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粘虫发生数量与降雨量及相对湿度的关系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
金翠霞 《昆虫学报》1979,(4):404-412
本文以实验室资料,阐明相对湿度对粘虫各虫态的成活、发育和繁殖的影响,从而证明,运用相对湿度或阵雨量配合蛾量进行预测是可靠的。并根据对黄淮地区第一代粘虫发生程度与相对湿度、降雨量的关系的分析,提出了黄淮地区的阜阳、徐州、许昌、济宁四地春季第一代粘虫发生程度的预测公式。  相似文献   
荒漠开垦与昆虫群落演替   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
吴亚  金翠霞 《昆虫学报》1978,(4):393-406
一、引言 青海地处高寒,草原辽阔。其西部的柴达木盆地,相对海拔较低,太阳辐射较强,昼夜温差和干旱等更为突出,从而形成独特的荒漠生态系统,为我国畜牧业的基地之一。诺木洪位于盆地南缘,拔海2,800米,具有典型的荒漠特征;近年来局部地区垦荒种植,春小麦每亩单产最高达1,500多斤,为我国和世界上少有的高产纪录,实践证明这里蕴藏着巨大  相似文献   
一.引言 东亚飞蝗自古以来是我国农业上的剧害之一,它们摧毁植物的能力极为巨大,而且所嗜食的主要是禾本科植物,其中包括我们用以生产粮食的农作物。我们的祖先在和这种害虫作斗争之中,对于它们的取食习性早有所观察和了解。晋书石勒载记中首先记载蝗虫“不食三豆三麻”,以后如王桢的“农书”(1313),徐光启的“农政全书”(1630),  相似文献   
本文记录了在云南凤仪采集的蝠蚤是短头怪蝠蚤(Thaumapsylla brevicepsRoths.1907)。虽然宿主未能订名,但因为这是食果蝠类的跳蚤,因此肯定了食果蝠在云南的存在。 因为这是短头怪蝠蚤在我国的第一次记录,所以对其鉴别特点加以技术。  相似文献   

Background aim

Translation of therapeutic cell therapies to clinical-scale products is critical to realizing widespread success. Currently, however, there are limited tools that are accessible at the research level and readily scalable to clinical-scale needs.


We herein developed and assessed a closed loop bioreactor system in which (i) a highly gas-permeable silicone material was used to fabricate cell culture bags and (ii) dynamic flow was introduced to allow for dissociation of activated T-cell aggregates.


Using this system, we find superior T-cell proliferation compared with conventional bag materials and flasks, especially at later time points. Furthermore, intermittent dynamic flow could easily break apart T-cell clusters.


Our novel closed loop bioreactor system is amenable to enhanced T-cell proliferation and has broader implications for being easily scaled for use in larger need settings.  相似文献   
Rhythmic Production of CO2 by Tropical Orchid Flowers   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Circadian rhythm of CO2 production was observed in some tropical orchid flowers. The tight bud showed relatively low respiration and no rhythmic changes. As soon as the flower opened, respiration increased and rhythmicity became apparent. The period for the rhythm was about 24 hours. Dark treatment and detachment dampened the amplitude of the rhythm without affecting the rhythmicity. In depollinated and pollinated flowers, the rhythmicity was less pronounced. Pollination and depollination appeared to stimulate respiration at the trough of the cycle. However, there was no significant difference in respiration per day between the untreated and treated flower. Both pollination and depollination hasten the senescence of orchid flowers.  相似文献   
Deforestation rates in insular Southeast Asia between 2000 and 2010   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Insular Southeast Asia experienced the highest level of deforestation among all humid tropical regions of the world during the 1990s. Owing to the exceptionally high biodiversity in Southeast Asian forest ecosystems and the immense amount of carbon stored in forested peatlands, deforestation in this region has the potential to cause serious global consequences. In this study, we analysed deforestation rates in insular Southeast Asia between 2000 and 2010 utilizing a pair of 250 m spatial resolution land cover maps produced with regional methodology and classification scheme. The results revealed an overall 1.0% yearly decline in forest cover in insular Southeast Asia (including the Indonesian part of New Guinea) with main change trajectories to plantations and secondary vegetation. Throughout the region, peat swamp forests experienced clearly the highest deforestation rates at an average annual rate of 2.2%, while lowland evergreen forests declined by 1.2%/yr. In addition, the analysis showed remarkable spatial variation in deforestation levels within the region and exposed two extreme concentration areas with over 5.0% annual forest loss: the eastern lowlands of Sumatra and the peatlands of Sarawak, Borneo. Both of these areas lost around half of their year 2000 peat swamp forest cover by 2010. As a whole this study has shown that deforestation has continued to take place on high level in insular Southeast Asia since the turn of the millennium. These on‐going changes not only endanger the existence of numerous forest species endemic to this region, but they further increase the elevated carbon emissions from deforested peatlands of insular Southeast Asia thereby directly contributing to the rising carbon dioxide concentration in the atmosphere.  相似文献   
An Integrated Risk Assessment for Climate Change (IRACC) is developed and applied to assess the vulnerability of sharks and rays on Australia's Great Barrier Reef (GBR) to climate change. The IRACC merges a traditional climate change vulnerability framework with approaches from fisheries ecological risk assessments. This semi‐quantitative assessment accommodates uncertainty and can be applied at different spatial and temporal scales to identify exposure factors, at‐risk species and their key biological and ecological attributes, critical habitats a`nd ecological processes, and major knowledge gaps. Consequently, the IRACC can provide a foundation upon which to develop climate change response strategies. Here, we describe the assessment process, demonstrate its application to GBR shark and ray species, and explore the issues affecting their vulnerability to climate change. The assessment indicates that for the GBR, freshwater/estuarine and reef associated sharks and rays are most vulnerable to climate change, and that vulnerability is driven by case‐specific interactions of multiple factors and species attributes. Changes in temperature, freshwater input and ocean circulation will have the most widespread effects on these species. Although relatively few GBR sharks and rays were assessed as highly vulnerable, their vulnerability increases when synergies with other factors are considered. This is especially true for freshwater/estuarine and coastal/inshore sharks and rays. Reducing the impacts of climate change on the GBR's sharks and rays requires a range of approaches including mitigating climate change and addressing habitat degradation and sustainability issues. Species‐specific conservation actions may be required for higher risk species (e.g. the freshwater whipray, porcupine ray, speartooth shark and sawfishes) including reducing mortality, preserving coastal catchments and estuarine habitats, and addressing fisheries sustainability. The assessment identified many knowledge gaps concerning GBR habitats and processes, and highlights the need for improved understanding of the biology and ecology of the sharks and rays of the GBR.  相似文献   
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