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水椰八角铁甲Octodonta nipae(Maulik)是一种危险性林业检疫性害虫,主要危害棕榈科植物,对棕榈科植物的苗木繁育、生态环境和城市绿化等均具有严重危害。自2001年入侵我国以来,先后对水椰八角铁甲的入侵特性、生物生态学特性、免疫响应及其机制等进行系统研究,并取得了一定的研究成果:水椰八角铁甲具有较高的种群遗传多样性,最适的温度范围为26~29℃,对极端温度的耐受能力不强,但其耐寒性具有一定的可塑性;金山葵、加拿利海枣和银海枣是其比较喜爱的棕榈科寄主植物,多次交配是水椰八角铁甲常见的繁殖策略,当水椰八角铁甲入侵后面临不良因素时,其细胞和体液免疫可积极响应,因此,水椰八角铁甲具有较强的适应能力和繁殖能力,能够入侵我国长江以南大部分地区。本文主要总结了这些工作的研究进展。  相似文献   
红外相机技术的发展促进了对东北虎(Panthera tigris altaica)、东北豹(Panthera pardus orientalis)及其猎物种群的研究。本研究以珲春保护区春化和马滴达两个区域的监测结果为例, 介绍利用该技术对我国长白山区东北虎、东北豹及其猎物的种群评估方法, 包括监测位点的选择、相机的架设方式及参数设置、数据筛选、东北虎和东北豹体侧花纹个体识别方法、物种相对丰富度的计算以及捕食者与猎物丰富度关系模型的构建。最后就东北虎、东北豹体侧花纹个体识别技术的适用性、红外相机监测与传统调查方法的差异, 相机监测的误差进行了讨论。研究表明, 利用红外相机技术进行密度预测以及东北虎、东北豹个体自动识别技术还需继续完善。1对/25 km2的相机架设密度基本上满足对于珲春保护区春化至马滴达区域虎豹的监测强度要求, 但对于有蹄类则需要另外的监测方案。  相似文献   
It is believed that the alteration of tissue microenvironment would affect cancer initiation and progression. However, little is known in terms of the underlying molecular mechanisms that would affect the initiation and progression of breast cancer. In the present study, we use two murine mammary tumor models with different speeds of tumor initiation and progression for whole genome expression profiling to reveal the involved genes and signaling pathways. The pathways regulating PI3K-Akt signaling and Ras signaling were activated in Fvb mice and promoted tumor progression. Contrastingly, the pathways regulating apoptosis and cellular senescence were activated in Fvb.B6 mice and suppressed tumor progression. We identified distinct patterns of oncogenic pathways activation at different stages of breast cancer, and uncovered five oncogenic pathways that were activated in both human and mouse breast cancers. The genes and pathways discovered in our study would be useful information for other researchers and drug development.  相似文献   
B-cell receptor (BCR) signals are essential for B-cell differentiation, homeostasis and negative selection, which are regulated by the strength and quality of BCR signals. Recently, we identified a new adaptor protein, Swiprosin-1, in lipid rafts of B-cell lines that undergo apoptosis after BCR stimulation. During murine B-cell development, Swiprosin-1 exhibited highest expression in immature B cells of the bone marrow, but was also expressed in resting and activated splenic B cells and in non-lymphoid tissue, especially in the brain. Ectopic expression of Swiprosin-1 in the immature murine B-cell line WEHI231 enhanced spontaneous and BCR-induced apoptosis. In contrast, short hairpin RNA (shRNA)-mediated downregulation of Swiprosin-1 impaired specifically spontaneous and BCR-elicited apoptosis, but not BCR-induced G1 cell cycle arrest and upregulation of the cell cycle inhibitor p27(Kip1). In accordance, Swiprosin-1 abundance regulated net cell growth of WEHI231 cell populations through reciprocal regulation of Bcl-xL, but not Bim, thereby controlling spontaneous apoptosis. Swiprosin-1-enhanced apoptosis was blocked through nuclear factor kappaB-activating stimuli, namely B-cell-activating factor of the TNF family, anti-CD40 and lipopolysaccharide (LPS). This correlated with enhanced BCR-induced IkappaB-alpha phosphorylation and degradation in cells expressing a Swiprosin-1-specific shRNA. Finally, ectopic Swiprosin-1 expression enhanced BCR-induced cell death in primary, LPS-stimulated splenic B cells. Hence, Swiprosin-1 may regulate lifespan and BCR signaling thresholds in immature B cells.  相似文献   
