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The objectives of this project were to use finite element methods to determine how changes in the elastic modulus due to oral cancer therapeutic radiation alter the distribution of mechanical stresses in teeth and to determine if observed failures in irradiated teeth correlate with changes in mechanical stresses. A thin slice section finite element (FE) model was constructed from micro CT sections of a molar tooth using MIMICS and 3-Matic software. This model divides the tooth into three enamel regions, the dentin-enamel junction (DEJ) and dentin. The enamel elastic modulus was determined in each region using nano indentation for three experimental groups namely – control (non-radiated), in vitro irradiated (simulated radiotherapy following tooth extraction) and in vivo irradiated (extracted subsequent to oral cancer patient radiotherapy) teeth. Physiological loads were applied to the tooth models at the buccal and lingual cusp regions for all three groups (control, in vitro and in vivo). The principal tensile stress and the maximum shear stress were used to compare the results from different groups since it has been observed in previous studies that delamination of enamel from the underlying dentin was one of the major reasons for the failure of teeth following therapeutic radiation. From the FE data, we observed an increase in the principal tensile stress within the inner enamel region of in vivo irradiated teeth (9.97 ± 1.32 MPa) as compared to control/non-irradiated teeth (8.44 ± 1.57 MPa). Our model predicts that failure occurs at the inner enamel/DEJ interface due to extremely high tensile and maximum shear stresses in in vivo irradiated teeth which could be a cause of enamel delamination due to radiotherapy.  相似文献   
A series of 3-Benzylchroman-4-ones were synthesized and screened for anticancer activity by MTT assay. The compounds were evaluated against two cancerous cell lines BT549 (human breast carcinoma), HeLa (human cervical carcinoma), and one noncancerous cell line vero (normal kidney epithelial cells). 3b was found to be the most active molecule against BT549 cells (IC50?=?20.1?µM) and 3h against HeLa cells (IC50?=?20.45?µM). 3b also exhibited moderate activity against HeLa cells (IC50?=?42.8?µM). The molecular structures of 3h and 3i were solved by single crystal X-ray crystallographic technique. Additionally, the molecular docking studies between the tumour suppressor protein p53 with the lead compound 3h, which exhibited better anticancer activity against HeLa cells was examined.  相似文献   
Mitochondrial dysfunction including that caused by oxidative stress has been implicated in the pathogenesis of neurodegenerative diseases. Glutaredoxin 1 (Grx1), a cytosolic thiol disulfide oxido-reductase, reduces glutathionylated proteins to protein thiols and helps maintain redox status of proteins during oxidative stress. Grx1 downregulation aggravates mitochondrial dysfunction in animal models of neurodegenerative diseases, such as Parkinson's and motor neuron disease. We examined the mechanism underlying the regulation of mitochondrial function by Grx1. Downregulation of Grx1 by shRNA results in loss of mitochondrial membrane potential (MMP), which is prevented by the thiol antioxidant, alpha-lipoic acid, or by cyclosporine A, an inhibitor of mitochondrial permeability transition. The thiol groups of voltage dependent anion channel (VDAC), an outer membrane protein in mitochondria but not adenosine nucleotide translocase (ANT), an inner membrane protein, are oxidized when Grx1 is downregulated. We then examined the effect of beta-N-oxalyl amino-L-alanine (L-BOAA), an excitatory amino acid implicated in neurolathyrism (a type of motor neuron disease), that causes mitochondrial dysfunction. Exposure of cells to L-BOAA resulted in loss of MMP, which was prevented by overexpression of Grx1. Grx1 expression is regulated by estrogen in the CNS and treatment of SH-SY5Y cells with estrogen upregulated Grx1 and protected from L-BOAA mediated MMP loss. Our studies demonstrate that Grx1, a cytosolic oxido-reductase, helps maintain mitochondrial integrity and prevents MMP loss caused by oxidative insult. Further, downregulation of Grx1 leads to mitochondrial dysfunction through oxidative modification of the outer membrane protein, VDAC, providing support for the critical role of Grx1 in maintenance of MMP.  相似文献   
Rodents (and their fleas) that are associated with prairie dogs are considered important for the maintenance and transmission of the bacterium (Yersinia pestis) that causes plague. Our goal was to identify rodent and flea species that were potentially involved in a plague epizootic in black-tailed prairie dogs at Thunder Basin National Grassland. We collected blood samples and ectoparasites from rodents trapped at off- and on-colony grids at Thunder Basin National Grassland between 2002 and 2004. Blood samples were tested for antibodies to Y. pestis F-1 antigen by a passive hemagglutination assay, and fleas were tested by a multiplex polymerase chain reaction, for the presence of the plague bacterium. Only one of 1,421 fleas, an Oropsylla hirsuta collected in 2002 from a deer mouse, Peromyscus maniculatus, tested positive for Y. pestis. Blood samples collected in summer 2004 from two northern grasshopper mice, Onychomys leucogaster, tested positive for Y. pestis antibodies. All three positive samples were collected from on-colony grids shortly after a plague epizootic occurred. This study confirms that plague is difficult to detect in rodents and fleas associated with prairie dog colonies, unless samples are collected immediately after a prairie dog die-off.  相似文献   
Scirpophaga incertulas, commonly referred to as yellow stem borer, is a predominant pest of rice causing serious losses in its yield. Genetic variation among populations of Scirpophaga incertulas collected from 28 hotspot locations in India was examined using the randomly amplified polymorphic DNA-polymerase chain reaction (RAPD-PCR). In all, 32 primers were used and 354 amplification products were observed. No RAPD-PCR bands diagnostic to the pest population from any specific region were identified. Cluster analysis using UPGMA showed that, with the exception of the pest population from Pattambi, all the populations cluster as one group with GD values in the range of 6–22%, suggesting that gene flow between populations is independent of geographic distance and appears to be unrestricted. The relatively high GD value of 48% exhibited by the pest population from Pattambi was the only exception.  相似文献   
