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Climatic oscillations throughout the Pleistocene combined with geological and topographic complexity resulted in extreme habitat heterogeneity along the Atlantic coast of Brazil. Inferring how these historic landscape patterns have structured the current diversity of the region's biota is important both for our understanding of the factors promoting diversification, as well as the conservation of this biodiversity hotspot. Here we evaluate potential historical scenarios of diversification in the Atlantic Coastal Forest of Brazil by investigating the population genetic structure of a frog endemic to the region. Using mitochondrial and nuclear sequences, we generated a Bayesian population-level phylogeny of the Thoropa miliaris species complex. We found deep genetic divergences among five geographically distinct clades. Southern clades were monophyletic and nested within paraphyletic northern clades. Analyses of historical demographic patterns suggest an overall north to south population expansion, likely associated with regional differences in habitat stability during the Pliocene and early Pleistocene. However, genetic structure among southern populations is less pronounced and likely represents more recent vicariant events resulting from Holocenic sea-level oscillations. Our analyses corroborate that the Atlantic Coastal Forest has been a biogeographically dynamic landscape and suggest that the high diversity of its fauna and flora resulted from a combination of climatic and geologic events from the Pliocene to the present.  相似文献   
贺达汉  田畴 《昆虫学报》1990,33(4):437-443
本文分析了七级恒温和五组变温条件下白茨粗角萤叶甲(Diorhabda rybakowi Weise)的种群生长,组建了生命表.得知不同恒温与幼期存活率的关系呈二次曲线型变化;变温对幼期存活率的影响受其变幅大小的影响,23—31℃的变温有利于该虫的世代存活.成虫寿命和产卵量随试验温度上升分别呈现“S”形下降和二次曲线趋势;变温下成虫寿命延长,产卵量明显增高.采用Weibull函数模型能很好地模拟试验温度和温周期条件下种群世代死亡率的变化.在19—35℃恒温下,种群周限增长率可用二次曲线方程表示.在17.8—37.8℃种群生长为增长趋势.在变温下,种群周限增长率和变温的变幅呈负相关.在平均温度为27℃、变幅为25.1℃时,种群生长保持稳定.  相似文献   
The effect of the synthetic estrogen diethylstilbestrol (DES) on cytosolic free Ca2+ concentrations ([Ca2+]i) and cell viability was explored in Chinese hamster ovary (CHO-K1). [Ca2+]i and cell viability were measured by using the fluorescent dyes fura-2 and WST-1, respectively. DES at concentrations ≥ 1∝ increased [Ca2+]i in a concentration-dependent manner. The Ca2+ signal was reduced partly by removing extracellular Ca2+. In Ca2+-free medium, after pretreatment with 50∝ DES, 1∝ thapsigargin (an endoplasmic reticulum Ca2+ pump inhibitor)-induced [Ca2+]i rises were abolished. Conversely, thapsigargin pretreatment abolished DES-induced [Ca2+]i rises. Inhibition of phospholipase C with U73122 did not alter DES-induced [Ca2+]i rises. At a concentration of 5∝, DES increased cell viability. At concentrations of 100–200 μ M, DES decreased viability in a concentration-dependent manner. The effect of 5 and 100 μM DES on viability was partly reversed by prechelating cytosolic Ca2+ with 1,2-bis(2-aminophenoxy)ethane-N,N,N′,N′ -tetraacetic acid (BAPTA). DES-induced cell death was induced via apoptosis