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Comparisons of functionally important changes at the molecular level in model systems have identified key adaptations driving isolation and speciation. In cichlids, for example, long wavelength-sensitive (LWS) opsins appear to play a role in mate choice and male color variation within and among species. To test the hypothesis that the evolution of elaborate coloration in male guppies (Poecilia reticulata) is also associated with opsin gene diversity, we sequenced long wavelength-sensitive (LWS) opsin genes in six species of the family Poeciliidae.  相似文献   
Protected areas (PAs) are under increasing pressure to demonstrate their broader value and contribution to society. Scientific research and associated knowledge production comprise one such value, which has received relatively little attention in the academic literature. Here, we use the Amazon region as a case study to quantify scientific knowledge production (as measured by scientific publications in peer-reviewed journals) in PAs and identify the main biophysical, geographical and social characteristics that influence such production. We adopt a multi-model inference approach with an innovative hurdle regression model to independently assess the factors influencing the presence of research and the number of studies in PAs. Our results indicate a highly skewed pattern of scientific production, with many PAs with few or no associated scientific articles. Larger, older and more highly protected PAs in Ecuador and Peru were most likely to have scientific production, while time since first publication was most strongly associated with the number of publications from a PA. These findings provide important insights that could be used to support and strengthen policy aimed at increasing the value of Amazonian protected areas for scientific research.  相似文献   
Male dance flies (Diptera: Empididae) are major predators of mating swarms of male nonbiting midges (Diptera: Chironomidae). Studies have indicated that chironomid midges are excellent fliers with extraordinarily high wing muscle power, acceleration and tortuosity for their size. We compared the relative flight performance and morphometrics of male empidsEmpis tesselatta Meigen and their prey, Chironomus plumosus L., in a series of laboratory and field studies. High-speed digital video camera footage revealed that there were no significant differences between predator and prey in terms of straight-line acceleration or maximum flight velocity, although the mean speed of empids was higher. In curved flight, measured as tortuosity, the smaller chironomids held a considerable advantage over their larger predators. Flight muscle ratio (e.g. flight muscle mass/body mass) of chironomids was also greater in chironomids than in empids. In field studies, small male chironomids suffered much lower levels of predation than large males. This result is consistent with the prediction of small midges being less likely to be captured because of superior aerobatics, although we are unable to exclude empirically that empids select large male midges. We discuss the possible mechanisms of prey capture by empids given the greater manoeuvrability of their prey, the coevolutionary dynamics of flight performance and the apparent selective advantage of small size in male chironomids. Copyright 2003 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.   相似文献   
Given limited funds for research and widespread degradation of ecosystems, environmental scientists should geographically target their studies where they will be most effective. However, in academic areas such as conservation and natural resource management there is often a mismatch between the geographic foci of research effort/funding and research needs. The former frequently being focused in the developed world while the latter is greater in the biodiverse countries of the Global South. Here, we adopt a bibliometric approach to test this hypothesis using research on artisanal fisheries. Such fisheries occur throughout the world, but are especially prominent in developing countries where they are important for supporting local livelihoods, food security and poverty alleviation. Moreover, most artisanal fisheries in the Global South are unregulated and unmonitored and are in urgent need of science-based management to ensure future sustainability. Our results indicate that, as predicted, global research networks and centres of knowledge production are predominantly located in developed countries, indicating a global mismatch between research needs and capacity.  相似文献   
Within the tribe Stenodermatini the systematics of the complex of species allied with the genus Artibeus has generated several alternative phylogenetic hypotheses. The most recent treatment recognized four genera (Artibeus, Dermanura, Enchisthenes, and Koopmania) and suggested that the most recent common ancestor of these four genera would include the common ancestor of all other currently recognized Stenodermatini genera except Sturnira. To test this hypothesis, we examined an EcoRI-defined nuclear satellite DNA repeat and 402 bp of DNA sequence variation from the mitochondrial cytochrome b gene. Phylogenetic conclusions based on Southern blot analyses, in situ hybridization, and mitochondrial DNA sequence data indicate that Enchisthenes is not closely related to Dermanura, Artibeus, or Koopmania and that Dermanura, Artibeus, and Koopmania shared a common ancestor after diverging from the remainder of the Stenodermatini. If our conclusions are correct, then justification for recognizing Dermanura and Koopmania as generically distinct from Artibeus must be based on the magnitude of difference that distinguishes each rather than on the conclusion that to place them as congeneric with Artibeus creates a paraphyletic taxon.   相似文献   
Polyclonal antibodies were elicited against seven of the 33 different proteins of the large subunit of the chloroplast ribosome from Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. Three of these proteins are synthesized in the chloroplast and four are made in the cytoplasm and imported. In western blots, six of the seven antisera are monospecific for their respective large subunit ribosomal proteins, and none of these antisera cross-reacted with any chloroplast small subunit proteins from C. reinhardtii. Antisera to the three chloroplast-synthesized ribosomal proteins cross-reacted with specific Escherichia coli large subunit proteins of comparable charge and molecular weight. Only one of the four antisera to the chloroplast ribosomal proteins synthesized in the cytoplasm cross-reacted with an E. coli large subunit protein. None of the antisera cross-reacted with any E. coli small subunit proteins. On the assumption of a procaryotic, endosymbiotic origin for the chloroplast, those chloroplast ribosomal proteins still synthesized within the organelle appear to have retained more antigenic sites in common with E. coli ribosomal proteins than have those which are now the products of cytoplasmic protein synthesis. Antisera to this cytoplasmically synthesized group of chloroplast ribosomal proteins did not recognize any antigenic sites among C. reinhardtii cytoplasmic ribosomal proteins, suggesting that the genes for the cytoplasmically synthesized chloroplast ribosomal proteins either are not derived from the cytoplasmic ribosomal protein genes or have evolved to a point where no antigenic similarities remain.   相似文献   
Motor circuits in the spinal cord integrate information from various sensory and descending pathways to control appropriate motor behavior. Recent work has revealed that target-derived retrograde signaling mechanisms act to influence sequential assembly of motor circuits through combinatorial action of genetic and experience-driven programs. These parallel activities imprint somatotopic information at the level of the spinal cord in precisely interconnected circuits and equip animals with motor circuits capable of reacting to changing demands throughout life.  相似文献   
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