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Here we demonstrate a method for unbiased multiplexed deep sequencing of RNA and DNA libraries using a novel, efficient and adaptable barcoding strategy called Post Amplification Ligation-Mediated (PALM). PALM barcoding is performed as the very last step of library preparation, eliminating a potential barcode-induced bias and allowing the flexibility to synthesize as many barcodes as needed. We sequenced PALM barcoded micro RNA (miRNA) and DNA reference samples and evaluated the quantitative barcode-induced bias in comparison to the same reference samples prepared using the Illumina TruSeq barcoding strategy. The Illumina TruSeq small RNA strategy introduces the barcode during the PCR step using differentially barcoded primers, while the TruSeq DNA strategy introduces the barcode before the PCR step by ligation of differentially barcoded adaptors. Results show virtually no bias between the differentially barcoded miRNA and DNA samples, both for the PALM and the TruSeq sample preparation methods. We also multiplexed miRNA reference samples using a pre-PCR barcode ligation. This barcoding strategy results in significant bias.  相似文献   
Root exudates and rhizosheaths of attached soil are important features of growing roots. To elucidate factors involved in rhizosheath formation, wild-type (WT) barley (Hordeum vulgare L. cv. Pallas) and a root hairless mutant, bald root barley (brb), were investigated with a combination of physiological, biochemical, and immunochemical assays. When grown in soil, WT barley roots bound ∼5-fold more soil than brb per unit root length. High molecular weight (HMW) polysaccharide exudates of brb roots had less soil-binding capacity than those of WT root exudates. Carbohydrate and glycan monoclonal antibody analyses of HMW polysaccharide exudates indicated differing glycan profiles. Relative to WT plants, root exudates of brb had reduced signals for arabinogalactan-protein (AGP), extensin, and heteroxylan epitopes. In contrast, the root exudate of 2-week-old brb plants contained ∼25-fold more detectable xyloglucan epitope relative to WT. Root system immunoprints confirmed the higher levels of release of the xyloglucan epitope from brb root apices and root axes relative to WT. Epitope detection with anion-exchange chromatography indicated that the increased detection of xyloglucan in brb exudates was due to enhanced abundance of a neutral polymer. Conversely, brb root exudates contained decreased amounts of an acidic polymer, with soil-binding properties, containing the xyloglucan epitope and glycoprotein and heteroxylan epitopes relative to WT. We, therefore, propose that, in addition to physically structuring soil particles, root hairs facilitate rhizosheath formation by releasing a soil-binding polysaccharide complex.

The root exudate of a root hairless mutant of barley, relative to wild type, has an altered pattern of polysaccharide epitopes and lesser amounts of an acidic soil-binding polysaccharide complex.  相似文献   
Genetic markers identifying women at an increased risk of developing breast cancer exist, yet the majority of inherited risk remains elusive. While numerous BRCA1 coding sequence mutations are associated with breast cancer risk, BRCA1 mutations account for less then 5% of breast cancer risk. Since 3′ untranslated region (3′UTR) polymorphisms disrupting microRNA (miRNA) binding can be functional and can act as genetic markers of cancer risk, we tested the hypothesis that such polymorphisms in the 3′UTR of BRCA1 and haplotypes containing these functional polymorphisms may be associated with breast cancer risk. We sequenced the BRCA1 3′UTR from breast cancer patients to identify miRNA disrupting polymorphisms. We further evaluated haplotypes of this region including the identified 3′UTR variants in a large population of controls and breast cancer patients (n = 221) with known breast cancer subtypes and ethnicities. We identified three 3′UTR variants in BRCA1 that are polymorphic in breast cancer populations, and haplotype analysis including these variants revealed that breast cancer patients harbor five rare haplotypes not generally found among controls (9.50% for breast cancer chromosomes, 0.11% for control chromosomes, p = 0.0001). Three of these rare haplotypes contain the rs8176318 BRCA1 3′UTR functional variant. These haplotypes are not biomarkers for BRCA1 coding mutations, as they are found rarely in BRCA1 mutant breast cancer patients (1/129 patients = 0.78%). These rare BRCA1 haplotypes and 3′UTR SNPs may represent new genetic markers of breast cancer risk.Key words: BRCA1, haplotype, microRNA, SNP, 3′UTR, breast cancer, triple negative breast cancer  相似文献   
