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As a result of some field observations and laboratory experiments, a number of authors (see text) have suggested that insects living in rivers, even slightly heated by power station cooling water, may have their life-cycles altered sufficiently to lead to the elimination of species owing to early emergence into a lethally cold air, shorter emergence periods, disrupted mating behaviour, or the elimination of necessary chill-periods in winter. If this were so, an important food resource for fishes in some rivers might be lost.Part I of this paper (Langford and Daffern — in press) described the results of an emergence-trapping programme on the River Severn around the cooling water outfalls of Ironbridge A and B Power Stations. This paper describes in detail the emergence pattern and periods of eight species of Ephemeroptera, seven species of Trichoptera and one species of Megaloptera, upstream and downstream of the outfalls during the period July 1969–November 1971. The patterns are analysed in relation to river flows and water temperature.Although t7emperature increases reached 8°C, maximum water temperatures reached 28°C, total degree-hours were up to 24% more during spring, and there was a four-week advance in degree-hour accumulation; there was no evidence of a pattern of early emergence downstream. Emergence of most species occurred over a temperature range of 12°C to 28°C and there was no evidence of the high temperatures in 1970 halting emergence or shortening the emergence period.Captures of all species of Ephemeroptera were obviously influenced by spates, i.e. increased river levels and flows. Evidence suggests that emergence may be suppressed under such conditions. Catches of most Trichoptera species were not as markedly influenced by river flows. Implications are that future flow changes in the middle reaches of the Severn as a result of water transfers could affect emergence patterns of Ephemeroptera.There is no positive indication that temperature changes caused by the cooling-water discharge had any influence on onset or progress of emergence of either Ephemeroptera or Trichoptera. It is suggested that where early emergence has been induced experimentally in the laboratory, constant high temperatures, stable flow conditions and food have been provided. In a natural river system, it is unlikely all these conditions would be maintained consistently enough for lethally early emergence to occur.It is concluded, therefore, that before predictions about the effects of power station cooling water discharges on the emergent insects of rivers are made, based on extrapolation of laboratory data, it is essential that the relevant field conditions and relationships should be considered. Also the natural variability and adaptability of species should be investigated in more detail.  相似文献   
The AT1 receptor subtype modulates all of the hemodynamic effects of the vasoactive peptide, angiotensin II. In this report, we investigate the genomic organization of this important receptor. A rat genomic library was screened with fragments from the 5' region of a previously cloned cDNA, pCa18b, encoding the rat AT1 receptor. Two lambda clones were isolated and the hybridizing restriction fragments were sequenced. Comparison of the genomic and cDNA sequences reveals that the rat AT1 receptor has three exons. Two of the exons encode 5' untranslated sequence while the third exon encompasses the entire coding region, a small portion of the 5' untranslated region and the entire 3' untranslated sequence. Further analysis of the genomic sequence 5' to the start site of pCa18b demonstrates typical sequence motifs found in many eukaryotic promoters including a TATA box, a cap site and a potential Sp1 binding site. Southern analysis of genomic DNA indicates that the AT1 receptor subtype represented by pCa18b is encoded by one gene within the rat genome.  相似文献   
Operator effects and instrument accuracy in using the Scanopreg ultrasonic pregnancy detector in sheep bred at synchronized estrus were studied in three experiments. In the first study, four operators tested the same 101 ewes at 60 and 80 days after breeding. The only significant difference among the four operators was that one operator consistently underestimated pregnancy. Operators did not differ in their diagnoses between days 60 and 80. In the second study, there were no differences between two operators who tested 239 ewes 90 days after breeding. In the third study, one operator tested 318 ewes 60, 70 and 90 days after breeding. The accuracy of diagnosis of pregnancy was at least 90% on each day tested; the corresponding diagnoses of nonpregnancy were 52, 76 and 79% correct. Some ewes that were initially diagnosed as nonpregnant were correctly recognized as pregnant when tested later than day 60. Most of the missed pregnancies were in ewes carrying a single lamb. A second Scanopreg test on day 90 of ewes not diagnosed pregnant on day 60 or 70 identified additional ewes as pregnant. Paired tests (days 70 and 90) recognized 99% of the ewes that eventually lambed.  相似文献   
