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应用扫描电镜技术、荧光紫杉醇直接荧光标记显示了腹毛目纤毛虫沼泽瘦尾虫(Uroleptus limnetis)的细胞形态和皮层纤毛器的组成模式,以及皮层口围带、额腹横棘毛、左右缘棘毛等纤毛器微管和纤毛器附属微管的建构特征,可为进一步阐明瘦尾虫类纤毛虫的形态学及其系统发育研究提供基础资料。  相似文献   
The effects of potassium cyanide (KCN) pretreatment on the response of cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) plants to salt, polyethylene glycol (PEG) and cold stress were investigated in the present study. Here, we found that KCN pretreatment improved cucumber seedlings tolerance to stress conditions with maximum efficiency at a concentration of 20 µM. The results showed that pretreatment with 20 µM KCN alleviated stress‐induced oxidative damage in plant cells and clearly induced the activity of alternative oxidase (AOX) and the ethylene production. Furthermore, the structures of thylakoids and mitochondria in the KCN‐pretreated seedlings were less damaged by the stress conditions, which maintained higher total chlorophyll content, photosynthetic rate and photosystem II (PSII) proteins levels than the control. Importantly, the addition of the AOX inhibitor salicylhydroxamic acid (1 mm ; SHAM) decreased plant resistance to environmental stress and even compromised the cyanide (CN)‐enhanced stress tolerance. Therefore, our findings provide a novel role of CN in plant against environmental stress and indicate that the CN‐enhanced AOX might contribute to the reactive oxygen species (ROS) scavenging and the protection of photosystem by maintaining energy charge homoeostasis from chloroplast to mitochondria.  相似文献   
凯里生物群既是中国华南寒武系重要的布尔吉斯页岩型生物群之一,同时也是国内外已知少数微体布尔吉斯页岩型特异埋藏化石库之一,化石以二维的有机质壁形式保存。本文改进孢粉学处理方法,对来自中国贵州寒武系凯里组苗板坡、丹寨、竹坪和屯州等几个剖面以及相邻地层的共22个样品进行酸泡处理,获得微体化石新材料。结果显示,苗板坡剖面保存的化石多样性明显较高,其中发现的疑源类和丝状藻类最多,占统计总数(N=1549)的90%以上;同时还发现少量的后生动物残片,如威瓦西虫的骨板、腕足动物壳体残块以及蠕形动物表皮等,这些后生动物化石残片为研究某些后生动物的细微结构提供了重要补充信息,有助于对这些动物化石进行分类鉴定,并可能具有一定生物地层学意义。  相似文献   
Many spiders use silk to construct webs that must function for days at a time, whereas many other species renew their webs daily. The mechanical properties of spider silk can change after spinning under environmental stress, which could influence web function. We hypothesize that spiders spinning longer‐lasting webs produce silks composed of proteins that are more resistant to environmental stresses. The major ampullate (MA) silks of orb web spiders are principally composed of a combination of two proteins (spidroins) called MaSp1 and MaSp2. We expected spider MA silks dominated by MaSp1 to have the greatest resistance to post‐spin property change because they have high concentrations of stable crystalline β‐sheets. Some orb web spiders that spin three‐dimensional orb webs, such as Cyrtophora, have MA silks that are predominantly composed of MaSp1. Hence, we expected that the construction of three‐dimensional orb webs might also coincide with MA silk resistance to post‐spin property change. Alternatively, the degree of post‐spin mechanical property changes in different spider silks may be explained by factors within the spider's ecosystem, such as exposure to solar radiation. We exposed the MA silks of ten spider species from five genera (Nephila, Cyclosa, Leucauge, Cyrtophora, and Argiope) to ecologically high temperatures and low humidity for 4 weeks, and compared the mechanical properties of these silks with unexposed silks. Using species pairs enabled us to assess the influence of web dimensionality and MaSp composition both with and without phylogenetic influences being accounted for. We found neither the MaSp composition nor the three‐dimensionality of the orb web to be associated with the degree of post‐spin mechanical property changes in MA silk. The MA silks in Leucauge spp. are dominated by MaSp2, which we found to have the least resistance to post‐spin property change. The MA silk in Argiope spp. is also dominated by MaSp2, but has high resistance to post‐spin property change. The ancestry of Argiope is unresolved, but it is largely a tropical genus inhabiting hot, open regions that present similar stressors to silk as those of our experiment. Ecological factors thus appear to influence the vulnerability of orb web spider MA silks to post‐spin property change. © 2012 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2012, 106 , 580–588.  相似文献   
