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We aimed to determine how age‐associated changes in mechanisms extrinsic and intrinsic to pacemaker cells relate to basal beating interval variability (BIV) reduction in vivo. Beating intervals (BIs) were measured in aged (23–25 months) and adult (3–4 months) C57BL/6 male mice (i) via ECG in vivo during light anesthesia in the basal state, or in the presence of 0.5 mg mL?1 atropine + 1 mg mL?1 propranolol (in vivo intrinsic conditions), and (ii) via a surface electrogram, in intact isolated pacemaker tissue. BIV was quantified in both time and frequency domains using linear and nonlinear indices. Although the average basal BI did not significantly change with age under intrinsic conditions in vivo and in the intact isolated pacemaker tissue, the average BI was prolonged in advanced age. In vivo basal BIV indices were found to be reduced with age, but this reduction diminished in the intrinsic state. However, in pacemaker tissue BIV indices increased in advanced age vs. adults. In the isolated pacemaker tissue, the sensitivity of the average BI and BIV in response to autonomic receptor stimulation or activation of mechanisms intrinsic to pacemaker cells by broad‐spectrum phosphodiesterase inhibition declined in advanced age. Thus, changes in mechanisms intrinsic to pacemaker cells increase the average BIs and BIV in the mice of advanced age. Autonomic neural input to pacemaker tissue compensates for failure of molecular intrinsic mechanisms to preserve average BI. But this compensation reduces the BIV due to both the imbalance of autonomic neural input to the pacemaker cells and altered pacemaker cell responses to neural input.  相似文献   
Under certain conditions of Ca2+ loading, cardiac myocytes, both isolated and in intact tissue, exhibit spontaneous, oscillatory Ca2+ transients due to Ca2+ release from the sarcoplasmic reticulum. These transients are not triggered by depolarization of the sarcolemma, though they themselves can generate depolarizing currents which can reach threshold to trigger an action potential. Spontaneous Ca2+ release occurs locally in a subcellular region and, once initiated, can propagate through the cell with a velocity of roughly 100 microns/s. Locally, the cytosolic Ca2+ concentration during spontaneous release is probably comparable to that during an electrically excited twitch. The mechanisms of initiation and propagation of spontaneous Ca2+ release are uncertain, but are probably closely related to the Ca2+-induced Ca2+ release which plays a role in normal excitation-contraction coupling. Spontaneous and triggered Ca2+ release appear to compete for a common pool of releasable sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca2+, with the result that spontaneous Ca2+ release imposes a beat-rate-dependent limit on the inotropic effect of interventions which increase intracellular Ca2+. Mathematical modeling of this effect shows that it can also explain increased diastolic tone, the development of aftercontractions and oscillatory restitution of contractility in states of 'Ca2+ overload'. Spontaneous Ca2+ release is a cause of arrhythmias, and may well play a role in some cases of systolic and diastolic myocardial dysfunction.  相似文献   
Spontaneous myofilament motion that propagates within cells as a contractile wave is a manifestation of localized Ca2+ release from sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR). At 37 degrees C, when bathing [Ca2+] (Cao) is 1.0 mM, rat myocytes exhibit contractile waves at rest and the interwave interval averages 9.1 +/- 1.5 s (n = 6). We determined whether there was an interaction between this type of SR Ca2+ release and that induced by electrical stimulation to cause a twitch, and whether such an interaction had functional significance. Progressive decreases in SR Ca2+ loading effected by graded concentrations of caffeine produced proportional decreases in the mechanical amplitude of the twitch and of the spontaneous contractile wave. Regular electrical stimulation in physiologic Cao abolished the waves and, after stimulation, waves did not reappear for a period of time (delay interval). Over a range of stimulation frequencies (6-72 min-1), the delay interval ranged from 11.4 +/- 3.6 to 12.4 +/- 1.7 s and was usually greater than the interwave interval at rest. The delay interval for a wave to occur after a twitch was reduced in the presence of increased Cao, glycosides, or catecholamines. When the interstimulus interval exceeded the delay interval, waves could appear between twitches and had a marked effect of shortening the duration of the action potential and decreasing the amplitude of the subsequent twitch. The magnitude of this effect varied inversely with time (up to 2 s) between the onset of the spontaneous diastolic wave and the subsequent stimulated twitch. A reduction of the interstimulus interval to less than the delay interval prevented the occurrence of diastolic waves. These results demonstrate the presence of an interaction between spontaneous and action potential-mediated Ca2+ release, which can be interpreted on the basis of a common Ca2+ pool and perhaps common release mechanisms. This interaction can explain many of the known effects of electrical stimulation on phenomena that are thought to result from spontaneous Ca2+ oscillations in intact tissue.  相似文献   
Recent studies employing Ca2+ indicators and confocal microscopy demonstrate substantial local Ca2+ release beneath the cell plasma membrane (subspace) of sinoatrial node cells (SANCs) occurring during diastolic depolarization. Pharmacological and biophysical experiments have suggested that the released Ca2+ interacts with the plasma membrane via the ion current (INaCa) produced by the Na+/Ca2+ exchanger and constitutes an important determinant of the pacemaker rate. This study provides a numerical validation of the functional importance of diastolic Ca2+ release for rate control. The subspace Ca2+ signals in rabbit SANCs were measured by laser confocal microscopy, averaged, and calibrated. The time course of the subspace [Ca2+] displayed both diastolic and systolic components. The diastolic component was mainly due to the local Ca2+ releases; it was numerically approximated and incorporated into a SANC cellular electrophysiology model. The model predicts that the diastolic Ca2+ release strongly interacts with plasma membrane via INaCa and thus controls the phase of the action potential upstroke and ultimately the final action potential rate.  相似文献   