as demonstrated by propidium iodide staining. DES (100 μ M)-induced [Ca2+]i rises were largely inhibited by pretreatment with the estrogen receptor antagonist ICI-182,780 (100 μ M). ICI-182,780 did not affect 5 μ M DES-induced increase in viability but partly reversed 100 μ M DES-induced cell death. Collectively, in CHO-K1 cells, DES induced [Ca2+]i rises by stimulating estrogen receptors leading to Ca2+ release from the endoplasmic reticulum in a phospholipase C-independent manner, and Ca2+ influx. DES-caused cytotoxicity was mediated by an estrogen receptor- and Ca2+-dependent pathway.  相似文献   
采用室内模拟试验方法,研究了在水稻土、元江土和墨江土中添加泡囊假单胞菌(Pseulormanas vesicularis)后土壤中微生物种群数量、土壤酶活性和镍超积累植物Alyssum corsicum对土壤镍的富集效果.土壤接种泡囊假单胞菌70d后,水稻土中DTPA提取态镍较对照土中的明显减少、元江土和墨江土中的有所减少;土壤中细菌、真菌和放线菌数量增加,5种土壤酶活性提高.试验结果表明,水稻土、元江土、墨江土添加泡囊假单菌后植物地上部生物量较对照分别增加了29%、309%和43%,进而提高了A.corsicum自土壤中富集镍的效率:水稻土中增加54%,元江土中增加306%,墨江土中增加32%.泡囊假单胞菌这一新用途的发现,可为植物修复微生物制剂和基因工程菌的开发提供本土的微生物的菌种资源.  相似文献   
2016年秋季,漳州一农户种植的褐色毛木耳Auricularia cornea品种“43012H”发生白色突变,有的菌袋同时长出褐色、白色、褐色与白色交杂的颜色嵌合体耳片,有的菌袋长出白色耳片,而有的菌袋出菇颜色正常。采集白色耳片、褐色耳片和嵌合体耳片进行组织分离,得到的菌种进行栽培试验,从褐色耳片(正常)分离获得的菌种(AC_B),种植得到正常的毛木耳子实体;从白色耳片(突变)分离获得的菌种(AC_W),种植得到纯白色子实体;从颜色嵌合体耳片分离获得的菌种(AC_R),栽培后也只长白色子实体,没有出现嵌合体子实体。AC_B分别与AC_W、AC_R的菌种混合接种栽培,菌袋中同时长出白色、褐色和嵌合体耳片。再次进行组织分离与栽培试验,性状稳定。对AC_B和AC_W进行基因组测序,获得2个与本研究中所用菌株的耳片颜色相关的SNP位点,即SNP1和SNP2。上述组织分离得到的菌株中,褐色菌株的基因型为SNP1 A/G(杂合)、SNP2 A(纯合),白色菌株的基因型为SNP1 G(纯合)、SNP2 A/C(杂合)。  相似文献   
广西僮族自治区蚊类调查   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文为1957年4月到10月,在广西僮族自治区5个市、34个县以及10个集镇对蚊类采集调查的结果。上述地区共发现蚊虫92种(亚种),分隶13个属:巨蚊属(Megar-hinus Rob-Desv,1827),按蚊属(Anopheles Meig,1818.),伊蚊属(AedesMeig,1818.),阿蚊属(Armigeres Theo,1901.),库蛟属(Culex Linn,1758.),费蚊属(Ficalbia Theo,1903.),钩蚊属(Harpogomyia Meij,1909.),哈蚊属(Heizmannia Ludlow,1904.),曼蚊属(Mansonia Blanch,1901.),直脚蚊属(Ortho-podomyia Theo,1904)局限蚊属(Topomyia Leic,1908),杵蚊属(Tripteroi-des Giles,1904.),蓝带蚊属(Uranotaenia Lynch Arrib,1891.)。 在发现的蚊种中,多数库蚊族和巨蚊族的种类,都是该地区的新载,同时,除了一新种和一新亚种外,并有5种(亚种)为我国的新载: Ae.(C.)ibis(Barraud,1931. Ae.(F.)greeni(Theo.),1903. Ae.(S.)mediopunctatus submediopunctatus Barraud,1923. Ar.(Ar.)theobaldi Barraud,1934. C.(N.)tenuipalpis Barraud,1924. 该地区发现的蚊类主要系东洋区的性质,和云南及广东的蚊虫相近似。 我国已知蚊亚科共有14个属,在此次调查中,除赛蚊属(Theobaldia)未发现外,其余在该地区都采集到。  相似文献   
本文记述了作者采自云南省西双版纳勐养的袖蜡蝉科Derbidae国内一新记录属和一新种。模式标本保存在西北农业大学昆虫博物馆。 小袖蜡蝉属Rhotanella Fennah,中国新记录Rhotanella Fennah,1970,Nat.Hist.Rennell Isl.,6(64):67;Rhotanella,Zelazny,1981,Pacif.Ins., 23(3-4):275. 模式种:Rhotanella thy rssi Fennah,1970,Nat.Hist.Rennell Isl,6(64):68. 头顶背面狭三角形,顶和额相连呈圆形。额两侧脊在端部不分开,触角下突起和前胸背板在肩板复眼之间的短纵脊很发达。触角长略大于宽。喙短,不达到或刚达到后足基节。前翅宽,卵圆形,前缘有1个较长,2个中等长和2个较短的前缘室,第二、三  相似文献   
卡颖蜡蝉属CaristianusDistant中国种类记述(同翅目:颖蜡蝉科)周尧,袁锋,王应伦(西北农业大学昆虫研究所,陕西省杨陵区712100)关键词同翅目,颖蜡蝉科,卡颖蜡蝉属,新种,分类学,中国卡颖蜡蝉属CaristianusDistant,...  相似文献   
