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Abstract 1. The response of dispersal towards evolution largely depends on its heritability for which upper limits are determined by the trait’s repeatability. 2. In the Linyphiid spider E. atra, we were able to separate long‐ and short‐distance dispersal behaviours (respectively ballooning and rappelling) under laboratory conditions. By performing repeated behavioural trials for females, we show that average dispersal trait values decrease with increasing testing days. By comparing mated and unmated individuals during two periods (before and after mating for the mated group, and the same two periods for the unmated group), we show that mating has no effect on the mean displayed dispersal behaviour or its within‐individual variation. Repeatabilities were high and consistent for ballooning motivation, but not for rappelling. 3. Ballooning motivation can be regarded as highly individual‐specific behaviour, while general pre‐dispersal and rappelling behaviours showed more individual variation. Such difference in repeatability between long‐ and short‐distance dispersal suggests that short‐ and long‐distance dispersal events are triggered by different ecological and evolutionary mechanisms.  相似文献   
Abstract 1. It has become apparent that predators may strongly decrease prey fitness without direct contact with the prey, as they induce the development of defence systems that limit the availability of energy for growth and reproduction. Recent studies suggest that stress proteins may help prey organisms deal with this stress. The pattern is not general, however, and little is known about species differences in physiological traits in coping with predator stress, and covariation of physiological with other antipredator traits. 2. To explore these issues, we quantified levels of constitutive and fish‐induced stress proteins (Hsp60 and Hsp70) and anti‐predator behaviours in larvae of two damselfly species that differ in lifestyle. Both stress proteins were fixed at higher levels in Erythromma najas, which has a slow lifestyle, than in Lestes sponsa, which has a fast lifestyle. Similarly, anti‐predator behaviours were fixed at safer levels in E. najas than in L. sponsa. 3. These results suggest that stress proteins may be part of anti‐predator syndromes of damselfly larvae, and there may be trait co‐specialisation between stress proteins and behavioural anti‐predator traits. Studies formally testing these hypotheses in more species may prove rewarding in advancing our understanding of the functional integration of physiological anti‐predator traits in relation to the prey’s lifestyle.  相似文献   
Abstract 1. Patch time allocation has been mostly studied in female parasitoids exploiting patches of hosts. Different parameters such as oviposition, host encounters, patch quality, etc. have been repeatedly shown to modify the time females invest on hosts. 2. Male parasitoids are expected to maximise their lifetime fitness by maximising the number of females inseminated during their life. Because they can be sperm and/or time limited, they should optimise their time allocation on emergence patches. 3. Patch time allocation thus appears to be an important question for both male and female parasitoids. 4. In this study, we determined the parameters used by males of the egg parasitoid Trichogramma turkestanica to decide when to leave the emergence patch. Among the different patch‐leaving parameters tested, only contacts with parasitised hosts and presence of virgin females significantly influenced the patch‐leaving tendency. 5. Our results suggest that males express behaviours that could enable them to optimise their patch exploitation time, as females do, but using different strategies.  相似文献   
Abstract In olfactometric studies, a technique used to measure insect behavioural bias towards airborne chemicals, many of the factors that could affect the bioassay outcome other than the volatiles themselves are carefully controlled (e.g. lighting conditions, temperature, spatial position, physiological state of the insects, time of day when the bioassay is performed) but one factor, namely humidity, is overlooked frequently when studying responses to plant volatiles. Many insect species respond positively and negatively to changes in humidity and, during bioassays, differences arising from odour choices with different water vapour release rates might have confounding effects versus the original intent of the behavioural study. The present study aims to assess the effect of different substrates on the water vapour content of air in an olfactometer‐like set‐up. The results show that airflow humidity is affected by the odour source used in the olfactometer air flow. In addition, the response of the aphid parasitoid Aphidius colemani Viereck (Hymenoptera: Aphidiidae) is studied towards different humidities and plant material in an olfactometer. The present study suggests that humidity needs to be controlled in olfactometric studies.  相似文献   
Chemical investigation of the CH2Cl2 crude extract from the brown alga Canistrocarpus cervicornis (Dictyotaceae) led to isolation of one new ( 1 ) and four previously reported dolastane diterpenes ( 2 – 5 ). Their structures were characterized by 1D‐ and 2D‐NMR spectroscopic techniques, including a full single crystal X‐ray diffraction analysis for 1, 2 , and 4 . In addition, the new structure 1 was assayed as chemical defense inhibiting the feeding by the sea urchin Lytechinus variegatus. This study constitutes an additional report broadening the known spectrum of action and defensive roles of secondary metabolites of the C. cervicornis and Dictyotales species.  相似文献   
Eukaryotic cells have to constantly cope with environmental cues and integrate developmental signals. Cell survival or death is the only possible outcome. In the field of animal biology, tremendous efforts have been put into the understanding of mechanisms underlying cell fate decision. Distinct organelles have been proven to sense a broad range of stimuli and, if necessary, engage cell death signalling pathway(s). Over the years, forward and reverse genetic screens have uncovered numerous regulators of programmed cell death (PCD) in plants. However, to date, molecular networks are far from being deciphered and, apart from the autophagic compartment, no organelles have been assigned a clear role in the regulation of cellular suicide. The endomembrane system (ES) seems, nevertheless, to harbour a significant number of cell death mediators. In this review, the involvement of this system in the control of plant PCD is discussed in‐depth, as well as compared and contrasted with what is known in animal and yeast systems.  相似文献   
We examined the relationships between xylem resistance to cavitation and 16 structural and functional traits across eight unrelated Populus deltoides×Populus nigra genotypes grown under two contrasting water regimes. The xylem water potential inducing 50% loss of hydraulic conductance (Ψ50) varied from ?1.60 to ?2.40 MPa. Drought‐acclimated trees displayed a safer xylem, although the extent of the response was largely genotype dependant, with Ψ50 being decreased by as far as 0.60 MPa. At the tissue level, there was no clear relationship between xylem safety and either xylem water transport efficiency or xylem biomechanics; the only structural trait to be strongly associated with Ψ50 was the double vessel wall thickness, genotypes exhibiting a thicker double wall being more resistant. At the leaf level, increased cavitation resistance was associated with decreased stomatal conductance, while no relationship could be identified with traits associated with carbon uptake or bulk leaf carbon isotope discrimination, a surrogate of intrinsic water‐use efficiency. At the whole‐plant level, increased safety was associated with higher shoot growth potential under well‐irrigated regime only. We conclude that common trade‐offs between xylem resistance to cavitation and other physiological traits that are observed across species may not necessarily hold true at narrower scales.  相似文献   
Potato plants were grown in open‐top chambers under three ozone concentrations during two complete cropping seasons (93 and 77 d in 2004 and 2005, respectively). The effects of chronic exposure to ozone on leaf anatomy, cell ultrastructure and crop yield were studied. Severe cell damage was found, even at ambient ozone levels, mainly affecting the spongy parenchyma and areas near the stomata. Damage to the cell wall caused loss of cell contact, and loss of turgor pressure due to tonoplast disintegration, contributed to cell collapse. Phloem sieve plates were obstructed by callose accumulation, and damaged mesophyll cells increased their starch stores. Tuber yield fell sharply (24–44%), due to the biggest tubers becoming smaller, which affected commercial yield. These anatomical findings show the mechanisms of ozone effect on assimilate partitioning, and thus crop yield decrease, in potato. Further implications of ozone causing reductions in below‐ground biomass are also discussed.  相似文献   
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