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George W.  Barlow 《Journal of Zoology》1974,174(3):333-340
The Manini is a widely distributed surgeonfish that is often abundant on reefs. It has two modes of existence, scattered individuals or dense column-forming schools, which may be seen on the same day at different places on the reef. In Hawaii schooling is a tactic used for getting to the bottom to feed when the bottom is held by territory-holding food competitors. Mixed-species "flocks" are an extension of this tactic. In atoll situations habitat partitioning exists, with the Maninis feeding in the intertidal area away from competitors; there, schooling is anti-predator behaviour.  相似文献   
Climate projection data were applied to two commonly used pome fruit flowering models to investigate potential differences in predicted full bloom timing. The two methods, fixed thermal time and sequential chill-growth, produced different results for seven apple and pear varieties at two Australian locations. The fixed thermal time model predicted incremental advancement of full bloom, while results were mixed from the sequential chill-growth model. To further investigate how the sequential chill-growth model reacts under climate perturbed conditions, four simulations were created to represent a wider range of species physiological requirements. These were applied to five Australian locations covering varied climates. Lengthening of the chill period and contraction of the growth period was common to most results. The relative dominance of the chill or growth component tended to predict whether full bloom advanced, remained similar or was delayed with climate warming. The simplistic structure of the fixed thermal time model and the exclusion of winter chill conditions in this method indicate it is unlikely to be suitable for projection analyses. The sequential chill-growth model includes greater complexity; however, reservations in using this model for impact analyses remain. The results demonstrate that appropriate representation of physiological processes is essential to adequately predict changes to full bloom under climate perturbed conditions with greater model development needed.  相似文献   
Dissolved organic nitrogen (DON) can comprise up to 80% of the dissolved N pool in riverine ecosystems, but concentration and compositional responses to catchment conditions has received limited attention. We examined the suite of nitrogenous nutrients along the length of the Ovens River, Victoria, Australia, a river with identifiable regions of native vegetation, agricultural activity and floodplain forest connection, carrying out longitudinal surveys in winter during a period of high flow and in summer during a period of stable base flow. We examined: the concentrations of DON, the proportion of DON that occurs as dissolved combined amino acids (DCAAs), whether concentration and DCAA composition varied between flow and whether land-use and tributaries have an impact upon nutrient concentration and DON composition. DON concentrations were greater than dissolved inorganic nitrogen under both base flow and high flow conditions. Under base flow DON exhibited a continuous increase in concentration downstream (ranging from 50 to 300 μg/L), compared to a much larger increase under high flow (150–600 μg/L) coupled with a major discrete increase of ~?350 μg/L at a tributary input (King River). Concentrations of NOx (oxides of nitrogen) species were much higher under high flow conditions (range 50–250 μg/L) compared to 0–50 µg/L at base flow, and showed a significant increase in concentration with distance downstream. A discrete change in NOx concentrations was also observed at the King River confluence under high flow, although in this case causing a decrease in concentration of ~100 µg/L. DCAA concentrations varied little along the length of the river at base flow but increased with distance downstream at high flow. The DCAA concentrations were of the same order of magnitude as ammonium at both base and high flows and nitrate concentrations at base flow. The proportion of DON that was in the form of DCAA was reasonably uniform during high flow (3–6%), but highly variable at base flow (5–44%). The amino acid (AA) composition of the DCAA varied along the river and differed between flow regimes (except below the confluence with the King River where AA composition under the two flow conditions converged) suggesting a strong influence of land use. We show that DON is potentially a large component (4–81%) of the total N budget and given that 5–23% is in the form of peptide/protein, represents an important source of N. DON and more specifically DCAAs should therefore be considered both when constructing N budgets and monitoring levels of in-stream nitrogen.  相似文献   
Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells exhibit increased sensitivity to a wide variety of microtubule inhibitory drugs when verapamil is present in the growth medium. The extent of this increased sensitivity is drug specific: some drugs such as taxol and vinblastine respond greatly to the presence of verapamil, whereas other drugs such as griseofulvin respond very poorly. For the majority of drugs examined, however, a 2- to 10-fold increase in drug sensitivity is observed in the presence of verapamil at 5 micrograms/ml. The effects of verapamil are even more dramatic when drug-resistant mutant cells with a presumed alteration in membrane permeability are examined. In the presence of appropriate levels of verapamil, these mutants demonstrate a level of drug sensitivity comparable to that of the wild-type parental cells. Drug-resistant cells from similar selections but with well-defined alterations in alpha- or beta-tubulin and no evidence of alterations in membrane permeability, however, continue to exhibit increased resistance to the selecting drug even in the presence of verapamil. These studies support the conclusion that verapamil affects the membrane permeability to or transport of a wide variety of hydrophobic drugs. In addition, we have used this information to devise selections that virtually eliminate the isolation of drug-resistant permeability mutants. This methodology should be generally applicable to genetic studies of drug action that are complicated by the isolation of large numbers of mutants with permeability alterations.  相似文献   
Objective: To examine the relation of body mass index (BMI), cardiorespiratory fitness (CRF), and all‐cause mortality in women. Research Methods and Procedures: A cohort of women (42.9 ± 10.4 years) was assessed for CRF, height, and weight. Participants were divided into three BMI categories (normal, overweight, and obese) and three CRF categories (low, moderate, and high). After adjustment for age, smoking, and baseline health status, the relative risk (RR) of all‐cause mortality was determined for each group. Further multivariate analyses were performed to examine the contribution of each predictor (e.g., age, BMI, CRF, smoking status, and baseline health status) on all‐cause mortality while controlling for all other predictors. Results: During follow‐up (113,145 woman‐years), 195 deaths from all causes occurred. Compared with normal weight (RR = 1.0), overweight (RR = 0.92) and obesity (RR = 1.58) did not significantly increase all‐cause mortality risk. Compared with low CRF (RR = 1.0), moderate (RR = 0.48) and high (RR = 0.57) CRF were associated significantly with lower mortality risk (p = 0.002). In multivariate analyses, moderate (RR = 0.49) and high (RR = 0.57) CRF were strongly associated with decreased mortality relative to low CRF (p = 0.003). Compared with normal weight (RR = 1.0), overweight (RR = 0.84) and obesity (RR = 1.21) were not significantly associated with all‐cause mortality. Discussion: Low CRF in women was an important predictor of all‐cause mortality. BMI, as a predictor of all‐cause mortality risk in women, may be misleading unless CRF is also considered.  相似文献   
The quiescent centre of primary roots of Zea mays L. (cvs LG 11 and Golden Bantam) consists of a population of slowly cycling diploid cells. These metabolically inactive cells may be triggered to synthesise DNA under specific conditions and constitute a good model for studying the regulation of the cell cycle. An excision and squash technique is described for the quiescent centre which, when coupled with Feulgen and fluorochrome staining, allows nuclear DNA contents to be determined by microdensitometry in less than a day. This technique was coupled with experiments in which excised quiescent centres were placed on solid culture medium into which hormones and radioactive DNA precursors were incorporated. In complementary and control experiments [methyl-3H]thymidine was supplied to intact roots (with or without root caps) by means of fibre-glass cubes as donors.
Progression of the cell cycle was followed by microdensitometry and autoradiography. Distribution of DNA content was similar in excised and squashed quiescent centres and in histological sections. Labelling experiments showed that the quiescent centre is made up of cells that differ in their cycle time. While some labelled cells had reached mitosis after 8 h, others were still in G2 after 16 h of continuous labelling. Excision and culture of the quiescent centre resulted in a dramatic activation of the cell cycle as shown by the labelling index that increased from 15% in intact roots fed during 16 h with [methyl-3H]thymidine to 31% in excised quiescent centres to which radioactive precursor was supplied during the same time. Supplying hormones (50 μ M abscisic acid [ABA], 0. 1 μ M zeatin, 1 μ M zeatin riboside) to quiescent centres via the culture medium restored their inactivity (labelling indices dropped to 1% after ABA. and to 11% after zeatin and zeatin riboside treatments. respectively).  相似文献   
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