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Intracellular eukaryotic parasites and their host cells constitute complex, coevolved cellular interaction systems that frequently cause disease. Among them, Plasmodium parasites cause a significant health burden in humans, killing up to one million people annually. To succeed in the mammalian host after transmission by mosquitoes, Plasmodium parasites must complete intracellular replication within hepatocytes and then release new infectious forms into the blood. Using Plasmodium yoelii rodent malaria parasites, we show that some liver stage (LS)-infected hepatocytes undergo apoptosis without external triggers, but the majority of infected cells do not, and can also resist Fas-mediated apoptosis. In contrast, apoptosis is dramatically increased in hepatocytes infected with attenuated parasites. Furthermore, we find that blocking total or mitochondria-initiated host cell apoptosis increases LS parasite burden in mice, suggesting that an anti-apoptotic host environment fosters parasite survival. Strikingly, although LS infection confers strong resistance to extrinsic host hepatocyte apoptosis, infected hepatocytes lose their ability to resist apoptosis when anti-apoptotic mitochondrial proteins are inhibited. This is demonstrated by our finding that B-cell lymphoma 2 family inhibitors preferentially induce apoptosis in LS-infected hepatocytes and significantly reduce LS parasite burden in mice. Thus, targeting critical points of susceptibility in the LS-infected host cell might provide new avenues for malaria prophylaxis.  相似文献   
The postharvest anthracnose pathogen Colletotrichum gloeosporioides inciting latent or quiescent infection of mango was detected in early stages using immunoassay methods. Twenty‐five pathotypes isolated from different agroclimatic zones of Tamil Nadu, Karnataka and Pondicherry, India, revealed the variation in protein profile analysis (SDS‐PAGE). The polyclonal antibodies (PCA) were raised against the unfractioned mycelial protein (UMP) and a 40‐kDa polypeptide present in all pathotypes. Standardization of antigen and antiserum dilutions revealed that an antigen dilution of 1 : 200 (protein concentration of 20 μg/ml) and antiserum dilution of 1 : 100 (protein concentration of 40 μg/ml raised against UMP) and 1 : 200 (protein concentration of 20 μg/ml raised against 40 kDa polypeptide) was found to be optimum for the detection of anthracnose pathogen. Both antisera detected the Cgloeosporioides antigen in enzyme‐linked immunosorbent assays (ELISAs), dot immunobinding assays (DIBAs) and Western blots. The specificity in reaction was compared by isolating other Colletotrichum spp. from various hosts viz., Clindemuthianum (beans), Cfalcatum (sugarcane), Cmusae (banana), Ccapsici (chillies) and Botryodiplodia theobromae (mango). The antisera generated against UMP revealed the cross‐reaction with other host isolates and mango stem end rot pathogen (B. theobromae). The PCA raised against 40‐kDa polypeptide exhibited the specific reaction with Cgloeosporioides isolates in all the immunoassay techniques. By utilizing both PCA, the presence of latent infection was observed in healthy‐looking leaves, flowers and fruits in orchard conditions. The fruit tissues recorded high absorbance values followed by flowers and leaves in all the detection methods. The ELISA technique was also useful in assessing the pathogen inoculum at various biocontrol formulations sprayed mango trees under field conditions. The fluorescent pseudomonad strains mixture (KFP1 + FP7) amended with chitin sprayed at 30‐day intervals revealed the significant reduction in pathogen load than other formulations and unsprayed control.  相似文献   
Rats bearing the Yoshida AH-130 ascites hepatoma showed important changes in lipid metabolism. The presence of this rapidly growing tumour induced a significant reduction in the intestinal absorption of an oral [l4C]triolein load but without changes in whole body oxidation of the tracer to CO3. Both white (WAT) and brown (BAT) adipose tissue lipoprotein lipase (LPL) activities were increased at day 4 of tumour growth, changes that seem to be related with those observed in [14C] lipid accumulation; however, heart LPL activity was increased at day 7 but there was no change at day 4. In addition, there was a marked hyperlipemia in the tumour-bearing animals, whereas the blood ketone body concentrations were lower in these animals in comparison with the corresponding pair-fed group. The in vivo lipogenic rate was increased in liver of the tumour-bearing animals (day 4); conversely, it was decreased in WAT and skeletal muscle (day 4) and IBAT (day 7) of the AH-130-bearing rats. It may be suggested that the increased liver lipogenic rate associated with tumour burden is the main factor contributing to the hyperlipidaemia present in the Yoshida AH-130 bearing rats.  相似文献   