Global climate models predict significant changes to the rainfall regimes of the grassland biome, where C cycling is particularly sensitive to the amount and timing of precipitation. We explored the effects of both natural interannual rainfall variability and experimental rainfall additions on net C storage and loss in annual grasslands. Soil respiration and net primary productivity (NPP) were measured in treatment and control plots over four growing seasons (water years, or WYs) that varied in wet‐season length and the quantity of rainfall. In treatment plots, we increased total rainfall by 50% above ambient levels and simulated one early‐ and one late‐season storm. The early‐ and late‐season rain events significantly increased soil respiration for 2–4 weeks after wetting, while augmentation of wet‐season rainfall had no significant effect. Interannual variability in precipitation had large and significant effects on C cycling. We observed a significant positive relationship between annual rainfall and aboveground NPP across the study (P=0.01, r2=0.69). Changes in the seasonal timing of rainfall significantly affected soil respiration. Abundant rainfall late in the wet season in WY 2004, a year with average total rainfall, led to greater net ecosystem C losses due to a ~50% increase in soil respiration relative to other years. Our results suggest that C cycling in annual grasslands will be less sensitive to changes in rainfall quantity and more affected by altered seasonal timing of rainfall, with a longer or later wet season resulting in significant C losses from annual grasslands.  相似文献   
Nestmate recognition is fundamental for the maintenance of social organization in insect nests. It is becoming well recognized that cuticle hydrocarbons mediate the recognition process, although the origin of recognition cues in stingless bees remains poorly explored. The present study investigates the effects of endogenously‐produced and environmentally‐acquired components in cuticular hydrocarbons in stingless bees. The tests are conducted using colonies of Plebeia droryana Friese and Plebeia remota Holmberg. Recognition tests are performed with four different groups: conspecific nestmates, conspecific non‐nestmates, heterospecifics and conspecific, genetically‐related individuals that emerge in a heterospecific nest. This last group is produced by introducing brood cells of P. droryana into a P. remota colony, and the resulting adult bees are tested for acceptance 10 days after emergence. For all groups, 15 individuals are sampled for chemical analysis. The results show the acceptance of all conspecific nestmates, and the rejection of almost every conspecific non‐nestmate and every heterospecific bee. Genetically‐related individuals emerging from heterospecific nests present intermediate rejection (66.7% rejection). Chemical analysis shows that P. droryana individuals emerging in a P. remota nest have small amounts of alkene and diene isomers found in P. remota cuticle that are not found in workers from the natal nest. The data clearly show that the majority of the compounds present in P. droryana cuticle are endogenously produced, although a few unsaturated compounds are acquired from the environment, increasing the chemical differences and, consequently, the rejection percentages.  相似文献   
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