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The initial steps of stem Leydig cell differentiation into steroid producing progenitor cells are thought to take place independent of luteinizing hormone (LH), under the influence of locally produced factors such as leukaemia inhibitory factor (LIF), platelet derived growth factor A and stem cell factor. For the formation of a normal sized Leydig cell population in the adult testis, the presence of LH appears to be essential.  相似文献   
Human T cell agar colonies can be grown under PHA stimulation from either mature T cells or their E rosette-negative (E-), OKT3- peripheral blood and bone marrow precursors. Colonies comprise a majority of mature E+, OKT3+ cells and a minor (5 to 10%) population of immature E-, T3-, T8-, T4-, DR+, T10+, RFB1+ cells, which upon replating in subculture, can generate secondary colonies of OKT3+, E+, OKT4+, OKT8+ cells. Secondary colony formation can serve as a test for growth requirement of colony precursors, because it depends on the presence of both PHA and a colony-promoting activity (CPA) recovered in PHA-stimulated B + null or T + adherent cell supernatants. CPA production by B + null cells was not affected by their treatment with OKT3 or D66 (T11-like) monoclonal antibodies (MAB) + complement but was abolished by an anti-HLA-DR MAB + complement. However, B cells sorted by panning with the same anti-HLA-DR MAB did not release CPA, demonstrating the requirement of both B cells and null cells for CPA production. Neither IL 2 nor IL 1 could account for B + null cell-derived CPA.  相似文献   
Silastic beads were inserted into the uterine lumen on Day 10 after oestrus. Gilts received beads containing oestradiol-17 beta only, oestradiol benzoate, or oestradiol-17 beta+prostaglandin (PG) E-2. Oestrous cycles were slightly longer in treated than in untreated pigs (20.2 +/- 0.4 days), and durations were 22.6 +/- 1.3, 26.2 +/- 1.7 and 23.2 +/- 1.8 days for oestradiol-17 beta, oestradiol benzoate and oestradiol-17 beta+PGE-2 treatments, respectively (P greater than 0.05). Thus, PGE-2 and an oestrogen such as oestradiol benzoate that persist for a longer period cannot prolong the cycle more than oestradiol-17 beta alone. Additional cyclic gilts underwent similar treatments with beads containing oestradiol-17 beta, oestradiol-17 beta+PGE-2 or cholesterol, and cannulation of one utero-ovarian vein on Day 10. Blood samples were collected from the catheter every 15 min from 08:00 until 11:00 h and from 20:00 until 23:00 h for 5 consecutive days starting the day after surgery and peripheral plasma samples were also collected daily. On Day 16, beads containing oestradiol-17 beta were surrounded by endometrial folds whereas cholesterol beads were free. Concentrations of plasma progesterone did not vary significantly from Days 11 to 16 in gilts treated with oestradiol-17 beta or oestradiol-17 beta+PGE-2, but decreased in cholesterol-treated gilts. Concentrations of plasma oestrone and oestradiol-17 beta were more than ten times higher in gilts treated with oestradiol-17 beta or oestradiol-17 beta+PGE-2 than in cholesterol-treated gilts on the day after bead insertion, but decreased rapidly to values comparable to those in cholesterol-treated gilts by Day 14. In contrast, concentrations of oestrone sulphate remained high until Day 16. Concentrations of PGE-2 in the utero-ovarian vein plasma did not differ (P greater than 0.05) between treatments but those of PGF-2 alpha were higher (P less than 0.004) in gilts treated with cholesterol than in those treated with oestradiol-17 beta or oestradiol-17 beta+PGE-2. It is postulated that insufficient oestradiol-17 beta is released by the beads toward the end of a 'recognition period' to prolong the cycle for more than 3-6 days.  相似文献   
The two forms of cytoplasmic male sterility (CMS) native to the oilseed rape or canola species Brassica napus, nap and pol, have novel features that may provide insight into the molecular mechanisms through which CMS/nuclear restorer systems evolve. One such feature is the finding that the distinct nuclear restorer genes for the two systems represent different alleles or haplotypes of the same nuclear locus. Improved understanding of how these systems have evolved will require molecular cloning and characterization of this novel locus. We have employed an approach that exploits the regional co-linearity between the Arabidopsis and Brassica genomes to construct a high-resolution genetic map of the nuclear restorer for the pol system, Rfp. Specifically, Arabidopsis-derived sequences have been used as a set of ordered RFLP probes to localize Rfp to a region of the B. napus genome equivalent to a 115 kb interval on Arabidopsis chromosome 1. Based on the known relationship of physical distances between orthologous segments of Arabidopsis and Brassica chromosomes, it is anticipated that the B. napus restorer locus is now mapped to sufficient resolution to permit its isolation and characterization.  相似文献   