The etiology of neuropsychiatric disorders, including schizophrenia and autism, has been linked to a failure to establish the intricate neural network comprising excitatory pyramidal and inhibitory interneurons during neocortex development. A large proportion of cortical inhibitory interneurons originate in the medial ganglionic eminence (MGE) of the ventral telencephalon and then migrate through the ventral subventricular zone, across the corticostriatal junction, into the embryonic cortex. Successful navigation of newborn interneurons through the complex environment of the ventral telencephalon is governed by spatiotemporally restricted deployment of both chemorepulsive and chemoattractive guidance cues which work in concert to create a migratory corridor. Despite the expanding list of interneuron guidance cues, cues responsible for preventing interneurons from re-entering the ventricular zone of the ganglionic eminences have not been well characterized. Here we provide evidence that the chemorepulsive axon guidance cue, RGMa (Repulsive Guidance Molecule a), may fulfill this function. The ventricular zone restricted expression of RGMa in the ganglionic eminences and the presence of its receptor, Neogenin, in the ventricular zone and on newborn and maturing MGE-derived interneurons implicates RGMa-Neogenin interactions in interneuron differentiation and migration. Using an in vitro approach, we show that RGMa promotes interneuron differentiation by potentiating neurite outgrowth. In addition, using in vitro explant and migration assays, we provide evidence that RGMa is a repulsive guidance cue for newborn interneurons migrating out of the ganglionic eminence ventricular zone. Intriguingly, the alternative Neogenin ligand, Netrin-1, had no effect on migration. However, we observed complete abrogation of RGMa-induced chemorepulsion when newborn interneurons were simultaneously exposed to RGMa and Netrin-1 gradients, suggesting a novel mechanism for the tight regulation of RGMa-guided interneuron migration. We propose that during peak neurogenesis, repulsive RGMa-Neogenin interactions drive interneurons into the migratory corridor and prevent re-entry into the ventricular zone of the ganglionic eminences.  相似文献   
Appaloosa horses are predisposed to equine recurrent uveitis (ERU), an immune‐mediated disease characterized by recurring inflammation of the uveal tract in the eye, which is the leading cause of blindness in horses. Nine genetic markers from the ECA1 region responsible for the spotted coat color of Appaloosa horses, and 13 microsatellites spanning the equine major histocompatibility complex (ELA) on ECA20, were evaluated for association with ERU in a group of 53 Appaloosa ERU cases and 43 healthy Appaloosa controls. Three markers were significantly associated (corrected P‐value <0.05): a SNP within intron 11 of the TRPM1 gene on ECA1, an ELA class I microsatellite located near the boundary of the ELA class III and class II regions and an ELA class II microsatellite located in intron 1 of the DRA gene. Association between these three genetic markers and the ERU phenotype was confirmed in a second population of 24 insidious ERU Appaloosa cases and 16 Appaloosa controls. The relative odds of being an ERU case for each allele of these three markers were estimated by fitting a logistic mixed model with each of the associated markers independently and with all three markers simultaneously. The risk model using these markers classified ~80% of ERU cases and 75% of controls in the second population as moderate or high risk, and low risk respectively. Future studies to refine the associations at ECA1 and ELA loci and identify functional variants could uncover alleles conferring susceptibility to ERU in Appaloosa horses.  相似文献   
The production of pigs transgenic for human decay accelerating factor (hDAF) as potential donors for clinical organ xenotransplantation was reported several years ago. For this purpose it is required that high levels of hDAF are expressed at relevant sites in transplantable organs. Currently, homozygous lines have been produced as well as lines from crosses between heterozygous animals from different founder lines, termed jigsaw pigs. The purpose of the jigsaw crosses is to combine the desirable hDAF protein expression patterns found in different founder lines. Initial selection of the jigsaw pigs is based on the inheritance of the hDAF integration sites from both lines. Litters with potential homozygous transgenics and jigsaw transgenics were analysed by fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) and slot blot analysis. Results show that both slot blot analysis and FISH are suitable to distinguish between pigs that are heterozygous and homozygous for hDAF. However, FISH has the advantage of producing results more rapidly. For the identification of jigsaw pigs FISH analysis was required since slot blot analysis lacked the required accuracy. On basis of these results, FISH analysis was made part of the routine screening programme for hDAF transgenic pigs  相似文献   
The immune response to three peptides corresponding to the repeat regions of the malaria candidate vaccine ring infected E surface Ag (RESA) were studied. Both antibody responses and lymphocyte stimulation in mice injected with these peptides without carrier were found to be restricted to certain MHC class II haplotypes. Mice bearing IAk were strong responders to all three peptides. Mice bearing IAd were strong responders only to the 3' repeat peptides, the octamer and tetramer. Mice bearing Is or Iq did not respond to any repeat peptides. Remarkably, the pattern of genetic restriction of the antibody response to the entire RESA as expressed in vaccinia indicated that there were no other epitopes besides the three repeats. Because only one class II haplotype (i.e., k) out of five tested responded strongly to this peptide and only two out of five (i.e., k and d) responded to the octamer or tetramer, it may be difficult to achieve a good immune response against RESA in most or all humans.  相似文献   
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