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沼泽湿地垦殖前后土壤温度变化及其对土壤热状况的影响   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
沼泽湿地具有重要的生态与环境功能,其对全球气候变化较为敏感,土壤温度变化能够很好地指示气候的波动.沼泽湿地土壤温度呈明显的"正弦曲线"型年、季动态,不同深度土壤年均温度呈"U"型特征.5~9月份沼泽湿地10 cm土壤平均温度为11.69±3.04℃,垦殖后农田土壤为1.80±3.41℃.沼泽湿地土壤8、9月份土壤呼吸分别为156.41±76.91 mg·m-2·h-1和116.75±57.43 m-2·h-1,是同时期农田土壤呼吸通量的14.6%和13.1%,土壤温度与土壤呼吸通量呈显著正相关关系.  相似文献   
我一生的学习、工作经历都是在教学、研究院校中度过的.祖辈任职官署(祖父娄春蕃,历任直隶总督幕府.外祖卢木斋,自学成才,以数学见长受到知遇,曾任直隶学务处督办、省提学使),目睹满清王朝腐朽,中国屡遭列强侵略,不断瓜分领地,老百姓受苦无穷!为挽救国家危亡,必须革新教育,勉励后辈,发奋图强.两家志同道合,遣送子女辈出国学习深造,使我的父母在联姻后得以协同留学美国四载,于满清帝制颠覆前夕回归.民国初建,祖父不幸逝世.在外祖父卢木斋的引领下,两家通力协作,开发地方实业,卓有成效;同时,继续发展教育,多年来由母亲姐妹们开设蒙养园,创办木斋小学、扩大为天津知名的木斋中学.  相似文献   
  1. Planktonic and benthic bacterial communities hold central roles in the functioning of freshwater ecosystems and mediate key ecosystem services such as primary production and nutrient remineralisation. Although it is clear that such communities vary in composition both within and between lakes, the environmental factors and processes shaping the diversity and composition of freshwater bacteria are still not fully understood.
  2. In order to assess seasonal and spatial variability in lake bacterial communities and identify environmental factors underpinning biogeographical patterns, we performed a large-scale sampling campaign with paired water and sediment sample collection at 18 locations during four seasons in Lake Balihe, a subtropical shallow fish-farming lake in mid-eastern China.
  3. Pelagic and benthic bacterial communities were distinctly different in terms of diversity, taxonomic composition and community structure, with Actinobacteria, Bacteroidetes, Cyanobacteria and Alphaproteobacteria dominating lake water, and Acidobacteria, Bacteroidetes, Chloroflexi, Gammaproteobacteria and Deltaproteobacteria dominating sediment. Nevertheless, these two communities had stronger spatial concordance and overlap in taxa during spring and autumn seasons. Together, the main drivers of both the spatial and temporal variations in Lake Balihe bacterial communities were identified as water temperature, turbidity, nitrogen and phosphorus availability, and thermal stratification controlled by wind-mixing and activity of the dense farmed fish populations. Notably, populations affiliated with Firmicutes, known to be abundant in fish gut microbiome, were especially abundant in the summer season and locations where high fish biomass was found, suggesting a potential link between fish gut microbiome and the pelagic bacterial communities.
  4. Our findings demonstrated seasonal homogenisation of pelagic and benthic bacterial communities linked to marked shifts in a set of seasonally-driven environmental variables including water temperature and nutrient availability.
通过建立网室近自然实验种群,结合野生个体观察记述了云南玉溪九香虫Coridius chinensis (Dallas)种群的各虫期形态特征、在云南玉溪红塔区的年生活史、寄主范围、取食偏好、成虫及若虫的行为习性,为该虫的保育和规模化养殖提供依据。结果显示,九香虫卵有绿色和粉色两种生态型,若虫有5个龄期;在云南玉溪红塔区1年仅发生1代,仅以成虫态越冬;红塔区九香虫野生个体主要以佛手瓜和南瓜等葫芦科植物为食;取食偏好选择试验表明该虫最喜取食葫芦,冬瓜和南瓜次之;雌雄成虫可多次交配多次产卵,单雌单次平均产卵量为16.3±6.0粒。研究表明,云南玉溪红塔区的九香虫种群为典型的一化性昆虫,休眠期可达8个月;该虫食性较广,可取食多科植物,但以葫芦科瓜类为主;羽化成虫每年9月中旬至10月上旬陆续从佛手瓜、南瓜等寄主植物上迁至枯树皮下、柴堆等隐蔽场所越冬,翌年4月下旬陆续解除休眠,迁至佛手瓜、南瓜等作物上取食繁殖。  相似文献   
植物信号系统--它在功能整合与适应环境中的作用   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
娄成后  花宝光 《生命科学》2000,12(2):49-51,71
高等植物是由多层次结构(细胞、组织、器官)组成,在多变环境下生活的开放系统。各部位的处境不同,分工各异。因而它们之间必需通过信号传递进行信息交换才能协调整株的行为、适应外界的变化。植物信号具有多种形式,如化学信号、电波信号与水力信号等。本文主要以乙酰胆碱在信号传递中的功能为例证阐述植物的信号系统。  相似文献   