Uptake of (75Se) added in vitro was followed in mitochondria isolated from Trigonella foenum-graecum seedlings grown under different Se status (0.5-1.0 ppm) and with added mimosine (0.1 mM). Uptake of 75Se followed with added Na2 75SeO3 upto 20 microM in the medium was nonlinear in all the groups. Kinetic analyses of the uptake of 75Se for 1 min were carried out for all the groups. The results indicated a cooperative effect during Se transport. Graphical analyses using the Hill plot and Scatchard plot confirmed the existence of negative cooperativity during 75Se uptake. Scatchard plots were biphasic, suggesting the probable presence of two classes of binding sites. The presence of succinate or ATP in the incubation medium inhibited 75Se uptake by 40%. Studies with mitochondrial respiratory inhibitors indicated the uptake to be energy independent. A decrease in the uptake of 75Se by 40% effected by HgCl2, N-ethyl maleimide, and iodoacetate confirmed the interaction of active thiols in the process. The present study confirms the controlled nature of 75Se uptake by plant mitochondria.  相似文献   
Complete and partial deletions of chromosome 5q are recurrent cytogenetic anomalies associated with aggressive myeloid malignancies. Earlier, we identified an approximately 1.5-Mb region of loss at 5q13.3 between the loci D5S672 and D5S620 in primary leukemic blasts. A leukemic cell line, ML3, is diploid for all of chromosome 5, except for an inversion-coupled translocation within the D5S672-D5S620 interval. Here, we report the development of a bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) contig to define the breakpoint and the identification of a novel gene SSBP2, the target of disruption in ML3 cells. A preliminary evaluation of SSBP2 as a tumor suppressor gene in primary leukemic blasts and cell lines suggests that the remaining allele does not undergo intragenic mutations. SSBP2 is one of three members of a closely related, evolutionarily conserved, and ubiquitously expressed gene family. SSBP3 is the human ortholog of a chicken gene, CSDP, that encodes a sequence-specific single-stranded DNA-binding protein. SSBP3 localizes to chromosome 1p31.3, and the third member, SSBP4, maps to chromosome 19p13.1. Chromosomal localization and the putative single-stranded DNA-binding activity suggest that all three members of this family are capable of potential tumor suppressor activity by gene dosage or other epigenetic mechanisms.  相似文献   
Amino acid sequence analysis corresponding to the PPE proteins in H37Rv and CDC 1551 strains of theMycobacterium tuberculosis genomes resulted in the identification of a previously uncharacterized 225 amino acid-residue common region in 22 proteins. The pairwise sequence identities were as low as 18%. Conservation of amino acid residues was observed at fifteen positions that were distributed over the whole length of the region. The secondary structure corresponding to this region is predicted to be a mixture of a-helices and β-strands. Although the function is not known, proteins with this region specific to mycobacterial species may be associated with a common function. We further observed another group of 20 PPE proteins corresponding to the conserved C-terminal region comprising 44 amino acid residues with GFxGT and PxxPxxW sequence motifs. This region is preceded by a hydrophobic region, comprising 40–100 amino acid residues, that is flanked by charged amino acid residues. Identification of conserved regions described above may be useful to detect related proteins from other genomes and assist the design of suitable experiments to test their corresponding functions. Amino acid sequence analysis corresponding to the PE proteins resulted in the identification of tandem repeats comprising 41-43 amino acid residues in the C-terminal variable regions in two PE proteins (Rv0978 and Rv0980). These correspond to the AB repeats that were first identified in some proteins of theMethanosarcina mazei genome, and were demonstrated as surface antigens. We observed the AB repeats also in several other proteins of hitherto uncharacterized function inArchaea andBacteria genomes. Some of these proteins are also associated with another repeat called the C-repeat or the PKD-domain comprising 85 amino acid residues. The secondary structure corresponding to the AB repeat is predicted mainly as 4 β-strands. We suggest that proteins with AB repeats inMycobacterium tuberculosis and other genomes may be associated as surface antigens. TheM. leprae genome, however, does not contain either the AB or C-repeats and different proteins may therefore be recruited as surface antigens in theM. leprae genome compared to theM. tuberculosis genome.  相似文献   
Nonviral, DNA-mediated gene transfer is an alternative to viral delivery systems for expressing new genes in cells and tissues. The Sleeping Beauty (SB) transposon system combines the advantages of viruses and naked DNA molecules for gene therapy purposes; however, efficacious delivery of DNA molecules to animal tissues can still be problematic. Here we describe the hydrodynamic delivery procedure for the SB transposon system that allows efficient delivery to the liver in the mouse. The procedure involves rapid, high-pressure injection of a DNA solution into the tail vein. The overall procedure takes <1 h although the delivery into one mouse requires only a few seconds. Successful injections result in expression of the transgene in 5-40% of hepatocytes 1 d after injection. Several weeks after injection, transgene expression stabilizes at approximately 1% of the level at 24 h, presumably owing to integration of the transposons into chromosomes.  相似文献   
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