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The hypothesis that cortical networks employ the coordinated activity of groups of neurons, termed assemblies, to process information is debated. Results from multiple single-unit recordings are not conclusive because of the dramatic undersampling of the system. However, the local field potential (LFP) is a mesoscopic signal reflecting synchronized network activity. This raises the question whether the LFP can be employed to overcome the problem of undersampling. In a recent study in the motor cortex of the awake behaving monkey based on the locking of coincidences to the LFP we determined a lower bound for the fraction of spike coincidences originating from assembly activation. This quantity together with the locking of single spikes leads to a lower bound for the fraction of spikes originating from any assembly activity. Here we derive a statistical method to estimate the fraction of spike synchrony caused by assemblies—not its lower bound—from the spike data alone. A joint spike and LFP surrogate data model demonstrates consistency of results and the sensitivity of the method. Combining spike and LFP signals, we obtain an estimate of the fraction of spikes resulting from assemblies in the experimental data.  相似文献   
Here we describe the generation of a double-fluorescent Cre/loxP indicator system. This protocol involves (i) all cloning steps to generate the plasmid vector (3-5 months); (ii) a guide to prepare high-efficiency transformation competent E. coli; (iii) generation of double-fluorescent reporter cell lines (3-4 weeks); and (iv) the functional testing of the indicator cell lines by application of cell-permeable Cre recombinase. The indicator is designed to monitor recombination events by switching the fluorescence light from red to green. The red fluorescence, indicating the nonrecombined state, is accompanied by the expression of a resistance gene against the antibiotic blasticidin. Appearance of green fluorescence concomitantly with the activation of puromycin-acetyltransferase monitors the recombination of the indicator construct by the Cre recombinase. In summary, we have developed a plasmid vector allowing a fast, stable and straightforward generation of transgenic clones. The expression of red fluorescent protein enables the selection of positive clones upon transfection and significantly shortens the time for identification of stable clones. This feature and the option to select for recombined cells by puromycin application are advantages compared with other alternative methods. Moreover, we developed a method utilizing cell-permeable Cre protein to validate the transgenic clones. Ultimately, this powerful methodology facilitates Cre/loxP-based applications such as cell lineage tracking or monitoring of cell fusion.  相似文献   
The dopamine transporter (DAT) is a crucial regulator of dopaminergic neurotransmission, controlling the length and brevity of dopaminergic signaling. DAT is also the primary target of psychostimulant drugs such as cocaine and amphetamines. Conversely, methylphenidate and amphetamine are both used clinically in the treatment of attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder and narcolepsy. The action of amphetamines, which induce transport reversal, relies primarily on the ionic composition of the intra- and extracellular milieus. Recent findings suggest that DAT interacting proteins may also play a significant role in the modulation of reverse dopamine transport. The pharmacological inhibition of the serine/threonine kinase αCaMKII attenuates amphetamine-triggered DAT-mediated 1-methyl-4-phenylpyridinium (MPP(+)) efflux. More importantly, αCaMKII has also been shown to bind DAT in vitro and is therefore believed to be an important player within the DAT interactome. Herein, we show that αCaMKII co-immunoprecipitates with DAT in mouse striatal synaptosomes. Mice, which lack αCaMKII or which express a permanently self-inhibited αCaMKII (αCaMKII(T305D)), exhibit significantly reduced amphetamine-triggered DAT-mediated MPP(+) efflux. Additionally, we investigated mice that mimic a neurogenetic disease known as Angelman syndrome. These mice possess reduced αCaMKII activity. Angelman syndrome mice demonstrated an impaired DAT efflux function, which was comparable with that of the αCaMKII mutant mice, indicating that DAT-mediated dopaminergic signaling is affected in Angelman syndrome.  相似文献   
The effectiveness of sulfuric acid (H(2)SO(4)), sodium hydroxide (NaOH), hydrogen peroxide (H(2)O(2)), and ozone pretreatments for conversion of cotton stalks to ethanol was investigated. Ground cotton stalks at a solid loading of 10% (w/v) were pretreated with H(2)SO(4), NaOH, and H(2)O(2) at concentrations of 0.5%, 1%, and 2% (w/v). Treatment temperatures of 90 degrees C and 121 degrees C at 15 psi were investigated for residence times of 30, 60, and 90 min. Ozone pretreatment was performed at 4 degrees C with constant sparging of stalks in water. Solids from H(2)SO(4), NaOH, and H(2)O(2) pretreatments (at 2%, 60 min, 121 degrees C/15 psi) showed significant lignin degradation and/or high sugar availability and hence were hydrolyzed by Celluclast 1.5L and Novozym 188 at 50 degrees C. Sulfuric acid pretreatment resulted in the highest xylan reduction (95.23% for 2% acid, 90 min, 121 degrees C/15 psi) but the lowest cellulose to glucose conversion during hydrolysis (23.85%). Sodium hydroxide pretreatment resulted in the highest level of delignification (65.63% for 2% NaOH, 90 min, 121 degrees C/15 psi) and cellulose conversion (60.8%). Hydrogen peroxide pretreatment resulted in significantly lower (p相似文献   
