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The aim of this study was to investigate the treatment efficiency of passive vertical-flow wetland filters containing different macrophytes (Phragmites and/or Typha) and granular media with different adsorption capacities. Gravel, sand, granular activated carbon, charcoal and Filtralite (light expanded clay) were used as filter media. Different concentrations of lead and copper sulfate were added to polluted urban stream inflow water to simulate pretreated mine wastewater. The relationships between growth media, microbial and plant communities as well as the reduction of predominantly lead, copper and five-day biochemical oxygen demand (BOD5) were investigated. An analysis of variance showed that concentration reductions (mg l(-1)) of lead, copper and BOD5 were significantly similar for the six experimental wetlands. Microbial diversity was low due to metal pollution and similar for all filters. There appears to be no additional benefit in using adsorption media and macrophytes to enhance biomass performance during the first 10 months of operation.  相似文献   
SENP3 (SUMO-specific proteases 3), a member of the small ubiquitin-like modifier specific protease family, was identified as a molecule that deconjugates SUMOylation of modified protein substrates and functions as an isopeptidase by disrupting SUMO homeostasis to facilitate cancer development and progression. However, its expression and function in nervous system injury and repair are still unclear. In this study, we employed an acute spinal cord injury (SCI) model in adult rats and investigated the dynamic changes of SENP3 expression in the spinal cord. Western blot analysis indicated a gradual increase in SENP3 expression, which peaked 3?days after SCI, and then declined over the following days. Immunohistochemistry results further confirmed that SENP3 was expressed at low levels in the gray and white matter in the non-injured condition and increased after SCI. Moreover, immunofluorescence double-labeling showed that SENP3 was co-expressed with the neuronal marker, NeuN. Furthermore, the SENP3-positive cells that were co-expressed with NeuN had also expressed active caspase-3 after injury. To investigate whether SENP3 plays a role in neuronal apoptosis, we applied H2O2 to induce neuronal apoptosis in vitro. Western blot analysis showed a significant upregulation of SENP3 and active caspase-3 following H2O2 stimulation. Taken together, these results suggest that SENP3 may play important roles in the pathophysiology of SCI.  相似文献   
在光周期L∶D=16∶8,温度(25±1)℃条件下对中黑盲蝽Adelphocoris suturalis Jakovlev羽化规律及交配行为进行观察,结果表明:中黑盲蝽雌、雄成虫全天均可羽化,雌虫羽化高峰出现在亮灯后7:00—9:00am,雄虫的羽化高峰出现在亮灯后5:00—7:00am;羽化过程历时较短,仅5~7 min。成虫自4日龄开始达到性成熟;室内短距离条件下雌虫通过足摩擦腹部(有时会伴随着振翅)吸引雄虫,同时雄虫用足摩擦腹部并振动翅膀回应雌虫,定位雌虫后发生交配,交配时间约30 s。  相似文献   
从2013年1月开始欧盟将实施新的保护试验用动物指令2010/63/EU,新指令与旧指点令相比在涉及动物福利和3R原则的许多条款上做了完善,体现了国际社会对实验动物使用和管理的最新理念。欧盟保护实验动物法规的变迁,以及适应社会形势和科技进步做出的调整,对于当前中国实验动物实现规范化管理,融入国际实验动物科学发展主流理念具有重要借鉴意义。对指令条款的理解也有助于推动实验动物行业参与国际竞争、外包服务和对外贸易中发挥专业作用。  相似文献   
目的研究高海拔地区内毒素致绵羊多脏器功能障碍综合征(MODS)的病理学变化特征。方法将16只绵羊随机分为2组,中度海拔组和高海拔组,按相同的剂量静脉给予内毒素(6μg/kg)制作MODS模型,24h后麻醉处死绵羊,观察主要脏器的病理学变化。结果中度海拔和高海拔MODS组绵羊肺脏、肝脏、脾脏、肠粘膜均出现明显炎性改变,高海拔MODS组绵羊肺脏、肝脏病理学评分明显高于中度海拔MODS组。结论高海拔地区MODS的病理损伤较中度海拔明显加重。  相似文献   
