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Survival of Salmonella senftenberg 775W, S. anatum, and S. typhimurium during exposure to currently practiced, as well as abusive, pecan processing and storage conditions was studied. Thermal treatments normally carried out during the processing of pecans are inadequate to consistently destory salmonellae in highly contaminated inshell nuts. Pecan nut packing tissue was toxic to salmonellae, thus affording some protection against high initial contamination and subsequent survival of the organisms. Examinations of inoculated inshell pecans stored at -18, -7, 5, and 21 C for up to 32 weeks revealed that the extent of survival was inversely correlated to the storage temperature. S. senftenberg 775W and S. anatum were not detectable on inshell nuts after 16 weeks of storage at 21 C. Little decrease in viable population of the three species was noted on inoculated pecan halves stored at -18, -7, and 5 C for 32 weeks. Due to organoleptic quality deterioration in pecan nutmeats at elevated temperatures, sterilization methods other than thermal treatment appear to be required for the elimination of viable salmonellae from pecan nuts.  相似文献   
Vibrio parahaemolyticus was grown in tryptic soy broth (TSB) containing NaCl levels of 0.5, 3.0, and 7.5% (wt/vol). Cultures incubated at 21, 29, and 37 C were harvested in late exponential phases and thermal death times at 47 C (D47 c; time at 47 C required to reduce the viable population by 90%) were determined in phosphate buffer containing 0.5, 3.0, and 7.5% NaCl. At a given NaCl concentration in the growth medium, D47 c values increased with elevated incubation temperatures and with elevated levels of NaCl in the heating menstrua. Differences in thermal resistance of cells cultured at a particular temperature were greater between those grown in TSB containing 0.5 and 3.0% NaCl than between those grown in TSB containing 3.0 and 7.5% NaCl. D47c values ranged from 0.8 min (grown at 21 C in TSB with 0.5% NaCl) to 6.5 min (grown at 37 C in TSB with 7.5%, heated in 7.5% NaCl buffer). Methyl esters of major phospholipid fatty acids extracted from cells were quantitated. The ratio of saturated to unsaturated fatty acids in cells grown at a given NaCl concentration increased with elevated incubation temperature. At a particular growth temperature, however, saturated to unsaturated fatty acids ratios were lowest for cells grown in TSB containing 3.0% NaCl.  相似文献   
AIMS: The aims of this study were (i) to determine the retention of viability of mycoflora removed from raw fruits, and how this affected diluents used to prepare samples for enumeration of propagules, and (ii) to evaluate the performance of recovery media for supporting colony development. METHODS AND RESULTS: Yeasts and moulds removed from seven types of raw fruit were held in seven diluents for 1 h before plating on dichloran rose bengal chloramphenicol (DRBC) agar and plate count agar supplemented with chloramphenicol (100 micro g ml-1) (PCAC). Significant reductions (P=0.05) in populations of yeasts, moulds, and yeasts plus moulds occurred within the 1 h holding period, regardless of diluent composition. Overall, retention of viability was not influenced by diluent composition, and neither DRBC agar nor PCAC were superior in supporting colony development. CONCLUSIONS: The composition of diluents used to prepare food samples for mycological analysis has little affect on the number of yeasts and moulds recovered from seven types of naturally contaminated raw fruit. Both DRBC agar and PCAC are suitable as enumeration media. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: Diluents and media most often recommended for enumerating yeasts and moulds in foods are appropriate for raw fruits.  相似文献   
Salmonellae have been some of the most frequently reported etiological agents in fresh-produce-associated outbreaks of human infections in recent years. PCR assays using four innovative pairs of primers derived from hilA and sirA, positive regulators of Salmonella invasive genes, were developed to identify Salmonella enterica serotype Montevideo on and in tomatoes. Based on examination of 83 Salmonella strains and 22 non-Salmonella strains, we concluded that a pair of hilA primers detects Salmonella specifically. The detection limits of the PCR assay were 10(1) and 10(0) CFU/ml after enrichment at 37 degrees C for 6 and 9 h, respectively. When the assay was validated by detecting S. enterica serotype Montevideo in and on artificially inoculated tomatoes, 10(2) and 10(1) CFU/g were detected, respectively, after enrichment for 6 h at 37 degrees C. Our results suggest that the hilA-based PCR assay is sensitive and specific, and can be used for rapid detection of Salmonellae in or on fresh produce.  相似文献   
Morphologically abnormal cells were produced by Bacillus megaterium NRRL B-1368 in response to aflatoxin B(1). Filamentous forms were characterized by early granulation and unusually large and numerous deposits of poly-beta-hydroxybutyric acid within the cells. Pantoyl lactone was without effect as a reversing agent for the observed inhibition of cell septum formation. B. megaterium cells and spores produced on toxic (3.8 mug of aflatoxin B(1) per ml) and nontoxic Trypticase Soy Broth and Trypticase Soy Agar (TSA) were observed by using phase contrast and electron microscopy. Transfer of aberrant forms to nontoxic TSA yielded macrocolonies with daughter cells morphologically indistinguishable from untreated cells. Agar slide cultures of filamentous cells transferred to nontoxic TSA indicated that normal cells were formed. Electron photomicrographs showed a decreased number of mesosomes in filamentous cells as compared to control cells. There were no observable morphological differences in spores formed on toxic or nontoxic TSA.  相似文献   