气孔蒸腾中保卫细胞原生质的调控作用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
气孔运动的机理一般公认为保卫细胞的渗透调节。作者所在研究小组近几年的工作表明:动物神经递质乙酰胆碱参与气孔运动的调节;植物细胞骨架微管、微丝在气孔运动中起重要作用。因面提出保卫细胞原生质在气孔蒸腾中的气孔蒸腾中的作用值得进一步研究。  相似文献   
阿尔茨海默病(Alzheimer’s disease, AD)是一种常见的神经退行性疾病。自噬溶酶体功能异常阻碍了细胞对神经毒性物质的降解,是导致AD发生的关键因素。运动作为一种非药物治疗手段,可以通过激活PI3K/Akt、AMPK等相关信号通路上调自噬活性,并通过促进TFEB的核易位增强自噬溶酶体功能,提高对异常聚集蛋白和受损伤细胞器的降解,保护神经元,改善AD患者的认知功能障碍。本文阐述了自噬溶酶体功能障碍在AD发生发展中的作用,以及运动调控自噬溶酶体通路改善AD作用机制,旨在为AD的预防和治疗提供新策略。  相似文献   
Zhu, G-L. and Lou, C-H. 1988. A two compartment model methodfor continuous determination of hydraulic parameters of higherplant cells by pressure probe technique.—J. exp. BoL 39:961–971. The new model treats the whole measuring system as two compartments:the vacuole and the cavity of the probe, which are connectedby a microcapillary. Instead of a short injection, a continuousinjection of distilled water is used in this model. The mainprinciple of the calculation method is to estimate cell turgorpressure and hydraulic conductivity continuously from the resistanceof the microcapillary and the probe pressure as well as thecurrent flow through the microcapillary. The model avoids theeffect of membrane potential changes on the measurement of hydraulicparameters in pressure steps. In this model, microcapillarieswith a tip diameter smaller than flow rate-limiting dimensionscan be employed. The present method provides a way to monitorcontinuously cell hydraulic conductivity during the pressurerelaxation process with a time resolution in seconds. The calculationis performed automatically using a microcomputer. Key words: Two compartment model, cell pressure probe, computer  相似文献   
The severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) virus is highly contagious and causes lymphocytopenia, but the underlying mechanisms are poorly understood. We demonstrate here that heterotypic cell-in-cell structures with lymphocytes inside multinucleate syncytia are prevalent in the lung tissues of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) patients. These unique cellular structures are a direct result of SARS-CoV-2 infection, as the expression of the SARS-CoV-2 spike glycoprotein is sufficient to induce a rapid (~45.1 nm/s) membrane fusion to produce syncytium, which could readily internalize multiple lines of lymphocytes to form typical cell-in-cell structures, remarkably leading to the death of internalized cells. This membrane fusion is dictated by a bi-arginine motif within the polybasic S1/S2 cleavage site, which is frequently present in the surface glycoprotein of most highly contagious viruses. Moreover, candidate anti-viral drugs could efficiently inhibit spike glycoprotein processing, membrane fusion, and cell-in-cell formation. Together, we delineate a molecular and cellular rationale for SARS-CoV-2 pathogenesis and identify novel targets for COVID-19 therapy.Subject terms: Cell biology, Molecular biology  相似文献   
生境质量关乎区域可持续发展和人类福祉,评估其时空演化特征和预测未来变化对生态文明建设和高质量发展具有重要意义。以江西省为研究区,利用InVEST模型和热点分析方法定量评估2000—2020年生境质量时空演化特征,结合PLUS模型模拟预测2020—2050年土地利用和生境质量变化。结果表明:(1)2000—2020年江西省有林地、灌木林地、疏林地、水田、旱地面积呈减少趋势,减少部分主要位于南昌市等城市边缘,转为城镇用地和其他建设用地。(2)江西省生境质量总体较好,均值呈微幅下降且加速下降的趋势,具有以南昌市等城市为中心、向外辐射提高和中部低、四周高、北部低、南部高的时空分异特点,20年内8.52%的区域生境质量得到改善,44.85%的区域发生退化,退化区域以生境质量低值区域为核心向外辐射。热点分析显示,在乡镇尺度上,生境质量与生境退化度在空间分布上具有相似的集聚特征,但高低值相反。(3)结合PLUS模型预测显示,2020—2050年江西省城镇用地、其他建设用地进一步急剧扩张,时空特征表现为环鄱阳湖扩张圈和萍乡市-宜春市-新余市-南昌市-抚州市-鹰潭市-上饶市东西向扩张带,生境质量均值保持...  相似文献   
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