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Genetic transformation mediated by Agrobacterium involves the transfer of a DNA molecule (T-DNA) from the bacterium to the eukaryotic host cell, and its integration into the host genome. Whereas extensive work has revealed the biological mechanisms governing the production, Agrobacterium-to-plant cell transport and nuclear import of the Agrobacterium T-DNA, the integration step remains largely unexplored, although several different T-DNA integration mechanisms have been suggested. Recent genetic and functional studies have revealed the importance of host proteins involved in DNA repair and maintenance for T-DNA integration. In this article, we review our understanding of the specific function of these proteins and propose a detailed model for integration.  相似文献   
Today, scientific data are inevitably digitized, stored in a wide variety of formats, and are accessible over the Internet. Scientific discovery increasingly involves accessing multiple heterogeneous data sources, integrating the results of complex queries, and applying further analysis and visualization applications in order to collect datasets of interest. Building a scientific integration platform to support these critical tasks requires accessing and manipulating data extracted from flat files or databases, documents retrieved from the Web, as well as data that are locally materialized in warehouses or generated by software. The lack of efficiency of existing approaches can significantly affect the process with lengthy delays while accessing critical resources or with the failure of the system to report any results. Some queries take so much time to be answered that their results are returned via email, making their integration with other results a tedious task. This paper presents several issues that need to be addressed to provide seamless and efficient integration of biomolecular data. Identified challenges include: capturing and representing various domain specific computational capabilities supported by a source including sequence or text search engines and traditional query processing; developing a methodology to acquire and represent semantic knowledge and metadata about source contents, overlap in source contents, and access costs; developing cost and semantics based decision support tools to select sources and capabilities, and to generate efficient query evaluation plans.  相似文献   
The synthesis and SAR studies of spiroquinazolinones as novel PDE7 inhibitors are discussed. The best compounds from the series displayed nanomolar inhibitory affinity and were selective versus other PDE isoenzymes.  相似文献   
Addition of poly(ethylene glycol) to bioactive proteins (PEGylation) improves their plasma half-life, enhances stability against proteolytic cleavage, and may also decrease protein immunogenicity. Characteristically, PEGylation usually involves a reaction to available lysine amino groups, some of which may be within or near a bioactive site. Thus, most protocols are nonspecific and result in a loss of protein activity. We report herein a strategy for site-specific PEGylation of a thrombomodulin (TM) derivative at the C terminus. A truncated TM mutant consisting of epidermal growth factor (EGF)-like domains 4-6 was expressed in Escherichia coli with a C-terminal azido-methionine. The TM mutant was site-specifically conjugated to a methyl-PEG-triarylphosphine compound via the Staudinger reaction. Enzymatic activity of the TM construct before and after PEGylation was unchanged, which confirms the utility of this site-specific PEGylation scheme.  相似文献   
Homologous gene targeting is the ultimate tool for reverse genetics, but its use is often limited by low efficiency. In a number of recent studies, site- specific DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) have been used to induce efficient gene targeting. Engineering highly specific, dedicated DNA endonucleases is the key to a wider usage of this technology. In this study, we present two novel, chimeric meganucleases, derived from homing endonucleases. The first one is able to induce recombination in yeast and mammalian cells, whereas the second cleaves a novel (chosen) DNA target site. These results are a first step toward the generation of custom endonucleases for the purpose of targeted genome engineering.  相似文献   
CD4(+) regulatory T cells have been shown to prevent intestinal inflammation; however, it is not known whether they act to prevent the priming of colitogenic T cells or actively control these cells as part of the memory T cell pool. In this study, we describe the presence of colitogenic Th1 cells within the CD4(+)CD45RB(low) population. These pathogenic cells enrich within the CD25(-) subset and are not recent thymic emigrants. CD4(+)CD45RB(low) cells from germfree mice were significantly reduced in their ability to transfer colitis to immune deficient recipients, suggesting the presence of commensal bacteria in the donor mice drives colitogenic T cells into the Ag-experienced/memory T cell pool. This potentially pathogenic population of Ag-experienced T cells is subject to T cell-mediated regulation in vivo by both CD4(+)CD25(+) and CD4(+)CD25(-) cells in an IL-10-dependent manner. Furthermore, administration of an anti-IL-10R mAb to unmanipulated adult mice was sufficient to induce the development of colitis. Taken together, these data indicate that colitogenic Th1 cells enter into the Ag-experienced pool in normal mice, but that their function is controlled by regulatory T cells and IL-10. Interestingly, IL-10 was not absolutely required for CD4(+)CD25(+) T cell-mediated inhibition of colitis induced by transfer of naive CD4(+)CD45RB(high) cells, suggesting a differential requirement for IL-10 in the regulation of naive and Ag-experienced T cells.  相似文献   