Botting, J.P., Muir, L.A., Xiao, S., Li, X. & Lin, J.‐P. 2012: Evidence for spicule homology in calcareous and siliceous sponges: biminerallic spicules in Lenica sp. from the Early Cambrian of South China. Lethaia, Vol. 45, pp. 463–475. The relationships of the extant sponge classes, and the nature of the last common ancestor of all sponges, are currently unclear. Early sponges preserved in the fossil record differ greatly from extant taxa, and therefore information from the fossil record is critical for testing hypotheses of sponge phylogenetic relationships that are based on modern taxa. New specimens of the enigmatic sponge Lenica sp., from the Early Cambrian Hetang Biota of South China, exhibit an unusual spicule structure. Each spicule consists of a siliceous core with an axial canal, an organic outer layer and a middle layer interpreted to have been originally calcium carbonate. This finding confirms previous work suggesting the existence of biminerallic spicules in early sponges. Combined with data from other early sponges, the new findings imply that the two fundamental spicule structures of modern sponges were derived from a compound, biminerallic precursor. Spicules are therefore homologous structures in Calcarea and Silicea, and if sponges are paraphyletic with respect to Eumetazoa, then spicules may also have been a primitive feature of Metazoa. □Calcarea, Early Cambrian, Hetang Biota, phylogeny, Silicea, taphonomy.  相似文献   
塔里木河下游柽柳灌丛地上生物量估测   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
根据划分的柽柳灌丛大、中、小等级,在塔里木河下游英苏至喀尔达依区段进行地表采样、称重,采用统计相关法对柽柳年龄及地径关系进行分析,构建柽柳直立枝与单丛地上生物量估测模型,对模型精度进行检验,筛选最佳模型,并对模型估测值与实测值进行卡方检验。结果表明:(1)输水后柽柳新萌直立枝地径随年龄增加而增大,但输水前柽柳萌生直立枝的地径随年龄增加未呈现规律性变化。在地下水条件非一致性的干旱荒漠区,柽柳地径大小不能作为判断其年龄的依据。(2)根据柽柳标准枝和灌丛因子实测数据,用一元线性函数、幂函数、指数函数、对数函数4种函数进行柽柳直立枝生物量估测模型拟合结果表明,幂函数w=2.007(d2 h)0.837估测模型最优,其总体估测精度达89.92%。(3)以冠幅面积单变量、冠幅周长与丛高双变量构建的柽柳单丛生物量估测模型的精度分别为78.95%和80.09%。(4)以全收获法实测数据为真值对估测模型进行精度检验,柽柳冠幅面积为自变量模型的估测精度为80.54%,柽柳冠幅周长和丛高估测模型的精度为66.85%。(5)对柽柳单株及单丛生物量模型估测值与实测值进行卡方检验结果表明两者之间无显著差异。研究认为,由于柽柳冠幅在高分辨遥感数据上容易获取,柽柳冠幅面积估测模型在传统生物量估测和遥感生物量估测都具有实用价值。  相似文献   
为了研究尼罗罗非鱼耐寒性状的分子基础并为耐寒品种选育提供参考,研究从尼罗罗非鱼中克隆了HSP60家族TCP-1-beta和TCP-1-eta基因并对其在低温诱导下的表达特征进行了分析。尼罗罗非鱼TCP-1-beta cDNA长度为1755 bp,包括1605 bp的完整开放阅读框,编码534个氨基酸;尼罗罗非鱼TCP-1-eta cDNA长度1651 bp,包括1638 bp的完整开放阅读框,编码545个氨基酸。与其他物种同源基因的蛋白序列比对结果显示,TCP-1-beta和TCP-1-eta蛋白在物种间同源性很高,且都具有保守的ATP结合结构域等,预示其在物种间功能的保守性。实时荧光定量PCR结果表明:TCP-1-beta和TCP-1-eta在各组织中呈遍在表达,但在肌肉中表达量最高;诱导温度从22℃降至12℃,不同低温诱导48h后TCP-1-beta和TCP-1-eta均呈上调表达,在18℃时表达开始上调,随着低温胁迫程度加强,表达上调幅度增大,至12℃时表达量达到最高,TCP-1-beta和TCP-1-eta上调幅度分别达到常温的12.2倍和10.7倍。这些结果预示在尼罗罗非鱼中,TCP-1-beta和TCP-1-eta是潜在的耐寒相关基因。  相似文献   
根瘤菌菌剂的研究与开发现状   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
根瘤菌与豆科植物共生成为豆科植物固氮的重要方式,它可以为豆科植物提供所需氮量的1/2~1/3。因此,土壤中有效根瘤菌的数量是决定豆科植物产量的重要因素,而根瘤菌菌剂的使用可以有效地提高土壤中根瘤菌数量。本文从根瘤菌菌剂制备中高效菌种的选育及匹配、高密度菌剂的制备、菌剂保存方法等方面进行综述。比较了自然选育、杂交选育和诱变选育等各类选育方法及琼脂试管配对法和水培配对法的优缺点;总结了菌剂制备的一般过程和方法;论述了菌剂保藏过程中冷冻干燥法和各种保护剂的使用对菌剂保藏效果的影响。本文阐述了根瘤菌菌剂的制备工艺和发展方向,为根瘤菌剂的研制提供重要参考。  相似文献   
张莹  雷国平  林佳  张慧 《生态学杂志》2012,31(5):1250-1256
景观格局变化下的区域生态风险研究可以为保护区域景观生态系统健康,实现区域资源的合理和可持续利用提供重要科学依据。以扎龙自然保护区为研究区,利用遥感手段提取景观类型信息,定量分析不同空间尺度下研究区景观格局时空变化特征和演变规律。根据研究区景观格局变化特点构建景观生态风险指数,对研究区不同时期空间尺度变化过程中景观生态风险时空变化特征进行分析。研究表明:1995—2010年研究区不同空间尺度下景观总体格局和各景观类型格局变化显著,呈现不同变化特征;景观生态风险随空间粒度的增大而减小。对比分析两期数据,研究区景观生态风险加剧,其空间分布均呈环形扩散特征。根据本研究区区域面积大小和景观格局复杂程度,确定了景观格局和景观生态风险研究的适宜尺度域。  相似文献   
记述采自青海省河卡山地区石栖蝗属1新种,即青海石栖蝗Saxetophilus qinghaiensis sp.nov.,该新种近似于甘肃石栖蝗Saxetophilus gansuensis Wang et al.,2006及米氏石栖蝗Saxetophilus mistshenkoi Naumovitsh,1988。主要区别为:1)前胸背板沟后区侧隆线间最宽处为其长度的3.30-3.75倍(♂)或3.00-3.60倍(♀);2)中胸腹板侧叶间中隔宽大于侧叶最宽处。附有石栖蝗属分种检索表。新种的模式标本保存于陕西师范大学动物研究所昆虫标本室。  相似文献   
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