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Breast cancer is a common and dreadful disease in women. Regular screening helps in its early detection. At present the most common methods of screening are by self examination and mammography. The surface temperature distribution of the breast can also provide some information on the presence of tumour. This distribution has a relation to the size and location of tumour and can be seen using thermography, where the infrared radiation emitted from the surface of the breast is recorded and a thermal pattern obtained. Thermography is a non-invasive and an inexpensive tool which could be used for early detection. In order to simulate the surface temperature distribution, a two-dimensional model of female breast with and without a carcinoma is considered. The breast is modelled with varying layer thickness close to the actual shape and numerically solved using finite element analysis. Temperature profiles are obtained for a normal breast and for a malignant one by varying the tumour size, location and the blood flow rates. The results show that the surface temperature for a malignant breast is higher than that of a normal one. In addition the size and location of the tumour do have an effect on the surface temperature distribution. It can also be seen that tumour of different sizes placed at the same location would yield the same maximum temperature depending on the blood perfusion rate.  相似文献   
Examination of chiasma distribution in the chromosome 1 in male mice homo- and heterozygous for distal inversion In(1)12Rk and in normal mice was carried out. No differences in chiasma distribution was found between homozygotes for the inversion and homozygotes for normal chromosome 1. A drastic change in this trait was revealed in heterozygous animals. In heterozygotes, the telomeric segments of SC were asynapsed and unavailable for recombination. This leads to significant decrease in the frequency of bivalents bearing chiasmata in pretelomeric region. In turn, it produced chiasma redistribution in proximal noninverted portion of the bivalent 1. These results could be interpreted as evidence for chromosomal control of chiasma distribution pattern: the distance of certain part of the chromosome from telomere and interference (which also operates at the chromosomal level) are more important for determination of the chiasmata frequency in the given region, than its genetic content.  相似文献   
流感是一种对人类危害极大的传染病,接种疫苗被认为是预防流感的最有效手段。目前所用的流感疫苗主要是根据现行流行株的减毒或灭活病毒疫苗及基于流感血凝素和神经氨酸酶设计的重组蛋白质疫苗。但流感病毒变异大,易逃逸机体免疫监视,有效的疫苗须不断分离新流行株和不断更新疫苗免疫原。为解决这一问题,很多科学家一直在研究基于病毒高度保守性蛋白质、能够预防所有流感病毒毒株、可诱导持久保护性免疫的通用流感疫苗。我们对基于基质蛋白M2、核蛋白等的通用流感疫苗做一简要综述。  相似文献   
目的:探讨16层螺旋CT自动管电流调节技术(CAREDose4D)在超重体型患者检查中的可行性。方法:收集行胸部CT检查的超重体型患者(BMI值于24-27.9之间)100例,扫描分低剂量组(A组)和常规剂量组(B组),其中A组扫描运用CAREDose4D技术自动调节管电流;B组扫描运用常规剂量管电流为70mAs扫描。扫描完成后记录加权CT剂量指数(CTDlvol)、有效mAs值、剂量长度乘积(DLP),计算出有效剂量(ED)及剂量减低比值(DR),并比较两组的剂量及图像质量。结果:与B组相比,A组常规扫描辐射剂量显著降低,差异有显著统计学意义(P〈0.01),A组剂量减低比值(DR)降低约20.84%,而图像质量无明显下降,不影响诊断,在主动脉弓上4cm(肺尖)层面A组图像质量优于B组,差异有统计学意义(x^2=8.442,P=0.015)。结论:自动管电流调节技术既可以减少患者的辐射剂量,对待超重体型患者个体化、人性化,又不影响影像诊断,是一项有价值的检查方法。  相似文献   
以往研究表明,许多成年雄性大熊猫在圈养状态下不能表达正常的社群性行为。我们设计了一个实验来研究大熊猫正常社群性行为与性情特征、展示、以及饲养管理的关系。通过调查获得大熊猫展示和饲养管理的数据,询问饲养员得知2001年繁殖季节中大熊猫的社群性行为发生频次,然后评估社群性行为能力。研究对象是分布在中国4个繁育中心的37头(12头雄性和25头雌性)成体大熊猫。通过提供新物品和气味来评估大熊猫情绪反应状况。情绪反应分为3类:畏惧、访问和访问玩耍。在有饲养员陪同玩耍的一组里,雌、雄大熊猫的"访问玩耍"的分值都较高。"畏惧"类的雌性大熊猫气味标记行为少,表达的性行为也少,并且更多地攻击接近它们的雄性,或者不理睬雄性。在繁殖季节前就接近雄性大熊猫围栏的雌性,表现出更多的气味标记行为和性行为。这些雌性的"访问玩耍"分值也高。"访问"分值高的雄性大熊猫,接近雌性的行为更多。那些与饲养员接触时间少的雄性大熊猫倾向于攻击雌性,与那些攻击性小的雄性相比,这些雄性倾向于能够接受丰富性低的环境。这些结果表明,应该采取措施减少大熊猫的畏惧,在大熊猫和饲养员之间建立积极的关系,在繁殖季节之前,增加雌性和雄性之间的熟悉程度。  相似文献   
Understanding the mechanisms regulating tissue specific and stimulus inducible regulation is at the heart of understanding human biology and how this translates to wellbeing, the ageing process, and disease progression. Polymorphic DNA variation is superimposed as an extra layer of complexity in such processes which underpin our individuality and are the focus of personalized medicine. This review focuses on the role and action of repetitive DNA, specifically variable number tandem repeats and SINE-VNTR-Alu domains, highlighting their role in modification of gene structure and gene expression in addition to their polymorphic nature being a genetic modifier of disease risk and progression. Although the literature focuses on their role in disease, it illustrates their potential to be major contributors to normal physiological function. To date, these elements have been under-reported in genomic analysis due to the difficulties in their characterization with short read DNA sequencing methods. However, recent advances in long read sequencing methods should resolve these problems allowing for a greater understanding of their contribution to a host of genomic and functional mechanisms underlying physiology and disease.  相似文献   
