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Although anesthetics are known to cause respiratory and cardiovascular depression in humans, these adverse effects rarely have been investigated in laboratory rodents. This study evaluated the effects of four different injectable drugs, pentobarbital, fentanyl-droperidol (Innovar-Vet), ketamine-xylazine and ketamine-diazepam on the respiratory and cardiovascular systems of rats. Results showed marked acidosis, hypercarbia and hypoxia with high doses of Innovar-Vet, moderate respiratory depression with all dosages of pentobarbital and minimal respiratory depression with ketamine-xylazine and ketamine-diazepam. Innovar-Vet, ketamine-xylazine and pentobarbital caused profound hypotension, particularly at high dosages, while ketamine-diazepam caused the least depression in mean arterial blood pressure of all drugs evaluated. None of the drugs studied produced significant alterations in heart rate. Throughout all dosages investigated, the ketamine-diazepam combination showed the least overall effects on ventilation and perfusion of the four parenteral drug combinations studied.  相似文献   
To determine the molecular basis for changes in aromatase (P450arom) activity in rat ovarian follicles and corpora lutea, seven clones for rat P450arom cDNA have been identified and isolated from a rat granulosa cell λgtll cDNA expression library using a 62 mer deoxyoligonucleotide probe (derived from an amino acid sequence of purified human placental aromatase) and a human placental P450arom cDNA probe. One of the rat P450arom cDNA clones contained an insert 1.2 kb in size. Both the human 1.8 kb cDNA and the rat 1.2 kb cDNA probes hybridized to a single species of P450arom mRNA that was 2.6 kb in size. Northern blot analysis revealed that corpora lutea isolated on day 15 of pregnancy contained high amounts of P450arom mRNA, whereas granulosa cells of antral follicles of hormonally primed, hypophysectomized rats (i.e., those from which mRNA was isolated to construct the cDNA library) contained only low amounts of P450arom mRNA. The lower amounts of P450arom in granulosa cells of preovulatory follicles in the estradiol-follicle-stimulating hormone primed hypophysectomized rats were unexpected because follicles incubated in medium containing testosterone substrate produce more estradiol than do corpora lutea isolated on day 15 of pregnancy and incubated under similar conditions. Additional studies will determine the hormonal events responsible for the elevated amounts and constitutive maintenance of P450arom mRNA and aromatase activity in luteal cells in vivo and in vitro.  相似文献   
犬脑11只,经生理盐水冲洗脑血管后,注入20%钡胶液,切成0.2~1.0厘米的厚片,用显微X线法研究犬脑内各级动脉的构筑,其结果:1.皮质动脉的管径平均为25.9±0.005微米,平均长度为888.0±0.241微米。其形态与发出部位有关,分别呈栅状和瓶刷状。2.髓质动脉的管径平均为49.9±0.007微米。呈直线或孤形向心走行。3.皮质下动脉的管径平均为38.7±0.009微米。呈新月形或蟹钳状分布。4.豆纹动脉和内囊动脉的平均管径为70.0±0.021微米。呈锐角、反血流方向发自母干,再呈“S”形上升。5.丘脑动脉的平均管径为63.7±0.019微米,主要从下方进丘脑,呈树枝状分支。  相似文献   
Two uptake hydrogenases were found in the obligate methanotroph Methylosinus trichosporium OB3b; one was constitutive, and a second was induced by H2. Both hydrogenases could be assayed by measuring methylene blue reduction anaerobically or by coupling their activity to nitrogenase acetylene reduction activity in vivo in an O2-dependent reaction. The H2 concentration for half-maximal activity of the inducible and constitutive hydrogenases in both assays was 0.01 and 0.5 bar (1 and 50 kPa), respectively, making it easy to distinguish these enzymes from one another both in vivo and in vitro. Hydrogen uptake was shown to be coupled to ATP synthesis in methane-starved cells. Methane, methanol, formate, succinate, and glucose all repressed the H2-mediated synthesis of the inducible hydrogenase. Furthermore, this enzyme was only expressed in N-starved cultures and was repressed by NH4+ and NO3-; synthesis of the constitutive hydrogenase was not affected by excess N in the growth medium. In nickel-free, EDTA-containing medium, the activities of these two enzymes were negligible; however, both enzyme activities appeared rapidly following the addition of nickel to the culture. Chloramphenicol, when added along with nickel, had no effect on the rapid appearance of either the constitutive or inducible activity, indicating that nickel is not required for synthesis of the hydrogenase apoproteins. These observations all suggest that these hydrogenases are nickel-containing enzymes. Finally, both hydrogenases were soluble and could be fractionated by 20% ammonium sulfate; the constitutive enzyme remained in the supernatant solution, while the inducible enzyme was precipitated under these conditions.  相似文献   