The HI loop is a prominent domain on the adeno-associated virus (AAV) capsid surface that extends from each viral protein (VP) subunit overlapping the neighboring fivefold VP. Despite the highly conserved nature of the residues at the fivefold pore, the HI loops surrounding this critical region vary significantly in amino acid sequence between the AAV serotypes. In order to understand the role of this unique capsid domain, we ablated side chain interactions between the HI loop and the underlying EF loop in the neighboring VP subunit by generating a collection of deletion, insertion, and substitution mutants. A mutant lacking the HI loop was unable to assemble particles, while a substitution mutant (10 glycine residues) assembled particles but was unable to package viral genomes. Substitution mutants carrying corresponding regions from AAV1, AAV4, AAV5, and AAV8 yielded (i) particles with titers and infectivity identical to those of AAV2 (AAV2 HI1 and HI8), (ii) particles with a decreased virus titer (1 log) but normal infectivity (HI4), and (iii) particles that synthesized VPs but were unable to assemble into intact capsids (HI5). AAV5 HI is shorter than all other HI loops by one amino acid. Replacing the missing residue (threonine) in AAV2 HI5 resulted in a moderate particle assembly rescue. In addition, we replaced the HI loop with peptides varying in length and amino acid sequence. This region tolerated seven-amino-acid peptide substitutions unless they spanned a conserved phenylalanine at amino acid position 661. Mutation of this highly conserved phenylalanine to a glycine resulted in a modest decrease in virus titer but a substantial decrease (1 log order) in infectivity. Subsequently, confocal studies revealed that AAV2 F661G is incapable of efficiently completing a key step in the infectious pathway nuclear entry, hinting at a possible perturbation of VP1 phospholipase activity. Molecular modeling studies with the F661G mutant suggest that disruption of interactions between F661 and an underlying P373 residue in the EF loop of the neighboring subunit might adversely affect incorporation of the VP1 subunit at the fivefold axis. Western blot analysis confirmed inefficient incorporation of VP1, as well as a proteolytically processed VP1 subunit that could account for the markedly reduced infectivity. In summary, our studies show that the HI loop, while flexible in amino acid sequence, is critical for AAV capsid assembly, proper VP1 subunit incorporation, and viral genome packaging, all of which implies a potential role for this unique surface domain in viral infectivity.  相似文献   

In this work, we have synthesized a few novel mononuclear complexes of Cu(II), Co(II), Ni(II) and Zn(II) using a pyrazolone-derived Schiff base ligand. They were characterized by spectroscopic and analytical methods. The elemental analyses, UV-Vis, magnetic moment values and molar conductance of the complexes reveal that the complexes adopt an octahedral arrangement around the central metal ions. The interaction of complexes with CT-DNA was studied by absorption spectral titration and viscosity measurements. The observed data show that the complexes bind with CT-DNA via an intercalation mode. Efficient pUC18 DNA cleavage ability of the synthesized compounds was explored by gel electrophoresis. The antimicrobial activity of these compounds against a set of bacterial and fungal strains reveals that the complexes exhibit better activity than the free ligand. Moreover, all the complexes were evaluated against two cancer (HeLa and HepG2) and one normal (NHDF) cell lines. The data were compared with cisplatin. Anti–inflammatory activity has been experimentally validated which proves that theoretical predictions concur with the experimental results. In addition, molecular docking studies have been performed to consider the nature of binding mode and binding affinity of these compounds with DNA (1BNA) and protein (3hb5). These studies reveal that the mode of binding is intercalation and the complexes have higher binding energy scores than the free ligand.  相似文献   
Zinc-finger nucleases (ZFNs) have been used for genome engineering in a wide variety of organisms; however, it remains challenging to design effective ZFNs for many genomic sequences using publicly available zinc-finger modules. This limitation is in part because of potential finger–finger incompatibility generated on assembly of modules into zinc-finger arrays (ZFAs). Herein, we describe the validation of a new set of two-finger modules that can be used for building ZFAs via conventional assembly methods or a new strategy—finger stitching—that increases the diversity of genomic sequences targetable by ZFNs. Instead of assembling ZFAs based on units of the zinc-finger structural domain, our finger stitching method uses units that span the finger–finger interface to ensure compatibility of neighbouring recognition helices. We tested this approach by generating and characterizing eight ZFAs, and we found their DNA-binding specificities reflected the specificities of the component modules used in their construction. Four pairs of ZFNs incorporating these ZFAs generated targeted lesions in vivo, demonstrating that stitching yields ZFAs with robust recognition properties.  相似文献   
Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering - Glucosinolates (GSLs) and phenolic compounds (PCs) are biologically active and involved in the defense reaction of plants; these compounds have a beneficial...  相似文献   
Preparation, properties and metabolism of 5,6-monoepoxyretinoic acid   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1  
1. Methyl retinoate has been converted into methyl 5,6-monoepoxyretinoate by reaction with monoperphthalic acid. The epoxy acid ester on alkaline hydrolysis gave 5,6-monoepoxyretinoic acid. 2. Treatment of the 5,6-monoepoxy compounds with ethanolic hydrochloric acid gave the corresponding 5,8-epoxy (furanoid) compounds. 3. With lithium aluminium hydride, the acid and the ester groups were selectively reduced to primary alcohols. 4. Administration of methyl 5,6-monoepoxyretinoate intraperitoneally and subcutaneously had good growth response in vitamin A-deficient rats. 5. 5,6-Monoepoxyretinoic acid, when given intraperitoneally as the sodium salt, was 157% as active as all-trans-retinyl acetate. 6. Methyl 5,6-monoepoxyretinoate was hydrolysed to the epoxy acid by rat-liver homogenate. It had 35% of the biological activity of all-trans-retinyl acetate in the rat when given orally.  相似文献   

This study deals with the open pond (OP) pilot scale treatment of cassava effluent and enhancement of Ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (RuBisCO) enzyme through CO2 utilization by the microalga, Acutodesmus obliquus RDS01. The cassava effluent treatment (ET) revealed maximum reduction of ammonia (96.8%), calcium (94.6%), chloride (95.2%), chlorine (98.5%), inorganic phosphate (94.6%), magnesium (96.8%), nitrate (96.89%), organic carbon (95.9%), organic phosphorus (96.3%), potassium (97.9%), sodium (97.1%), and sulfate (95.4%) on 15th day using A. obliquus. The microalga produced highest RuBisCO enzyme activity (90%), CO2 utilization efficiency (95%), biomass (8.9 gL?1), lipid (176.65?mg mL?1), carbohydrate (96.78?mg mL?1), biodiesel (4.1?mL g?1), and bioethanol (3.7?mL g?1) during OP treatment. The isolated RuBisCO gene (rbcL) was used to construct the protein model by homology modeling. The microalgal-lipid content was analyzed through thin layer chromatography, the biodiesel produced was analyzed using Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy and gas chromatography mass spectrometry (GCMS). The bioethanol production was confirmed by high performance liquid chromatography and GCMS analyses. A. obliquus produced of 98.75% biodiesel and 96.83% bioethanol in the OP pilot scale treatment A. obliquus. Overall, the microalga A. obliquus could act as an effective CO2 capturing and bioremediation agent in the cassava ET, and also for the biodiesel and bioethanol can be produced.  相似文献   
Deletion mutations within mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) have been implicated in degenerative and aging related conditions, such as sarcopenia and neuro-degeneration. While the precise molecular mechanism of deletion formation in mtDNA is still not completely understood, genome motifs such as direct repeat (DR) and stem-loop (SL) have been observed in the neighborhood of deletion breakpoints and thus have been postulated to take part in mutagenesis. In this study, we have analyzed the mitochondrial genomes from four different mammals: human, rhesus monkey, mouse and rat, and compared them to randomly generated sequences to further elucidate the role of direct repeat and stem-loop motifs in aging associated mtDNA deletions. Our analysis revealed that in the four species, DR and SL structures are abundant and that their distributions in mtDNA are not statistically different from randomized sequences. However, the average distance between the reported age associated mtDNA breakpoints and their respective nearest DR motifs is significantly shorter than what is expected of random chance in human (p<10(-4)) and rhesus monkey (p = 0.0034), but not in mouse (p = 0.0719) and rat (p = 0.0437), indicating the existence of species specific difference in the relationship between DR motifs and deletion breakpoints. In addition, the frequencies of large DRs (>10 bp) tend to decrease with increasing lifespan among the four mammals studied here, further suggesting an evolutionary selection against stable mtDNA misalignments associated with long DRs in long-living animals. In contrast to the results on DR, the probability of finding SL motifs near a deletion breakpoint does not differ from random in any of the four mtDNA sequences considered. Taken together, the findings in this study give support for the importance of stable mtDNA misalignments, aided by long DRs, as a major mechanism of deletion formation in long-living, but not in short-living mammals.  相似文献   
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