A single radish nuclear gene, Rfo, restores Ogura (ogu) cytoplasmic male sterility (CMS) in Brassica napus. A map-based cloning approach relying on synteny between radish and Arabidopsis was used to clone Rfo. A radish gene encoding a 687-amino-acid protein with a predicted mitochondrial targeting pre-sequence was found to confer male fertility upon transformation into ogu CMS B. napus. This gene, like the recently described Petunia Rf gene, codes for a pentatricopeptide repeat (PPR)-containing protein with multiple, in this case 16, PPR domains. Two similar genes that do not appear to function as Rfo flank this gene. Comparison of the Rfo region with the syntenic Arabidopsis region indicates that a PPR gene is not present at the Rfo-equivalent site in Arabidopsis, although a smaller and related PPR gene is found about 40 kb from this site. The implications of these findings for the evolution of restorer genes and other PPR encoding genes are discussed.  相似文献   
Import of tRNAs into plant mitochondria appears to be highly specific. We recently showed that the anticodon and the D-domain sequences are essential determinants for tRNAVal import into tobacco cell mitochondria. To determine the minimal set of elements required to direct import of a cytosol-specific tRNA species, tobacco cells were transformed with an Arabidopsis thaliana intron-containing tRNAMet-e gene carrying the D-domain and the anticodon of a valine tRNA. Although well expressed and processed into tobacco cells, this mutated tRNA was shown to remain in the cytosol. Furthermore, a mutant tRNAVal carrying the T-domain of the tRNAMet-e, although still efficiently recognized by the valyl-tRNA synthetase, is not imported into mitochondria. Altogether these results suggest that mutations affecting the core of a tRNA molecule also alter its import ability into plant mitochondria.  相似文献   
The present study investigates the influence of a chronic high Na+ diet (8% Na+) on the expression of the angiotensin type 1A (AT1A) receptor gene in the lamina terminalis and paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus (PVH) in normotensive Wistar (W) rats, as well as in Dahl salt-resistant (DR) and Dahl salt-sensitive (DS) rats. Three weeks of 8% Na+ diet led to a higher blood pressure in DS rats compared to DR and W rats. Moreover, the high Na+ diet was correlated with a decreased expression of AT1A receptor mRNA in the median preoptic nucleus (MnPO) and in the PVH of DS rats, compared to DR and W rats. Contrastingly, the AT1A receptor mRNA expression was not altered by the high Na+ diet in the forebrain circumventricular organs of all the rat strains. Interestingly, a furosemide-induced Na+ depletion was correlated with an increased expression of AT1A receptor mRNA in the PVH, MnPO and SFO of both the DS and DR rats. It is concluded that chronic high Na+ diet did differently regulate the expression of AT1A receptor mRNA in two hypothalamic integrative centers for hydromineral and cardiovascular balance (the PVH and MnPO) in DS rats, compared to DR and W rats. However, the AT1A receptor mRNA expression was similarly regulated in DS and DR rats in response to an acute Na+ depletion, suggesting a distinct high Na+ -induced regulation of the AT1A receptor gene in the PVH and MnPO of DS rats.  相似文献   
The 2.1‐billion‐year‐old (Ga) Francevillian series in Gabon hosts some of the oldest reported macroscopic fossils of various sizes and shapes, stimulating new debates on the origin, evolution and organization of early complex life. Here, we document ten representative types of exceptionally well‐preserved mat‐related structures, comprising “elephant‐skin” textures, putative macro‐tufted microbial mats, domal buildups, flat pyritized structures, discoidal microbial colonies, horizontal mat growth patterns, wrinkle structures, “kinneyia” structures, linear patterns and nodule‐like structures. A combination of petrographic analyses, scanning electron microscopy, Raman spectroscopy and organic elemental analyses of carbon‐rich laminae and microtexture, indicate a biological origin for these structures. The observed microtextures encompass oriented grains, floating silt‐sized quartz grains, concentrated heavy minerals, randomly oriented clays, wavy‐crinkly laminae and pyritized structures. Based on comparisons with modern analogues, as well as an average δ13C organic matter (Corg) composition of ?32.94 ± 1.17‰ (1 standard deviation, SD) with an outlier of ?41.26‰, we argue that the mat‐related structures contain relicts of multiple carbon pathways including heterotrophic recycling of photosynthetically derived Corg. Moreover, the relatively close association of the macroscopic fossil assemblages to the microbial mats may imply that microbial communities acted as potential benthic O2 oases linked to oxyphototrophic cyanobacterial mats and grazing grounds. In addition, the mat's presence likely improved the preservation of the oldest large colonial organisms, as they are known to strongly biostabilize sediments. Our findings highlight the oldest community assemblage of microscopic and macroscopic biota in the aftermath of the “Great Oxidation Event,” widening our understanding of biological organization during Earth's middle age.  相似文献   
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