Post-translational modification of proteins by lysine acetylation plays important regulatory roles in living cells. The budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae is a widely used unicellular eukaryotic model organism in biomedical research. S. cerevisiae contains several evolutionary conserved lysine acetyltransferases and deacetylases. However, only a few dozen acetylation sites in S. cerevisiae are known, presenting a major obstacle for further understanding the regulatory roles of acetylation in this organism. Here we use high resolution mass spectrometry to identify about 4000 lysine acetylation sites in S. cerevisiae. Acetylated proteins are implicated in the regulation of diverse cytoplasmic and nuclear processes including chromatin organization, mitochondrial metabolism, and protein synthesis. Bioinformatic analysis of yeast acetylation sites shows that acetylated lysines are significantly more conserved compared with nonacetylated lysines. A large fraction of the conserved acetylation sites are present on proteins involved in cellular metabolism, protein synthesis, and protein folding. Furthermore, quantification of the Rpd3-regulated acetylation sites identified several previously known, as well as new putative substrates of this deacetylase. Rpd3 deficiency increased acetylation of the SAGA (Spt-Ada-Gcn5-Acetyltransferase) complex subunit Sgf73 on K33. This acetylation site is located within a critical regulatory domain in Sgf73 that interacts with Ubp8 and is involved in the activation of the Ubp8-containing histone H2B deubiquitylase complex. Our data provides the first global survey of acetylation in budding yeast, and suggests a wide-ranging regulatory scope of this modification. The provided dataset may serve as an important resource for the functional analysis of lysine acetylation in eukaryotes.Lysine acetylation is a dynamic and reversible post-translational modification. Acetylation of lysines on their ε-amino group is catalyzed by lysine acetyltransferases (KATs1, also known as histone acetyltrasferases (HATs)), and reversed by lysine deacetylases (KDACs, also known as histone deacetylases (HDACs)) (1). The enzymatic machinery involved in lysine acetylation is evolutionary conserved in all forms of life (24). The role of acetylation has been extensively studied in the regulation of gene expression via modification of histones (5). Acetylation also plays important roles in controlling cellular metabolism (610), protein folding (11), and sister chromatid cohesion (12). Furthermore, acetylation has been implicated in regulating the beneficial effects of calorie restriction (13), a low nutrient diet without starvation, and aging. Based on these findings, it is proposed that the functional roles of acetylation in these processes are evolutionary conserved from yeast to mammals.Advancements in mass spectrometry (MS)-based proteomics have greatly facilitated identification of thousands of post-translational modification (PTM) sites in eukaryotic cells (1418). Proteome-wide mapping of PTM sites can provide important leads for analyzing the functional relevance of individual sites and a systems-wide view of the regulatory scope of post-translational modifications. Also, large-scale PTM datasets are an important resource for the in silico analysis of PTMs, which can broaden the understanding of modification site properties and their evolutionary trajectories.The budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae is a commonly used unicellular eukaryotic model organism. Yeast has been used in many pioneering “-omics” studies, including sequencing of the first eukaryotic genome (19), systems-wide genetic interactions analysis (20, 21), MS-based comprehensive mapping of a eukaryotic proteome (22), and proteome-wide analysis of protein-protein interactions (23, 24). In addition, S. cerevisiae has been extensively used to study the molecular mechanisms of acetylation. Many lysine acetyltransferases and deacetylases were discovered in this organism (2, 25), and their orthologs were subsequently identified in higher eukaryotes. Furthermore, the functional roles of many well-studied acetylation sites on histones are conserved from yeast to mammals. Recent data from human and Drosophila cells show that acetylation is present on many highly conserved metabolic enzymes (2628). However, only a few dozen yeast acetylation sites are annotated in the Uniprot database. Given the presence of a well-conserved and elaborate acetylation machinery in yeast, we reasoned that many more acetylation sites exist in this organism that remained to be identified.Here we used high resolution mass spectrometry-based proteomics to investigate the scope of acetylation in S. cerevisiae. We identified about 4000 unique acetylation sites in this important model organism. Bioinformatic analysis of yeast acetylation sites and comparison with previously identified human and Drosophila acetylation sites indicates that many acetylation sites are evolutionary conserved. Furthermore, quantitative analysis of the Rpd3-regulated acetylation sites identified several nuclear proteins that showed increased acetylation in rpd3 knockout cells. Our results provide a systems-wide view of acetylation in budding yeast, and a rich dataset for functional analysis of acetylation sites in this organism.  相似文献   
