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MgCl2 was added to the supernatant of the first crystallization of MoFe protein to give a final concentration of 14.6 mmol/L, followed by centrifugation. The treated supematant solution and MoFe protein could be crystallized by using method of siting drop with PEG 6000 and MgC12 as a precipitant and salt, respectively. The larger crystal from the supermatant was observed when the final concentration of PEG and MgCl2 was 4.5% and 15.6 mmol/L, respectively; but small crystal was observed when the concentration was 0 and 23.8 mmol/L, respectively. The larger crystal in brown rectangular prism of MoFe protein was also obtained using the same crystallization method when the final concentration of PEG and MgCI2 was 7.44% and 338.0 mmol/L, respectively. It suggests that the two protein crystals seem to be different, the former being bacterioferritin and the later as nitrogenase MoFe protein.  相似文献   
By treating the reduced MoFe protein from Azotobacter vinelandii with o-phenanthroline and O2, an inactive protein partially deficient in both FeMoco and P-cluster could be obtained. The inactive protein could be reactivated by the reconsfituent solutions of different colours which were prepared from mixture in different proportions of ferric homocitrate, Na2S and dithiothreitol (DTT) with K2CrO4, KMnO4 and Na2MoO4, respectively, the inactive protein could be somewhat reactivated by DTF but not by the other compounds or their mixtures which were deficient in one or two of the above compounds. 99Mo was found in the reconstituted protein of the inactive MoFe protein with a reconstituent solution containing 99Mo. Its measurement of differential perturbed angular correlation indicated that 41% of 99Mo in the reconstituted protein were in a state similar to that of 99Mo in 99MoFe protein from K. pneumoniae. The results showed that the reactivation of the inactive MoFe rotein was mainly based on the restoration of its metallocluster content. It seemed to be reasonable to postulate that Mn- or Cr-containing nitrogenase could be obtained likewise by the reconstitution of the inactive protein with the Mn- or Cr-containing reconstituent solution.  相似文献   
本文报道了大亚湾澳头港附近的红树植物群落的种类组成、结构、外貌及演替。该地区红树群落的主要类型有7个,即白骨壤群落、白骨壤-桐花树群落、白骨壤+秋茄-桐花树群落、海漆-木榄群落、海漆-桐花树群落、桐花树群落、老鼠勒群落。  相似文献   
以正丁醇:水:甲醇(4:2:1)作洗脱剂,通过硅胶H60型柱反复柱层析,将3种有致病活性的物质充分纯化,在-40℃下冷冻干燥后,它们为褐色深浅不一的蓬松状物质,且极易吸潮。活性组分I(Rf0.83)、活性组分II(Rf0.79)和活性组分III(Rf0.80)对马尾松切根幼苗和湿地松切根幼苗针叶都有致萎作用,通过质谱(MS)、核磁共振谱(1HNMR、)和红外光谱(IR)等分析手段确定出所分离的活性组分I的化学组成为C5H11O5N(M=165)。  相似文献   
人类指掌皮肤嵴纹与智力发育的相关性研究   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