A synthetic peptide corresponding to the signal sequence of wild type Escherichia coli lambda-receptor protein (LamB) inhibits in vitro translocation of precursors of both alkaline phosphatase and outer membrane protein A into E. coli membrane vesicles (half-maximal inhibition at 1-2 microM). By contrast, the inhibitory effect was nearly absent in a synthetic peptide corresponding to the signal sequence from a mutant strain that harbors a deletion mutation in the LamB signal region and displays an export-defective phenotype for this protein in vivo. Two peptides derived from pseudorevertant strains that arose from the deletion mutant and exported LamB in vivo were found to inhibit in vitro translocation with effectiveness that correlated with their in vivo export ability. Controls indicated that these synthetic signal peptides did not disrupt the E. coli membrane vesicles. These results can be interpreted to indicate that the presequences of exported proteins interact specifically with a receptor either in the E. coli inner membrane or in the cytoplasmic fraction. However, biophysical data for the family of signal peptides studied here reveal that they will spontaneously insert into a lipid membrane at concentrations comparable to those that cause inhibition. Hence, an indirect effect mediated by the lipid bilayer of the membrane must be considered.  相似文献   
CheW is an essential component of the system which mediates chemotaxis in Salmonella typhimurium and Escherichia coli. Here we report the nucleotide sequence of the cheW gene as well as the purification and characterization of the CheW protein. The DNA sequence predicts a protein of 18,000 molecular weight. The pure protein exhibits an apparent molecular weight of 18,000 during sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Molecular sieve chromatography under nondenaturing conditions indicates a molecular weight of approximately 35,000, however. This result suggests that CheW is a homodimer. The predicted amino acid sequence between Thr-128 and Asp-160 fits a consensus exhibited by many proteins which bind purine nucleotides.  相似文献   
L5178Y lymphoma cells are restrained from progressive growth in peritoneal cell ("in vitro tumor-regressor" PC) cultures prepared from many DBA/2 mice which harbor the tumor cells in the peritoneal cavity in a tumor-dormant state. Treatment of these PC cultures with 'antibodies to murine interferon-gamma (MuIFN-gamma) and murine tumor necrosis factor (MuTNF) but not with antibody to interleukin 2 (IL-2) receptors eliminated the restraint on tumor cell growth and permitted their progressive proliferation. L5178Y cells were found to be resistant to the direct toxic effects of large concentrations (3,000 U/ml) of MuIFN-gamma and of MuTNF, either alone or in combination. Treatment of PC cultures from tumor-dormant mice, in which tumor cells grew progressively ("in vitro tumor-progressor"), but not PC cultures from normal mice, with exogenous MuIFN-gamma resulted in a marked inhibition of tumor cell growth. The MuIFN-gamma-induced cytotoxic activity was cell-mediated since no soluble tumor-cytotoxic factors could be detected in the cultures. MuIFN-gamma induced cytotoxic activity in plastic-adherent peritoneal cell (AD-PC) cultures, but induced no cytotoxic activity in nonadherent-PC cultures unless small numbers (2%) of AD-PC were present, and inclusion of antibody to MuTNF in these mixed PC cultures blocked the development of cytotoxic activity. Antibody to MuTNF also blocked the development of cytotoxic activity in cultures of MuIFN-gamma-treated whole PC and AD-PC from tumor-dormant mice. These results indicate that MuIFN-gamma and MuTNF are both important in restraining tumor cell growth in PC cultures from tumor-dormant mice, and that MuIFN-gamma requires the presence of MuTNF to induce cytotoxic activity in these cultures.  相似文献   
The specific tolerance induced in mice by conjugates of human monoclonal IgG (HIgG) with monomethoxypolyethylene glycol (mPEG) was transferred to normal mice by spleen cells or a surface immunoglobulin negative (sIg-) Lyt-2+ subpopulation of these cells. Although transferable tolerance was demonstrable 6 to 14 days after treatment of the cell donors with tolerogen, the state of tolerance persisted in the treated mice for at least 43 days. Moreover, an extract prepared by freezing and thawing of the sIg- spleen cells obtained from mice 6 days after treatment with HIgG(mPEG)20 was capable of reducing (greater than 85%) the immune response of normal mice to heat aggregated HIgG. On the basis of these results, it is suggested that similar tolerogenic mPEG derivatives of xenogeneic monoclonal immunoglobulins (XIg) may prove to be useful therapeutic agents in man when administered before treatment with the unmodified XIg.  相似文献   
Seminal vesicle secretory protein IV of a mouse has been isolated, and the cDNA coding for its mRNA has been cloned and sequenced. The 556-nucleotides encode 16 amino acid signal peptides and 92 residues of mature protein. Considerable homology between mouse and rat SVS IV cDNA was found. In the leader peptide and 3'-noncoding region there is 92% and 85% homology, respectively. The other regional homologies are 86% for the first 12, 68.5% for the last 35, and 40% for the middle 44 amino acids. The expression of mouse SVS IV mRNA is under the control of androgen. Administration of testosterone to castrated mice resulted in induction of the mRNA level to 50% of the mature male in 96 h of hormone treatment. Secretion of the protein after testosterone injection follows a similar pattern.  相似文献   
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