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Shake flask studies examined the rate and extent of biodegradation of pentachlorophenol (PCP) and 42 components of coal-tar creosote present in contaminated groundwater recovered from the American Creosote Works Superfund site, Pensacola, Fla. The ability of indigenous soil microorganisms to remove these contaminants from aqueous solutions was determined by gas chromatographic analysis of organic extracts of biotreated groundwater. Changes in potential environmental and human health hazards associated with the biodegradation of this material were determined at intervals by Microtox assays and fish toxicity and teratogenicity tests. After 14 days of incubation at 30 degrees C, indigenous microorganisms effectively removed 100, 99, 94, 88, and 87% of measured phenolic and lower-molecular-weight polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and S-heterocyclic, N-heterocyclic, and O-heterocyclic constituents of creosote, respectively. However, only 53% of the higher-molecular-weight PAHs were degraded; PCP was not removed. Despite the removal of a majority of the organic contaminants through biotreatment, only a slight decrease in the toxicity and teratogenicity of biotreated groundwater was observed. Data suggest that toxicity and teratogenicity are associated with compounds difficult to treat biologically and that one may not necessarily rely on indigenous microorganisms to effectively remove these compounds in a reasonable time span; to this end, alternative or supplemental approaches may be necessary. Similar measures of the toxicity and teratogenicity of treated material may offer a simple, yet important, guide to bioremediation effectiveness.  相似文献   
Powerful analyses of population structure require information from multiple genetic loci. To help develop a molecular toolbox for obtaining this information, we have designed universal oligonucleotide primers that span conserved intron-exon junctions in a wide variety of animal phyla. We test the utility of exon-primed, intron-crossing amplifications by analyzing the variability of actin intron sequences from humpback, blue, and bowhead whales and comparing the results with mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) haplotype data. Humpback actin introns fall into two major clades that exist in different frequencies in different oceanic populations. It is surprising that Hawaii and California populations, which are very distinct in mtDNAs, are similar in actin intron alleles. This discrepancy between mtDNA and nuclear DNA results may be due either to differences in genetic drift in mitochondrial and nuclear genes or to preferential movement of males, which do not transmit mtDNA to offspring, between separate breeding grounds. Opposing mtDNA and nuclear DNA results can help clarify otherwise hidden patterns of structure in natural populations.   相似文献   
Although many patients with disseminated nontuberculous mycobacterial disease have molecular defects in the IFN-gamma/IL-12 axis, recent case reports have shown autoantibodies against IFN-gamma associated with severe nontuberculous mycobacterial infections. To check this finding in an independent population, we screened 35 patients with either disseminated or pulmonary nontuberculous mycobacterial infections for whom no molecular defect was known. We identified high-titer-neutralizing anti-IFN-gamma IgG in the plasma of six patients. All six patients were female, parous, of East Asian descent, and had disseminated infection, predominantly with rapidly growing mycobacteria. The anti-IFN-gamma IgG had in vitro biological activity on the IFN-gamma-dependent phosphorylation of STAT-1 as well as on the IFN-gamma-dependent up-regulation of TNF-alpha and IL-12. In contrast, this anti-IFN-gamma Ab had no effect on IFN-alpha-dependent STAT-1 phosphorylation. These patients confirm a novel syndrome linking autoimmunity and immunodeficiency.  相似文献   
Morphology is important in industrial processes involving filamentous organisms because it affects the mixing and mass transfer and can be linked to productivity. Image analysis provides detailed information about the morphology but, in practice, it is often laborious including both collection of high quality images and image processing. Laser diffraction is rapid and fully automatic and provides a volume-weighted distribution of the particle sizes. However, it is based on a number of assumptions that do not always apply to samples. We have evaluated laser diffraction to measure cell clumps and pellets of Streptomyces coelicolor compare to image analysis. Samples, taken five times during fed-batch cultivation, were analyzed by image analysis and laser diffraction. The volume-weighted size distribution was calculated for each sample. Laser diffraction and image analysis yielded similar size distributions, i.e. unimodal or bimodal distributions. Both techniques produced similar estimations of the population means, whereas the estimates of the standard deviations were generally higher using laser diffraction compared to image analysis. Therefore, laser diffraction measurements are high quality and the technique may be useful when rapid measurements of filamentous cell clumps and pellets are required.  相似文献   
The formation of pH gradients in a 700 L batch fermentation of Streptococcus thermophilus was studied using multi-position pH measurements and computational fluid dynamics (CFD) modeling. To this end, a dynamic, kinetic model of S. thermophilus and a pH correlation were integrated into a validated one-phase CFD model, and a dynamic CFD simulation was performed. First, the fluid dynamics of the CFD model were validated with NaOH tracer pulse mixing experiments. Mixing experiments and simulations were performed whereas multiple pH sensors, which were placed vertically at different locations in the bioreactor, captured the response. A mixing time of about 46 s to reach 95% homogeneity was measured and predicted at an impeller speed of 242 rpm. The CFD simulation of the S. thermophilus fermentation captured the experimentally observed pH gradients between a pH of 5.9 and 6.3, which occurred during the exponential growth phase. A pH higher than 7 was predicted in the vicinity of the base solution inlet. Biomass growth, lactic acid production, and substrate consumption matched the experimental observations. Moreover, the biokinetic results obtained from the CFD simulation were similar to a single-compartment simulation, for which a homogeneous distribution of the pH was assumed. This indicates no influence of pH gradients on growth in the studied bioreactor. This study verified that the pH gradients during a fermentation in the pilot-scale bioreactor could be accurately predicted using a coupled simulation of a biokinetic and a CFD model. To support the understanding and optimization of industrial-scale processes, future biokinetic CFD studies need to assess multiple types of environmental gradients, like pH, substrate, and dissolved oxygen, especially at industrial scale.  相似文献   
Coral Reefs - Global warming (and the consequent increase in sea surface temperature) is expected to modify rates of gross primary production (GPP), respiration (R), and net calcium carbonate...  相似文献   
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