Chronic heart failure (CHF) is a common condition with a poor prognosis. It is associated with poor exercise tolerance and debilitating symptoms. These symptoms appear to be associated with pathophysiological changes that occur systemically in the patient with CHF. Exercise training in carefully selected patients has been shown to be safe and to improve exercise capacity. Many of the pathophysiological abnormalities of CHF are improved by training. Some studies have suggested a possible improvement in morbidity and mortality with training. This review analyzes the controlled clinical trials of exercise training in CHF published to date. 相似文献
Visualising the evolutionary history of a set of sequences is a challenge for molecular phylogenetics. One approach is to use undirected graphs, such as median networks, to visualise phylogenies where reticulate relationships such as recombination or homoplasy are displayed as cycles. Median networks contain binary representations of sequences as nodes, with edges connecting those sequences differing at one character; hypothetical ancestral nodes are invoked to generate a connected network which contains all most parsimonious trees. Quasi-median networks are a generalisation of median networks which are not restricted to binary data, although phylogenetic information contained within the multistate positions can be lost during the preprocessing of data. Where the history of a set of samples contain frequent homoplasies or recombination events quasi-median networks will have a complex topology. Graph reduction or pruning methods have been used to reduce network complexity but some of these methods are inapplicable to datasets in which recombination has occurred and others are procedurally complex and/or result in disconnected networks.
We address the problems inherent in construction and reduction of quasi-median networks. We describe a novel method of generating quasi-median networks that uses all characters, both binary and multistate, without imposing an arbitrary ordering of the multistate partitions. We also describe a pruning mechanism which maintains at least one shortest path between observed sequences, displaying the underlying relations between all pairs of sequences while maintaining a connected graph.
Application of this approach to 5S rDNA sequence data from sea beet produced a pruned network within which genetic isolation between populations by distance was evident, demonstrating the value of this approach for exploration of evolutionary relationships. 相似文献
Cardiac time intervals have been described as a measure of cardiac performance, where prolongation, shortening and delay of the different time intervals have been evaluated as markers of cardiac dysfunction. A relatively recently developed method with improved ability to measure cardiac events is Tissue Doppler Imaging (TDI), allowing accurate measurement of myocardial movements.
We propose the state diagram of the heart as a new visualization tool for cardiac time intervals, presenting comparative, normalized data of systolic and diastolic performance, providing a more complete overview of cardiac function. This study aimed to test the feasibility of the state diagram method by presenting examples demonstrating its potential use in the clinical setting and by performing a clinical study, which included a comparison of the state diagram method with established echocardiography methods (E/E' ratio, LVEF and WMSI). The population in the clinical study consisted of seven patients with non ST-elevation myocardial infarction (NSTEMI) and seven control subjects, individually matched according to age and gender. The state diagram of the heart was generated from TDI curves from seven positions in the myocardium, visualizing the inter- and intraventricular function of the heart by displaying the cardiac phases.
The clinical examples demonstrated that the state diagram allows for an intuitive visualization of pathological patterns as ischemia and dyssynchrony. Further, significant differences in percentage duration between the control group and the NSTEMI group were found in eight of the totally twenty phases (10 phases for each ventricle), e.g. in the transition phases (Pre-Ejection and Post-Ejection). These phases were significantly longer (> 2.18%) for the NSTEMI group than for the control group (p < 0.05). No significant differences between the groups were found for the established echocardiography methods.
The test results clearly indicate that the state diagram has potential to be an efficient tool for visualization of cardiac dysfunction and for detection of NSTEMI. 相似文献
Transmissible spongiform encephalopathies (TSEs) are neurodegenerative disorders caused by the presence of an infectious prion protein. The primary site of pathology is the brain characterized by neuroinflammation, astrogliosis, prion fibrils, and vacuolation. The events preceding the observed pathology remain in question. We sought to identify biomarkers in the brain of TSE‐infected and aged‐matched control mice using two‐dimensional fluorescence difference gel electrophoresis (2D‐DIGE). Since the brain proteome is too complex to resolve all proteins using 2D‐DIGE, protein samples are initially filtered through either concanavalin A (ConA) or wheat‐germ agglutinin (WGA) columns. Four differentially abundant proteins are identified through screening of the two different glycoproteomes: Neuronal growth regulator 1 (NEGR1), calponin‐3 (CNN3), peroxiredoxin‐6 (Prdx6), and glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP). Confirmatory Western blots are performed with samples from TSE‐infected and comparative Alzheimer's disease (AD) affected brains and their respective controls from time points throughout the disease courses. The abundance of three of the four proteins increases significantly during later stages of prion disease whereas NEGR1 decreases in abundance. Comparatively, no significant changes are observed in later stages of AD. Our lab is the first to associate the glycosylated NEGR1 protein with prion disease pathology. 相似文献
To investigate the congenital complex vertebral malformation syndrome (CVM) in Holstein calves, two breeding studies were performed including 262 and 363 cows, respectively. Cows were selected from the Danish Cattle Database based on pedigree and insemination records. Selected cows were progeny of sires with an established heterozygous CVM genotype and pregnant after insemination with semen from another sire with heterozygous CVM genotype. Following calving the breeders should state, if the calf was normal and was requested to submit dead calves for necropsy. In both studies, significantly fewer CVM affected calves than expected were obtained; a finding probably reflecting extensive intrauterine mortality in CVM affected foetuses. The findings illustrate increased intrauterine mortality as a major potential bias in observational studies of inherited disorders. 相似文献
Most previous studies of maternal cytokines and preterm birth have analyzed immunologic biomarkers after the onset of labor or membrane rupture; fewer have examined the systemic (blood) immune response prior to labor onset. We carried out a case–control study nested in a large (n = 5337) prospective, multi-center cohort. Cohort women had an interview, examination, and venipuncture at 24–26 weeks. Frozen plasma samples in women with spontaneous preterm birth (n = 207) and approximately 2 term controls per case (n = 444) were analyzed using Luminex multianalyte profiling technology. Fresh placentas were fixed, stained, and blindly assessed for histologic evidence of infection/inflammation, decidual vasculopathy, and infarction, and vaginal swabs were analyzed for bacterial vaginosis and fetal fibronectin concentration. High maternal matrix metalloproteinase-9 (MMP-9) concentration, but none of the other cytokines or C-reactive protein (CRP), was significantly associated with spontaneous preterm birth [adjusted OR = 1.7 (1.1–2.4)] and showed a dose–response relation across quartiles. No association was observed, however, between maternal MMP-9 and placental infection/inflammation, bacterial vaginosis, or vaginal fetal fibronectin concentration. Our results require confirmation in future studies but suggest that a systemic immune response implicating MMP-9 may have an etiologic role in spontaneous preterm birth. 相似文献
Visualizing regions of conserved synteny between two genomes is supported by numerous software applications. However, none of the current applications allow researchers to select genome features to display or highlight in blocks of synteny based on the annotated biological properties of the features (e.g., type, function, and/or phenotype association). To address this usability gap, we developed an interactive web-based conserved synteny browser, The Jackson Laboratory (JAX) Synteny Browser. The browser allows researchers to highlight or selectively display genome features in the reference and/or the comparison genome according to the biological attributes of the features. Although the current implementation for the browser is limited to the reference genomes for the laboratory mouse and human, the software platform is intentionally genome agnostic. The JAX Synteny Browser software can be deployed for any two genomes where genome coordinates for syntenic blocks are defined and for which biological attributes of the features in one or both genomes are available in widely used standard bioinformatics file formats. The JAX Synteny Browser is available at: The code base is available from GitHub: and is distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution license (CC BY).