报道了采自西藏那曲地区比如基地的鳞翅目蝙蝠蛾科一新种,比如蝠蛾Hepialus biruensis Fu, sp.nov。该种幼虫是我国特产药材冬虫夏草的寄主昆虫之一。  相似文献   
Aerated hydration (AH) treatments of cauliflower seeds for 12 h (12AH) and 28 h (28AH) at 20 degrees C resulted in improved or reduced storage potential of low or high vigour seeds, respectively. Seeds were stored at their initial seed moisture content (mean 5.5% mc) or at 12% mc at 10 degrees C for 12 months and at 20 degrees C for 4 months. The improved longevity of low vigour seeds was associated with increased K(i) (initial seed viability) and a reduced rate of deterioration (1/sigma) whereas the K(i) of high vigour seeds fell after 28AH and the rate of deterioration increased such that the time to lose one probit of viability decreased from 28.7 to 5.3 months at 10 degrees C and from 10.4 to 1.2 months at 20 degrees C. The improved K(i) of low vigour seeds could be explained by the reduction in the extent of deterioration after AH, as indicated by the increase in germination after cotrolled deterioration (CD), and the possible activation of metabolic repair during treatment. In contrast the reduced germination after CD of AH-treated high vigour seeds was indicative of deterioration as a result of treatment. Both high and low vigour seeds contained constitutive levels of ss-tubulin which increased during AH treatment, the increase being greater in high vigour seeds. High vigour seeds also showed an increase in the proportion of nuclear DNA present as 4C DNA, from 3% (untreated seeds) to 26% (28AH), indicative of germination advancement from the G(1) to G(2) phase of the cell cycle during treatment. This higher proportion of 4C DNA is correlated with the increased sensitivity of seeds to drying and/or storage after AH, leading to their reduced K(i) and storage potential. In contrast, there was little change in %4C in low vigour seeds. Priming in polyethylene glycol (PEG, -1.0 MPa) for 5 d or 13 d also improved the longevity of low vigour seeds stored at their initial and 12% mc at 10 degrees C for 8 months, as reflected in their laboratory and CD germination. In this case, however, the improved longevity of the low vigour seeds following 13 d priming was associated with an increase in 4C DNA from 4% (dry control) to 56% after treatment. The germination of both untreated and primed high vigour seeds remained high throughout the storage period. Increases in the rate of germination (decreased mean germination time) observed after all AH and PEG treatments were not consistently associated with an increase in the proportion of nuclei containing 4C DNA.  相似文献   
激光热疗中,激光与生物组织相互作用研究主要包含两方面:光子在生物组织中的迁移规律,以及光生扫热在生物组织在的传导。对前者的描述主要为,基于传输理论的解析法和Monte ̄Carlo模拟,生物组织中光子迁移规律的研究能定量描述组织中的光分布,并进一步获得生物组织中的热分布;考虑到了生物组织特性,所建立了生物组织中温度场分布及变化规律。光子迁移与生物传热理论是研究激光热序不可分割的传热模型,全面描述了生  相似文献   
利用环磷酰胺和杂交瘤技术 ,成功制备了 1株稳定分泌抗人CD80 分子单克隆抗体的杂交瘤细胞。实验结果表明 ,该单抗腹水效价为 1 0 6 ,属IgG1亚类 ,特异性强 ,为今后的应用打下了基础。  相似文献   
基因检测是遗传工程的重要技术之一,基因检测技术的自动化对工程的研究具有重要意义,而自动进样控制系统是基因快速检测仪的重要组成部分。该系统的硬件部分主要由液位检测电路及其接口电路组成;软件部分主要由VisualC 6.0编程对硬件实现其自动控制功能。该系统主要包括:控制清洗通道流程、排除废流流程和进样流程等功能,工作模式可根据人机对话方式设定,并能将扩增反应后的试样自动送到基因检测池中进行检测。系统具有快速、操作方便、智能化程度高、准确性高等特点。  相似文献   
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