Direct plating, selective enrichment, and cold enrichment followed by secondary selective enrichment procedures were compared for detecting and enumerating Listeria monocytogenes in chopped cabbage stored at 5 degrees C for up to 64 days. Addition of Fe3+ to solid media enhanced detection of the organism. Cold enrichment (5 degrees C) in nutrient broth and brain heart infusion broth followed by secondary enrichment (48 h, 30 degrees C) in Trypticase soy-yeast extract-antibiotic broth and thiocyanate-nalidixic acid broth and plating on selective agar media (Doyle and Schoeni selective enrichment agar [minus acriflavin hydrochloride, supplemented with 5 micrograms of Fe3+/ml] and McBride Listeria agar) resulted in the detection of highest populations.  相似文献   
The effects of temperature, light, and water activity (aw) on the growth and fumitremorgin production of a heat-resistant mold, Neosartorya fischeri, cultured on Czapek Yeast Autolysate agar (CYA) were studied for incubation periods of up to 74 days. Colonies were examined visually, and extracts of mycelia and CYA on which the mold was cultured were analyzed for mycotoxin content by high-performance liquid chromatography. Growth always resulted in the production of the tremorgenic mycotoxins verruculogen and fumitremorgins A and C. The optimum temperatures for the production of verruculogen and fumitremorgins A and C on CYA at pH 7.0 were 25, 30, and 37 degrees C, respectively. The production of fumitremorgin C by N. fischeri has not been previously reported. Fumitremorgin production was retarded at 15 degrees C, but an extension of the incubation period resulted in concentrations approaching those observed at 25 degrees C. Light clearly enhanced fumitremorgin production on CYA (pH 7.0, 25 degrees C), but not as dramatically as did the addition of glucose, fructose, or sucrose to CYA growth medium (pH 3.5, 25 degrees C). Growth and fumitremorgin production was greatest at aw of 0.980 on CYA supplemented with glucose or fructose and at aw of 0.990 on CYA supplemented with sucrose. Growth and fumitremorgin production were observed at aw as low as 0.925 on glucose-supplemented CYA but not at aw lower than 0.970 on CYA supplemented with sucrose. Verruculogen was produced in the highest amount on all test media, followed by fumitremorgin A and fumitremorgin C.  相似文献   
Frozen fruit juice concentrates containing an average microbial population of log10 1.54 cfu ml-1 were examined by traditional plating techniques and direct and indirect conductimetry. The initial populations in diluted (1:4) concentrates increased to an average of log10 3.82 cfu ml-1 during incubation at 25°C for 24 h. Incubation before plating and subjecting to conductimetric tests also facilitated the resuscitation of cells that may have been freeze-injured. Yeasts were recovered in equal numbers on acidified (pH 3.5) potato dextrose agar and dichloran rose bengal chloramphenicol agar (pH 5.6). Yeasts and bacteria were recovered on orange serum agar. Detection times determined by indirect conductimetry correlated fairly well ( r = -0.73) with populations (cfu ml-1) detected on traditional plating media. Populations in diluted concentrates which were not incubated before examination were detected conductimetrically in an average of 48.9 h, whereas detection times for diluted concentrates incubated for 24 h at 25°C before testing were reduced to an average of 14.1 h. Examination by conventional (direct) conductimetry required an additional 10–20 h to reach changes in conductance of 5 μS h-1.  相似文献   
Rates of death and growth of Listeria monocytogenes inoculated onto raw whole and into chopped tomatoes stored at 10 and 21 degrees C were not influenced by prior treatment of tomatoes with chlorine or packaging under an atmosphere of 3% O2 and 97% N2. Growth of the pathogen occurred in whole tomatoes held at 21 degrees C but not at 10 degrees C, while death occurred in chopped tomatoes stored at these temperatures. Likewise, growth patterns of mesophilic aerobic microorganisms, psychrotrophic microorganisms, and yeasts and molds on whole and chopped tomatoes were essentially unaffected by chlorine and modified atmosphere packaging treatments. Populations of L. monocytogenes inoculated into commercially processed tomato juice and sauce and held at 5 degrees C remained constant for 14 days. A gradual decrease in the number of viable L. monocytogenes cells was observed in juice and sauce held at 21 degrees C. In contrast, the organism died rapidly when suspended in commercial tomato ketchup at 5 and 21 degrees C. Unlike low-acid raw salad vegetables such as lettuce, broccoli, asparagus, and cauliflower on which we have observed L. monocytogenes grow at refrigeration temperatures, tomatoes are not a good growth substrate for the organism. Nevertheless, L. monocytogens can remain viable on raw whole and chopped tomatoes and in commercial tomato juice and sauce for periods extending beyond their normal shelf-life expectancy.  相似文献   
采用关联指数(IC)和决定系数(CD)两种方法,度量混合线性模型遗传评估下 猪群体间的遗传关联性。结果表明,加拿大安大略省的大约克夏猪、长白猪、杜洛克猪和汉普夏猪4个主要品种群体间具有良好的遗传联系。CD法既组合了数据结构和信息量,又考虑了预测误差方差和遗传变异性,是一个选择判断遗传评估精度的好方法。 Abstract:Two criteria for the measures of genetic connectedness in mixed linear model of genetic evaluation are used:the degree of connectedness(IC)and the generalized coefficient of determination(CD).The results indicated that the data of four dominant swine breeds:Yorkshire,Landrace,Duroc and Hampshire in Ontario,Canada are well connected.The CD,which combines data structure and amount of information and also accounts for both prediction error variance and genetic variability,is a good method to select for judging the precision of a genetic evaluation.  相似文献   
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