The fidelity of chromosomal duplication is monitored by cell cycle checkpoints operational during mitosis. One such cell cycle delay is invoked by microtubule-targeting agents such as nocodazole or paclitaxel (Taxol) and is mediated by mitotic checkpoint proteins that include BubR1. Relatively little is known about the regulation of expression and stability of BubR1 (or other checkpoint proteins) and how these factors dictate the durability of the cell cycle delay. We report here that treatment of HeLa cells with spindle-disrupting agents resulted in caspase activation and precipitated the cleavage of BubR1. This mechanism ultimately leads to reduced levels of full-length protein, which are accompanied by abrogation of the mitotic block; the checkpoint abrogation is substantially accelerated by inhibition of de novo protein synthesis. In contrast, inhibition of caspase activity blocked BubR1 degradation and prolonged mitosis. To confirm a direct link between caspase activity and BubR1 protein expression, we identified by site-directed mutagenesis the specific caspase cleavage sites cleaved after exposure to paclitaxel. Surprisingly, BubR1 has two sites of cleavage: primarily at Asp607/Asp610 and secondarily at Asp576/Asp579. BubR1 mutated at both locations (BubR1Delta579Delta610) was resistant to paclitaxel-induced degradation. Expression of BubR1Delta579Delta610 augmented the mitotic delay induced by spindle disruption in transfected cells as well as in clones engineered to inducibly express the mutant protein upon exposure to doxycycline and ultimately led to increased aneuploidy. Underscoring the importance of these caspase cleavage sites, both tetrapeptide motifs are identified in the amino acid sequences of human, mouse, chicken, and Xenopus BubR1. These results are potentially the first to link the control of the stability of a key mitotic checkpoint protein to caspase activation, a regulatory pathway that may be involved in killing defective cells and that has been evolutionarily conserved.  相似文献   
The transient secondary structure and dynamics of an intrinsically unstructured linker domain from the 70 kDa subunit of human replication protein A was investigated using solution state NMR. Stable secondary structure, inferred from large secondary chemical shifts, was observed for a segment of the intrinsically unstructured linker domain when it is attached to an N-terminal protein interaction domain. Results from NMR relaxation experiments showed the rotational diffusion for this segment of the intrinsically unstructured linker domain to be correlated with the N-terminal protein interaction domain. When the N-terminal domain is removed, the stable secondary structure is lost and faster rotational diffusion is observed. The large secondary chemical shifts were used to calculate phi and psi dihedral angles and these dihedral angles were used to build a backbone structural model. Restrained molecular dynamics were performed on this new structure using the chemical shift based dihedral angles and a single NOE distance as restraints. In the resulting family of structures a large, solvent exposed loop was observed for the segment of the intrinsically unstructured linker domain that had large secondary chemical shifts.  相似文献   
How microtubules act to position the plane of cell division during cytokinesis is a topic of much debate. Recently, we showed that a subpopulation of stable microtubules extends past chromosomes and interacts with the cell cortex at the site of furrowing, suggesting that these stabilized microtubules may stimulate contractility. To test the hypothesis that stable microtubules can position furrows, we used taxol to rapidly suppress microtubule dynamics during various stages of mitosis in PtK1 cells. Cells with stabilized prometaphase or metaphase microtubule arrays were able to initiate furrowing when induced into anaphase by inhibition of the spindle checkpoint. In these cells, few microtubules contacted the cortex. Furrows formed later than usual, were often aberrant, and did not progress to completion. Images showed that furrowing correlated with the presence of one or a few stable spindle microtubule plus ends at the cortex. Actin, myosin II, and anillin were all concentrated in these furrows, demonstrating that components of the contractile ring can be localized by stable microtubules. Inner centromere protein (INCENP) was not found in these ingressions, confirming that INCENP is dispensable for furrow positioning. Taxol-stabilization of the numerous microtubule-cortex interactions after anaphase onset delayed furrow initiation but did not perturb furrow positioning. We conclude that taxol-stabilized microtubules can act to position the furrow and that loss of microtubule dynamics delays the timing of furrow onset and prevents completion. We discuss our findings relative to models for cleavage stimulation.  相似文献   