s-Triazine herbicides are widely used for weed control, and are persistent in soils. Nitrification is an essential process in the global nitrogen cycle in soil, and involves ammonia-oxidizing Bacteria (AOB) and ammonia-oxidizing Archaea (AOA). In this study, we evaluated the effect of the s-triazine herbicide simazine on the nitrification and on the structure of ammonia-oxidizing microbial communities in a fertilized agricultural soil. The effect of simazine on AOB and AOA were studied by PCR-amplification of amoA genes of nitrifying Bacteria and Archaea in soil microcosms and denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) analyses. Simazine [50?μg g(-1) dry weight soil (d.w.s)] completely inhibited the nitrification processes in the fertilized agricultural soil. The inhibition by simazine of ammonia oxidation observed was similar to the reduction of ammonia oxidation by the nitrification inhibitor acetylene. The application of simazine-affected AOB community DGGE patterns in the agricultural soil amended with ammonium, whereas no significant changes in the AOA community were observed. The DGGE analyses strongly suggest that simazine inhibited Nitrosobacteria and specifically Nitrosospira species. In conclusion, our results suggest that the s-triazine herbicide not only inhibits the target susceptible plants but also inhibits the ammonia oxidation and the AOB in fertilized soils.  相似文献   
Offspring provisioning is one of the most energetically demanding aspects of reproduction for female mammals. Variation in lactation length and weaning strategies between chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes), our closest living relative, and modern human societies have been reported. When and why these changes occurred is frequently debated. Our study used stable nitrogen isotope data of tooth root dentine from wild Western chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes verus) in Taï National Park, Côte d'Ivoire, to quantify weaning in these chimpanzees and explore if infant sex plays a role in maternal investment. We analyzed serial sections of deciduous lateral incisor root dentine from four Taï chimpanzees to establish the δ15N signal of nursing infants; we then analyzed serial sections of first permanent mandibular molar root dentine from 12 Taï chimpanzees to provide quantitative δ15N data on weaning in this population. Up to 2 years of age both sexes exhibited dentine δ15N values ≈2–3‰ higher than adult female Taï chimpanzees, consistent with a nursing signal. Thereafter a steady decrease in δ15N values consistent with the onset, and progression, of weaning, was visible. Sex differences were also evident, where male δ15N values decreased at a significantly slower rate compared to females. Confirmation of sex differences in maternal investment among Taï chimpanzees, demonstrates the viability of using isotope analysis to investigate weaning in non‐human primates. Additionally, assuming that behaviors observed in the Taï chimpanzees are illustrative of the ancestral pattern, our results provide a platform to enable the trajectory of weaning in human evolution to be further explored. Am J Phys Anthropol 153:635–642, 2014. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   
VEGF guides angiogenic sprouting utilizing endothelial tip cell filopodia   总被引:39,自引:0,他引:39  
Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF-A) is a major regulator of blood vessel formation and function. It controls several processes in endothelial cells, such as proliferation, survival, and migration, but it is not known how these are coordinately regulated to result in more complex morphogenetic events, such as tubular sprouting, fusion, and network formation. We show here that VEGF-A controls angiogenic sprouting in the early postnatal retina by guiding filopodial extension from specialized endothelial cells situated at the tips of the vascular sprouts. The tip cells respond to VEGF-A only by guided migration; the proliferative response to VEGF-A occurs in the sprout stalks. These two cellular responses are both mediated by agonistic activity of VEGF-A on VEGF receptor 2. Whereas tip cell migration depends on a gradient of VEGF-A, proliferation is regulated by its concentration. Thus, vessel patterning during retinal angiogenesis depends on the balance between two different qualities of the extracellular VEGF-A distribution, which regulate distinct cellular responses in defined populations of endothelial cells.  相似文献   
Morphogenesis and shape of the ocular lens depend on epithelial cell elongation and differentiation into fiber cells, followed by the symmetric and compact organization of fiber cells within an enclosed extracellular matrix-enriched elastic capsule. The cellular mechanisms orchestrating these different events however, remain obscure. We investigated the role of the Rac1 GTPase in these processes by targeted deletion of expression using the conditional gene knockout (cKO) approach. Rac1 cKO mice were derived from two different Cre (Le-Cre and MLR-10) transgenic mice in which lens-specific Cre expression starts at embryonic day 8.75 and 10.5, respectively, in both the lens epithelium and fiber cells. The Le-Cre/Rac1 cKO mice exhibited an early-onset (E12.5) and severe lens phenotype compared to the MLR-10/Rac1 cKO (E15.5) mice. While the Le-Cre/Rac1 cKO lenses displayed delayed primary fiber cell elongation, lenses from both Rac1 cKO strains were characterized by abnormal shape, impaired secondary fiber cell migration, sutural defects and thinning of the posterior capsule which often led to rupture. Lens fiber cell N-cadherin/β-catenin/Rap1/Nectin-based cell–cell junction formation and WAVE-2/Abi-2/Nap1-regulated actin polymerization were impaired in the Rac1 deficient mice. Additionally, the Rac1 cKO lenses were characterized by a shortened epithelial sheet, reduced levels of extracellular matrix (ECM) proteins and increased apoptosis. Taken together, these data uncover the essential role of Rac1 GTPase activity in establishment and maintenance of lens shape, suture formation and capsule integrity, and in fiber cell migration, adhesion and survival, via regulation of actin cytoskeletal dynamics, cell adhesive interactions and ECM turnover.  相似文献   
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