The micronuclei of the ciliated protozoan Pseudourostyla cristata were eliminated by amputation shortly before binary fusion. The amicronucleate cell lines derived from regenerants were maintained for more than a year. They exhibited a lower viability and reduced vigor in asexual propagation. There was some improvement in the growth of the cell lines 1 mo after operation, but the growth rate remained subnormal even up to 1 yr of culture. The exact cause of the poor growth and survival in the first 3 wk after operation, whether the loss of the micronucleus or operational damage, remains to be determined. It is nevertheless clear that the micronucleus is important for subsequent asexual propagation. The amicronucleate cell lines were permanently crippled in morphogenesis, unlike the situation in Paramecium amicronucleates in which stomatogenesis returned to near-normal during asexual propagation. They always included some cells with a characteristically defective adoral zone of membranelles, reduced number of frontal-ventral-transverse cirri, and reduced body length. They were also reluctant to encyst. It is evident that the micronucleus is important for maintaining normality of the oral apparatus. It is postulated that the permanent stomatogenic crippling of amicronucleates might be related to genomic reduction in the developing macronucleus in sexual reproduction, as exhibited by other hypotrichs. The morphological defects associated with the adoral zone of membranelles may be rationalized as arising from the spreading of a zone of degeneration in the cortex affecting the left edge of the membranelles.  相似文献   
NG  YUK-KIU; MOORE  RANDY 《Annals of botany》1985,55(3):387-394
The effect of ABA on root growth, secondary-root formation androot gravitropism in seedlings of Zea mays was investigatedby using Fluridone-treated seedlings and a viviparous mutant,both of which lack carotenoids and ABA. Primary roots of seedlingsgrown in the presence of Fluridone grew significantly slowerthan those of control (i.e. untreated) roots. Elongation ofFluridone-treated roots was inhibited significantly by the exogenousapplication of 1 mM ABA. Exogenous application of 1 µMand 1 nM ABA had either no effect or only a slight stimulatoryeffect on root elongation, depending on the method of application.The absence of ABA in Fluridone-treated plants was not an importantfactor in secondary-root formation in seedlings less than 9–10d old. However, ABA may suppress secondary-root formation inolder seedlings, since 11-d-old control seedlings had significantlyfewer secondary roots than Fluridone-treated seedlings. Rootsof Fluridone-treated and control seedlings were graviresponsive.Similar data were obtained for vp-9 mutants of Z. mays, whichare phenotypically identical to Fluridone-treated seedlings.These results indicate that ABA is necessary for neither secondary-rootformation nor for positive gravitropism by primary roots. Zea mays, gravitropism, carotenoid-deficient, Fluridone, root growth, vp-9 mutant  相似文献   
The effects of carbon dioxide concentrations up to 8 per centin air on uptake of potassium and chloride at two pH levels,nominally pH 6 and 8, werestudied. In all experiments, enhanced uptake of potassium occurred atthe higher pH level with carbon dioxidefree air, but chlorideuptake was generally unaffected. At nominal pH 6, 1 per cent carbon dioxide reduced and 6 percent increased potassium uptake. There was no effect on chlorideuptake except with 1 per cent carbon dioxide where a markedenhancement was recorded. At nominal pH 8, l and 2 per cent carbon dioxide increased potassiumuptake whereas 6 and 8 per cent were inhibitory. Chloride uptakewas favoured by 1 and 8 per cent concentrations of the gas.  相似文献   
The toxicity of trimethyltin chloride and triethyltin sulphate on animal tissues was assessed by their effects on isolated phrenic nerve-diaphragm preparations. Studies by electron microscopy show that the inhibitory effects of these compounds on the muscular contractility of this tissue are associated with (a) the disruption of mitochondria and disorganisation of muscle fibres and (b) the depletion of neuromicrotubules in the axons of nerves innervating the muscle. The neurotoxie effect of triethyltin sulphate on neuromicrotubules is further substantiated by its inhibition (in a concentration-dependent manner) of the specific colchicine-binding activity of the crude and purified tubulin preparations derived from brain tissue. In addition, both triethyltin sulphate and trimethyltin chloride at a concentration greater than 100 μM completely prevent the normal in vitro assembly of microtubules from tubulin.  相似文献   
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