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Several studies have shown positive responses of parasitism to either host density or landscape complexity. However, no experiments have manipulated host density in landscapes of differing complexity. Here we report the results of a field experiment conducted to determine how host density and agricultural landscape structure jointly affect parasitism and parasitoid diversity of Pseudaletia unipuncta (Haworth) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae). Parasitism was assessed by experimentally adding P. unipuncta sentinel larvae at low (1 larvae/plant) and high (3 larvae/plant) densities to detect parasitism in commercial cornfields located in a complex and a simple agricultural landscape. The braconid wasps Glyptapanteles militaris (Walsh) and Meteorus spp. accounted for 98.4% of the observed parasitism. Landscape structure did not influence parasitism (80.2% on average) and contrary to expectations, showed a trend towards increased parasitoid richness and diversity in the simple landscape. Increasing host density revealed a trend of increasing parasitoid richness and diversity, and differentially affected parasitism at the parasitoid specific level. G. militaris parasitized a significantly greater proportion of hosts at low host density, while the opposite occurred for Meteorus spp. (primarily M. communis). These offsetting responses of parasitoids resulted in the lack of an overall host density effect on parasitism. The differential response of these parasitoids to host density is discussed in relation to differences in morphological and life history characteristics. Our results suggest that the specific composition of parasitoid assemblages could significantly alter parasitism at different host densities independently of landscape structural complexity.


Verschiedene Untersuchungen haben gezeigt, dass Parasitismus entweder auf die Wirtsdichte oder die Landschaftskomplexität positiv reagiert. Dennoch haben keine Experimente die Wirtsdichte in Landschaften unterschiedlicher Komplexität manipuliert. Hier berichten wir von den Ergebnissen eines Freilandexperiments, das unternommen wurde, um zu bestimmen, wie die Wirtsdichte und die Struktur der Agrarlandschaft gemeinschaftlich die Parasitierung und die Parasitoidendiversität bei Pseudaletia unipuncta (Haworth) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) beeinflussen. Die Parasitierung wurde gemessen indem experimentell P. unipuncta Larven in geringen (1 Larve/Pflanze) und hohen (3 Larven/Pflanze) Dichten hinzugefügt wurden, um die Parasitierung in kommerziellen Kornfeldern zu erfassen, die in komplexen und einfachen Agrarlandschaften lagen. 98.4% der Parasitierung entfiel auf die braconiden Wespen Glyptapanteles militaris (Walsh) und Meteorus spp. Die Struktur der Landschaft beeinflusste die Parasitierung nicht (durchschnittlich 80.2%) und zeigte entgegen den Erwartungen einen Trend zu einer erhöhter Parasitoidenartenzahl und -diversität in der einfachen Landschaft. Eine zunehmende Wirtsdichte ließ einen Trend zu einer erhöhten Parasitoidenartenzahl und -diversität erkennen, und sie beeinflusste die Parasitierung auf dem Artenlevel der Parasitoide unterschiedlich. G. militaris parasitierte einen signifikant höheren Anteil der Wirte bei geringen Wirtsdichten, während für Meteorus spp. (vor allem M. communis) das Gegenteil zutraf. Diese sich ausgleichenden Reaktionen der Parasitoide führten zum Fehlen eines Gesamteffekts der Wirtsdichte auf die Parasitierung. Die unterschiedlichen Reaktionen dieser Parasitoide auf die Wirtsdichte werden in Zusammenhang mit Unterschieden in der Morphologie und Lebensweise diskutiert. Unsere Ergebnisse weisen darauf hin, dass die spezifische Zusammensetzung von Ansammlungen von Parasitoiden die Parasitierung bei unterschiedlichen Wirtsdichten unabhängig von der Komplexität der Landschaftsstruktur signifikant verändern könnte.  相似文献   
Landis FC  Gargas A  Givnish TJ 《Mycorrhiza》2005,15(7):555-562
Wisconsin (USA) oak savannas are endangered plant communities that have remarkably high plant species diversity. To investigate factors underlying this richness, we experimentally investigated the potentially interacting effects of light gradients and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) on plant competition in the greenhouse, using a fully randomized block design. We used four plant species, soil, and AMF from a remnant sand savanna, under two light and five AMF treatments. Plants were grown four per pot under two competition treatments (either one or four species per pot) for 20 weeks. Using ANOVA, we found that all species showed significant treatment effects on total and shoot biomass, primarily due to differences in competition and light, less to AMF. However, effects were the opposite of predictions. Putatively mycorrhizal plants showed neutral to negative responses to AMF, and a nonmycorrhizal species outcompeted AMF species in infected pots. We concluded that our experimental setup of small pots, sandy soil, and long growing period had induced parasitism by the AMF on susceptible hosts. This unexpected result is consistent with field data from the sand savanna, and may help explain how nonmycorrhizal plants can compete successfully with AMF species in established, species-rich communities.  相似文献   
Food, water, and worker protection regulations have driven availability, and loss, of pesticides for use in pest management programs. In response, public-supported research and extension projects have targeted investigation and demonstration of reduced-risk integrated pest management (IPM) techniques. But these new techniques often result in higher financial burden to the grower, which is counter to the IPM principle that economic competitiveness is critical to have IPM adopted. As authorized by the 2002 Farm Bill and administered by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS), conservation programs exist for delivering public-supported financial incentives to growers to increase environmental stewardship on lands in production. NRCS conservation programs are described, and the case for providing financial incentives to growers for implementing IPM is presented. We also explored the opportunity and challenge to use one key program, the Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP), to aid grower adoption of IPM. The EQIP fund distribution to growers from 1997 to 2002 during the last Farm Bill cycle totaled approximately 1.05 billion dollars with a portion of funds supporting an NRCS-designed pest management practice. The average percentage of allocation of EQIP funds to this pest management practice among states was 