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We have analyzed eight new phage-resistant missense mutations in lamB. These mutations identify five new amino acid residues essential for phage lambda adsorption. Two mutations at positions 245 and 382 affect residues which were previously identified, but lead to different amino acid changes. Three mutations at residues 163, 164, and 250 enlarge and confirm previously proposed phage receptor sites. Two different mutations at residue 259 and one at 18 alter residues previously suggested as facing the periplasmic face. The mutation at residue 18 implicates for the first time the amino-terminal region of the LamB protein in phage adsorption. The results are discussed in terms of the topology of the LamB protein.  相似文献   
Filter matings between E. coli K-12 strains carrying an F'::Tn5,Tn9 factor with H. influenzae Rd strains gave rise to kanamycin-chloramphenicol-resistant H. influenzae strains at a frequency of approximately 10(-6). Transfer of the F' factor to H. influenzae was verified by expression of unselected markers in H. influenzae (lac+ or cotransfer of the nonselected antibiotic resistance), physical presence of a high-molecular-weight plasmid in recipient H. influenzae cells, and detection by Southern hybridization analysis of DNA sequences specific for the F' factor replication and partition functions in recipient H. influenzae cells. H. influenzae (F' Tn5,Tn9) strains were capable of transferring kanamycin and chloramphenicol resistances to other H. influenzae strains and were capable of mobilizing H. influenzae chromosomal markers at a low frequency. Insertion of a Tn5 element in the H. influenzae genome near the novobiocin resistance gene increased the frequency of transfer of novobiocin resistance about 30-fold. Transfer of other chromosomal markers also increased, although to a lesser extent, and ordered transfer of chromosomal markers could be demonstrated. Gene transfer was insensitive to DNase I, and transfer of chromosomal (but not F' factor) markers was dependent on the H. influenzae rec-1 and rec-2 gene functions.  相似文献   
The DNA transfer stage of conjugation requires the products of the F sex factor genes traMYDIZ and the cis-acting site oriT. Previous interpretation of genetic and protein analyses suggested that traD, traI, and traZ mapped as contiguous genes at the distal end of the transfer operon and saturated this portion of the F transfer region (which ends with an IS3 element). Using antibodies prepared against the purified TraD and TraI proteins, we analyzed the products encoded by a collection of chimeric plasmids constructed with various segments of traDIZ DNA. We found the traI gene to be located 1 kilobase to the right of the position suggested on previous maps. This creates an unsaturated space between traD and traI where unidentified tra genes may be located and leaves insufficient space between traI and IS3 for coding the 94-kilodalton protein previously thought to be the product of traZ. We found that the 94-kilodalton protein arose from a translational restart and corresponds to the carboxy terminus of traI; we named it TraI*. The precise physical location of the traZ gene and the identity of its product are unknown. The oriT nicking activity known as TraZ may stem from unassigned regions between traD and traI and between traI and IS3, but a more interesting possibility is that it is actually a function of traI. On our revised map, the position of a previously detected RNA polymerase-binding site corresponds to a site at the amino terminus of traI rather than a location 1 kilobase into the coding region of the gene. Furthermore, the physical and genetic comparison of the F traD and traI genes with those of the closely related F-like conjugative plasmids R1 and R100 is greatly simplified. The translational organization we found for traI, together with its identity as the structural gene for DNA helicase I, suggests a possible functional link to several other genes from which translational restart polypeptides are expressed. These include the primases of the conjugative plasmids ColI and R16, the primase-helicase of bacteriophage T7, and the cisA product (nickase) of phage phi X174.  相似文献   
The replication of chromosomes and minichromosomes in Escherichia coli B/r was examined under conditions in which the dnaA gene product was overproduced. Increased levels of the DnaA protein were achieved by thermoinduction of the dnaA gene, under the control of the lambda pL promoter, or by cellular maintenance of multicopy plasmids carrying the dnaA gene under the control of its own promoters. Previous work has shown that overproduction of DnaA protein stimulates replication of the chromosomal origin, oriC, but that the newly initiated forks do not progress along the length of the chromosome (T. Atlung, K. V. Rasmussen, E. Clausen, and F. G. Hansen, p. 282-297, in M. Schaechter, F. C. Neidhardt, J. L. Ingraham, and N. O. Kjeldgaard, ed., The Molecular Biology of Bacterial Growth, 1985). In the present study, it was found that overproduction of DnaA protein caused both a two- to threefold increase in the amount of residual chromosome replication and an extended synthesis of minichromosome DNA in the presence of rifampin. The amount of residual chromosome replication was consistent with the appearance of functional replication forks on the majority of the chromosomes. Since the rate of DNA accumulation and the cellular DNA/mass ratios were not increased significantly by overexpression of the dnaA gene, we concluded that the addition of rifampin either enabled stalled replication forks to proceed beyond oriC or enabled new forks to initiate on both chromosomes and minichromosomes, or both.  相似文献   
Galactose-grown cells of the heterofermentative lactic acid bacteria Lactobacillus brevis and Lactobacillus buchneri transported methyl-beta-D-thiogalactopyranoside (TMG) by an active transport mechanism and accumulated intracellular free TMG when provided with an exogenous source of energy, such as arginine. The intracellular concentration of TMG resultant under these conditions was approximately 20-fold higher than that in the medium. In contrast, the provision of energy by metabolism of glucose, gluconate, or glucosamine promoted a rapid but transient uptake of TMG followed by efflux that established a low cellular concentration of the galactoside, i.e., only two- to fourfold higher than that in the medium. Furthermore, the addition of glucose to cells preloaded with TMG in the presence of arginine elicited a rapid efflux of the intracellular galactoside. The extent of cellular TMG displacement and the duration of the transient effect of glucose on TMG transport were related to the initial concentration of glucose in the medium. Exhaustion of glucose from the medium restored uptake and accumulation of TMG, providing arginine was available for ATP generation. The nonmetabolizable sugar 2-deoxyglucose elicited efflux of TMG from preloaded cells of L. buchneri but not from those of L. brevis. Phosphorylation of this glucose analog was catalyzed by cell extracts of L. buchneri but not by those of L. brevis. Iodoacetate, at a concentration that inhibits growth and ATP production from glucose, did not prevent efflux of cellular TMG elicited by glucose. The results suggested that a phosphorylated metabolite(s) at or above the level of glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate was required to evoke displacement of intracellular TMG from the cells. Counterflow experiments suggested that glucose converted the active uptake of TMG in L. brevis to a facilitated diffusion mechanism that allowed equilibrium of TMG between the extra- and intracellular milieux. The means by which glucose metabolites elicited this vectorial regulation is not known, but similarities to the inducer expulsion that has been described for homofermentative Streptococcus and Lactobacillus species suggested the involvement of HPr, a protein that functions as a phosphocarrier protein in the phosphotransferase system, as well as a presumptive regulator of sugar transport. Indeed, complementation assays wit extracts of Staphylococcus aureus ptsH mutant revealed the presence of HPr in L. brevis, although this lactobacillus lacked a functional phaosphoenolpyruvate-dependent phosphortransferase system for glucose, 2-deoxyglucose, or TMG.  相似文献   
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