The Vitamin D-activating enzyme 25-hydroxyvitamin D-1alpha-hydroxylase (1alpha-hydroxylase) is now known to be expressed in a much wider range of tissues that previously thought, suggesting a role for 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D(3) (1,25(OH)(2)D(3)), which is more in keeping with a cytokine than a hormone. In this capacity, the function of 1alpha-hydroxylase in tumors is far from clear. Studies from several groups including ours have shown altered expression of 1alpha-hydroxylase in different types of neoplasm including breast, prostate and colon cancers. However, functional analysis of Vitamin D metabolism in cancer is complicated by the heterogenous composition of tumors. Immunohistochemical analysis of breast tumors has shown that 1alpha-hydroxylase is expressed by both epithelial cells and by tumor-infiltrating macrophages, suggesting an immunomodulatory component to 1,25(OH)(2)D(3) production in some types of cancer. The demonstration of 1alpha-hydroxylase activity in tumors and their equivalent normal tissues has implications for both the treatment and prevention of cancers. For example, in tumors chemotherapy options may include the use of non-1alpha-hydroxylated Vitamin D analogs to increase local concentrations of active metabolites without systemic side-effects. The role of 1alpha-hydroxylase in protection against cancer is likely to be more complicated and may involve anti-tumor immune responses.  相似文献   
Dietary phytoestrogens have been reported to inhibit aromatase activity in placental microsomes, but the effects in the human endometrium are unknown. Aromatase, the rate-limiting enzyme in the conversion of androgens to estrogens, has recently been shown to be expressed in the endometrium of women with endometriosis and is thought to play a role in the pathophysiology of this disease. Therefore, the objective of this study was to screen dietary phytoestrogens for their ability to inhibit aromatase activity in human endometrial stromal cells (ESC) and identify potential novel therapeutic agents for the treatment of endometriosis. The inhibition of aromatase activity by direct interaction with the dietary phytoestrogens genistein, daidzein, chrysin, and naringenin was tested in a cell free assay. Furthermore, test compound effects on aromatase activity in ESC cultures were also examined. Genistein and daidzein were inactive in the human recombinant aromatase assay whereas naringenin and chrysin inhibited aromatase activity. However, genistein (1 nM to 1 mM) stimulated aromatase activity in ESC whereas other phytoestrogens had no effect. Immunopositive aromatase cells were demonstrated in genistein-treated ESC but not in untreated control cultures. Taken together, our data suggest that genistein can increase aromatase activity in ESC likely via increased enzyme expression.  相似文献   
It is known that Yersinia pestis kills Caenorhabditis elegans by a biofilm-dependent mechanism that is similar to the mechanism used by the pathogen to block food intake in the flea vector. Using Y. pestis KIM 5, which lacks the genes that are required for biofilm formation, we show that Y. pestis can kill C. elegans by a biofilm-independent mechanism that correlates with the accumulation of the pathogen in the intestine. We used this novel Y. pestis-C. elegans pathogenesis system to show that previously known and unknown virulence-related genes are required for full virulence in C. elegans. Six Y. pestis mutants with insertions in genes that are not related to virulence before were isolated using C. elegans. One of the six mutants carried an insertion in a novel virulence gene and showed significantly reduced virulence in a mouse model of Y. pestis pathogenesis. Our results indicate that the Y. pestis-C. elegans pathogenesis system that is described here can be used to identify and study previously uncharacterized Y. pestis gene products required for virulence in mammalian systems.  相似文献   
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