本工作对120例遗传型智残者和60例非遗传型智残者的指、掌皮肤嵴纹数进行分析,并分别与相同例数的对照组同类资料进行比较,找出与智力发育相关的指端、指间区、指基部皮纹参数,据此将遗传型智残组按智商值的不同分为6个组,将不同智商组对应的各区嵴纹数进行分析处理。结果表明,指端皮肤嵴纹数与智商呈正相关,相关系数r=0.8319,各指间区和指基部嵴纹数与智商值呈负相关,相关系数r=-0.7392。 Abstract Digital and palmar of 120 cases of hereditary mental deficiency and 60 cases of non-hereditary mental deficiency were analysed, and compared with the control group using the same cases and identical data, and then skin vein parameter interrelated with intelligence development for digital end, interdigital area, digital root were found. In the light of this we divided the hereditary mental deficiency group into 6 accorcding to IQ value, and analysed statistically every area ridge count corresponding to different IQ group. The result showed that ridge count of digital end was positively correlated with IQ value correlative coefficientr=0.8319; Whereas ridge count of interdigital area and digital root were negatively correlated with IQ value correlative cofficientr=0.7392.  相似文献   
生物组织光学特性的测量方法及医学应用   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
对生物组织光学特性参数的测量方法及其在医学上的应用进行了全面论述,分析了测量误差的来源,结果表明测量结果的客观性取决于模型假设(如散射的各向同性或异性、边界的匹配与否等)、测量技术、实验装置、定标方法和介质非均匀性等。测量方法可用于诊断生物组织的生理病理状态和测量组织结构  相似文献   
广州市都市型生态农业建设的战略目标模式与实施方略   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
剖析了广州市发展生态农业中存在的问题,提出了都市型生态农业的战略目标模式,重点阐述了“贯彻一个中心、主抓四类工程、设计良性地域布局、形成多种模式、发挥三种功能”的实施方略。  相似文献   
四种红树林植物的淡水驯化试验   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
贺建  陈桂珠  罗航 《生态科学》1999,18(3):12-15
选择秋茄、木榄、桐花树、无瓣海桑4 种红树林植物的幼苗, 在中山大学附属中学校园内进行了8 个月的池塘和陆地的淡水驯化试验。对之分别计算了成活率、茎高增加量、基茎增加量、生物量的增量和凋落物量, 并定期对其成活状况、生长状况进行观察和记录。发现各树种在淡水池塘中均能较好生长, 木榄和桐花树对陆地也有较强的适应性。  相似文献   
杜仲雌雄株细胞学,顶芽及叶含胶量的比较   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
杜仲(EucommiaulmoidesOliv.)为严格的雌雄异株植物,其雌雄株的比例近似于1:1,说明其性别可能由性染色体决定。但在形态上看不到特异的性染色体,雄株花粉母细胞整个减数分裂过程中,同源染色体的配对和分离是正常的。偶尔可发现个别细胞有染色体桥和环状或链状四价体。从1993年和1994年的12月到翌年4月芽完全展开前对顶芽的测量说明,雄株顶芽的长度和最大直径都明显大于雌株的(P<0.01),而整个生长季节中雌株叶子的杜仲胶含量却明显高于雄株的(P<0.01)。不管雄株还是雌株,其叶的含胶量都随季节变化和叶子的长大而降低。实践证明可用芽的大小鉴别杜仲幼株的性别。  相似文献   
为研究平欧杂种榛在新疆干旱地区的生态适应性,以新疆伊犁察布查尔县种质资源汇集圃内的38个品种(系)平欧杂种榛为试验材料,采用石蜡制片法,应用光学显微技术测定了叶片上表皮厚度、下表皮厚度、叶片厚度、主脉厚度、栅栏组织厚度、海绵组织厚度、栅栏组织厚度/海绵组织厚度(栅海比)、栅栏组织结构紧密度和海绵组织结构疏松度等9个抗旱相关的解剖结构特征参数,并进行统计分析和抗旱性综合评价。结果表明:(1)不同品种(系)主脉厚度、上下表皮厚度、叶片厚度、栅栏组织厚度和海绵组织厚度均表现出极显著水平差异,叶片上表皮厚度、下表皮厚度、叶片厚度、栅栏组织厚度和海绵组织厚度之间呈极显著相关和显著相关关系。(2)主成分分析表明,第1、2、3主成分的特征值分别为3.109、2.614和1.884,前3个主成分的累计贡献率达84.52%,基本能概括所有指标的主要信息。(3)采用聚类分析法将38个材料分成5大类;隶属函数法综合评价抗旱能力显示,材料84-48、81-21、84-310、F-03、B-11、85-162的抗旱性较强,材料85-127、85-88、B-21、80-4的抗旱性较差。  相似文献   
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