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草莓毛管蚜性外激素腺体的形态及组织观察   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Scha.  GA 曾仁光 《昆虫学报》1992,35(3):290-293
本文通过对草莓毛管蚜Chaetosiphon fragaefolii(Cockerell)性外激素腺体外部形态的扫描电镜观察,对腺体的外形、大小、位置、数目作了描述;通过对腺体组织不同发育时期的电镜观察,揭示了该虫性外激素腺体的形成期、释放性外激素期和衰老期等不同发育阶段的变化过程.  相似文献   
Type V collagen is a fibrillar collagen that is widely distributed in tissues as a minor component of extracellular matrix and is usually composed of one pro alpha 2 (V) and two pro alpha 1 (V) chains. In this report, recently isolated cDNA and genomic clones, which encode the pro alpha 1 (V) chain, are used as probes for hybridization to filter-bound DNA from a panel of human-mouse hybrid cell lines and for in situ hybridization to metaphase chromosomes. These studies establish the chromosomal location of the COL5A1 gene, which encodes the pro alpha 1 (V) chain, within segment 9q34.2----q34.3. These findings add to the previously characterized dispersion of collagen genes in the human genome, as this is the first example of a collagen locus on chromosome 9. In addition, these studies place COL5A1 near the locus for the genetic disorder, nail-patella syndrome (hereditary osteo-onychodysplasia), which also maps to 9q34.  相似文献   
Inhibition of nitric oxide production by arginine analogues was examined in three cell systems; macrophages, CNS tissue and endothelial cells. Nitric oxide production was assessed indirectly using in vitro assays measuring nitrite production (macrophages), cGMP elevation (CNS) and acetylcholine-induced relaxation of aortic ring segments (endothelium). NG-monomethyl-L-arginine and NG-amino-L-arginine possessed similar inhibitory activity in all three assays, while NG-nitro-L-arginine displayed a striking selectivity for inhibition of brain and endothelial cell nitric oxide synthesis, with IC50 values of 0.05 microM in the CNS versus 200 microM in macrophages. These results suggest that distinct enzymes are responsible for nitric oxide synthesis in different cell types, and indicate that it may be possible to selectively modulate nitric oxide production in vivo.  相似文献   
Secretory proteins and integral membrane proteins travel through the secretory pathway to a variety of destinations. Their targets are often specified by signals in the amino acid sequence or signals added post-translationally. The KDEL sequence that retains soluble proteins in the endoplasmic reticulum and the mannose 6-phosphate group of lysosomal enzymes are well-characterized examples of targeting signals; other signals are less well understood. Given the complexity and importance of the intracellular trafficking pathways, it is perhaps not surprising that mutations that affect the trafficking of proteins are associated with some human genetic diseases.  相似文献   
We have previously characterized a cellular thyroid hormone-binding protein (p55) that is found concentrated on the lumenal face of the endoplasmic reticulum and nuclear envelope (Cheng, S.-y., Hasumura, S., Willingham, M.C., and Pastan, I. (1986) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 83, 947-951). To understand the role p55 plays in thyroid hormone action, we examined the regulation of p55 by 3,3',5-triiodo-L-thyronine (T3). Rat pituitary tumor GH3 cells cultured in regular medium, thyroid hormone-depleted medium (Td medium), or Td medium supplemented with 50 nM T3 (Td + T3 medium) were metabolically labeled with [35S]methionine and immunoprecipitated with antibodies against p55. Treatment with T3 caused a fall in p55 levels. Poly(A+) RNA from cells cultured in regular, Td, or Td + T3 medium was hybridized to a cDNA from p55. T3 withdrawal or addition had no effect on p55 mRNA levels. Furthermore, the initial rates of synthesis of p55 from cells cultured in regular, Td, and Td + T3 were found to be similar. However, analysis of the decay curves from cells in which p55 was pulse-labeled with [35S]methionine indicated that p55 is 2-fold less stable in T3 containing medium. These results indicated that down-regulation of p55 by T3 occurs at the post-translational level. Since DNA sequence analysis indicates that p55 is identical to protein disulfide isomerase and the beta-subunit of prolyl-4-hydroxylase, T3 may mediate its effects on the synthesis, secretion, and/or transport of proteins via p55.  