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1. We used high‐frequency in situ dissolved oxygen measurements to investigate the seasonal variability and factors regulating metabolism in a subtropical alpine lake in Taiwan between May 2004 and October 2005, specifically exploring how the typhoon season (from June or July to October) affects lake metabolism. 2. Gross primary production (GPP) and ecosystem respiration (R) both peaked in early summer and mid‐autumn but dropped during the typhoon season and winter. Yuan‐Yang Lake is a net heterotrophic ecosystem (annual mean net ecosystem production ?39.6 μmole O2 m?3). 3. Compared to the summer peaks, seasonal averages of GPP and R decreased by approximately 50% and 25%, respectively, during the typhoon season. Ecosystem respiration was more resistant to external disturbances than GPP and showed strong daily variation during typhoon seasons. 4. Changes in the quality and quantity of dissolved organic carbon controlled the temporal dynamics and metabolic regulation. External disturbances (typhoons) caused increased allochthony, increasing DOC and water colour and influencing lake metabolism. 5. Seasonal winter mixing and typhoon‐induced water mixing in summer and autumn play a key role in determining the extent to which the lake is a seasonal carbon sink or source to the atmosphere.  相似文献   
C-values are important biodiversity characters, yet data for pteridophytes are scarce. A recent survey showed that reliable C-value data were available for only 62 species. This paper reports C-value estimates for a further five pteridophyte species which were selected to fill phylogenetic gaps identified in previous work: Angiopteris lygodiifolia , of the eusporangiate fern family Marattiaceae (1C = 7.10 pg); Lygodium japonicum , of the basal leptosporangiate fern family Schizaeaceae (1C = 11.66 pg); Marsilea quadrifolia , of the heterosporous water fern order Marsileales (1C = 4.01 pg); Isoetes lacustris (1C = 11.97 pg) and Lycopodium clavatum (1C = 2.86 pg), of the lycophyte families Isoetaceae and Lycopodiaceae, respectively. The C-value estimates are discussed in the context of other C-value data. Further, the range of C-values in lycophytes (0.16 pg – 11.97 pg), which comprise Selaginellaceae, Isoetaceae and Lycopodiaceae, is discussed in relation to nucleotypic constraints imposed by sperm flagella number.  © 2002 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2002, 140 , 169−173.  相似文献   
Climate‐induced changes in regional precipitation could have important implications for the carbon, water, and nutrient cycles of forest ecosystems. However, few studies have examined the response of deciduous forests to increases or decreases in precipitation. Therefore, the throughfall displacement experiment (TDE) was established in 1993 near Oak Ridge, Tennessee to examine the sensitivity of an upland oak (Quercus spp.) forest to ambient, wet (+33%), and dry (?33%) precipitation regimes. Sap flux measurements on co‐occurring tree species were scaled using species‐specific estimates of stand sapwood area to derive daily and seasonal rates of canopy transpiration (EC) from 2000 to 2003. With the exception of 2003, which was an extremely wet year, daily EC in the dry plot, and occasionally during extended droughts in the ambient and wet plots, declined as water potential in the upper 0.35 m soil profile approached ‐3.0 MPa. Seasonal patterns of soil water potential and treatment‐specific differences in EC were dependent on precipitation frequency and intensity. Supplemental precipitation added to the wet plot increased seasonal EC on average by 9% (range ?1% to 19%), whereas extended periods of drought on the dry plot in 2000, 2001, and 2002 were sufficient to reduce seasonal EC by 26–30% compared with the ambient plot. There was a strong correlation between seasonal EC and the water stress integral, a cumulative index of drought severity and duration. A polynomial fitted to these data indicated that reductions in seasonal EC on the order of 40% were possible given TDE‐imposed reductions in soil water potential. Application of this equation to all years of the TDE (1994–2003) revealed considerable interannual and treatment‐specific variation in canopy transpiration. In general, a 33% removal of throughfall on the dry plot during 1995, 1998, and 2002 resulted in a 23–32% reduction in seasonal EC compared with the ambient plot. While droughts in deciduous forests are often limited in duration and tend to occur late in the growing season, soil water deficits of the magnitude observed in this study have the potential to impact local and regional forest water budgets.  相似文献   
A review was made of the cases of 93 patients with burns covering more than 20 per cent of the body surface who were treated at the San Francisco City and County Hospital, University of California Service, between 1943 and 1956. The mortality rate increased from 40 per cent during 1943-1947 to 69 per cent during 1952-1956. A significant change in survival time was noted: During 1943-1947, 69 per cent of the deaths occurred within 48 hours of admission; during 1952-1956, only 19 per cent of the deaths occurred within the first 48 hours. In the period 1943-1947 the majority of deaths resulted from shock in the immediate post-burn period; in the later years of the study the major cause of death was infection. No patient more than 50 years of age who had burns of more than 25 per cent of the body surface survived. Only one patient with burns involving more than 45 per cent survived. No patient who had a blood culture positive for bacteria survived. The use of antibiotics had no effect on the incidence of infection. Elderly patients, children and alcoholics were less able to resist the effects of infection. The lowest mortality rate was in the age group of 15 through 35 years.  相似文献   
SYNOPSIS. Paramecium aurelia syngen 4, stock 57 (sensitive) cultivated in Cerophyl infusion were exposed to cytochalasin B CB and dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO), the solvent for CB, to distinguish between the effects of these agents on a cellular system. DMSO significantly inhibited survival, fission rate, [3H]leucine incorporation, and cell size. CB-treated cells generally had slower division and poorer survival rates than cells exposed to the equivalent DMSO concentration, although the [3H]leucine incorporation was generally greater at the lower CB concentrations than for DMSO alone. As seen by electron microscopy and a new grycerination technic for observing polysomes, DMSO caused nuclear (nucleolar, chromatin) abnormalities as well as membrane degradation and polysomal breakdown; CB caused the formation of aberrant membrane structures and ribosomal tetramers, crystals, and tubes.  相似文献   
The role of lipids as feeding stimulants for shredding aquatic insects   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
  • 1 Caddisflies (Trichoptera) that shred leaf detritus preferentially ingested lipid-coated detritus during the last larval in star. This is the interval when these insects accumulate the triglyceride reserves necessary for metamorphosis and reproduction. Early in star larvae, which do not accumulate lipids, showed no preference for any lipids. This behaviour indicates food selection based on changing nutritional needs.