介绍了近年从进口东南亚水果中经常截获的、最具经济重要性的桔小实蝇复合种5个近缘种:杨桃实蝇B.carambolae、桔小实蝇B.dorsalis、芒果实蝇B.occipitalis、木瓜实蝇B.papayae及菲律宾实蝇B.philippinensis,分别记述了翅、胸、足、腹及雌虫产卵器主要鉴别特征,并列出桔小实蝇复合种5近缘种鉴别特征检索表。  相似文献   
Summary The question, Is Hb G Philadelphia linked to -thalassaemia? was first posed because the abnormal haemoglobin is found in heterozygotes at a concentration greater than 25%, the proportion predicted from a 4 -chain gene model. Globin chain biosynthesis was studied in a West Indian family in which one parent had + thalassaemia and the other was heterozygous for the G Philadelphia chain gene. The former had a globin chain production ratio / well above 1, while the latter had a ratio significantly less than 1. One child of the marriage had inherited the + thallassaemia from one parent and the G Philadelphia chain gene from the other and showed the typical picture of /-thalassaemia (/ ratio slightly above normal). It is explained in the discussion that the evidence favours a close linkage of 2 -chain genes.  相似文献   
Plants that can take up amino acids directly from the soil solution may have a competitive advantage in ecosystems where inorganic nitrogen sources are scarce. We hypothesized that diverse mosses in cold, N-stressed ecosystems share this ability. We experimentally tested 11 sub-arctic Swedish moss species of wide-ranging taxa and growth form for their ability to take up double labelled (15N and 13C) glycine and aspartic acid in a laboratory setup as well as in a realistic field setting. All species were able to take up amino acids injected into the soil solution to some extent, although field uptake was marginal to absent for the endohydric Polytrichum commune. The 11 moss species on average took up 36 ± 5% of the injected glycine and 18 ± 2% of the aspartic acid in the lab experiment. Field uptake of both glycine (24 ± 5%) and aspartic acid (10 ± 2%) was lower than in the lab. Overall differences in uptake amongst species appeared to be positively associated with habitat wetness and/or turf density among different Sphagnum species and among non-Sphagnum species, respectively. Species from habitats of lower inorganic N availability, as indicated tentatively by lower tissue N concentrations, showed relatively strong amino acid uptake, but this was only significant for the field uptake among non-Sphagnum mosses. Further experiments are needed to test for consistent differences in amino acid uptake capacity among species and functional groups as determined by their functional traits, and to test how the affinity of cold-biome mosses for amino acids compares to that for ammonium or nitrate. Still, our results support the view that widespread moss species in cold, N-stressed ecosystems may derive a significant proportion of their nitrogen demand from free amino acids. This might give them a competitive advantage over plants that depend strongly on inorganic N sources. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   
水稻活性成分的分离纯化及其对褐飞虱若虫的活性测定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
水稻植株内的抗性次生物质是影响水稻生化抗性的主要因子之一。运用硅藻土系统溶剂分离法和硅胶柱层析分离方法分离纯化手段,从水稻(Oryza sativa L.)抗虫品种IR36甲醇粗提物中得到一种针状晶体,初步认为该晶体为一种糖甙黄酮类物质,通过该物质对褐飞虱Nilaparvata lugens(Stal)生物型Ⅱ若虫的活性测定,表明该种晶体对褐飞虱若虫的存活率、体重增加和羽化均具有显著的不良影响,不利于褐飞虱若虫的生长发育。  相似文献   
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