相似文献   
Incubation of [1-13C]-5-phosphoribosyl pyrophosphate ([1-13C]PRPP) and glutamine with PRPP amidotransferase results in rapid production and disappearance of two new resonances at 89.3 and 85.9 ppm. These resonances coincide with two of the products produced upon incubation of [1-13C]ribose 5-phosphate with NH3. Extensive NMR studies (15N and 1H-13C chemical shift correlation spectra) have allowed assignment of these resonances to beta- and alpha-phosphoribosylamine. These studies represent the first spectral observations of this chemically reactive intermediate. The rate of interconversion of alpha- to beta-phosphoribosylamine as a function of pH has been determined by saturation and inversion-transfer NMR methods. The rate of formation of 5-phosphoribosylamine (PRA) from ribose 5-phosphate and NH3 and its rate of decomposition as a function of pH have been determined with a glycinamide ribonucleotide synthetase trapping system fashioned after earlier studies of Nierlich and Magasanik [Nierlich, D. P., & Magasanik, B. (1965) J. Biol. Chem. 240, 366]. Phosphoribosylamine has a t1/2 = 38 s at 37 degrees C and pH 7.5. The pH-independent equilibrium constant for ribose 5-phosphate and NH3 with phosphoribosylamine has been established, 2.5 M-1, by use of these rate constants as well as by NMR methods. This equilibrium constant and the rates of nonenzymatic interconversion of alpha- and beta-PRA provide essential background for studying the mechanism of glycinamide ribonucleotide synthetase and investigating the possibility of channeling phosphoribosylamine between this enzyme and the first enzyme in the purine pathway.  相似文献   
利血平能使神经分泌细胞的儿茶酚胺贮存量减少甚至消耗殆尽,导致多巴胺作为GRIF的作用减弱,从而显著增强LHRH-A促进GtH分泌和诱导排卵的效应。对大鳞副泥鳅,利血平和LHRH-A同时注射或者利血平比LHRH-A提前3小时注射,都能激活GtH细胞,显著增强其分泌活动并诱导排卵。利血平的最低有效剂量为1—5微克/克体重。利血平(25微克/克体重) LHRH-A(0.05微克/克体重)的催产效果和多巴胺拮抗物pimozide(1微克/克体重) LHRH-A(0.05微克/克体重)的催产效果一样,排卵率都达到了100%。  相似文献   
Bovine pituitary fibroblast growth factor has been purified 222,000-fold to homogeneity by a combination of differential salt extraction, gel filtration, and ion exchange chromatography on Mono S column. Pituitary FGF is a single-chain polypeptide with an apparent molecular mass of 15,800 and an isoelectric point of 9.6. It is highly active in triggering the proliferation of bovine and human vascular endothelial cell [half-maximal stimulation at 23-40 pg/ml (1.5-2.6 pM) and saturation between 140 and 280 pg/ml (9.3-18.6 pM)]. It displays a similar activity on bovine vascular smooth muscle cells, corneal endothelial cells, granulosa and adrenal cortex cells, and rabbit costal chondrocytes.  相似文献   
本研究用~3H-5-羟色胺作示踪,由大鼠侧脑室注入后用冰冻微观放射自显影和组织固定微观放射自显影平行探讨了针刺镇痛时中脑导水管壁及周围灰质部位5-羟色胺的含量定位变化。研究结果发现,当电针达到镇痛时,在中脑导水管壁及周围灰质部位~3H-5-羟色胺的放射自显影象都呈明显增高,这表明在针刺镇痛条件下,~3H-5-羟色胺可迅速被中脑导水管壁及周围灰质部位摄取和储存,从而提示上述部位与针刺镇痛作用有密切关系。  相似文献   
叶潜蛾科一个新种——黄皮叶潜蛾(鳞翅目:叶潜蛾科)   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
叶潜蛾属Phyllocnistis Zeller已从细蛾科Gracillariidae分立出来,另独立成为叶潜蛾科Phyllocnistidae(Kloct and Hincks,1972)。根据Imms(1977)记载,该科在全世界约有50多种。我们最近查阅文献,该科已有80多种。但本科在我国记载的种类仅有柑桔叶潜蛾Phyllocnistis cilrella Stainton及杨银叶潜蛾Phyllocnistis saligna Zeller。它们的食  相似文献   
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