C1q is a versatile recognition protein that binds to an amazing variety of immune and non-immune ligands and triggers activation of the classical pathway of complement. The crystal structure of the C1q globular domain responsible for its recognition properties has now been solved and refined to 1.9 A of resolution. The structure reveals a compact, almost spherical heterotrimeric assembly held together mainly by non-polar interactions, with a Ca2+ ion bound at the top. The heterotrimeric assembly of the C1q globular domain appears to be a key factor of the versatile recognition properties of this protein. Plausible three-dimensional models of the C1q globular domain in complex with two of its physiological ligands, C-reactive protein and IgG, are proposed, highlighting two of the possible recognition modes of C1q. The C1q/human IgG1 model suggests a critical role for the hinge region of IgG and for the relative orientation of its Fab domain in C1q binding.  相似文献   
The telomeric G-rich single-stranded DNA can adopt in vitro an intramolecular quadruplex structure, which has been shown to directly inhibit telomerase activity. The reactivation of this enzyme in immortalized and most cancer cells suggests that telomerase is a relevant target in oncology, and telomerase inhibitors have been proposed as new potential anticancer agents. In this paper, we have analyzed the selectivity of four ethidium derivatives and ethidium itself toward different G-quadruplex species, with electrospray mass spectrometry and competitive equilibrium dialysis and evaluated their inhibitory properties against telomerase. A selectivity profile may be obtained through electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (ESI-MS), which is in fair agreement with competitive equilibrium dialysis data. It also provides unambiguous data on the number of binding sites per nucleic acid (maximal number of two ethidium derivatives per quadruplex, in agreement with external stacking). Our experiments also demonstrate that one compound (4) is the most active and selective G-quadruplex ligand within this series and the most selective telomerase inhibitor in a modified TRAP-G4 assay.  相似文献   
A single serum progesterone determination may be highly predictive for early pregnancy and in vitro fertilisation and embryo-transfer outcomes. We therefore compared 12 direct non-isotopic progesterone immunoassays with gas-chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS). For each assay, data from the analysis of 99 individual sera were compared with data obtained by GC/MS, using regression and bias plot analyses and the ratio method. We observed a larger difference in concentration between high and low values and a broader distribution of results for immunoassays than for GC/MS. All immunoassays displayed bias in the calibration process and a lack of specificity and/or sensitivity, to various degrees. We tried to identify the parameters of the assay procedure that might contribute to these discrepancies. None of the criteria investigated (antibodies, control and preparation of calibrators, blocking agents and choice of tracer) had a significant effect when studied alone.  相似文献   
A "spindle assembly" checkpoint has been described that arrests cells in G1 following inappropriate exit from mitosis in the presence of microtubule inhibitors. We have here addressed the question of whether the resulting tetraploid state itself, rather than failure of spindle function or induction of spindle damage, acts as a checkpoint to arrest cells in G1. Dihydrocytochalasin B induces cleavage failure in cells where spindle function and chromatid segregation are both normal. Notably, we show here that nontransformed REF-52 cells arrest indefinitely in tetraploid G1 following cleavage failure. The spindle assembly checkpoint and the tetraploidization checkpoint that we describe here are likely to be equivalent. Both involve arrest in G1 with inactive cdk2 kinase, hypophosphorylated retinoblastoma protein, and elevated levels of p21(WAF1) and cyclin E. Furthermore, both require p53. We show that failure to arrest in G1 following tetraploidization rapidly results in aneuploidy. Similar tetraploid G1 arrest results have been obtained with mouse NIH3T3 and human IMR-90 cells. Thus, we propose that a general checkpoint control acts in G1 to recognize tetraploid cells and induce their arrest and thereby prevents the propagation of errors of late mitosis and the generation of aneuploidy. As such, the tetraploidy checkpoint may be a critical activity of p53 in its role of ensuring genomic integrity.  相似文献   
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