0.77 +/- 0.009% (mean +/- SD). Using Michigan as an example, vegetable and fruit grower recognition of the program's use to implement IPM was modest (25% of growers surveyed), and their recognition of its use in aiding implementation of IPM was improved after educational efforts (74%). Proposals designed to enhance program usefulness in implementing IPM were delivered through the NRCS advisory process in Michigan. Modifications for using the NRCS pest management practice to address resource concerns were adopted, incentive rates for pest management were adjusted, and an expanded incentive structure for IPM technique adoption was tabled for future consideration. The case is strong for using public-supported financial incentives offered by the EQIP to aid grower adoption of IPM as a means to address resource concerns, but current use of the EQIP for this purpose is modest to meager. With appropriate program adjustments and increased grower awareness, USDA NRCS conservation programs, and the EQIP in particular, may provide an important opportunity for growers to increase their use of IPM as a resource conservation and farm management tool.  相似文献   
Determining the relative contributions of genetic and environmental factors to phenotypic variation is critical for understanding the evolutionary ecology of plant species, but few studies have examined the sources of phenotypic differentiation between nearby populations of woody plants. We conducted reciprocal transplant experiments to examine sources of variation in growth rate, form, survival, and maturation in a globally rare dwarf population of pitch pine (Pinus rigida) and in surrounding populations of normal-stature pitch pines on Long Island, New York. Transplants were monitored over a 6-yr period. The influence of seedling origin on height, growth rate, survival, and form (single-stemmed vs. multi-stemmed growth habit) was much smaller than the effect of transplanting location. Both planting site and seed origin were important factors in determining time to reproduction; seedlings originating from dwarf populations and seedlings planted at the normal-stature site reproduced earliest. These results suggest that many of the differences between dwarf and normal-stature pitch pines may be due more to plastic responses to environmental factors than to genetic differentiation among populations. Therefore, preservation of the dwarf pine habitat is essential for preserving dwarf pine communities; the dwarf pines cannot be preserved ex situ.  相似文献   
Following up on recent observations in patients with nasal polyposis (NP), the present study aimed to investigate whether a mechanical obstruction of the anterior olfactory cleft (OC) would produce differential effects on orthonasal and retronasal olfactory functions. To this end, we studied 33 healthy subjects in a randomized trial. Sponges with high content of saline were either placed in the OC or on the respiratory epithelium, such that this was blinded to both subject and observer. The results indicated that orthonasal (P = 0.04) but not retronasal (P = 0.15) olfactory identification ability was lower when the OC was blocked. This confirms the idea that differences between orthonasal and retronasal olfactory functions, as observed in NP patients, are, at least to some degree, due to mechanical obstruction of the anterior portion of the OC. The present data also suggest that mechanical obstruction is a means to induce reversible hyposmia void of side effects which can be performed in a blinded fashion. This might become a valuable model of hyposmia for future investigations.  相似文献   
Metastasis and disease relapse are hypothesized to result from tumor initiating cells (TICs). Previously, we have defined a CD44+/CD24-/low mammosphere-forming tumorigenic 493-gene signature in breast cancer. Stat3 was identified as a critical node in self-renewal based on an ongoing lentiviral shRNA screen being conducted in two breast cancer cell lines SUM159 and BT549. In corroborating work, targeting the SH2 domain of Stat3 with a novel small molecule decreased the percentage of cells expressing TIC markers (CD44+/CD24-/low and ALDH+) and mammosphere formation in p-Stat3 overexpressing human breast cancer xenografts in SCID-beige mice. Importantly, we observed a four-fold improvement in the 30-day recurrence-free survival relative to docetaxel alone with the addition of the Stat3 inhibitor in the chemoresistant tumor model. Thus, these findings provide a strong impetus for the development of selective Stat3 inhibitors in order to improve survival in patients with p-Stat3 overexpressing tumors.  相似文献   
The objective of this study was to identify subareas inside and near an Atlantic Rain Forest reserve, the Parque Estadual Turístico do Alto Ribeira (PETAR), most likely to be affected by land use in the vicinity of the area. In addition, the study aimed to compare risks per stressor source (agriculture, human settlements and mining) to both epigean (surface) and hypogean (subterranean) aquatic fauna. The methodological approach included the relative vulnerability of endpoints to the stressors (pesticides, metals, nutrients, and particles) and ranking of stressor sources and habitats (epigean and hypogean streams) based on their relative distribution in 14 subareas within the catchment areas of the main rivers that cross PETAR: Pilões, Betari and Iporanga. Four subareas presented high risk for both epigean and hypogean fauna. Three of those areas were located inside the Betari catchment area, where most of the settlements and abandoned lead mines are located. The fourth area was situated in the headwaters of the Pilões River, where agricultural activities are intense. Agriculture and human settlements were the activities most likely to cause impacts on aquatic ecosystems. Uses of risk assessment results include management of the PETAR and communication to stakeholders by the Park Administration.  相似文献   
Uncertainty is inherent in extrapolating from effects upon the individual to alterations in ecological structure or function. Subtle differences in individuals within a population can give rise to significant evolutionary events. Populations are part of ecological structures, systems that are clearly complex, requiring an understanding of the interacting components, stochastic inputs and spatial scales. A series of patch-dynamic models is used to illustrate the importance of spatial arrangement and initial population size in predicting effects at a landscape level. The importance of understanding the spatial structure of a population in uncertainty reduction is addressed.  相似文献   
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