while others appear to be quite neutralization resistant (6, 19, 22, 23). Overall, there are few data from which to understand or categorize the viral neutralization phenotypes of HIV-1 strains. As a result, we have a limited ability to assess the potential potency of vaccine-elicited NAbs or to estimate the percentage of circulating HIV-1 isolates that would be neutralized. Further categorization of isolates into distinct subgroups based on sensitivity to NAbs may reveal patterns of neutralization that could provide a greater understanding of the NAb response generated by current and future vaccine immunogens. In addition, the structure-based design of novel immunogens may be facilitated by an ability to monitor the types of viruses neutralized and to specifically map the viral epitopes targeted by vaccine-elicited NAbs.In this study, we assembled a diverse panel of 109 HIV-1 Env pseudoviruses, including multiple representatives from clades A, B, and C and circulating recombinant forms (CRFs) CRF07_BC and CRF02_AG-related. These were tested for their sensitivities using HIV-1-positive (HIV-1+) plasma samples representative of clades A, B, and C and CRF01_AE and CRF02_AG. Clinical, demographic, and viral genetic sequence data were collected for each virus. The neutralization phenotype of each virus was assessed with a panel of seven clade-specific HIV-1+ plasma pools. Viruses were rank ordered according to average neutralization sensitivity, and k-means clustering was utilized to identify four subgroups of viruses with neutralization phenotypes ranging from highly sensitive to resistant. Together, these results will improve the ability to rigorously evaluate antibody-based HIV-1 vaccines and will facilitate the interpretation of assay results to identify immunogens with improved capacity to elicit broadly cross-reactive NAbs.  相似文献   
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