  • 2 Pure unsaturated 18- and 20-carbon fatty acids, either as free acids or triglycerides, were most strongly preferred. Crude lipid and the neutral lipid fraction from aquatic hyphomycete fungi, an important component of aquatic leaf detritus, were also preferred.
  • 3 Tipula abdominalis (Diptera: Tipulidae) did not prefer any lipids during the last instar.
ABSTRACT. Feeding discrimination of Manduca larvae reared on leaves and a variety of artificial media was tested against leaves, various media, solvent fractions of leaves and media, and media components, including pure chemicals. Field-collected animals showed the same preferences as did animals cultured in the laboratory for many generations. Rearing larvae on a leaf species, an artificial diet, or homogenized leaves added to artificial diet induced a preference for that food in subsequent choice tests. Extracts of these foods using organic solvents (particularly hexane) elicited feeding choices resembling those evoked by the foods themselves: water extracts were effective as stimulants or deterrents, but responses to them differed considerably from responses to the foods. Animals raised on a defined artificial diet showed an increased preference (or decreased deterrence) for the lipid component (linolenic acid) of that diet in behavioural tests. Thus induction of preference was shown to be influenced by a specific nutrient compound. Fifteen artificial diets were tested; three were successful, including a completely defined medium. Various components of the diets were tested for feeding preferences, both as omissions from the main diet and as pure compounds. Some were stimulatory, most were neutral or slightly deterrent; a few were strongly deterrent. With the exception of linolenic acid, preferences for pure compounds were not significantly correlated with the food on which the animals were reared. The data suggest that food discrimination depends on the perception of a complex chemical message comprised of both polar and non-polar compounds, with the latter being of somewhat greater importance. The results are consistent with the explanation of the induction of feeding preferences being due to a reduced responsiveness to deterrents, to an increased preference for feeding stimulants or to both.  相似文献   
1. The structure of the smooth muscle fibres in the longitudinal muscle coat of the body wall of Lumbricus terrestris has been investigated by phase contrast light microscopy and electron microscopy. 2. The muscle fibre is ribbon-shaped, and attached to each of its two surfaces is a set of myofibrils. These are also ribbon-shaped, and they lie with their surfaces perpendicular to the surfaces of the fibre, and their inner edges nearly meeting in the middle of the fibre. These fibrils are oriented at an angle to the fibre axis, and diminish greatly in width as they approach the edge of the fibre. The orientation of the set of fibrils belonging to one surface of the fibre is the mirror image of that of the set belonging to the other surface; thus, when both sets are in view in a fibre lying flat on one face, the fibre exhibits double oblique striation. A comparison of extended and contracted fibres indicates that as the fibre contracts, the angle made between fibre and fibril axes increases (e.g. from 5 to 30 degrees ) and so does the angle made between the two sets of fibrils (e.g. from 10 to 60 degrees ). 3. The myofibril, throughout its length, contains irregularly packed filaments, commonly 250 A in diameter, which are parallel to its long axis and remain straight in contracted muscles. Between them is material which probably consists of much finer filaments. Thus A and I bands are absent. 4. Bound to one face of each fibril, but not penetrating inside it, is a regularly spaced series of transverse stripes. They are of two kinds, alternating along the length of the fibril, and it is suggested that they are comparable to the Z and M lines of a cross-striated fibril. The spacing of these stripes is about 0.5 micro ("Z" to "Z") in extended muscles, and 0.25 micro in contracted muscles. A bridge extends from each stripe across to the stripeless surface of the next fibril.  相似文献   
As unionids can become dislodged with high flows, it may provebeneficial for an individual to minimize its exposure to theflow. This can be accomplished by either burrowing as deep aspossible or orienting in a way that effectively reduces thedrag exerted on the mussel by the flow. The patterns of orientationwere examined in unionids with respect to hydrological variability.The orientation of mussels to flow was measured at four sitesalong an event river (hydro-logically variable) and a stableriver (hydrologically stable). Burrowing depth was measuredat a reference site in each river. Most individuals in bothriver types were oriented with their siphons pointing upstream.Mussel orientation differed significantly between the two rivertypes with mussels in the event river orienting more parallelto the flow than those in the stable river. Mussels in the eventriver were significantly larger than those in the stable riverbut the size of a mussel did not determine its orientation withina river. Burrowing depth did not differ for mussels betweenevent and stable rivers. The observed differences in orientationsamong river types are likely a function of differences in thepattern of orientation of the mussel community as a whole, withineach drainage. This burrowing behaviour may be an attributethat enhances the adaptations mussels have for remaining burrowedin the sediment. (Received 2 December 1996; accepted 24 February 1997)  相似文献   
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