Lakatta EG 《Cell calcium》2004,35(6):629-642
The ability of the heart to acutely beat faster and stronger is central to the vertebrate survival instinct. Released neurotransmitters, norepinephrine and epinephrine, bind to beta-adrenergic receptors (beta-AR) on pacemaker cells comprising the sinoatrial node, and to beta-AR on ventricular myocytes to modulate cellular mechanisms that govern the frequency and amplitude, respectively, of the duty cycles of these cells. While a role for sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca(2+) cycling via SERCA2 and ryanodine receptors (RyR) has long been appreciated with respect to cardiac inotropy, recent evidence also implicates Ca(2+) cycling with respect to chronotropy. In spontaneously beating primary sinoatrial nodal pacemaker cells, RyR Ca(2+) releases occurring during diastolic depolarization activate the Na(+)-Ca(2+) exchanger (NCX) to produce an inward current that enhances their diastolic depolarization rate, and thus increases their beating rate. beta-AR stimulation synchronizes RyR activation and Ca(2+) release to effect an increased beating rate in pacemaker cells and contraction amplitude in myocytes: in pacemaker cells, the beta-AR stimulation synchronization of RyR activation occurs during the diastolic depolarization, and augments the NCX inward current; in ventricular myocytes, beta-AR stimulation synchronizes the openings of unitary L-type Ca(2+) channel activation following the action potential, and also synchronizes RyR Ca(2+) releases following depolarization, and in the absence of depolarization, both leading to the generation of a global cytosolic Ca(i) transient of increased amplitude and accelerated kinetics. Thus, beta-AR stimulation induced synchronization of RyR activation (recruitment of additional RyRs to fire) and of the ensuing Ca(2+) release cause the heart to beat both stronger and faster, and is thus, a common mechanism that links both the maximum achievable cardiac inotropy and chronotropy.  相似文献   
Rapid development of transgenic and gene-targeted mice and acute genetic manipulation via gene transfer vector systems have provided powerful tools for cardiovascular research. To facilitate the phenotyping of genetically engineered murine models at the cellular and subcellular levels and to implement acute gene transfer techniques in single mouse cardiomyocytes, we have modified and improved current enzymatic methods to isolate a high yield of high-quality adult mouse myocytes (5.3 +/- 0.5 x 10(5) cells/left ventricle, 83.8 +/- 2.5% rod shaped). We have also developed a technique to culture these isolated myocytes while maintaining their morphological integrity for 2-3 days. The high percentage of viable myocytes after 1 day in culture (72.5 +/- 2.3%) permitted both physiological and biochemical characterization. The major functional aspects of these cells, including excitation-contraction coupling and receptor-mediated signaling, remained intact, but the contraction kinetics were significantly slowed. Furthermore, gene delivery via recombinant adenoviral infection was highly efficient and reproducible. In adult beta(1)/beta(2)-adrenergic receptor (AR) double-knockout mouse myocytes, adenovirus-directed expression of either beta(1)- or beta(2)-AR, which occurred in 100% of cells, rescued the functional response to beta-AR agonist stimulation. These techniques will permit novel experimental settings for cellular genetic physiology.  相似文献   
L型Ca2+通道自发激活对静息心肌细胞钙火花的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
钙火花是心肌细胞肌浆网Ca2+释放的基本单位. 为了研究L型Ca2+通道自发开放对心肌细胞钙火花的影响, 实验使用激光共聚焦扫描显微镜和Ca2+荧光探针Fluo-4, 在大鼠心肌细胞上观察局部钙火花的发放. 结果表明, 0.2 mmol/L CdCl2通过阻断L型Ca2+通道, 使自发性钙火花的发放频率从给药前的4.20下降到给药后的2.04个/(100 μm∙s), 但不影响火花的时空特性. 对Cd2+敏感的钙火花进行分析, 推测在静息膜电位下(−80 mV), L型Ca2+通道的开放概率约为10−5. 因此, 在静息心肌细胞中, L型Ca2+通道低频随机开放对自发性钙火花的产生及细胞钙稳态调节有重要影响.  相似文献   
Glaciated alpine floodplains are responding quickly to climate change through shrinking ice masses. Given the expected future changes in their physicochemical environment, we anticipated variable shifts in structure and ecosystem functioning of hyporheic microbial communities in proglacial alpine streams, depending on present community characteristics and landscape structures. We examined microbial structure and functioning during different hydrologic periods in glacial (kryal) streams and, as contrasting systems, groundwater-fed (krenal) streams. Three catchments were chosen to cover an array of landscape features, including interconnected lakes, differences in local geology and degree of deglaciation. Community structure was assessed by automated ribosomal intergenic spacer analysis and microbial function by potential enzyme activities. We found each catchment to contain a distinct bacterial community structure and different degrees of separation in structure and functioning that were linked to the physicochemical properties of the waters within each catchment. Bacterial communities showed high functional plasticity, although achieved by different strategies in each system. Typical kryal communities showed a strong linkage of structure and function that indicated a major prevalence of specialists, whereas krenal sediments were dominated by generalists. With the rapid retreat of glaciers and therefore altered ecohydrological characteristics, lotic microbial structure and functioning are likely to change substantially in proglacial floodplains in the future. The trajectory of these changes will vary depending on contemporary bacterial community characteristics and landscape structures that ultimately determine the sustainability of ecosystem functioning.  相似文献   
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